外研版英语九年级下册Module 8 Unit 3 课时练习

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外研版英语九年级下册Module 8 Unit 3 课时练习姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Where is Ted? I cant find him these days.-He has _ on a journey round China.Agot offBtaken offCset offDpaid off2 . (题文)Do you know _ the man with glasses is?A reporter, I think.AwhatBthatCwhoDwhere3 . There is going to _ an English party tomorrow evening.AhaveBholdCbeDtake4 . You must be very tired. Why not_a rest?Ato stop to haveBto stop havingCstop to haveDstop having5 . What about _ tennis with me this afternoon?AplayBto playCplaysDplaying6 . My father _to music ,but now he is fond of_ pets.Aused to listening, keepBis used to listen, keepCused to listen, keeping7 . Excuse me. Can you please tell me _?Sure. Theres a bookstore on River Road.Ahow can I save moneyBhow I can save moneyCwhere I can get some science booksDwhere can I get some science books8 . Some of us go to school a bike times.Aby; onBin; inCon; atDwith; to9 . - What are you doing, Lily?- Im sticking some pictures of flowers _ the scrapbook.AtoBinCon10 . Would you mind _ here? Sorry, I wont.AsmokeBsmokingCsmokesDnot smoking11 . I dont know when she_.When she_, I will tell you.Acomes; comesBwill come; comesCcomes; will comeDwill come; will come12 . Do you mind_ up the music?No, never mind.Ato turnBturningCturn13 . Do you think _ lion is a dangerous animal?A/BanCaDthe14 . She has to take care of her younger brother,_she is only ten.AthoughBifCbecauseDso15 . My parents oftenabout my health.AcareBlearnsCtalksDthinks二、补全短文7选5What is your favorite color? Do you like yellow, orange, or red?16 . Do you prefer grays and blues? Then you are probably quiet, shy, and you would rather follow than lead. You tend to be pessimist(悲观主义者). At least, this is what psychologists tell us, and they should know, because they have been seriously studying the meaning of color preference, as well as the effect that colors have on human beings. 17 . If you happen to love brown, you did so as soon as you opened your eyes, or at least as soon as you could see clearly. 18 . A yellow room makes most people feel more cheerful and more relaxed than a dark green one; and a red dress brings warmth and cheer to the saddest winter day. 19 . A black bridge over the Thames River, near London, used to be the scene of more suicides(自杀)than any other bridge in the area until it was repainted green. The number of suicide attempts immediately fell sharply. Perhaps it would have fallen even more if the bridge had been done in pink or baby blue. 20 . It is an established fact that factory workers work better, harder, and have fewer accidents when their machines are painted orange rather than black or grey. AOn the other hand, black is depressing. BThey tell us, among other facts, that we do not choose our favorite color as grow up we are born with our preference. CThe rooms are painted in different colors as you like. DIf you do, you must be an optimist, a leader, an active person who enjoys life, people and excitement. ELight and bright colors make people not only happier but more active. FLife is like a picture or a poem, full of different colors. GColors do influence our moods there is no doubt about it.三、完型填空“What is the meaning of life?” Have you ever asked yourself this _ ?A dog really did. And that dog plays the leading role in the movie A Dogs Purpose, based on the US writer W Bruce Camerons best-selling book. It is about a dogs several lives through reincarnation (再生) in different types of _ so that he can influence the lives of the human owners.The dog is named Bailey. He _ as a boys red retriever (猎犬), a lonely policemans German shepherd (德国牧羊犬) and a students corgi (柯基犬). Then he meets with his first owner again and gives the story a happy _ .The movie shows the unbreakable connection (联系)_ dogs and humans and how _ , not even death , can ever end that relation. It is heartwarming and