人教新目标英语七年级下册Unit 9 What does he look like?单元测试卷(模拟)

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人教新目标英语七年级下册Unit 9 What does he look like?单元测试卷(模拟)_第1页
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人教新目标英语七年级下册Unit 9 What does he look like?单元测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . (题文)He wants to be a(n) _. He is good at drawing.AsingerBartistCactorDmusician2 . Li Jie _ gets up early and he is _ late for schoolAnever;alwaysBnever;neverCoften;neverDalways;often3 . (题文)Mom,how should we decorate our house? _ ,we should clean the house.ASo farBFirst of allCIn the futureDAll the time4 . She has _ hair. Its beautiful.Ablack longBlong blackCnot enoughDblond short5 . Could you please _ me your name?Sure. My name is Kate.Ato sayBsayCto tellDtell6 . We are going _a trip _ Beijing _ my friends.Ato, on, withBon, to, withCon, to, forDfor, to, on7 . Can you make a model plane _a knife?Yes,I can make it _wood.Aout of;out ofBwith;out ofCout of;withDwith;with8 . -Will people live to be 300 years old?ANo, there arentBNo, they wontCNo, there wontDNo, they cant9 . _?She is tall and has long straight hair.AWhere is Lucy fromBWhat does Lucy likeCWhat is Lucy doingDWhat does Lucy look like10 . What is the _ of the mountain?Its 4,000 metersAhighBtallCheightDweight11 . The little girl is_ more beautiful _ her sister.Aa lot, thanBa lot, toCvery, thanDvery, to12 . -_students are there in your class,Mr Li? -Fifty.AHow oldBHow muchCHow manyDWhat13 . -_ is the lady in white?-She is a nurse.AWhoBWhatCWhomDWhose14 . I was _ to find that he couldnt speak English well as an English teacher.AsurprisingBsurprisedCsurpriseDto surprise15 . Does your cousin have long hair _ short hair?She has short hair.AandBbutCsoDor二、补全对话7选5(题文)从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话。有两项为多余选项。W:What are you doing?M:Im reading a letter from my pen pal.W:61.(小题1)M:A girl.W:What country does she come from?M:62.(小题2)W:What does she look like?M:63.(小题3)W:Is she tall?M:64.(小题4)Look at her photo,please!W:Oh,shes beautiful.65.(小题5)M:Only a little.AShe has curly hair and is of medium build.BCan she speak Chinese?CIs your pen pal a boy or a girl?DShes from America.EWhats your pen pals name?FNo,she isnt.GShe is a student.三、完型填空It is_day of school. Li Ping wants to_. He wants to see his friends. He wants to meet his new teachers. He_early in the morning. He washes and eats his breakfast. Then he_his bike to school. He sees his friends in school. He_them happily. Then the bell rings(铃声响了). Everyone_the classroom. Li Ping meets his new teacher._is Zhao Ling. She teaches_this term. Li Ping likes Miss Zhao. He thinks she is a nice teacher.16 . AoneBfirstCthe firstDthe one17 . Ago to the schoolBgo back to the schoolCgo back schoolDgo back to school18 . Agets upBget upCgoes upDgo up19 . AhasBridesCsitsDride20 . Aplays withBplaysCsays withDtalks21 . AgoesBgo toCrunDruns to22 . AHis nameBHer nameCHeDHer23 . Atheir ChineseBtheir ChinaCthem ChineseDthem China四、阅读单选My little brother Jimmy is four and a half years old. He falls in love with cartoons these days. When he is watching his favorite cartoon shows, it becomes really difficult to move him from his seat. After watching his favorite shows like One Piece, Boonie Bears, Armor Hero and Pleasant Goat and so on, he tells the characters and stories to me. He even asks me to watch them with him. When watching cartoons, he doesnt cry or ask for anything, because he puts all his heart into them. Why do kids love cartoons so much? Let us find out.First, most of the cartoon shows become quite popular, because they help children to learn many things. They can bring funny and interesting things to kids. Second, the color, the sound, the voice and the story of their favorite characters can attract(吸引) the childrens interest. The sound effects(音效) of the cartoon is very important. Kids can always remember all the songs of their favorite cartoon shows. Third, cartoons create a world for kids. These have nothing to do with the problems of real life. Children love the super powers(超能力) the cartoon characters have. Also, the main cartoon character can always have a way to solve all problems and the good people can beat the bad ones. Most of the stories always have a happy ending.So just enjoy your favorite cartoon shows.24 . Jimmy doesnt cry or ask for anything when watching cartoons, because _.Ahe is a quiet boyBhis parents ask him to keep quietChe puts all his heart into themDhe wants to be polite25 . According to(根据) the passage, kids can always remember _.Athe bad people in the cartoonsBthe good