新课程版六年级英语下册Unit 2 Good habits专题练习: 单项选择1

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新课程版六年级英语下册Unit 2 Good habits专题练习: 单项选择1_第1页
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新课程版六年级英语下册Unit 2 Good habits专题练习: 单项选择1_第3页
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新课程版六年级下册Unit 2 Good habits专题练习: 单项选择1姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . 选出单词中不同类的一项:( )AwellBhisChers2 . Kate _a big doll. ( )AhaveBhas3 . ( )- Can you sing the song in English?- No, I _.Amay notBmustntCneedntDcant4 . _there _chairs in the room?( )AIs, anyBAre, anyCAre, some5 . 你能找出不同类的一项吗?(10分)( )(1)A.tallBfunnier Cthin( )(2)A.kg BmCcm( )(3)A.footBsharkCseal( )(4)A.stronger BlongerCbig( )(5)A.fatherBsmaller Cthinner( )(6)A.pen BmanCpencil( )(7)A.banana BappleCtomato( )(8)A.tallBwhatCwhere( )(9)A.tiger Blonger Clion( )(10)A.AmyBmy Cyour6 . There _ some apple juice in the bottle.AareBis ChasDHave7 . Jim likes sweet food, but he eats only a little _. ( )Aall the timeBat timeCat a timeDall the same8 . As soon as he _, he _ to his family. ( )Aarrived; writesBarrived; wroteCarrived; writtenDarrives; write9 . What _ the twins _ now? ( )They are _ TV.Aare; doing; watchingBis; doing; watchCare; do; watching10 . ( )The students couldnt help _ when they heard the joke.Ato laughBlaugh Claughing11 . _ do you want to _ tomorrow? ( )I want to learn English.AWhat; goBWhere; goCWhat; do12 . We are good children. We should go to school _. ( )AearlyBlateCgoodDslowly13 . She cant _ in the lake.AswimmingBswimingCswim14 . -How do you feel?( )-_AI have a headacheBI have a feverCI feel happy15 . The actors _ lots of jokes last Sunday. ( )AtoldBtellCtells16 . There _a pencil and two pens in my pencils -case. ( )AisBbeCareDam17 . The basketball _ the bed isnt mine.AunderBis underCis onDis18 . How do you go to Beijing? ( ) I _.Aby trainBtake trainCtake the train19 . This is my new house. Let me _you _ it. ( )Ashow; aroundBshow; toCshow; for20 . I like in the park. ( )AsingsBsangCsinging21 . That girl runs _. ( )AslowlyBbadCgood22 . Her mother watches TV _. ( )AnowBnext SundayCevery evening23 . There are _ days in a week.The _ day is Saturday .Aseven ; sevenBseventh;seventhCseven; seventhDseven; sixth24 . Whose coat is it?_. AIts my fatherBTheyre my fatherCIts my fathersDTheyre my father25 . My throat _ sore, my nose _.Ais, hurtBare, hurtsCis hurts26 . ( ) I know “cm” is_.AcentimetreBkilometreCmetreDkilo27 . ( ) She cant _ in the lake.AswimmingBswimingCswim28 . ( ) Can I have _ water?AtheseBsomeCone29 . -Hello! Are you Zhang Hong? ( )-_.AYes, I am.BNo, I am.CYes, Im not.30 . I am 150cm ,Tom is 152cm .So Tom is _ than me .AtallerByoungerCshorterDlower31 . Every morning Bens grandfather _ for a walk around the lake.AgoBgoesCwentDis going32 . -Who _on the street?( )- Liu Tao.AridesBridingCride33 . Thats _ birthday, too! ( )AJacksBJacksCJack34 . 找出所给单词同类的词:down( )AupBhouseCroom35 . 找出不同类的一项:( )AtallBsmallCvery36 . How soon will you finish reading the book? In _.( )Aone or two weeksBone week or twoCa week and twoDa or two weeks37 . Does she do sports?( )AtomorrowBevery dayCyesterday38 . ( ) _ will you doIll play football.AWhat BWhenCWhere39 . ( )Lingling is in _.AClass Four,Grade OneBGrade One,Class FourCClass four,grade one40 . 当你想知道橡皮擦放在哪儿时,问:AWhere is the eraser?BWhere is the pen?CWhere is it from?41 . This is my uncle. _ very clever. ( )AHesBShesCHe42 . I _ like onions. ( )Aam notBdontCisnt43 . What can we do? ( ) _AWe like cleaning the room.BWe cleaned the room.CWe can clean the room.44 . My sister always puts her things _order. ( )AinBonCfrom45 . You _ have a headache if you watch too much television. ( )AneedBmayCmustDshould46 . Lets play a game _.( )Ain the cinemaBat the supermarketCin the park47 . It _ like lots of fun. ( )AsoundsBsound C/48 . Twenty years ago, Mr Brown friends at school. ( )AmakeBmadeCmakesDmaking49 . Sarah often _ her homework after school, but she _ her homework after dinner yesterday. ( )Adid; didBdoes; didCdo; did第 10 页 共 10 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、21、22、23、24、25、26、27、28、29、30、31、32、33、34、35、36、37、38、39、40、41、42、43、44、45、46、47、48、49、


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