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人教版2019-2020学年八年级第一学期期中质量调研英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . He came up with a good idea to solve the problem.Acaught up withBthought ofCthink ofDfound2 . There is _u and _s in the word useAan; anBa; anCa; aDan; a3 . Their parents dont allow them_ in the river because its really dangerous.AswimBswimmingCto swimDswam4 . The price of the shorts is very _.AdearBcheapCexpensiveDhigh5 . A little giraffe has come to Shenzhen Safari Park. Shall we go and watch it?Good idea! Lets go there together next Sunday.Aone by oneBwith each otherCin our spare time6 . Can you come to the concert with us? _. I might have to go to the doctor.ASure, Id love toBSorry, that sounds greatCIm afraid notDNo, Im available7 . _ the old newspapers away and _ us some new ones.ABring;takeBBring;takingCTo carry;bringDTake;bring8 . Some animals can _ the color around to protect themselves.Atake onBgive upCput awayDsee off9 . My mother teaches _.Aour EnglishBEnglish ourCus EnglishDEnglish us10 . Many of us decided _at home for the National Day.AstayBstayedCstayingDto stay11 . The boss made my mother _ twelve hours a day in old days.AworkedBworkCworkingDto work12 . A: Whats this?B: _.AIts a book.BIts a book.CThis is a book.13 . You dont know _ I want to see you again. Its years since I saw you last time.Ahow soonBhow longChow oftenDhow much14 . Lets_ the pandas.AseeBto seeCseeingDSees15 . The tree leaves keep falling down _ autumn, which is really romantic.AinBonCatDTo二、完型填空完型填空On the first day of school our teacher let us know someone. Looking out, we found an old woman appeared at the door. She said, Hi, my name is Susan, Im seventy years old. While we were_what made her take this challenge (挑战) at her age,she said with a smile, I/m here to meet a rich husband, get_, have two children and travel together. Hearing this, all of us laughed. In fact, she went on, I always_of having a college education, and now Im getting one!After class we had chocolate and milk together. We became good_I often listened to this time machine as she shared her study with me.At the end of the term we invited Susan to give us a_. When she was stepped up to the front, suddenly she found she took the wrong paper. She felt a little frustrated (沮丧的) and said, Im sorry. Im so nervous that I cant get my ready talk back , so I have to tell you_I know. In her speech she told us, We dont stop playing as we are old, we grow old because we stop playing. The secret of staying_, being happy and getting success is that we should laugh and find something_every day. I think there is a great_between growing old and growing up. I am seventy now. If I lie in bed for one full year and never do anything,Ill become seventy - one. Since anybody can grow older, my idea is to grow up by always finding the chance in change. Growing older cant be avoided , growing up can be_, Its never too late to be all you can be possible. During the four years study, it was so easy for Susan to make friends wherever she went. In the end, the wonderful woman got a college degree.16 . AfindingBgettingCwantingDwondering17 . AmarriedBworriedCexcitedDrelaxed18 . AlikedBmadeCknewDdreamed19 . AteachersBfriendsCstudentsDneighbours20 . AlessonBpresentCtalkDstory21 . AwhichBhowCwhatDwhy22 . AoldByoungCclearDawake23 . AnaturalBdifficultCinterestingDpossible24 . AdifferenceBchanceCpleasureDconfidence25 . AnoticedBchosenCthoughtDmentioned三、阅读单选 Autumn is the best season for crabs The hairy crabs (大闸蟹)are quite fat and tasty at this time of yearThe best crabs come from Yangcheng Lake in JiangsuMany people use eight silver tools including chopsticks,a pair of scissors and a small hammer(锤子)to eat crab meat Caviar(鱼子酱)is not common in most peoples daily lifeBut if youre going to try it, Russian caviar may be your best choiceCaviar is made of fish eggs It sells at a high price If you want to get the fresh juicy taste,dont cook it just eat raw caviarYou may also eat it with bread and salad Who says the British only have fish and chips? Beef Wellington is a dish that they can truly be proud ofAn expensive cut of beef is covered with a mixture firstNext comes another piece of ham(火腿)and pastry(面糊)Then it is covered with eggsBaked (烘焙)until it is golden yellow, beef Wellington tastes crispy outside and juicy inside Sukiyaki(寿喜锅),or Japanese beef hot pot,is one of the most popular dishes in JapanPeople cook beef and vegetables in soup with sweet and salty tastesIt is a perfect dinner for family or to enjoy with guestsIn Sukiyaki,you need thin pieces of beefThe best is the Kobe beefIts very expensive but amazing26 . The best season to enjoy the hairy crabs is_AspringBsummerCautumnDwinter27 . The underlined word raw means_AcleanBdryCcoldDuncooked28 . There is beef in_Athe hairy crabs and caviarBSukiyaki and beef WellingtonCcaviar and SukiyakiDbeef Wellington and the hairy crabs29 . The four foods in the passage come from_ countriesAoneBtwoCthreeDfour30 . Which of the following is Right?