people in the cartoonsCthe happy ending of the storyDall the songs of their favorite cartoon shows26 . In this passage, we can find _ reasons why children love cartoons.AtwoBfourCfiveDsix27 . From the passage, we know _.AJimmy is a five-year-old boyBJimmy likes watching cartoon shows very muchCThe writer is Jimmys fatherDCartoon shows cant help children to learn anythingHello, I am Jane. I am from England. I am 12 years old. This is my friend. Her name is Li Juan. Juan is her first name. Li is her last name. She is 12 years old, too. Where is she from? She is from Shanghai, China. Shanghai is a very big city in China. Her telephone number is 65478213. Her favourite sport is swimming. She isnt in my class, but she is my good friend. I like her. What about you? Who(谁)is your good friend?28 . Where is Jane from?AChina.BAmerica.CEngland.DJapan.29 . Whats Li Juans favourite sport?ASwimming.BPlaying basketball.CPlaying football.DPlaying table tennis.30 . Whats Li Juans telephone number?A65488213.B65478113.C65478214.D65478213.五、句型转换按要求完成句子31 . The waiter is always in a white uniform. (改为同义句)The waiter always _ a white uniform.32 . His father is tall and thin.(对画线部分提问)_ his father _?33 . My favorite color is green. (用yellow改为选择疑问句)_your favorite color green _ yellow?34 . 你弟弟长得很英俊,但他有点儿文静。(汉译英)Your brother is _, but hes _ quiet.35 . 我有一条漂亮的红色的中国式围巾。(汉译英)I have a _ scarf.六、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及首字母或中文提示写出单词。36 . We were walking on the street._(突然),it began to rain.37 . My bike is b_.Ill have it repaired.38 . In the city, you can see ancient(古代的) and m_ buildings.39 . In an h_,there are sixty minutes.40 . May I ask you some _(个人的)questions?七、用所给单词的正确形式填空阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(限1个单词)或括号内所给单词的正确形式。将答案填写在答题纸的相应位置。Wonder why you get angry so41 . (easy)while your friend smiles all the time? Its probably 42 . you both have different personalities(个性).Personality is also about43 . people think, behave, and react to everything around them from day to day.So what44 . (make) people think and behave in certain ways?Part of the reason is that people are born like this.45 . baby gets his blood type, genes(基因) and other physical things when hes still inside his mother.These things may help decide what the baby will be46 . .But ones personality doesnt stop here.Family life, school learning and life experience can also make you the person you are.This doesnt mean its impossible47 . (change)your personality.You can always try to make yourself48 . (good).Dont get too worried about your weak points, Just accept them.This is a good way to start making changes.If you dont know how to make friends, find out why.Is it because you are too shy?49 . (tell) yourself to smile at people. Start talking to people using warm greetings.Dont give yourself a hard time about it.Its not easy to change life50 . ( habit) overnight.Keep working at it.One day youll see that you can turn over a new leaf and be a new one.八、回答问题任务型阅读Julie is a cute girl, with big eyes and straight blonde hair. She lives in New York with her mother.It is a Sunday. Julie is playing with her friend, Becky, in the living room. Julies mother wants to get some fruit for them. She falls down(突然倒下)on the way to the kitchen. Julie finds her mother cant move or speak. She soon calls 911.When Julie is waiting for help, she does CPR(心肺复苏)on her mother with Becky. Soon the doctors come and take Julies mother to hospital. Her mother gets her life back.Julie is only eight years old. How does she know CPR? Julie says, “My mother and I often watch a TV show every Saturday and I learn it from the show. The show tells many stories about doctors. I really like that show. I want to be a doctor when I grow up.”Julies mother thanks her daughter for calling 911 and doing CPR on her. She may also need to thank the TV show.根据短文内容,简要回答下列问题。51 . What is Julie doing when her mother falls down?_52 . What does Julie first do after she finds her mother cant move?_53 . Does Becky help Julie save her mother?_54 . Where does Julie learn CPR?_55 . What does Julie want to be when she grows up?_九、材料作文56 . 以“My family”为题,根据下面的提示,写一篇短文,70词左右。1.我家五口人。2.我爸爸在一所学校当老师,妈妈是一家医院的护士。他们不在家吃午饭。3.我早饭常吃面条和鸡蛋,有时喝牛奶。我步行去上学。4.我喜欢夏天。在夏天,我有时和朋友们在户外踢足球。5.我非常爱我的家。My family第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、补全对话7选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、五、句型转换1、六、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、七、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、八、回答问题1、九、材料作文1、


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