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2019-2020学年人教版八年级英语下册unit7单元测试题D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . What should I do if I have a fever?You can _.Atake your temperatureBlie down and restCsee a dentistDput your head back2 . The Changjiang River is one of the _ in the world.Alongest riversBlonger riversClongest riverDlonger river3 . Look! There are many people _ in the lake.Aare swimmingBto swimCswamDswimming4 . The football match between Germany and France will be covered_ tonight.AliveBaliveClivingDlively5 . His father often makes him _ his homework after school.AdoBto doCdidDdoes6 . _they may not succeed, they will try their bestAThoughBWhenCBecauseDUnless7 . Thank you for your gift. You are so sweet._AYes, please.BIm glad you like it.CPlease dont say so.DNo, it isnt good.8 . My math is the _ of all the subjects. Can you help me?AworseBbetterCworstDbest9 . Nobody in our class received a(n) to the party.AcollectionBinstructionCinvitationDcelebration10 . Joe didnt have much fun_last Sunday.Ato skateBskatesCskatedDskating11 . Which is_,Maths_Science?Adifficult;orBthe more difficult;orCdifficult;andDmore difficult;or12 . Lets have a game. The loser has to _ the others to dinner. -Its deal.AserveBtreatCofferDprovide13 . He pushed against the rock with all his, hoping to move it to the roadside.AstrengthBpowerCenergyDability14 . He made his final _ last winter and_ from then on.Aappear; disappearedBappearance; disappearedCdisappearance; appearedDappearance; appeared15 . “Reading Corner”, which entered Happy Community Center this spring, has made it_ for the people there to experience the pleasure of reading than before.AeasyBeasierCeasilyDmore easily二、完型填空What do you know about the sea? Some people often see it, _the others dont. The sea looks_on a fine sunny day. Millions of people hope to take their_by the sea. They can swim in it, or lie on the beaches in the sun. They_themselves there. But it can be very rough when there is a strong wind. What other things do we know about it? Of course, the sea is very large. Looking at a_of the world, you can see it is much bigger than land. There are a lot of_in the sea. Some of them are big and the others are_. Did you swim in the sea? If you answer “Yes”, you may know that the water is salty(咸的). Rivers carry_from the land to the sea. Some places of the sea are more salty(咸的) than other places. Do you know the Dead Sea? Fish_live in it. And people can easily swim in it. Nobody is afraid to_in the water.16 . AandBsoCbutDor17 . AusefulBbeautifulCterribleDweak18 . AclassesBsportsCmeetingsDholidays19 . AenjoyBlikeCstopDbegin20 . AbookBmapCnewspaperDpicture21 . AroadsBshopsChousesDislands22 . AsmallByoungClittleDgood23 . AsugarBbutterCsaltDoil24 . AcanBmustCcantDmustnt25 . AliftBsinkCwalkDsleep三、阅读单选阅读理解A Join Us for a Day at Sky Amusement ParkChildren aged 12 to 16 are invited to take part in the “Event of the Summer” at Sky Amusement Park, the most popular amusement park on the West Coast. Sky has more than 80 exciting amusement rides. For sports lovers, there are basketball courts, an indoor baseball field and climbing walls.No amusement park would be completed without a gift shop. Sky has two.You wont want to miss out on this day of fun. Join us at Sky Amusement Park on July 14. Please register (登记) early.The cost of the trip is $30. This includes tickets and all rides.We suggest that all children bring lunch.Buses leave at 9:00 AM and return at 5:00 PM. Rain Date: Thursday, July16.Register at the Childrens Recreation Center at the Town Hall by July 6.A one-day registration will also be held on July 9 at the Johnson School.For more information, call Lucy Parks at 666-926826 . Who can take part in the “Event of the Summer”?AChildren under 12BChildren aged 10 -14CChildren aged 15DChildren over 1627 . What had the children better bring?ALunch.BA gift.CA baseball.DA basketball.28 . When can children register at the Johnson School?AOn July 6BOn July 9COn July 14DOn July 16Elephants are the largest living animals on land. For a long time, they are very helpful. They carry big trees, take people from place to place, and are even used as living tanks(坦克) in wars(战争). People work with elephants for ages, but they do not know elephants well enough. People dont think its easy to hurt an elephant because its skin is thick and hard In fact, thats wrong. Sometimes, even though(即使)its skin is thick-up to 2.5 cm, a needle(针)can also be very dangerous for the elephant.People say elephants are afraid of mice. This is wrong, too. In fact, elephants have very poor eyesight(视力),so they