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人教版2019-2020学年八年级上学期9月月考英语试题(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Its good _ our health _ vegetables.Afor; to eatBto; eatCof; to eat2 . Although the climate in our city is good,yet the temperature_fall to 14 centigrade below freezing point in winter.AshouldBshallCcanDmay3 . Id like to see you off at the airport. Could you tell me _ ?Awhen your plane took offBwhen did your plane take offCwhen your plane takes offDwhen does your plane take off4 . -I hear two high speed railways will be built in Xiangyang _ a few years.-That sounds great. Itll be more convenient and faster for us to go out.AafterBonCinDat5 . All the people went home _ MrWang,for he had to finish his workAwithBbesidesCexceptDWell done6 . My mother for me at the table when I got home yesterday evening,Ais waitingBwill waitCwas waitingDwaited7 . Would you like some more bread? _ Im full.AYes, please.BYes, Id like.CI dont like it.DNo, thanks.8 . What will you do _ the summer holiday? I think I shall watch London Olympic Games. It will _ in August.Aduring; be heldBat; holdCduring; holdDat; be hold9 . _ amazing the movie The Wondering Earth is!AWhatBHowCWhat anDHow an10 . We didnt enjoy the day _ the weather was so bad.AifBorCbutDbecause11 . Which of the following word is pronounced/?AshallBsheCshareDshow12 . In Peking university library,there_a number of books on science,and in these years the number of them_growing larger and larger.Aare,isBis,areChave,areDhas,is13 . How I wish I could sleep late!However,I had to get up as soon as the alarm clock _.Atook offBwent offCwent awayDtook away14 . 一Whats that on _ table? 一 Its orange.Athe;aBa;anCthe;anDa;the15 . We didnt know anything about the fox _ the teacher told us.AafterBuntilCifDbecause16 . Would you like some rice? . Im full.ANo, thanksBYes, pleaseCI dont like itDYes , I would17 . Did you have a good time in Thailand last week?.It was too hot.ANot reallyBYeah, why notCOh, great18 . Beethoven is much _at writing music than other musicians of his time. Thats why his music becomes widely popular:AbetterBbestCgoodDworse19 . They are as _ as usual.AhappilyBbusilyCfriendlyDcarefully20 . It is said that Han Hans new book _.Thats good! Be sure to buy one.Acame outBhas come outCcame up withDis come over二、完型填空Take a piece of hair from your head. Ouch! It may be long, _ its not wide. Three scientists spent over 30 years _ a kind of machine. This kind of machine is about a thousand times _ than the width of one piece of your hair. These machines are _ small that they can only be seen under a microscope(显微镜)!They _ nanomachines(纳米机器).Because of their hard work, the three scientists _ the 2016 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. They are all European. Sir J. Fraser Stoddart, one of the scientists, told reporters that he thanked _ other scientists from 24 different countries for helping make this prize _. He said he once brought a chocolate Nobel Prize to his daughter from _ trip to Stockholm. He expected _ a real one someday.What are nanomachines good for? Scientists believe that _ the future, nanomachines _ help deliver(传送) medicines inside a persons body, or take away things that are making us sick. Mr Feringa compared _ work to that of the Wright Brothers. When the Wright Brothers flew their airplane for the first time, some people questioned what airplanes _ good for. Now airplanes help us _ fast and we use them all the time.21 . AandBsoCbutDor22 . AinventingBinventCto inventingDinvented23 . Athe smallestBsmallerCsmallDsmallest24 . AveryBsoCsuchDquite25 . Aare callingBis calledCcalledDare called26 . Awill winBwonCwinsDhas won27 . Ahundreds ofBhundred ofChundredDhundreds28 . ApossibilityBpossiblyCpossibleDimpossible29 . AaBanCtheD/30 . AhaveBto haveChavingDto having31 . AinBforCatDon32 . AshouldBcanCmustDneed33 . AtheirBthemCtheyDtheirs34 . AisBwereCwasDare35 . AtravelsBtravellingCtravelledDtravel三、阅读单选It was the best plan ever. First, we would make sure she was out of the house. Then we would get all the work done. By the time she got back, it would be wonderful. So we got to work. How to get her out of the house? Well, we came up with a good idea. We told her that we needed some school things. She went out to get them.The first part of the plan was done. Next, we called aunts, uncles and Mums friends to come to our house quickly and made sure there were no signs that they were there. We put all their shoes away. Then we cleaned the house and hung(悬挂)the balloons. The house really looked nice. Then we waited.When we heard her car driving up the porch( 门廊 ), we became quiet. The moment the door opened, we shouted, “Surprise!” The look on her face was worth ten thousand dollars. Smiling and crying at the same time, she hugged all who were there. Lastly, she came to us. She said, “My best present of all is my two lovely daughters.” And she hugged us happily.36 . The “we” in the first paragraph refers to(指的是).ATwo friendsBa brother and a sisterCtwo sistersDtwo brothers37 . How did the mother go to buy school things?ABy bike.BBy car.COn foot.DBy bus38 . We can learn Mum wasfrom the underlined sentence.AafraidBsadCshyDexcited39 . Whats the main purpose of the passage? ATo ask us to love our parents.BTo tell us a surprise party for Mum.CTo ask us to do something interestingDTo tell us how much they love Mum.四、句型转换按要求改写下列句子,一空一词。40 . Is tea grown in South China?