2019-2020学年八年级英语人教八(上)Unit 5单元检测

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2019-2020学年八年级英语人教八(上)Unit 5单元检测_第1页
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2019-2020学年八年级英语人教八(上)Unit 5单元检测姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Dont play _ fire because it is very dangerous.AforBbyCwithDfrom2 . Jim didnt _ the importance of English. As a result, he failed in the exam.AgetBreceiveCrealizeDcare3 . Can you give me some advice _ how to improve my English?No problem.AwithBinCatDon4 . Our teacher told us _ in the hallways because it was dangerous.ArunningBto runCnot runningDnot to run5 . (题文)Her name is Gina Green. Green is her_.Afirst nameBlast nameCgiven nameDfull name6 . You must stop _. My father is sleeping.AjumpBjumpingCto jumpDjumps7 . The college principal promised _ the matter.Alook intoBto look intoClooking intoDlooked into8 . The Yangtze River is one of _ in the world.Athe longest riversBthe longest riverClonger riversDlonger river9 . (题文)The meeting _ last Sunday night.AhappeningBhappenedCtook placeDtakes place10 . It _ me about ten days _ painting the walls.Acost; finishingBtook; to finishCtook; finishingDspent; to finish11 . The accident happened _the old man _ a cold morning .Ato ; toBin ; inCin ; toDto ; on12 . The traveler _ his map to make sure he was not lost.Alooked afterBlooked upClooked forDlooked down13 . Can you _ English? Yes, but only a little.AsayBtalkCspeak14 . The Greens like the quietness in the countryside. The city is too _ for them.AcomfortableBdangerousCnoisyDperfect15 . Whats that _ Chinese?AwithBtoCinDat二、完型填空Li Lei made sure he was at home every evening to _ the cartoon series, DetectiveConan(名侦探柯南)on TV. “The story is so interesting. I want to know what _ next, ” said the middle school student from Beijing.Many students _ Li Lei love cartoons. Cartoons are especially _ this year. Shanghai and Guangzhou _ cartoon shows._ of people visited and many were middle school students. Many famous cartoon characters, like Crayon Shinchan(蜡笔小新)and Doraemon(机器猫), are popular among teens.Some students watch cartoons for fun._ think they can learn from cartoon characters. Wang Hui loves the redhaired basketball player, Hanamichi Sakuragi(樱木花道)from SlamDunk(灌篮高手). “He is very confident and never gives up,” he said.Parents and teachers are _ that some cartoons are unsuitable for children. Another problem is that kids also read them in class.Zhang Xuxin, an expert _ teenage education in Beijing, said, “Cartoons may be fun, but teens should not _ too much time on them.”16 . AseeBlookCwatchDmake17 . AexpectsBdoesCtakesDhappens18 . AasBlikeCbesidesDexcept19 . AexcitingBinterestingCpopularDrelaxing20 . AheldBwill holdCholdingDhold21 . AHundredsBHundredCManyDLot22 . AOtherBThe otherCOthersDAnother23 . AworriedBinterestedCgladDsorry24 . AforBatConDin25 . AcostBpayCtakeDspend三、阅读单选Today is Nicks birthday. Every year on his birthday, Nick goes to the zoo with his uncle.Where do we start(开始)this year?Nick asks his uncle in the zoo.Lets get two ice-creams first ,his uncle says.What animals do you want to see?Nicks uncle asks him.Lets look at the monkeys,Nick says.Nick goes to a monkey cage(笼子). He gives his ice-cream to the monkey.Want some ?Nick asks. Dont play with animals, his uncle says. But Nick does not listen to him.The monkey comes to Nick. Suddenly, it grabs(抓住)Nicks clothes! Nick is very afraid.His uncle comes to help him quickly. He gives his ice-cream to the monkey. Then the monkey lets Nick go.26 . Nick and his uncle go to the _ on his birthday.A. school B. store C. zoo D. library27 . Nick _ first in the zoo.A. sees the monkeys B. has breakfastC. sees the pandas D. buys two ice-creams28 . The underlined word him refer to(指的是)_.A. Nick B. Nicks uncle C. the monkey D. Nicks friend29 . The underlined word Suddenlymeans_ in Chinese.A. 突然地 B. 简单地 C. 幸运地 D. 