人教版九年级英语上 Unit8单元检测试卷一

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人教版九年级上 Unit8单元检测试卷一姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . There is a baby _ in the room.AsleepBsleepingCto sleepingDto sleep2 . Whatis it?Its yellow.AnameBnumberCcolorDmorning3 . The police said that the accident happened _ an early morning.AinBonCat4 . When is Jays concert?Its _ three oclock _ the afternoon of February 8th.Aat; inBon; inCat; onDin; on5 . My best friend, Linda, is a kind girl. She is always ready _ others.AhelpsBhelpingCto helpDhelp6 . -Im sorry,Mr.Hu.I _ my English exercise book at home.Im sure I finished _ my homework.-It doesnt matter.Please remember _it here this afternoonAleft; doing; to bringBforgot; doing; to takeCtook; to do; bringing7 . The paper factory has caused a lot of serious air pollution in my hometown_.Alast yearBonce a monthCin five yearsDover the past five years8 . The bus was full of people, _ I had to wait for another one.AthoughBifCbecauseDso9 . The trip to Slender West Lakean hour and theof it was 80 Yuan per student.Atook; costBspent; costCpaid; takeDtook; spend10 . _dictionary is this?It must be_.AWho; TomBWho; TomsCWhose; TomDWhose; Toms11 . Ill not be Jacks friend any more.Dont be angry. Hes just so_, but in fact hes good to us.AhelpfulBhaveCpoliteDdirect12 . (题文)Bob,where is Linda?She _ be in the library,but I am not sure.AmustBmayCneed13 . Mr Smith couldnt go to sleep because of the bad news. He stayed all night.AawakeBpoliteCaloneDasleep14 . Why did you get up early this morning? Because I wanted to leave early to _ the rush hour (高峰时间).AavoidBcatchCstop二、完型填空完形填空通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。Nowadays experience, like many other things, is becoming more and more_Several days ago, I wanted to invite my friends to lunch. What we really needed was a good and quiet_for some conversation, not a big meal,_I chose one only for people like me who belonged to a particular club. What could be nicer?When I_a day before, I was asked whether I would eat a $20 or $50 lunch. I said, “$50 .” I didnt realize until I was asked to pay after the lunch, that “$50” means “$50 for each person.” There were five of us that day. When the bill(账单)came_, it was $310.40 (250 for food and the rest for drinks, fruits and air-conditioning). Though everybody was surprised, I paid the bill without a word.What could I say? It was my own_that made me pay the_lunch bill of my life. On the whole, it was not so_We had a wonderful lunch and the place was beautiful._Besides, the experience was good and special, and will_in later years. To support the logic(逻辑)of the lunch bill, I have developed my own way to explain it: $50 for the lunch and $260.40 for the_This paid experience has made me ten times wiser.15 . AexpensiveBusefulCinterestingDimportant16 . AclubBschoolCplaceDhotel17 . AsoBbecauseCbutDif18 . AlearnedBpaidCdiscoveredDordered19 . Aat timesBat presentCat lastDat first20 . AbusinessBwishCpromiseDcarelessness21 . AsmallestBlargestCbestDworst22 . AgoodBbadCeasyDdifficult23 . ArememberBhelpCunderstandDsucceed24 . AexperienceBmemoryCclubDrestaurant三、阅读单选Jim, a successful businessman, told a story in his childhood.When he was 12, his parents died. He was alone and didnt get on well with others. People always laughed at him. No one was kind to him.His only friend was a dog named Tiger. He gave it enough to eat and drink, but sometimes he was not polite to it. He didnt know that an unkind word sometimes could hurt others.One day, as he walked down the street, a young lady was walking in front of him. Suddenly, one of her bags dropped from her arms. As she stopped to pick it up, she dropped other bags. He came to helpher. Thank you, dear! You are a nice little boy! she said kindly, with a smile on her face.A special feeling came to him. Those were the first kind words he had ever heard. He watched her until she went far away, and then he whistled (吹口哨) to his dog and went directly to the river nearby.Thank you, dear! You are a nice little boy! he repeated the womans words. Then in a low voice he said to his dog, You are a nice little dog! Tiger raised its ears as if it understood.Uhum! Even dogs like it! he said. Well, Tiger, I wont say unkind words to you any more. Tige waved its tail happily.He looked at himself in the river. He saw nothing but a dirty boy. He washed his face carefully. Again he looked. He saw a clean nice boy. He was amazed. From then on, he had a new life.After telling this, Jim stopped