_ACrabs come from Yangcheng LakeBCaviar is common in most peoples daily lifeCBeef Wellington is the pride of British peopleDSukiyaki is a perfect dish only for familyIm Jim.This is my school. Its not big, but its beautiful. There are many trees and flowers in our school. There are four buildings in our school.Each building has six floors. There are eight rooms on each floor. Every room is big and nice. We can sing and dance in the music room. We can draw in the art room. We can watch interesting programmes(节目) in the TV room.At twelve oclock every day, we have lunch at school. In the afternoon we read books in the reading room. After school, I like playing football with my friends on the playground I like my school. I have a good time there.Welcome to our school!31 . How many floors are there in each buiding?AFourBSixCEightDMany32 . All the rooms are _.Abig but oldBtallCsmall and niceDbig and nice33 . When do they have lunch every day?AAt 11 :00BAt 11:30CAt 12:00DAt 12:3034 . Students can _ in the art room.Aplay basketballBwatch TVCsing and danceDdraw35 . Students often read books _ .Ain the morningBin the afternoonCin the eveningDat noon四、句型转换四、按要求转换句型。36 . I am having supper, he said. (把直接引语变为间接引语)He said that _ having supper.37 . Ive seen the film, Gina said to me. (把直接引语变为间接引语)Gina _ me that she _ the film.38 . I went home with my sister, she said. (把直接引语变为间接引语)She said that _ home with her sister.39 . The teacher said, The sun is bigger than the moon. (把直接引语变为间接引语)The teacher said that the sun _ bigger than the moon.40 . I met her yesterday, he said to me. (直接引语转化成间接引语)He told me that _ her the day _.41 . You must come here before five, he said. (把直接引语变为间接引语)He said that I _ to go _ before five.42 . I bought the computer two weeks ago, she said. (把直接引语变为间接引语)She said that she _ the computer two weeks _.43 . Did you read the book last week? he said. (把直接引语变为间接引语)He _ I had read the book the week _.44 . He said, You can sit here, Jim. (把直接引语变为间接引语)He _ Jim that he _ sit _.45 . He asked, How did you find it, Mom? (把直接引语变为间接引语)He asked his mother _ it.46 . Where have you been these days? he asked. (把直接引语变为间接引语)He asked me _ been _ days.47 . Do you know where she lives? he asked. (把直接引语变为间接引语)He asked _ knew where she _.48 . Keep quiet, children, he said. (把直接引语变为间接引语)He _ the children _ quiet.49 . Dont look out of the window, she said. (把直接引语变为间接引语)She told me _ out of the window.50 . Are you interested in this? he asked. (把直接引语变为间接引语)He _ I was interested in _.五、根据首字母、中文提示填空A)根据句意和首字母提示, 把单词补充完整, 使句子完整通顺。51 . Tigers and lions live on 1_while fish live in water.52 . I have a t_Maybe you should see a dentist.53 . Teenagers should realize that their parents have more e_, and are always there to help them.54 . Dave, can you come to my birthday party on Saturday?Sorry, Im not a_. I have to visit my grandparents this weekend.55 . The spirit of mountain climbers shows us that we should never give up trying to a_our dreams. 六、用所给单词的正确形式填空56 . The animals in the zoo are usually _ (wake)at night.57 . His grandma went to hospital and her _ (ill)is so serious.58 . Although Lucy tried her best to lose weight, she didnt _ (success).59 . Pandas eat so many _ (bamboo)every day.60 . A wolf is much _ (wild)than a dog.根据句意用所给单词的适当形式填空。61 . I hope you think my advice is worth _ (take).62 . He was rudely refused by the company_(simple) because of his ugly appearance.63 . The old man will have his _ (ninety) birthday the day after tomorrow.64 . -Is it twenty years since your parents got _(marry)? -Yes.65 . He is upset because he did _(badly) among the students in his class last week.七、完成句子根据要求完成下列句子。每空一词。66 . 吃一点巧克力有时候能帮助你保持健康。Sometimes, eating some chocolate can_you_.67 . 我爸爸每天睡觉不足6个小时。My father sleeps for _ six _ every day.68 . 我觉得装扮成蜘蛛侠一定很酷。I think it must be cool to _ Spiderman.