usually cannot see a mouse even if one comes very close to them. If a person has a good memory, people will say that he has an e1ephant memory. But up to now, no study shows that elephants have a better memory than other animals.People also believe that when it is time for elephants to die, they will hide themselves in a so-called所谓的) elephant graveyard(墓地) Often, hunters try to find such places to get ivories(象牙),but few people really find places like that. In fact, when elephants are old or get sick, they will stay in deep and secret caves(洞穴)until they get better or die.29 . According to the passage, elephants dont .Acarry heavy treesBhelp people build housesCcarry people to different placesDhelp people fight in the war30 . Which of the following is true about elephants?AElephants are afraid of mice.BElephants have very poor memory.CElephants cannot see very clearly.DElephants never go to caves.31 . What elephants will do when they get sick?AThey will go to see a doctor.BThey will ask other animals for help.CThey will ask humans for help.DThey will stay in deep caves by themselves.32 . What is the main idea of this article?ASome of our ideas about elephants are not correct.BDifferent countries have different elephants.CElephants are the worlds biggest living land animals.DElephants are mans best friends.四、用所给单词的正确形式填空B. Complete the sentences with the proper forms of the given words.33 . In The Belt and Road Forum (“一带一路”论坛) this May, _of 29 foreign countries were invited to come to Beijing. (lead)34 . Although there are many interesting ideas about how the Iceman_, the truth (真相) about his_ remains unknown (仍然未知). (die)35 . When Abraham Lincoln was elected as president in 1860, many_owners in the south who supported (支持) _ wanted to leave the Union and build a new country. (slave)36 . In 1966, the country declared its_ and from then on it was no longer part of French territory. (independent)37 . The children were getting much _as the show was becoming harder for them to understand. (noise)38 . The United States of America now _as much oil as Saudi Arabia and becomes one of the worlds top oil _. (produce)39 . _ isnt so expensive as you think if you are a member of the YHA. And_ now have a round-the-world network. (hostel)40 . Temperature changes with the_ of the mountain. This means the_ you go, the colder it becomes. (high)41 . We should keep learning about the latest developments (最新发展) in science and technology to keep up with the _world. (change)42 . People have become aware of (意识到) the importance of the _rain forests and try hard to protect them all over the world. (tropic)五、完成句子完成句子根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词。43 . 她戴帽子保护她的皮肤不受日晒。She wore a hat to _ her skin _ the sun.44 . 如果需要我的服务,请随时叫我。Please _ to call me if you need my service.45 . 我的汽车最多能坐四个人。I can take _ four people in my car.46 . 就我所知,我们下星期一要进行一次考试。_, we will have a test next Monday.47 . 中国人口比美国多。China has a(n) _ than the USA.六、多任务混合问题阅读表达The giant panda is one of the most popular animals in the world. A giant panda can grow up to 1.5meters long and weigh up to 160kg. People think the giant panda is very lovely. So it is not surprising that the World Wide Fund for Nature chose the giant panda as its symbol. The WWF tells people about animals that they are in _(处于危险中) and raises money to save them.The giant panda only lives in the wild in China. In the early 1980s,were only 1,000 left in the wild, the main reason why pandas are endangered is that the area where panda can live has become smaller. The WWF works to help giant pandas in the wild in many ways. One of the ways that helps them is to increase the size of panda reserves (自然保护区).Some reserves need to be joined together by planting bamboo between them to make “corridors” . These are paths that lead from one reserve to another. No one may harm the pandas in these areas. The corridors let pandas move from one habitat (栖息地) to another to look for food.People are working very hard to make sure the giant panda does not die out.48 . How long and heavy can a giant panda grow to be? (no more than 9 words) _49 . 将文中处填入适当的词语。_50 . Why are the giant pandas endangered? (no more than 10 words) _.51 . Give a way to help the giant pandas in the wild ,please. (no more than 10 words)_52 . 将文中画线的句子翻译成中文。_.七、话题作文53 . Write a passage of at least 60 words on the topic “My view on raising a pet”.(以“我对养宠物的观点”为题写一篇不少于60个字的短文,标点符号不占格。)第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、四、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、五、完成句子1、六、多任务混合问题1、七、话题作文1、

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