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人教版八年级英语寒假作业-作业九姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . (题文)It is _ good exhibition that I have seen it several times.AsoBsuchCso aDsuch a2 . - How about _hiking this Sunday?- Great! Id like _with you.Ato go; goingBgoing; to goCgoing; goingDto go; goes3 . Have you ever been to Hong Kong?Yes, I there last month.Awent toBhave beenCwent4 . Please_hot water into blender.AcutBmixCpourDcarry5 . _ teenagers(青少年)are becoming the heads-down-Tribe(低头族). Its _ dangerous.AToo much; much tooBToo many; much tooCMuch too; too muchDToo many, too much6 . I cant cook . Could you please tell me _ tomato and egg noodles ?Awhat to cookBhow to cookChow can I cookDwhat I can cook7 . What do you think of the book? AI dont think soBIts interestingCIt sounds good8 . Why do you like living in the countryside, Uncle Wang?Because the air there is _ and clean.AcoldBdirtyCthinDfresh9 . (题文)If you want to ride well, the first thing to do is to _ your fear of horses.AcauseBdoubleCovercomeDincrease10 . What are you doing?Im getting ready _ my English test. ( )AtoBonCforDin二、完型填空StarsinDanger is a sports show.It is a diving (跳水) competition. All the players are singers or actors. They _ dive before they joined the show. So they all _ one month training _ the help of diving champions(冠军)In the competition, all the players have to _ the diving rules and there are judges(裁判)It is exciting and _The first season of the competition was over. All the players _ a good job in it. Fu Xinbo is my favorite _He did the _ in the competition and got first place. I like Han Geng too, _ it was a pity that he dropped out of (中途退出) the competition.If you missed the first season on TV, dont feel sorry. You can find it on the _Im sure you will love it.11 . AwouldntBshouldntCcouldntDmustnt12 . ApaidBusedCgaveDspent13 . AonBwithCatDfor14 . AexpectBmadeCplanDfollow15 . AenjoyableBmeaninglessCcarefulDoutgoing16 . AgotBdidCwantedDhappened17 . AshowBjudgeCplayerDsport18 . AbestBworstCmostDfarthest19 . AandBbecauseCbutDso20 . AInternetBradioCbookDmagazine三、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据首字母及汉语提示,完成下列单词的拼写,使句意明确,语言通顺。21 . Neff flew to New York during his Christmas v_(假期).22 . Dont be afraid to ask for a_(建议)about ordering the meal.23 . I dont believe that George should p_(惩罚)the children.24 . He opened the window to let in some f_(新鲜的)air.25 . The fields are b_(在下面)sea level.第 5 页 共 5 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、完型填空1、三、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、

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