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人教版2019-2020学年七年级上学期期中考试英语试卷(带解析)C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Suddenly a large _of people came to save the children in the fire.AmemberBarmCarmyDlot2 . He cant sing _ dance, _ he can draw.Abut; andBand; butCor; butDor; and3 . _ your school very nice? Yes, it _ like a beautiful garden.AAre; lookBAre; looksCIs; lookDIs; looks4 . There are ninebooks in the library.AhundredsBhundredChundred ofDhundreds of5 . Kates brother works as a _ in a restaurant.AplayerBdoctorCcookDsinger6 . Tom enjoys sports _.AeitherBalsoCas wellDas long7 . _ your teacher _ happy today?AIs; feelingBDoes; feelCIs; feelDDoes; feeling8 . -Whats your favorite_ ?- Physics. Its interesting and usefulAjobBvegetableCfruitDsubject9 . -Where is your brother, Helen? -Hes trying to a new shower in the bathroom.Aput outBput inCput upDput down10 . I have _ things to do today.Atoo manyBtoo muchCmuch tooDvery much11 . -Mary failed the exam yesterday.- Give her a phone call. We should _.Acheer up herBcheer upCcheer her upDcheered up12 . He _ his sick mother and his job also _ him.Aworries; worries Bworries about; worriesCworries; worries aboutDworries about; worries about13 . The Spring Festival is coming, we all look forward _ a lot of HongbaoAto receiveBto receivingCof receiveDof receiving14 . Have a good morning at school! _AThank you.BGood morning!CI dont know.DI see.15 . (题文)_name is Jim _is my brother.AHis; HeBHer;HeCHe;HisDHis; Him二、补全短文7选5Which lunar(农历的)new year began in February this year? Of course, the answer is the Year of the Pig. But how much do you know about pigs? Most people think pigs are fat, lazy and dirty 16 . 17 . It is true that pigs are fat. They eat a lot. But they are helpful to us in many ways. We get more than just pork from pigs. We can use their skin(皮)to make shoes. We can use their hair to make brushes. Pigs also provide us with ingredients(成分)for drugs like insulin(胰岛素).Pigs are smart animals. People sometimes say, “You are as stupid as a pig. But pigs are not stupid.18 . They have a good memory and can tell different shapes apart. Many experts think pigs are easier to train than dogs or cats. In France, people teach pigs to find truffles(松露). In the UK, the Peppa Pig is popular, and everyone likes her in real life.Why are pigs dirty? When you see pigs , they are usually in dirty water or mud.Thats because pigs have no sweat glands(汗腺). On hot days, they have to cool themselves in water or mud. This keeps insects off of them as well.19 . Are pigs lazy? This may not be true for all the pigs. 20 . In Houston, US, there are pig races every year. Pigs have to run fast to win the races.AAre they lovely?BAre these things true?CPigs can be useful to us.DMost pigs are heavy sleepers.ESome pigs can be good runners.FPigs are one of the 10 smartest animals.GMud can also protect their skin from sunburns.三、完型填空Food is very important. Everyone needs to 1well if he or she wants to have a strong body. Our minds also need a kind of food. This kind of food is 2. We begin to get knowledge(知识) even when we are very young. Small children are 3in everything around them. They learn 4while they are watching and listening. When they are getting older, they begin to 5story books, science books., anything they like. When they find something new, they love to ask questions and 6to find out the answer. What is the best 7to get knowledge? If we learn 8ourselves, we will get the most knowledge. If we are 9getting answers from others and do not ask why, we never learn well. When we study in the right way, we will learn more and understand 10.21 . AsleepBread Cdrink Deat22 . AsportsBexercise Cknowledge Dmeat23 . AinterestedBinterestingCweak Dbetter24 . Aeverything BsomeoneCnothing Danything25 . AlendBread Clearn Dwrite26 . AtryBhaveCthink Dwait27 . Aplace BschoolCway Droad28 . AonBwith Cto Dby29 . Aoften Balways Cusually Dsometimes30 . Aharder Bmuch Cbetter Dwell四、阅读单选Masons Clothing