人教版八年级英语上册Unit 1 Playing Sports Topic 3 The school sports meet is coming测试题

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人教版八年级英语上册Unit 1 Playing Sports Topic 3 The school sports meet is coming测试题_第1页
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人教版八年级英语上册Unit 1 Playing Sports Topic 3 The school sports meet is coming测试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Jason, would you please _ this notice?No problem. Ill do it right away.Aput onBput offCput upDput out2 . Jack wanted to read more, so he asked his friend if there was _ to read.Asomething easy enoughBsomething enough easyCenough easy somethingDeasy enough something3 . (题文) What a heavy rain!- I think our headmaster will have tothe sports meeting because of it.Aget offBgive offCput offDtake off4 . Peter has never been to Beijing.ASo has his fatherBNeither has his fatherCHis father has been to Beijing, too5 . Scientists are trying best to_ways to treat the terrible disease.Acome up withBlook forward toCgive up6 . My son candifferent kinds of computers.Atake upBclean upCfix up7 . I like _. Fruit, you know, is good for our health.ApotatoesBbananasCeggsDpies(馅饼)8 . I have read Robinson Crusoe _,but I havent read Tom Sawyer _.Aalready;alreadyByet;yetCyet;alreadyDalready;yet9 . I want to volunteer. What can I do?You can_food at the food bank.Agive outBwork outCgive upDcall up10 . _ is this letter from? Its from Linda, my pen pal.AWhoBWhatCWhereDWhose二、补全对话5选5选择方框中的句子完成对话。Mike:Hello! 11 . Jack:Speaking.Mike:This is Mike. Hi, Jack. I have two tickets for a basketball match. 12 . Jack:Id love to. 13 . Mike:Lets make it two.Jack:14 . Mike:At my home.Jack:OK.15 . Mike:See you.AWhen shall we meet?BSee you then.CCan I speak to Jack, please?DWould you like to go with me?EWhere shall we meet?三、完型填空Hi,Cindy!_are you? I like your picture very much._that on the desk? Is it _orange pencil? The color is so nice. I can_a white ruler in the picture, right?Now,look at my_.This is a jacket. J-A-C-K-E-T! Haha,I can_it.That is a map of China. Its light green. I like its color._this is a red cup. I like its color,_.Look!Whats that_English? Yes,its a CD. _you for the nice CD.16 . AWhatBHowCWhereDWho17 . AHowsBWheresCWhosDWhats18 . A/BaCanDthe19 . AseeBsayClookDknow20 . AnameBfamilyCpictureDroom21 . AreadBspellCseeDlike22 . AAndBButCSoDOr23 . ApleaseBrightCOKDtoo24 . AatBonCinDfor25 . ASayBThankCSeeDHave四、阅读单选Are you sorry for not travelling during the National Day ? if you stay at home at that time, I think you are very lucky. why? because there are too many people everywhere. in many places of interest in China, its too_to do anything.it was too crowded on the great wall on October 1st, 2009. you even couldnt take photos for you or your friends. all what we could see were people. it was reported that there were about twenty people per meter on the great wall. my friends told me they could see nothing but many people on the great wall. “we couldnt walk if the people in front of us didnt walk,” he said. he showed us a photo on the great wall. in the photo, we hardly found him out, there were too many people.so some people give the advice that we should not have the gold week (黄金周) any more. but other people say no about this advice. whats your idea of it? Are you sorry now for not travelling during the gold week? I love staying at home more than travelling next National Day.26 . How did the writer feel about staying at home on national day?AHe believed it was interesting to stay at home on national day.BHe believed it was boring to stay at home on national day.CHe felt lucky to stay at home on national day.DHe felt sorry to stay at home on national day.27 . which of the following is true about the great wall on national day?AYou could find yourself easily on the photos you took that dayBYou could walk as you like on the great wallCThere were about 30 people per meter.DThere were so many people there that day.28 . What do you think the writer will do next National Day?AHe will go to the Great Wall.BHe will stay at home.CHe will take photos for his friends.DHe will travel to other places.Jack Green is 75 years oldHe is not in good condition“I think Im ill,”he tells his wife“I feel awful Ive got a headache and I dont feel like eating.”