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人教版2019-2020年度九年级中考一模(上学期期末)英语试题(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Mrs Smith, could you tell me ?Ahow can I learn EnglishBwhat to learn EnglishChow to learn English2 . Its very kind _ you _ me with my English.Afor; to helpBof; to helpCfor; helpingDof; helping3 . We had an English examSeptember 20 andthe students passed.Aon, most ofBin, most ofCon, mostDin, most4 . name is Tony.is nine.AHis;HeBHe;HisCHis;HerDHe;Her5 . What type of music do you like? I like _ music because it has strong local color.AfolkBclassicalCrockDpop6 . Where is my sister,mum?Sheto the library. She will be back soon.Ahas beenBis goingChas goneDwill go7 . Would you mind _ your voice down? We are doing our homework.Sorry for that.AkeepBkeepingCto keepDkept8 . (题文)Lisa_at 8 yesterday morning.ArunsBranCis runningDwas running9 . Are _ sick taken good care of in this hospital?Yes. They take good care of everybody here, especially _ old.Aa; anBa; theCthe; theDthe; an10 . There _in spring in Wuxi, but the weather there is usually nice at this time of year.Amay have rainBmay be rainyCmay be rainDmust have rain11 . I think history is interesting,you dont like it.AbutBandCsoDbecause12 . She is one of _ in our class.Athe slimmest girlsBthe slimmest girlCthe slimmer girl Dslimmest girl13 . What do you want to be when you grow up, a doctor or an engineer?_. I want to be a scientist.ANeitherBEitherCBothDNone14 . Dont give up, Tom. You havent realized _ great progress youve made!AwhatBwhat aChowDhow a15 . People _ to set off firecrackers in some areas of Shanghai for several months.Aarent allowedBwerent allowedCwont be allowedDhavent been allowed16 . _ we have to stay up late every day, we always wear a smile on our face.ABecauseBIfCUntilDThough17 . Which has the same sound /e/as breakfast?AheadBreallyCice-cream18 . I find it difficult for me to learn math well. Could you please help me with it? _. Im glad to help you.ASorry, I cantBNo problemCThanks a lotDIt doesnt matter19 . Our teachers are kind _ us and often help us _ our lessonsAfor , aboutBto , aboutCfor , withDto , with20 . ?Yes, please. I want a sweater.AHow muchBCan I help youCExcuse meDWhat will you take二、完型填空A generation gap(代沟)has become a serious problem.! read a report about it in the newspaper. Some children have killed_after quarrelling (爭吵)with_I think this is because they dont often have a talk with each other. Parents now_more time in the office,_they dont have much time to stay with their children. As time passes, they both feel that they dont have the_topic(话题)to talk about. I want to tell parents to be more patient with your_,get to know them and_them. And for children, show your_to your parents. They are the people who love you. So_them your thoughts. In this way, you_have a better understanding of each other.21 . AhimselfBherselfCthemselvesDthemself22 . AfriendBteacherCclassmatesDparents23 . AspendBstayCworkDhave24 . AbecauseBifCbutDso25 . AinterestingBsameCtrueDgood26 . AbusinessBchildrenCworkDoffice27 . Aget on withBlook afterCunderstandDlove28 . AinterestBsecretCtroubleDfeelings29 . AtellBaskCanswerDsay30 . AcanBshouldCmustDwould三、阅读单选People enjoy different indoor and outdoor activities in Britain. A recent European survey (调查) discovered that people in Britain spend about 45% of their free time watching television, 24% of their free time doing social (社会的) activities, 22-23% on sports and hobbies, and 10% on other activities. Other popular activities are listening to the radio, listening to music, reading, gardening, eating out and going to the cinema.TelevisionThe most common activity in the UK is watching television. People often spend 25 hours every week on TV. Almost every household (家庭) has at least one television set at home. In 1999, 13% of households had satellite television and 9% cable television. RadioPeople in Britain listen to about 15 hours and 50 minutes of radio every week. Entertaining (娱乐)Another popular activity in Britain is visiting or entertaining friends.CinemaAbout 123 million British people went to the cinema in 1998. It is the most popular cultural (文化的) activity in the UK. Eating OutMore and more British people like to eat out. In 1999 every British person spent 5.63 every week on food outside.31 . What do most English people like doing in their free time?AWatching TV.BListening to the radio.CDoing some sports.DEating out.32 . How long do people in Britain listen to the radio every day according to the survey?ALess than half an hour.BAbout fifty minutes.CMore than two hours.DAbout sixteen hours.33 . How many households could watch satellite television in 1999?A13% of households.B9% of households.C33% of households.D19% of households.34 . Which is NOT true according to the passage?AEnglish people spend most of their time eating out.BBritish people often listen to the radio and visit their friends.CLots of English people like going to the cinema.DBritish people often do gardening by themselves.35 . What is the main idea of the passage?AWhat are the common hobbies of British people?BHow do people spend their free time?CHow do children spend their holiday?DWhat are the special customs in Britain?