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人教版2019-2020学年九年级下学期期中质量监测英语试题C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . _ job he is doing now isnt very easy, because he works in the factory as _ union leader.AThe; aBA; anCThe; anDA; /2 . (2017黑龙江龙东17)The number of the old people is increasing in China. With the development of China,they_ better care of in the future.Awill takeBare takenCwill be taken3 . -What do you _ the TV show?-Its boring. I dont like it.Acome onBthink ofCtalk toDplay with4 . Is this your schoolbag?No,it isnt. I think_.Ait my schoolbagBits her schoolbagCits her schoolbagDits my schoolbag5 . I didnt know anything about it _ my father told me.Aif B. because C. after D. until6 . - Where is Lucy?- She isnt here. She hasBeijing.AgoneBgone toCbeen toDbeen7 . These photos me the old days when I was young.Alet, thinkBmake, thinkCremind, toDremind, of8 . Sit down,please. _.AYesBNoCFineDThank you9 . You look _ . What do you _ ?Aworry, worry aboutBworry; worried aboutCworried; worried aboutDworried; worry about10 . Are you going to be able to _this summer?Aget alongBget upCget awayDget into11 . Uncle Wang is_ the barbers at the moment, so you have to talk to him _ the phone.Ain; inBat; onCon; atDat; at12 . The eleph_s have got long noses and big ears.AentBantCont13 . Do you think the Rockets will beat the Lakers?Yes. They have better players, so Ithem to win.AhopeBmakeCexpectDdream14 . That is the only way we can imagine _ the waste of water in students bathroom.AstopBstoppedCstoppingDto stop15 . -Couldyoupleasetellme_?-Well,Ialwayswritee-mailtomypenpalsinEnglish.AwhatareyoupenpalsabletodoBifyouliketocommunicatewithyourpenpalsCwhatdoyouoftendowithyourpenpalsDhowyouimproveyourEnglishwriting二、补全对话7选5从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话(其中有两项是多余的)。A.Im fine,too. B: Whats your name?C: Whats your phone number?D: Whats his name?E: Fine, thank you.F: Nice to meet you,too.G: How do you do?A:Hello! My name is Frank. 16 . ?B:Hi! My name is Alice.How are you?A:17 . And you?B:18 . Nice to meet you.A:19 . My phone number is 3791654. 20 . B:Its 835-4421.三、完型填空Teenage boy couldnt stand his parents family rules, so he left home. He wanted to be famous, but he had _education and several years later, he had to ask for food on the street for a living. Now his mother has died. Though his father was _, he was looking for his son. He has been to every _ of the city. Everywhere he went, he put a big photo of himself _the wall. On the lower part of the photo he wrote, “I _ love you, my dearest son. please come back home !”One day, the son saw one of the photos. The face was familiar(熟悉的)to him. “Is that my father?” He moved closer and _the words: “I still love you.” _ ran down his face. He made up his mind to go back to see his parents.It was early morning. When he got home. He knocked at the door. Nobody _while the door began to open itself. He rushed to his fathers bedroom. His father was sleeping. He woke his father up, “Its me! Your son is back home!” The father and the son _each other, full of happy tears. The son asked, “Why is the door_? A thief could get in.” The father answered softly, “The door has never been locked since you left.” The door of parents love for their children will never be closed.21 . AgoodBhighCpoorDmean22 . AsickBangryCworriedDold23 . AparkBbuildingCcompanyDcorner24 . AonBupCinDout25 . AstillBalreadyCevenDjust26 . ArecognizeBreadCknowDlearn27 . ATearsBLaughersCSweepDSadness28 . AansweredBtalkedCaskedDsaid29 . AcaughtBcriedCbeatDheld30 . AopenBbrokenCunlockedDclosed四、阅读单选Do you enjoy reading? Here readers of your age from all over the United States recommend (推荐) great books for you to read: My favorite book is Dont Die, My Love by Lurlene McDaniel. I love all her books, but this was the first one I read and I have to say, it is by far my favorite. It doesnt end like other books, and I cried while reading. I think Nancy Drew is great! Nancy is a detective (侦探) who has many fantastic ideas! I love it because its a book from when my grandma was my age, and I can share the fun with her! I highly recommend Skinny Bones by Barbara Park. It is funny so please add it on your book list. You dont want to miss out funny stories! I would suggest Growing Trouble by Judy Blume. It is about a girl, Alice, who meets some girls at a new state. They become friends and have learned what a real friendship is. I think every girl should read this because it is about our growing up. I read a book called Neela: Victory Song and it is so good that I have read it twice! It takes place in India in 1936 and this 12-year-old girl named Neela tries to save her father! It has lots of history and different cultures! The writers name is Chitra Divakaruni.31 . According to the passage, the reader likes Dont Die, My Love best because _.Aits the first book the reader wroteBthe end is different from other booksCthe reader can share the fun with her grandmaDthe reader really likes funny stories in the book32 . If you are a girl who wants to know about growing up, you can read _.ANancy DrewBNeela: Victory SongCGrowing troubleDSkinny Bones33 . The story in Neela: Victory Song happened in _.AIndiaBthe USCChinaDCanada34 . From the passage, we can know that _.AThe writer of Growing Trouble is Chitra DivakaruniBNancy Drew is popular with people who like historyCThe reader can t stop crying while reading the book NeelaDThe reader may like those funny stories in Skinny Bones五、用单词的正确形式完成短文A. waving B. wait for C. in search of D. crawling E. clearerCaptain Joseph Mackeys airplane was flying over the ocean on its way to Great Britain when engine trouble started. He turned back and made a crash-landing at night in the deep snow of Newfoundland. All the men in the plane were killed except Captain Mackey who was badly hurt.Captain Mackey waited all the next morning for an airplane to come 35 . him. In the afternoon he set out to find help. He went about a mile but found that he was too weak to go on through the snow. Half walking and half 36 . he made his way back to the plane.The second day many planes passed above him, but none of the pilots saw him. In his plane was a flask(长颈瓶)of aluminum(铝)powder. He poured this on a huge stone to make the stone shine, but the wind blew it off.The third day Captain Mackey heard a plane coming nearer, flying very low. It flew right over him and passed on. Then he gave up hope of being found. In a few minutes the plane returned, and the pilot dipped(稍微降低)one wing to get a 37 . view. He had seen the aluminum powder blown by the wind on the snow.The pilot cane for a better look, and then he saw Captain Mackey 38 . his arms. Jim Allison, the pilot, was an old friend. Allison quickly climbed higher and sent a radio message. In a short time a plane cane and dropped a sleeping bag, food, medicine and tools for Captain Mackey. Later two men arrived with a sled to rescue him.六、话题作文39 . 书面表达提示:转眼间三年的初中生活即将结束,在这三年的学习与生活中一定有些让你难忘的人或事物。请以“ An Unforgettable ”为题,写一篇英语作文,记叙你难忘的人或事物以及你的感受。要求:1. 请先将题目补充完整后再作答;2. 语言流畅、书写规范、卷面整洁,词数不少于60个;3. 文中不得使用真实姓名、校名,否则以零分计;4. 将短文写在答题卡上。写在本试题卷上无效。第 10 页 共 10 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、补全对话7选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、五、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、六、话题作文1、

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