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部编版六年级下册小升初模拟测试英语试卷(七)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . _ he help blind people? ( )ADoBDoesCCan2 . There _ a great science museum in our city. ( )AareBisChave3 . Passengers put their money in a fare-box. ( )AeitherBtooCinsteadDyet单词释义。4 . 感到 ( )AwellBfeelCfunny5 . 呼吸 ( )AslowBhelmetCbreath6 . 害怕 ( )AafraidBworriedCshare7 . 打字 ( )AuseBtypeCwear8 . 主意 ( )AideaBattentionChurt9 . -Dont push in the crowd. ( )-No, I wont.AB10 . -Would you like _? ( ) -No, thanks.Adrink somethingBto drink anythingCsomething drinkDsomething to drink11 . _beautiful ! ( )AHowBWhatCWhats12 . Amy ate a sandwich_school. ( )AatBinCon13 . There is apple and pens on the table. ( )AAn, anyBan, someCa, some选出每组单词中画线部分发音不同的一项。14 . AclockBcryCclass15 . AgrassBglassCgrape16 . AthoseBthatCthird17 . AwhoBwhereCwhich18 . AteachBchickenCschool19 . Can I have a try? _.A Sure B Yes,I can. C No,I cant. 来源:学,科,网20 . We are _.( )Aa friendBfriendCfriends21 . 选出所给单词中不同类的一项:( )AnothingByoursCmine二、完形填空Read, think and choose .A wolf (狼) is in a pit (坑). He is very hot and hungry. He yells (喊), “Help!” An elephant _ him and says, “ Lets help the wolf! ” The hare(野兔)says , “ He is _ to eat you. ” A sheep comes and asks , “ Whats the_ ? ” The elephant and the hare tell him about it. And the sheep makes a rope ( 绳) , they help the wolf come _ . The wolf says, “Thank you, friends ,Im hungry now . I will_ you !” The wolf laughs and laughs. He laughs so much that he drops into the pit again! This time, they will not help him again!22 . AseesBseeCsaw23 . AgoesBgoingCgo24 . AwrongBthingCmatter25 . AinBoutCdown26 . AeatBkillCdrink三、填空题27 . 根据图片或汉语提示完成句子。1. Look at this picture. Its _. 2. These _ are great!3. _(告诉我更多) about your father.4. Sam is in _ now.5. _(看) this tree. Its very tall.四、排序题28 . 排序_Guess._When is your birthday?_Neither. Its in summer._Is it in spring or autumn?_My birthday is in summer, too.29 . 下面请将对话按正确顺序重新排列,将序号写在括号内。( ) Youre welcome.( )OK. Here you are.( )Have some juice!( )Thank you.( )No, thanks. I like Coke.五、任务型阅读阅读短文,判断下列句子是“T”否“F”与短文内容相符。Today I want to go to the supermarket with my parents. We take the No. 102 bus first. About thirty minutes later, we get off at the bank. My father takes some money here. Then we go to the supermarket. The supermarket is next to the bank. We buy a lot of things. I buy some ice cream. My mother buys a nice hat. My father buys a pair of socks. Then we go to a restaurant to have dinner. How happy we are!30 . My parents and I go to the zoo this afternoon.(_)31 . We get off at the restaurant.(_)32 . The supermarket is near the bank.(_)33 . My father buys a pair of shoes.(_)34 . We have dinner in the restaurant.(_)阅读短文,完成下列任务。Im Elsa. There are four people in my family. They are my father, my mother, my sister and me. My father likes April, because he likes Easter party. My mother likes May. Because we celebrate Mothers Day for her. She is very happy. My sister likes December best. She likes snow. In December, it snows a lot. She can make a snowman. I like June. Because my birthday is in June. Which month do you like best?35 . 读短文,完成表格。WhoFavorite monthFather1. _Mother2. _Sister3. _Elsa4. _36 . 读一读,判断对(T)错(F)。1. Father likes April. (_)2. Mother likes winter best. (_)3. Sister likes making a snowman. (_)4. Elsa s birthday is in May. (_)5. There are four people in Elsas family. (_)六、选内容补全对话37 . 根据对话内容将正确的答案的序号填在横线上AIfeelsick.Bdrinkalotofwater.CGoodmorning.DBye-bye.EIhaveaheadache.A:1._youngman.B: Goodmorning,doctor.A:Howdoyoufeel?B: 2._A:Whatsthematter?B: 3._A: Oh.youmighthaveacold.Please4._B:Thankyoudoctor.Bye.A: 5._七、匹配题38 . 从右栏中选出与左栏单词相匹配的英文释义,将序号填入题前括号内A B(_)1.collectAto go somewhere on foot(_)2.cousinBthe first month of the tear(_)3.walkCthe child of ones uncle or aunt(_)4.JanuaryDto gather together(_)5.summerEthe season between spring and autumn39 . 选词填空apple orange pears1. This is my_.2. This is my_.3. These are my_.八、书面表达40 . 同学们,你们长大后的理想职业是什么?请以“My dream job”为题写一篇英语作文。要求:语句通顺,用词正确,表达明确,无语法错误。不少于5句话。My dream job第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、二、完形填空1、三、填空题1、四、排序题1、2、五、任务型阅读1、2、六、选内容补全对话1、七、匹配题1、2、八、书面表达1、


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