ShopClothesColorPriceSocksWhite, Blue4TrousersBlack10SweatersRed, White8T-shirtsRed, Green, Black7HatsBlack, Red6 You can have a 20% discount(打折)if one of your parents is a teacher.31 . Which item costs the least(最少的) money?AHats.BT-shirts.CTrousers.DSocks.32 . How much are two sweaters and a hat?A14B20C21D2233 . You can buy at Masons Clothing Shop.Ablack trousersBa blue sweaterCa green hatDred socks34 . You like red and you have only6. What can you take?AA sweaterBA hatCA T-shirtDA pair of socks35 . Jims father is a teacher. Hed like to buy a pair of socks, a pair of trousers and a hat. How much will he pay?A$20.B$18.C$16.D$14.Running is becoming popular these days. Many of us run for our health. Doctors say many of the health problems come from these bad habits: eating too much, drinking too much, smoking too much and not having enough exercise. Doctors tell us, “Eat less, dont smoke, and exercise more.”Running is a good exercise because it helps build a strong heart. It also helps most people lose weight. One 68-year-old woman runs three times a week. She runs to lose weight. “I love to eat,” she says.Running is good for our health in other ways, too. Many runners makes colds and other small health problems go away. “Running is my doctor,” says one man.Running can also help people to relax. So today men and women of all ages enjoy running.从A. B.C.D四个选项中选择能填入空白处的正确答案,并将其代号在答题卡上涂黑。(共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)36 . Many people enjoy running because they want to_.Aeat muchBkeep healthyCrun fastDwaster time37 . Doctors tell us _.Anot to smokeBnot to exerciseCto drink muchDto eat much38 . The underlined word means “_” in Chinese.A疾病B体重C速度D健康39 . The third paragraph shows that _.Arunning helps people to relaxBpeople who like running have many health problemsCrunning helps build a strong heartDpeople who like running have fewer health problems40 . The writer mainly tells us_.Ahow to runBrunning is a good way to keep healthyChow to lose weightDrunning is better than doctors五、多任务混合问题My name is Maria. Im 13. I live in New York City. I often go to school by bike. Riding a bike is good exercise for me. I like watching NBA matches on TV very much. I watch them every week. Its real fun for me. I like pop music a lot, too. My favorite singing star is Michael Jackson. At school, music is my favorite subject. I have a good voice and I play the violin well. I have a dream of being a singer like Madonna.Im Linda. Im 12. I live in Los Angeles. I like playing football and basketball. I play football or basketball every day with my friends after school. I like animals and I also like animal stamps. I have panda stamps from my pen pal. They are very good. On weekends I often go to the mountains to paint pictures. I have painted some very nice pictures. Painting is my life, so Im going to be a painter when I grow up.Im Sophia. My home is in Washington D. C. I like reading and watching programs about travel and history. I often stay at home reading on weekends. At school, I like French very much and Im good at it. Id like to be a guide. I can go around the world and meet a lot of people. That would be great fun. 241 . Maria goes to school.A、on foot B、by bike C、by bus42 . Linda wants to bewhen she grows up.A、a singer B、a guide C、a painter43 . likes animal stamps very much.A、Maria B、Sophia C、Linda44 . Sophia is good atat school.A、French B、historyC、music45 . Which is Not True according to the passage?A、Maria lives in New York City.B、Sophia often reads at home. C、Linda can play the violin well.六、汉译英:单词/短语翻译46 . 你的个性使得你与众不同。47 . 我在英语发音方面有很大的困难。48 . 虽然他50多岁了,但还是精力充沛。49 . 直到李老师的出现,我的学业才有了大的进步。50 . 我无法想象没有兴趣爱好的生活是怎样的。七、材料作文51 . 假设你叫陈瑞,你有一只宠物狗,请根据表格提示内容,写一篇60词左右的短文,介绍你的宠物狗。Name:BeibeiAge(年龄) :2What it is like:smart,cuteFavorite food:chicken hamburgersLike:watching TVWhat it can do:walk on two legs,dance第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、补全短文7选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、五、多任务混合问题1、六、汉译英:单词/短语1、七、材料作文1、

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