(改为主动语态)_ people _ tea in South China?41 . I am given a birthday present by my parents every year. (同义句转换)A birthday present _ by my parents every year.42 . The work is going to be finished in two days. (对划线提问)How _ the work going to be finished?43 . The children will sing an English song. (改为被动语态)An English song _ by the children.44 . You needn t do it now. (改为被动语态)It _ by you now.45 . People use metal for making machines. (改为被动语态)Metal _making machines.46 . He made me do that for him. (改为被动语态)I _that for him.47 . They are watching the football match.The football match _ by them.48 . Did they build a bridge here a year ago? (改为被动语态)_ a bridge _ here by them a year ago?49 . They have sold out the light green dresses. (改为被动语态)The light green dresses _ out.50 . We call the game Lianliankan. (改为被动语态)The game _Lianliankan by us.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms.51 . We can find a lot of names and _ of penfriends in that magazine. (address)52 . Jack and Mary had an _ about who invented microwave oven. (argue)53 . John usually goes to see his grandparents _ a month. (two)54 . In order not to wake the sleeping baby, Mary left the room _. (quiet)55 . Mary is a very clever girl and she can do the _ very fast. (calculate)56 . Toms mother bought an _ calculator for Tom as his birthday present. (electricity)57 . This kind of car has a very _ engine. (power)六、用单词的正确形式完成短文Complete the following passages with the words or phrases in the box. Each can only be used once.(将下列单词或词组的代号填入空格内。每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次): A.break into B.stranger C.personal D.friend E.easyThe modern world is very convenient. Its 58 . to buy or rent things. We can do a lot of our shopping and banking on the Internet. However, we also face a growing problem: identity theft. We often give our 59 . information to stores. That includes our birth date, personal ID number, and home address. When we apply for a store membership, we give out information to a60 . .When buying something online, we do the same thing. Thieves work hard to get that information. They steal receipts and 61 . computers. They also try to steal our passwords. They can use that information to become “another person”. Thats identity theft.AspendBgiving awayCpreventDpayEnecessaryOne common crime is to apply for a credit card using someone elses name. The thief buys expensive things but doesnt 62 . the bill. That can hurt a victims credit. With bad credit, its hard to get bank or car loans. How can you63 . identity theft? First, be careful about 64 . personal information. Only give someone your birth date and personal ID number when 65 . .Second, tear up old credit card receipts and bank statements if you dont want them. Finally, some experts recommend paying in cash as much as possible.七、单词填空请用适当的词完成这篇短文,每个空只能填写一个形式正确、意义相符的单词。The word “cartoon” came from Italian.It first referred to the picture before an actual drawing 66 . the wall.In the middle 19th century, it came into English.Since the 1840s, it has also come to mean any drawing 67 . is humorous, satirical (讽刺的) or showing an opinion.It usually appears in a newspaper and magazine, with or without a short test.Today cartoons are a part of the daily lives of most people.People of all ages, especially young children enjoy all kinds of 68 . in newspapers and magazines, or television and at the movies.Cartoons not only show their life, 69 . help form it.70 . have set the style for clothing, food, manner and many 71 . things.They have supplied ideas to plays, movies and television series and 72 . on.Names or words form cartoon series have also 73 . into modern languages.Many cartoonists (漫画家) draw with special pens.All cartoonists use pencils to 74 . cartoons nowadays.Surely, computers are especially effective for the making of animated cartoons.This helps us to enjoy 75 . lively cartoons.八、回答问题Sydney is a young city. Its history goes back just over 200 years. But in Australia, it is the oldest city. It is also the countrys largest city. Sydney is the capital of New South Wales and the most populous(人口稠密的)city of Australia.The climate(气候)of Sydney is very good. Its not too cold during the winter and not too hot during the summer. The sky is blue, the air is fresh, birds sing in the garden. People who live in Sydney seem to have an easy life style. They will tell you, ”Dont worry .”Many people think that Sydney is one of the most attractive cities in the world. It has many tall and modern buildings. Among them, Centrepoint Tower is the tallest. Standing on the 305metre tower, you will have a great view of the city.Sydney is famous for its deep harbor (港口) .The harbor has many bays (湾) and beautiful surf beaches. Among them, Bondi beach is the most popular. Sydney Harbor is not only beautiful, it also serves as a large port. Ships carry wool, wheat and meat from Sydney to other countries.People living in Sydney like to call themselves Sydneysiders. They are mostly friendly and easygoing. When they are not working, they love to have a good time at the beach, swimming and sailing.76 . How old is Sydney ?_ .77 . How is the climate of Sydney ?_ .78 . How tall is Centrepoint Tower ?_ .79 . What is Sydney famous for ? _ .80 . What do people living in Sydney love to do when they are not working ?_ .九、话题作文81 . Writing. (作文):Write at least 60words about the topic My views on mobile phones,(以 手机之我见为题写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格)提示:随着时代的发展,手机的普及率越来越高,然而,也有越来越多的人反对中学生携带手机进入校园,请你结合自己的生活和学习,谈谈你的看法Use the following points as a reference(以下问题仅供参考)1Is it a good idea to own a mobile phone for a middle school student?2Why do you think so?(give at least three reasons)(注意:短文中不得出现任何人名、校名及其它相关信息,否则不予评分)_第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、句型转换1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、七、单词填空1、八、回答问题1、九、话题作文1、

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