soul-shaking. There are many scenes that_ the viewers. _ , when Bailey lived as a police dog , he _ to save a victim and he was shot in order to save his owners life.Interestingly, the story was told from the dogs view. The dog _ dies -He keeps being reborn, remembering each life, learning _ from each life that help him with the next one. He keeps looking for _ in each of those lives.Did he really find it? Finally, he comes to _ there must be a purpose, a reason for him to be born. Bailey knows the truth: lifes _ is best achieved when the word “love” is a verb.The message of A Dogs Purpose for viewers to take away is the importance of giving _to a pet as well as giving a home to that pet.21 . AexperienceBquestionCproblemDmatter22 . AdogsBvictimsCboysDowners23 . AappearsBadvertisesCreportsDintroduces24 . AmomentBdevelopmentCbeginningDending25 . AamongBagainstCbetweenDbeside26 . AanythingBeverythingCnothingDsomething27 . AbreakBshowCtouchDplay28 . AIn a wordBFor exampleCAbove allDIn general29 . AmanagedBrefusedCpromisedDagreed30 . AeverBneverConceDalways31 . AdreamsBanswersCmagicsDlessons32 . AmeaningBthemeCwonderDidea33 . AreceiveBreachCconcludeDinclude34 . ApurposeBprojectCdesignDchance35 . AfunBlifeCloveDwisdom四、阅读单选The traditional Chinese lunar calendar divides the year into 24 solar terms. Grain Rain (谷雨), as the last term in spring, starts on April 19 and ends on May 4.Grain Rain comes from the old saying, “Rain brings up the growth of hundreds of grains”, which shows that this period of rainfall is very important for the growth of crops. Heres something that you may not know about the Grain Rain.1. _Grain Rain falls between the end of spring and the beginning of summer, and the temperature rises much higher than it does in March. With dry soil and heavy winds, sandstorms may happen more often.2. _There is an old custom in southern China that people drink tea on the day of Grain Rain. Spring tea during Grain Rain is good for the eyes. It is also said that drinking tea on this day would prevent bad luck.3. _People in northern China have the tradition to eat the vegetable toona sinensis during Grain Rain. An old Chinese saying goes “toona sinensis before the rain is as tender as silk (嫩如丝)”. The vegetable is good for the stomach and skin.4. _The Grain Rain Festival is celebrated by fishing villages in northern China. Grain Rain marks the start of the fishermens first voyage (航行) of the year. The custom dates back to more than 2000 years ago.36 . When Grain Rain ends, _ starts.AspringBsummerCautumn37 . The underlined word “crops” refers to _.Aplants in the fieldBtrees in the forestCfishes in the sea38 . The people in southern China _ on the day of Grain Rain.Adrink teaBeat toona sinensisCstart the first voyage39 . We can infer that “toona sinensis” must be a kind of vegetable which _.Acan bring good luckBis delicious and healthyCgrows at the seaside40 . The right order of the titles from 1 to 4 should be _.a. Eating toona sinensisb. Sandstorms happenc. Grain Rain Festival d. Drinking teaAb-a-d-cBb-c-a-dCb-d-a-cMy name is Bob Smith. My friend, Kangkang, asks me to give his sister, Charry, a letter. An old man doesnt let me in. I ask him to give it to Charry, but he doesnt know Charry. I have to tell him about Charry. Charry is a tall girl. She has a round face and a small nose. Her hair is blond. She is from England. The old man says, Oh, many girls are from England and have blond hair. And their eyes are blue. They are all very tall. At that time I dont say anything. Oh, she is the first(第一个)to come to school every day, I say.“Oh, I see. She is in Class One, Grade Seven. She likes to be in a red dress. I am very happy. I think the old man can give the letter to Charry now.41 . Who is Charry?ABobs friend.BBobs sister.CKangkangs friend.DKangkangs sister.42 . The underlined word “it” refers to_(划线词“it”指代).AhairBthe dressCthe letterDthe eye .43 . W hat color is Charrys hair?ABlack.BBrown.CRed.DBlond.44 . Charrys favorite color is _.AblondBredCblueDpink五、填写适当的单词补全句子第1题图第2题图第3题图45 . Brown _ on the door, but no one answered.46 . Katie is cleaning the chalk off the _.47 . Li Fei has got his _ to go abroad.48 . This is a good book, and it is w_ reading.49 . Qingdao is in the east c_ of China, which is famous for seafood.