牛津译林版三年级英语下册Unit 7 Time 单元测试卷

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牛津译林版三年级下册Unit 7 Time 单元测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . Nancy is a _. She likes_ stories. ( )Awrite, writingBwriter, writeCwriter, writing2 . 选择划线字母读音不同的一项。(10分)( )A.catB.father C.dad( )A.legB.deskC.she( )A. sixB.bodyC.pig( )A.mother B.dogC.orange( )A.duck B.underC.USA3 . 选出不同类的一项:( )AlikeBbikeCride4 . ruler( )A橡皮B尺子5 . Fangfang想要了解你野餐的情况,她会说:( )ATell me about your picnic.BTell me to your picnic.6 . I got a toothache. Im going to see the _.( )AparkBdentistCteacher找出不同类的单词。7 . AsupermarketBcinemaCtrain8 . AtheseBthoseCthere9 . AchildrenBmenCchess10 . AdancingBinterestingCtalking11 . AbetweenBbesideChungry12 . 单词辨音。判断下列各组单词中画线部分读音与其他三个不同的一个,将其标号填在题前括号内。(_) 1. A. baby B. family C. windy D. fly(_) 2. A. book B. look C. balloon D. good(_) 3. A. window B. now C. snow D. yellow(_) 4. A. eat B. tea C. bread D. repeat(_) 5. A. kind B. hill C. him D. live13 . I _ go to the park yesterday. ( )Aam notBdontCdidnt14 . Ann _ dance class at nine oclock in the Sunday morning. ( )AhaveBdoesChas15 . Look! These _my pants.AisBareChave16 . 选出不同项。(_)1.A. face B. black C. cake(_)2.A. no B. nose C. mom(_)3.A. school B. book C. foot(_)4.A. hand B. bag C. crayon(_)5.A. leg B. eraser C. pen17 . 选出划线发音不同的一项( )AmeBpenCshe18 . Very well, _.AthankBtooCthanksDhi19 . ( )AThis is my bike.BThis is my poster.20 . How does your big brother go to school? ( )AHe goes to school on foot.BHe goes to school on Monday.CHe go to school on foot.DHe go to school on Monday.21 . What are those?-_.AIts a dog.BThey are pants.CThey are in the desk.22 . _ you at the zoo yesterday? ( )AAreBWasCWere23 . 选出下列单词中不同类的一个:( )AcameraBradioCphoto二、阅读选择阅读理解There is a light brown hen living in a small house. On the hill near her house there is an old fox. This fox wants to have the hen for his dinner very much. But he cant catch her because she is very clever.One day the hen isnt at home. The fox goes into her house. The hen goes back home and fox catches her and puts her in his bag. Then he runs back to his house with the bag. The hen has a good idea. She makes a hole in the bag and gets out. When the fox comes back for supper, he finds his bag empty.24 . There is living in a small house.( )Aa foxBa henCa dog25 . The old fox lives. ( )Ain a small houseBon the hillCin a big house26 . The fox catch the hen, because the hen is very clever. ( )AcanBisCcant27 . The fox goes into the house. He wants the hen. ( )Ato catchBto seeCto get28 . -How does the hen run away? ( )-.AShe runs awayBShe makes a hole in the bag and gets outCShe shouts for help三、完形填空完形填空Today is Wednesday. Its five fortyfive. Toms Mum is_ home from work. Tom is_ his homework. Her mother is talking_ him.The next morning, Tom_ up and looks_ his clock. Its ten thirty. School stars_ eight. Tom leaves home. He does not_ breakfast. He runs all the way to school. Its only six thirty. He is_ late for school. _ clock_ at ten thirty last night.29 . AgoBbackCleave30 . AdoingBdoCdoes31 . AasBaboutCto32 . AwakesBwakeCis waking33 . AforBatCin34 . AforBtoCat35 . AhasBhaveCdo36 . A/BnotCdont37 . AHisBHerCMy38 . AstopsBstopCstopped四、情景交际39 . 你想知道对方正在吃什么,你会问:_ ( )AWhat is he eating?BWhat are you eating?CWhat is she eating?五、填空题写出下列时间40 . 7:00_41 . 8:15_42 . 12:45_43 . 3:15_44 . 10:30_45 . 5:00_46 . 4:45_47 . 9:00_48 . 6:30_49 . December is the _ (twelve/twelfth) month of the year.按要求写单词。50 . go (过去式)_51 . grow (过去式)_52 . cut(过去式)_53 . three (序数词)_54 . loud (反义词)_55 . I (名词性物主代词)_56 . sunny (同类词)_57 . pear (同音词)_58 . hot(反义词)_六、判断题59 . 判断每组单词总划线部分发音是否相同,相同的写T,不相同写F。(_)1. happy gave(_) 2. read sea(_)3. stop hobby(_)4. should cloud(_) 5. next left七、句型转换根据要求完成下列各题。60 . Im going to see a film this Sunday? (对画线部分提问)_61 . Would you like to go with us?(肯定回答)_62 . Im working on the computer. (对画线部分提问)_63 . The competition will be on February 20th. (对画线部分提问)_64 . 句型转换。1. Mike does his homework in his study after school. (改成一般疑问句)_Mike_his homework in his study after school?2. Yang Ling is telling a story to us. (改成一般过去式)Yang Ling _a story to us.3. I could catch the ball.(改成否定句)I _catch the ball.4. Can you show me your new shoes? (改为同义句)Can you show _shoes to _?5. She often watches films at weekends.(用next week改写句子) _八、匹配题65 . 根据汉语意思选择相应的英语句子。(_) 1. 你来自哪里?AShes my grandma.(_) 2. 他是我的朋友。BWhat about you?(_) 3. 到这里来!CWhere are you from?(_) 4. 欢迎回来!DWhos that man?(_) 5. 她是我的奶奶。ENice to see you again.(_) 6. 它的体形很长。FHes my friend.(_) 7. 很高兴再次见到你。GCome here!(_) 8. 那位男士是谁? H. Im from Australia.(_) 9. 我来自澳大利亚。 I. It has a long body.(_) 10. 你呢? J. Welcome back.给下列句子选出相应的答句。A. Nice to meet you, too.B. Im Zhang Peng.C. Im from China.D. No, he isnt.E. He is my father.66 . Whos that man? (_)67 . Where are you from? (_)68 . Is this your brother? (_)69 . Nice to meet you. (_)70 . Whats your name? (_)九、连词成句71 . 连词成句:left then turn ._十、书面表达72 . 书面表达。以My day为题写一篇30词的小短文,要求语句通顺,意思连贯,句式三种或以上。_第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、二、阅读选择1、三、完形填空1、四、情景交际1、五、填空题1、2、3、六、判断题1、七、句型转换1、2、八、匹配题1、2、九、连词成句1、十、书面表达1、


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