for a while, and then he said, Ladies and gentlemen, that kind woman is the first person who planted the first seed of kindness in me. All of us should learn about kindness. What a great power it has!25 . What does the underlined word it refer to?AThe whistle.BThe kind word.CWashing face.DHelping others.26 . What made Jim start his new life?AThe peoples unkind laughter.BThe womans kind words.CHis lovely dog.DThe hard life.27 . Jim was feeling _ when he whistled to his dog.AfunnyBexcitedClonelyDsad28 . According to the passage, which of the following is True before Jim met the lady?AHe never took good care of his dog.BHe used to have many friends around him.CHe helped many ladies pick up their bags.DHe didnt always keep his face clean.29 . Whats the best title of this passage?AA dog and a boyBA poor boys childhoodCA businessman and a boyDThe power of kindnessI had been a happy girl until one day when I was fifteen months old. One of my eyes was badly hurt in an accident. I lost the sight of the eye, with an ugly scar (伤疤) around it.Children refused to play games with me. It made me very sad. I always walked, looking at the floor, so that people would not see the ugly face. My mother encouraged me to be brave. She told me, Alice, hold your head up high and face the world. If you do, it will be OK, and people see your beautiful soul, Moms words meant different things to me over the years.As a little child, I thought Mom meant, “Be careful or you will fall down.” When I grew up, I still wanted to look down to hide my shame. She repeated these words whenever I wanted to hide. Moms words helped me realize that I should look at people in the eye and let them know me. When I tried, I found people were friendly to me.In high school, I worked hard at my lessons and succeeded in my studies. Everybody began to like me and I has some friends. However. I still felt sorry about my scar, my ugly face. Sometimes when things got really bad, I would cry to my mom. She was always there for me. She would look at me and said, “Hold your head up high and face the world. Let them see the beauty that is inside.” I became confident.At university, I took part in all kinds of activities. I joined a music club. Then John, a popular musician came into my life. He didnt mind the scar. We soon fell in love with each other. Two years later, we got married.My mothers words have been encouraging me to face my problems bravely and believe in myself.30 . What happened to Alice when she was fifteen months old?AShe was badly ill.BShe hurt one of her eyes badly.CHer mom left her.DShe had a scar on one of her ears.31 . Why did John fall in love with Alice?ABecause everyone liked her.BBecause he enjoyed her beauty insideCBecause he wanted to help her.DBecause Alice looked very beautiful.32 . Which of the following is NOT TRUE?AAlices mother always encouraged her to be brave.BAlice worked hard in high school.CAlice never worried about her problem.DAlice had lots of friends at university.33 . What does the sentence “Hold your head up high” mean to Alice?AWalk carefully.BWalk with your head upCBe outgoing.DBelieve in yourself.Which topic drew the most attention from people around the world in 2019? It was climate change, according to three well-known English dictionaries.The Oxford, Collins and Cambridge dictionaries chose climate emergency(气候紧急状态),climate strike (罢工) and upcycling(升级改造),as their Word of the Year. This tells us that climate change was a widely-discussed issue(重要议题)in 2019. Climate emergency means a situation in which urgent(紧急的)action is needed to reduce climate change. Climate strike refers to people leaving work or school to call for more action to protect the environment. Upcycling refers to making new items out of old or used items to reduce waste.Climate change has already affected(影响)the world in many ways. Take Venice for example. Because of climate change, Venice experienced the worst flooding it has seen in the last 50 years in 2019.Many stores, restaurants and hotels were flooded. This caused serious damage totaling hundreds of millions of euros(欧元).Although weve known about global warming for a long time, our large companies and governments have been slow to respond to it. The year 2019 might have been the turning point that will finally encourage(鼓励)our leaders to take responsibility(责任).Decades ago, when the science on the climate issue was first increasing, the impacts(影响)could be seen as an issue for future generations, Katharine Mach, a Stanford