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2019-2020学年人教版英语九年级Unit1单元测试题C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . The camera is expensive I cant afford it.Aso; thatBsuch; thatCso; asDtoo; to2 . If you keep _ every day, you will be a good player.Apracticing runBpracticing to runCpracticing runningDto practice run3 . I like _ teacher,Mrs. Green.AI musicBI musicsCmy musicsDmy music4 . . Mr. Brown wants to buy a house _ three rooms.AinBatCfromDwith5 . Before she went abroad she spent as much time as she could _English.Apractice to speakBto practice speakingCpracticing speakingDpractice speaking6 . Theres something wrong with my shower. Ill return it to the shop tomorrow.How come? Are you sure you put it in _?AcarefullyBsuccessfullyCsmoothlyDproperly7 . Jenny found it very easy English well.AlearningBto learnClearnDlearned8 . Here _ two photos of my family.AisBareCamDbe9 . - Today is the last day of our holiday!-_ short happy time is!AWhatBHow aCHowDWhat a10 . Pandas will have enough places.Ato live in Bto liveCliving on Dlive二、完型填空TomasFloresisafarmer.Hedoesnthavelotsof_ .Hegrows(种植) carrots,tomatoesand_ .HeandhiswifeRosaworkhardeveryday Tomashasacow.Itgivesalotof_everyday.Oneday.Rosacomeshomefromtown.ThereisadanceintownonSaturday.Canwe_saysRosa.Iamsorry.Wecannotgobecausewedonthavemuchmoneytobuy_“saysTomas.Hiswifeisalittle_ Thenextday,Tomashasanidea.Hetakesthecowtotownandsellsit.Hebuysavery_dressforhiswife.HerunshomeandgivesRosathedress,_Rosaisveryangry.Ourcowgivesusmilkeveryday!shesays, _sellthemilk,thenwecangetmoneytobuyfood.Weneedourcow!Tomastakesthedressbackandbuyshiscow.Thisstory_People.“Neversellsomethingyouneedtobuysomethingyouwant.”11 . AriceBtimeCmoneyDbread12 . AeggsBcakeChamburgersDpotatoes13 . AteaBmilkCcoffeeDwater14 . AgoBcomeCstayDleave15 . AcowsBfarmsCringsDclothes16 . AboredBhappyCcoolDsad17 . AshortBlongCniceDdirty18 . AorBandCbutDfor19 . ATheyBWeCHeDShe20 . AasksBtellsCcallsDhelps三、阅读单选(题文)Once there lived an old man. He liked gold better than anything else in the world. He often said, “If I have enough gold, I will be the happiest man in the world.” One day when he was traveling in the desert(沙漠), the old man lost his way. He was very hungry and thirsty, but there were only rocks and sand around him. Just then, he found a bag lying on the sand. He hoped he would find water and food in it. He took up the bag and opened it. He saw that the bag was full(满的) of gold. He was so sad that he threw away the bag and began crying. Now, the old man knew that there was something better than gold in the world.21 . (小题1)The old man liked _ best before he traveled in the desert.AfoodBbagsCgoldDwatches22 . (小题2)When he lost his way, he wanted to get _.Asome food and waterBsome rocks and sandCbags full of goldDcola and fruit23 . (小题3)What did he do with the bag? _.AHe didnt take it upBHe brought it homeCHe threw it awayDHe forgot it24 . (小题4)The old man did not become the happiest man when he got the bag of gold because _.Athe bag was too smallBthe gold wasnt hisChe was very hungry and thirstyDhe lost his bag25 . (小题5)In the end, the old man knew that gold was _ in the world.Athe best thingBnot the best thingCbetter than anythingDnot good at all四、句型转换三、句型变换。26 . This is an orange in English. (对划线部分提问)_ this _ English?27 . I this your jacket? (作否定回答)No, _.28 . _, _. (根据答句完成上句) E-N-G-L-I-S-H, English.五、完成句子29 . Good afternoon, Miss Zhang._,Mr. Chen.30 . _,class(同学们)Good morning ,Miss Gao.31 . _? Im OK.Thanks.六、用单词的正确形式完成句子选词填空first of all,from now on,hundreds of,be careful with,at the moment32 . This kind old man is not rich but he helps _ poor children.33 . You must study hard _ and be a good boy.34 . _,let me introduce myself to you.35 . _ that glass.Dont break it.36 . The children are playing football on the playground _.七、单词填空短文填空,每空一词。将答案写在短文下面的横线上。Last weekend, I went to my grandparents home in a small village. When I37 . the village, I saw many colorful trees along the streets. It was38 . world of yellow, red and brown. There were different39 . of fruit trees, such as apples trees, pear trees, orange trees and so 40 . . When I was a child, I usually climbed those trees and 41 . the fruit by myself. Then I just sat on the trees and ate the fruit, 42 . I didnt wash it. Thats why I can climb trees so well.In the afternoon, I saw a large field when I walked around the43 . . Farmers were busy working in the fields. Thanks to44 . , people can have rice, fruit and vegetables every day. In the evening, when I had a walk in the fields, I could breathe the45 . and clean air. Life in a village is really simple.But sometimes I had some trouble buying things or seeing films, because there was no supermarket or cinema in the village. It is not so comfortable as that in the city. 46 . , it is much quieter.八、话题作文47 . 书面表达根据以下内容提示,写一篇意思连贯、结构清晰的短文,70个词左右。假设你们学校有一个校园广播站,它刚成立不久,广播站有两名主持人和几名编辑。每天广播从早上七点开始到下午五点结束。广播节目的种类有很多,如英语、音乐、故事等。同学们都很喜爱校园广播,同时也学到了很多知识。第 9 页 共 9 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、句型转换1、五、完成句子1、六、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、七、单词填空1、八、话题作文1、

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