六、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意和汉语提示写出单词,每空一词50 . In the _ (开始),I didnt like him. But now he is my hero.51 . Why did she look at her pet dog so _ (伤心地)?52 . We sleep with the windows _ (关闭的)in winter.53 . The hunter _ (捉住)a lot of birds in the forest last week54 . The old woman died of a serious _ (疾病).七、用所给单词的正确形式填空(A) 根据句意和汉语注释,写出单词的正确形式。55 . Now many students want to go _(到国外) for further study.56 . Everyone is here _ (除了) Jim. We dont know why he hasnt come.57 . Peoples living _ (条件) are better than before.58 . Shes _ ( 意识到 ) she is wrong at this matter, so she feels very sorry.八、完成句子IV. 完成下列句子。(15分)59 . 没有你的帮助,我不能做这件事。I _ do it _ your help.60 . 小汽车轰然相撞。The cars _ each other.61 . 你既然问,我就告诉你。_, I will tell you.62 . 我将尽力学好英语。Ill _ English well.63 . 海浪把游泳者卷走了。The waves had _.九、单词填空根据短文内容及所给提示,在文中的空白处填写一个正确的单词。Do you ride your bike to school? Its 64 . good idea because its good exercise. But in Europe and the US not many kids go to school 65 . their bicycles. They are usually 66 . (take) to school in cars by their parents.Many kids dont want to walk67 . o_ ride to school on bad weather. But it may not be good for 68 . (they) health. There are a lot of kids with weight problems. And this is 76. w69 . parents encourage kids to ride and walk to school today. Of course these70 . (parent) are also worried about kids 71 . (safe). So people build many riding roads to keep them safe.It is 72 . g_ for the environment to ride and walk, too. 73 . (many) bikes on the road means less pollution.十、多任务混合问题阅读下面短文,按要求完成各项任务。If you want to visit Shanghai Disneyland, you can learn something about it.Shanghai Disneyland opened on June 16, 2016. It began selling tickets on March 28 through several ways: the official website, Ali trip website and the central phone.Its price is the lowest of all the Disney theme parks. So far, quite a lot of people have booked tickets.The park is built in the 963-acre field and costs $5.5 billion. Almost 400 designers and engineers have taken part in the design work. The Disneyland in Shanghai is the tallest and largest one in the Disney family around the world.When you visit Shanghai Disney and, you can follow the following tips.lBuy souvenirs(纪念品)in advance. Disney is so popular that it is easy to find these souvenirs anywhere. It isnt necessary for you to buy them at Disneyland because they are too expensive there. You can save a lot of money in this way.lEat breakfast before you arrive. You can save quite a bit of money by eating breakfast before you go to the park.lTake snacks with you. You can enjoy them in the picnic area. Because the snacks there are too expensive.lTo save more money, you can plan your trip during the parks off-season(淡季).Lots of things, from airfare(飞机票价)to souvenirs, can be cheaper during these months.74 . 任务一将文中画线短语in advance译为中文。_75 . 任务二根据短文内容回答问题。How many pieces of advice are mentioned in this passage?_76 . 任务三请列举文中提到的上海迪士尼乐园门票的购买方式。(1)_(2)_(3)_77 . 任务四选择文章的最佳标题, 将字母代号填写在横线上。_AThe Palaces of Interest in ShanghaiBShanghai Disneyland and Some Visiting TipsCThe Largest Disneyland in the World十一、汉译英:整句(题文)将下列句子译成英语,并将所译句子写在答题卡上标有题号的横线上。78 . (小题1)我们正盼着过周末呢。79 . (小题2)她让我一连说了45分钟。80 . (小题3)你要是见到他,就把这个便条给他。81 . (小题4)小孩最终被找到了,安然无恙。82 . (小题5)对她来说,像以前那样经常与她父母亲见面就难了。第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、补全短文7选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、五、填写适当的单词补全句子1、六、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、七、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、八、完成句子1、九、单词填空1、十、多任务混合问题1、十一、汉译英:整句1、

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