“Youve put on a lot of weight recentlyYou should see the doctor,”his wife says“Ask him how to lose weightIts not good for your health“OK,”says JackHe goes to see a doctorThe doctor checks his heart and weighs himThen he says,“You are too heavyYou need to do exercise to lose about 30 kilogramsRun two miles a day for the next 100 daysThen call and tell me weightA week later,the doctor receives a call from Jack“Doctor,I ran two miles every day and I feel much betterBut I have a new problem”“Whats that?” asks the doctor“Im 14 miles away from home,and I cant find my way back”29 . Why does Jack feel awful?A. Because he is in good conditionB. Because he has a headacheC. Because he feels like eating30 . Who suggests that Jack should see a doctor?A. His wife B. His son C. His daughter31 . According to the doctor,how many kilograms should Jack lose?A. Thirteen B. A hundred C. Thirty32 . Whats Jacks new problem?A. He forgets how many miles to runB. He cant find his way back homeC. He runs for such a long time33 . The passage is probably from a A. letter B. storybook C. report五、根据首字母、中文提示填空34 . I want to_(交谈)to them and play games with them35 . He is not at school and he is at_(家)36 . Grace is an English girl,but she can_(说)Chinese37 . He is very busy_(今天)38 . Mr.Jones_(教)English in our school根据下列句子及所给单词的首字母写出所缺单词。39 . I didnt take an u_ so I got wet in the rain.40 . Some children often surf the I_ with the help of their parents.41 . Dont talk l_ in the hallway.42 . There is a s _ ,“Old habits die hard”.43 . People in big cities often go to the countryside ,because the air there is f_.44 . Nothing is difficult if you put your h_ into it.45 . Jason was ill, so Mike took his p _ to take part in the competition.46 . At the b_of the class, we sang a song.47 . There are many trees on both s_of the street.48 . Eating dumplings on New Years Evening is a t_for us.六、完成句子根据汉语提示,用句末括号内的英语单词的适当形式完成句子。49 . Ill put the money back before anyone _.(find)趁别人还未发现我要把钱放回去。50 . We all know trees _ in cleaning up the air. (play)我们都知道树木在清洁空气方面起着重要作用。51 . She always _ the best in people.(bring)她总是让人表现出最优秀一面。52 . Go to the movies or play computer games? It _ you.(be)去看电影还是玩电脑游戏?由你决定。53 . After reading the book, I know that Im very important and nobody can _.(take)读完这本书后我知道我真的很重要,而且不可取代。七、回答问题Holidays in the United States usually take place at least once a month. Most months have a national holiday that has been arranged to be celebrated on a Monday. The holidays have all been decided to be celebrated on a Monday so that the workers may have 3-day weekends, that is, Saturday, Sunday and Monday in order to rest or travel or do things with their families. The most important holidays in the United States include New Years Day, Christmas Day and the day, when we remember the first settlers (移居者) of the United States that time, called Thanksgiving Day. In these holidays most businesses close and the workers stay at home and celebrate with their families.Vacation can be from 2 weeks to 4 weeks a year. This usually depends on how long youve been working for a company, what type of position (职位) you have, whether you have a very high and important position and whether you can find someone to replace (替代) you. In this case, you might take a few days at a time rather than take one month all at once. Usually the more time you spend working for a company, the more time you may get for a vacation.54 . How often do the Americans have holidays?_55 . Why do the Americans usually celebrate the holidays on a Monday?_56 . Who is Thanksgiving for at first ?_57 . The workers still work during the national holidays in the USA, dont they?_,_58 . How long do the Americans usually have holidays every year?_59 . What do you usually do during your holidays?_八、材料作文60 . 下面是2008年北京奥运会的五个吉祥物,请根据提示介绍一下这五个吉祥物。flame 火焰 Tibetan antelope 藏羚羊 swallow 燕子 mascot 吉祥物第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、补全对话5选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、五、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、2、六、完成句子1、七、回答问题1、八、材料作文1、


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