University climate scientist, told The New York Times. Its surely our responsibility now.However, simply realizing that climate change is a threat(威胁) is not enough. We must take real action before it is too late.34 . According to the three dictionaries, people in 2019 cared about _the most.Aenvironmental protectionBinternational businessCrecycling servicesDthe overuse of natural resources35 . The flooding in Venice is mentioned to_.Aprove that Venice is not a safe place to visitBexplain why Venice suffered serious damageCshow how climate change has affected the worldDexplain how the climate changed in 201936 . What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph4 mean?ALarge companies and governments havent known anything about global warming.BLarge companies and governments didnt take action at once when facing global warmingCIts only large companies and governments responsibility to solve the problem of global warmingDLarge companies and governments have done a lot to solve the problem of global warming.37 . What does Mach mean in Paragraph 5?AMany scientists are working on the climate issue.BThe climate issue will affect only future generations.CFuture generations will suffer more than us.DIts our responsibility to deal with climate change.38 . This passage is probably_.Aa noticeBa storyCa piece of newsDa poem四、句型转换IV. 句型转换。39 . I decide to make hotel reservations for my parents?(对划线部分提问)_ do you decide_ for your parents?40 . Id like a room for two people.(同上)_ room _ you _?41 . I bought the new house for more than ¥100,000.(同义句)The new house _ me _¥100,100.42 . Going by train is more comfortable than going by bus.(同义句)Going by bus is not _ going by train.43 . We dont have much money, so we should go fund raising.We should go fund raising, _ we have _ money.44 . Why dont we organize a show to raise money?_ organize a show to raise money?45 . I was so tired that I couldnt go on any longer.I was _ tired _ go on further.46 . The book was so interesting that I read it again and again.It was _ interesting book _ I read it again and again.47 . The boy is too young to dress himself.The boy isnt _ to dress himself.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms. (用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子):48 . The life in the suburb is quite _from that in the city centre. (difference)49 . We can go _ here. (camp)50 . If you want to stay_, you should go to bed early and get up early. (health)51 . _, bake the dough in an oven for 15 minutes at 200. (final)52 . We have not got any _, please go and buy some. (battery)六、填空I teach at a college, 17 miles away from where I live. One day a few weeks ago, I drove those 17 miles to school. I exited the highway and turned onto the College Road. I only had to drive another quarter mile down the road to the college. But just then, my car broke down. I tried to start it again, but the engine wouldnt turn over. So I took my books, and hurried down the road to the college.I managed to arrive at the college on time. Another teacher was surprised to see me walk to school and asked, “What happened to your car?”“My car broke down on the way, but Im here on time.” I replied, smiling. “This is my lucky day.”“Your car broke down, and today is your lucky day?” she was puzzled. “What do you mean?”“I live 17 miles from here,” I replied. “My car could have broke down anywhere along the highway. It didnt. Instead, it broke down in the perfect place: off the highway, within walking distance of here. So Im still able to teach my class. If my car was meant to break down today, it couldnt have been arranged in a more convenient way.”That teachers eyes opened wide, and then she smiled and asked, “Why do you always seem to be so cheerful?”“Every morning when you get up, you have a choice about how you want to live that day,” I said. “I choose to be cheerful.”53 . What does the writer do?54 . What was wrong with her car?55 . How far did she walk to the college?56 . Was she late for class?57 . What can you learn from the passage?七、材料作文58 . 书面表达61. 新昌的穿岩十九峰飞龙栈道声名远扬,假如你是新昌旅游网的负责人,请你在英语网站上写一篇介绍,并邀请大家来游玩。注意:(1)词数:80100。开头已给出,不计入总词数;(2)不要逐字翻译,可适当发挥;(3)参考词汇:the Nineteen Peaks十九峰;glass skywalk玻璃栈道地理位置在浙江东部(east of Zhejiang)交通方式乘巴士或自己开车活动爬山、走玻璃栈道(最刺激的活动)、拍照、吃美食门票30元The Nineteen Peaks is a good place to take a vacation.第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、四、句型转换1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、填空1、七、材料作文1、

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