八、用单词的正确形式完成短文AconcertsBcontactsCvariousDimagineEsituationsCan you 69 . the world without money? It is quite impossible. Money-they saymakes the world go round. Why is that so? Well, think of all the 70 . in which you have to pay for the things you buylike food, clothes, medicine, newspapers or for the services you get, like a new hair style or car repairs. Think of the entertainment you have to pay for-tickets to 71 . ,sports matches, favorite books, CDs and holidays. You can have it all if youve got the money.Money has played an important role in every civilization. It has taken 72 . forms and has changed many times over the centuries.九、单词填空Most great inventors often met with much trouble in their work. Before they could succeed, they had to overcome (客服) thousands of difficulties. The following is one of such e73 . .George Stephenson (17811848), a famous British inventor made the first train in 1825, using a stream engine. When he was experimenting with the engine on the train, he met with troubles from the government, the newspapers and the gentlemen in the country. They said that the n74 . and the smoke would kill cows, horses and sheep, that the engine would burst (爆裂) or that the h75 . coals from it would set fire to their houses.George Stephenson told the people that the train could go on small rails, could pull carriages full of goods (货品) and p76 . and that there was no great d77 . to them. It was a very difficult matter for him to convince (使信服) them. H78 . , after some time, the first train that was d79 . by Stephenson himself proved him right. On the train there was a new steam engine. It was invented by him, and was proved a complete success.The first day when the train ran on the rails, people along the way heard the noise of the train in the distance, and saw it r80 . quickly to them. They thought it was a genie (妖怪). They were so full of fright that they ran quickly back home and closed their doors tightly. They did not dare to come out until it had passed. An old woman s81 . said that her hen had been so frightened that it hadnt l82 . any eggs for three days.十、填空阅读下面短文,然后根据短文内容补全答题卡上对应表格中所缺失的信息,每空仅填一词(数字按一词计)。Many earthquakes happen every year. Some of these earthquakes are very strong. When they happen in cities, they can be very serious. Many people will be hurt or die in the earthquakes. Knowing some ways to protect yourself will help to keep you safe in the earthquake.If you are indoors when the earthquake happens, the safest place is under a strong table or desk. Sitting on the floor in a doorway or close to a wall is safer than standing in the middle of a room. Remember to protect your head and neck with your arms. Stay away from windows, tall furniture and pictures or anything that may fall on you. Do not try to run out of the building.If you are out of doors, move to clear areas. Get away from buildings and trees. Be very careful of fallen power lines.The danger is not over when the strong shaking stops. There will be some shocks after most earthquakes. We call them aftershocks and they sometimes can be more dangerous than the first earthquake.When it is safe for you to move around, check the people near you. Some may need help. You may feel afraid, but you should try to stay calm. That is the most important thing to do in the earthquake.How to protect yourself in the earthquake?Indoors83 . Hide under a strong table or desk. Sit in a doorway or close to a84 . . Protect your head and neck with your85 . . Stay away from anything that may fall on you. Do not try to run out when the earthquake is happening. Move to clear areas. Stay away from buildings and trees. Be careful of fallen power lines. Remember that86 . can be more dangerous sometimes. Move around to check the people near you when it is safe.You should always stay87 . !十一、材料作文88 . 朋友是我们生活的组成部分,他们总是在我们最需要帮助的时候陪伴我们。你最好的朋友是谁?你是怎么看待你们的友谊的?请以“My Best Friend ”为题,根据以下提示写一篇英语短文。1. 简要介绍你最好的朋友的外貌和性格;2. 介绍和你朋友之间发生的一件令人难忘的事;3. 你是怎样看待你们之间的友谊的要求:1. 语句连贯通顺,文章衔接紧密2. 词数80-1003. 文中不得出现真实校名及姓名Friends are very important in our life. They always help us when we are in need._第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、四、句型转换1、五、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、六、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、2、七、完成句子1、八、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、九、单词填空1、十、填空1、十一、材料作文1、


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