高兴地30 . What can we learn from the passage?A. The monkey is a bad animal.B. We should go out with our uncles.C. Dont play with animals in the zoo.D. The monkey likes Nick very much.DifferenceJohn and Bobby joined a company at the same time . They both worked very hard . After several years , Bobby became the manager , but John thought it was unfair , so he gave his resignation (辞职信)to the boss . When the boss found out the reason why John wanted to leave , he said , “I hope you will do one more thing for our company before you leave . ”John agreed . The boss asked him to find out if anyone was selling watermelons at the market . John went and soon returned . He said he had found a man selling watermelons . The boss asked him how much they were . John shook his head (摇头)and went back to the market . When he returned , he told the boss they were $ 1.2 per kg . Then the boss asked Bobby to find a watermelon seller at the market . Bobby went , returned and said , “Only one person is selling watermelons . $ 1.2 per kg , 340 melons in all , and each melon weighs about 2 kg . They are fresh . ” John realized(意识到) the difference between himself and Bobby . He decided not to leave but to learn from Bobby.31 . John and Bobby were _ .AfriendsBworkmatesCclassmatesDbrothers32 . Who became the manager after several years ?AJohnBJonnyCBobbyDNo one33 . The boss asked John to _ .Agive up his workBwork for BobbyCfind out if there were watermelons at the marketDgo to the market to find out if anyone was selling watermelons34 . Which of the following is TRUE ?ABobby thought it was unfair for John to give up his work .BBoth John and Bobby worked very hard .CBobby became the manager because the boss liked him .DJohn left the company at last .35 . Whats the difference between John and Bobby ?AJohn is foolish , but Bobby is clever .BBobby knows that market better than John .CBobby is clever knows how to work better .DJohn is lazy , he doesnt like working .四、句型转换七句型转换(每小题1分,满分10分)36 . He can help us raise the money. (改为一般疑问句)_ he_ us raise the money?37 . Jack is flying a kite at the moment. (用every spring 改写句子)Jack_ every spring.38 . My friend goes to the library every weekend. (划线部分提问)_ does your friend _ every weekend?39 . Can I help you? (改为同义句)_ can I do _ you?40 . Well go to the zoo the day after tomorrow. (改为否定祈使句)_ to the zoo the day after tomorrow.五、根据首字母、中文提示填空41 . Li Yings d_ is to be a teacher.42 . The river runs quickly, so we cant c_ it.43 . This jacket is really c_. Its only 15 yuan.44 . Mr. Brown exercises every day and hes in e_ health.45 . There are some beautiful p_ here. The artist drew them years ago.46 . The movie is really e_. I want to watch it again.47 . Your room is very d_. Go and clean it.48 . The cute little b_ is my younger brother.49 . Lily s_ up to watch the soccer game last night.50 . I need some m_. I want to buy the beautiful coat.六、用所给单词的正确形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空51 . The blue pen is _ (my).52 . Those arent my books. They are _ (her).53 . _ (be) those your dogs? Yes, they are.54 . _(be) this your blue pen?55 . The key is not _(he).七、完成句子完成句子。56 . 在印度,人们把英语作为第二语言。English is _ in India.57 . 到目前为止,来自西部地区的老师已适应了这儿的生活。So far,the teachers from the western areas _ here.58 . 把所有的包挂起来,它们就不会占用这么多的空间了。Hang all the bags and _.59 . 过去皇帝常常在颐和园避暑。The emperors _ in the Summer Palace.60 . 与当地的人们交流并不难。It is not difficult _ people.八、话题作文61 . 现在的电视节目丰富多彩,你通过电视能学到很多东西。现在某英语网站正在以 “My Favorite TV Program”为题进行征文活动。请你用英语给报社写一篇征文,谈谈你最喜欢的电视节目以及你为什么喜欢它。提示词语:Nature, the Animal World, talk show, interesting, the host提示问题: Whats your favorite TV program? Why do you like it?My Favorite TV ProgramNowadays there are more and more wonderful programs around us. 第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、四、句型转换1、五、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、六、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、七、完成句子1、八、话题作文1、


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