2020年春人教版英语七年级下册:Unit 8 自我检测

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2020年春人教版英语七年级下册:Unit 8 自我检测姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Mrs. Green promised _ all she can to help us.AdoBto doCdoing2 . Immy student card. But I cant .Alooking for; findBfinding; look forClooking for; findingDlook for; find3 . There _a party tomorrow evening.Ill go with my sisters.AhasBis going to haveCis going to beDare going to be4 . Mysistercan_well.Shesagood_. ( )Asinging;singerBsing;singerCsing;singing5 . -_are the red socks?-_6 yuan.AHow many; TheyreBHow much;TheyreCHow much; ItsDHow many; Its6 . - What difficulty do you have _ the wall?- Its so dirty that I have no choice but to have it _ again.Acleaned, paintBcleaning, paintedCto clean, paintedDcleaning, paint7 . There _a meeting tomorrow afternoon.Awill be going toBis going to beCwill going to beDwill have8 . The children are _ TV with their parents after dinner.AlookingBseeingCwatchingDreading9 . . -Would you please not take photos here? Look at the sign.- _.ANo, I dont.BYes, I doCSorry, I willDSorry, I wont10 . I walked_ the square after supper every day, so I know very well every small shop there.AaroundBintoCacrossDthrough11 . -Is he Li Ming? -_.AYes, hes.BYes, he isCNo, he is12 . They enjoyed Chinese popular songs.Ato listen toBlistening toClisteningDto listen13 . -Whats behind your classroom building?-Its _office building. And there is a map of_ world in every office.Aa; theBan; aCthe; aDan; the14 . Im notJenny. She can take good care of herself.Aworried aboutBexcited aboutCcareful ofDafraid of15 . What are people supposed to do when they meet for the first time in China?They are supposed to _.Ashake handsBkissCbowDembrace二、完型填空Kate and Sandy are American students.They _ sisters.They live _ now.Kate is_than Sandy.She likes living in town very much.Kate thinks living in town is _ than _ in the country.There are more parks,shops and cinemas in town than in the country.She especially likes the lights in town.She thinks the lights _ are more beautiful than the stars.She likes to read and reads _ than Sandy.Often Kate reads until very late at night.Sandy likes the country.She thinks the _ life is quiet.There is less noise and fewer cars.She likes to visit her Aunt Peggy.She often helps her aunt _ her work.Sandy likes torun.She runs faster than Kate.In the country Sandy can run longer than in town.She also thinks running in the country _ the most exciting thing to do.16 . AamBisCareD/17 . Ain the townBin townCin the countryDin country18 . AoldBolderCmore oldDmore older19 . AinterestingBmore interestingCbeautifulDmore beautiful20 . AliveBlivingCto liveDis living21 . Aat nightBat the nightCin nightDin the night22 . AquicklyBmore quicklyCquicklierDmore quick23 . AschoolBcityCcountryDtown24 . AforBatCtoDwith25 . AamBisCareD/三、句型转换按要求完成句子(每空一词)26 . My mother buys me a T-shirt.(改为同义句)My mother _ a T-shirt _ me.27 . Tom and Sam often go skating on Sundays.(改为否定句)Tom and Sam _ skating on Sundays.28 . What do you want for your birthday?(改为同义句)What _ you _ for your birthday?29 . I watch TV at seven every day.(改为第三人称she作主语)She _ at seven every day.30 . Linglings uncle often goes to concerts.(改为一般疑问句)_ Linglings uncle often _ to concerts?31 . How are you? (写出答语)Im _, _.32 . Its a key. Its yellow. (将两句话合并为一句)_33 . color, is, your, what, pen (?) (连词成句)_34 . Its a jacket in English. (对划线部分提问)_ in English?35 . Thank you, Jerry. (改为同义句)_ , Jerry.Complete the following sentence as required. (根据所给要求,改写下列句子)36 . He apologized to me for being late for the meeting this morning.(保持原意)He_ an _to me for being late for the meeting this morning.37 . Im sure that John will come here.(改为否定句)Im _ sure _John will come here.38 . The foreigner is having a friendly talk with the girl in red.(划线提问)_ is the foreigner having a friendly talk with?39 . Who is playing the piano at the moment?(改为被动语态)_ whom is the piano _ played at the moment?40 . Zero is made to write big numbers and to calculate more easily.(保持原意)Zero makes _ to write big numbers and to calculate.41 . You can take the underground to the new square. You can drive your car there, too.(两句合并为一句)You can _take the underground _drive a car to the new square.42 . tea, that, is, have been grown, without, comes from, the use of any chemicals, plants, that, This(连词成句)_四、完成句子43 . 完成句子。(共10个空格;每空1分,计15分)【小题1】“我爸每天下班后步行回家。My father always _ after work every day.【小题2】我表弟出生在英国。My cousin Li Hai _ in England.【小题3】请别在花园里爬树。_ the tree in the garden, please.【小题4】.我们的足球队是世界上最好的队。Our football team is _ in the world.【小题5】Deniel喜欢做飞机模型Denniel likes _ planes【小题6】汤姆喜欢玩电脑游戏,所以他戴眼镜。Tom likes playing computer games, so he_. .【小题7】他不知道怎样娱乐。He doesnt know _ have_.五、单词填空Grace写信邀请好友Joe 来校见面,并在信中详细地指明了路径。请你阅读后补全空缺处的单词,每空一词。Dear Joe,Here are the directions to my school. I think the station on the Renmin Street is the 44 . convenient 45 . station for you. When you come out of the station, turn left and go along Ziyou Road to the big crossroads at the end. Turn right down the Yatai Street. Take the third 46 . on the left and then the second on the right. Its about ten 47 . walk from the station.I study in the teaching building around the corner. You cant 48 . it. Ill see you in the entrance hall at about 11:00 am.Yours,Grace六、回答问题.任务型阅读。Hello,my name is Jill.This is my neighborhood.It is very beautiful.My house is next to a new building(楼房) on Green Street.My best friend Betty lives in that building.There is a clean and big park across from the building.I often play football there.There is a music school in my neighborhood.I go there to learn the piano every Saturday afternoon.It is across from a bank.Where is the supermarket?It is between the park and the music school.Bettys mother is a sales clerk(售货员) there.There is a new library next to the music school.It is across from an old post office.My mother works at the post office.根据材料内容,回答下列问题。49 . Where does Betty live?_50 . What does Jill often play in the park?_51 . When does Jill go to the music school?_52 . Where does Bettys mother work?_53 . Is there an old post office across from the new library?_第 10 页 共 10 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、句型转换1、2、3、四、完成句子1、五、单词填空1、六、回答问题1、


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