四、句型转换句型转换36 . He had some water. (改为一般疑问句)_he_ water?37 . The girl decided to be a doctor at the age of 12. (对画线部分提问)_the girl_to _at the age of 12?38 . He had a little rice. Then he hurried to the factory. (合并为一句)He had a little rice _ the factory.39 . I went to school, but I didnt have breakfast. (用without改写句子)I went to school _breakfast.40 . There is nothing in the box. (改为同义句)There is_in the box.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空(二)用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。41 . Not only Jim but also Jack _(go) to the park on weekends.42 . Doctors are trying to prevent the disease _(spread) in the country.43 . You have got a cold. Take some _(medical) and have a good rest.44 . I felt _(sleep) because the movie is really boring.45 . The Great Wall is one of the greatest _(mystery) in the world.六、用单词的正确形式完成短文Mr. Smith46 . a famous writer. He likes 47 . very much. One day one of his friends from China gives him a bird and a cat. He 48 . the cat is friendly to the bird. So he puts 49 . in one room. In fact, the bird is very beautiful and the cat really wants 50 . the bird. 51 . he doesnt know what the bird is. So he walks 52 . the bird. The bird is very afraid(害怕).She doesnt know what to do first. She tries to be 53 . . When the cat is next to her, she says, Do you want to eat me? Im your friend. The cat is very afraid. He 54 . away. He thinks, “ she can 55 . and she must be a woman !”successful interested read enjoy they that habit to passenger buildMaybe the subway is not the right place to read, but it must be the right place to wake up people to56 . . New York Public Library is ready57 . ”Subway Library”, which provides 58 . with free e-books. People of passengers can read them on subway trains.To read the e-books,subway passengers can connect59 . phones to the free Wi-Fi. After connecting60 . , passengers need to follow the steps on their phones to download(下载)the e-books. Then they can read the books they are 61 . in on subway trains. In order to get the passengers attention, New York Public Library turns the inside of the train 62 . a library.A worker in New York Public Library said, We hope people can 63 . this kind of reading form that we offer. And we hope everyone in our country can form the good 64 . of reading.Some passengers said, It is a very great way of reading. We only hope 65 . the net speed(网速)is fast enough.七、单词填空根据短文意思,用括号中词语的适当形式填空。One day the traffic was heavy on the city roads. The cars were 66 . (end). It seemed to be67 . (hope) to walk across the street. It was 68 . (use) for us to wait and see. So we decided to walk over the footbridge (人行天桥). My daughter was 69 . (cheer) in her70 . (colour) dress. She always thought that life was 71 . (meaning) and 72 . (wonder). But to her surprise, she found that a 3-year-old boy was begging (乞讨) on the footbridge. He looked so 73 . (help).Why doesnt he go back home? She asked. I didnt know how to answer it.八、回答问题One year ago, I asked a worker to help me repair my old house. He had a bad first day on the job: his car broke on the way, then he found he had left his tools for work at home and his wife telephoned to say his son had a bad cold. While I drove him home, he was silent all the way. When arriving, he invited me to meet his family.As we walked towards the front door, he stopped at a small tree, and touched the tree with his hands.When we opened the door, I was very surprised to see he changed into another person and there was a big smile on his face instead. He hugged his son and gave his wife a kiss.After a while, when he walked me to the car, I asked him why he had touched the tree just then.Oh, thats my trouble tree, he answered. Sometimes I have troubles on my job, but one thing is for sure, they dont belong to my wife and my son. So I just hang up the troubles on the tree every night when I come home. Then in the morning I pick them up. The funny thing is, he smiled, when I come out in the morning to pick up, I hardly remember what I put the night before. 74 . How was the workers first day?_75 . Did the worker talk a lot when the writer drove him home?_76 . Where did the worker stop as they walked towards the front door? _77 . What did the worker call the tree?_78 . When did the worker hang up the troubles on the tree?_79 . Did the worker remember any troubles the next morning?_九、话题作文80 . “友善”是一种美德,它犹如阳光和雨露照耀并滋润着美德的形成。同学们,请奉献你的友善,为创建和谐社会做出贡献。某英文网站正在开展以“友善待人、快乐生活”为主题的征文活动。假如你是李华,请用英语写一篇短文投稿,谈谈生活中你对他人提供善意帮助的经历。主要内容包括:你对友善行为的认识和理解,你平时做哪些友善的事情,以及你这样做的美好愿望。提示词语:kind,politely, trouble, offer, proud,society提示问题:What do you think of showing kindness to others?How do you help them kindly in your daily life?What do you dream about being kind to them?Its our duty to show kindness to others around us. _第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、句型转换1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、2、七、单词填空1、八、回答问题1、九、话题作文1、

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