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2020年(春秋版)人教精通版六年级下册期末测试英语试卷B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . I _ a new storybook. ( )AhasBareChave2 . The children are crying _.( )AquietBloudlyChappy3 . Is it _ eraser? ( )_, it is.Aan; YesBa; NoCan; No4 . I prefer_ at home to _outside.Astaying, playingBto stay, playCstaying, playDto stay, playing5 . 从每组A,B,C,D四个单词中,选出一个不同类的词,并将其序号填在题前的括号内。(_) 1. A. mangoB. pineappleC. potatoD. grape(_) 2. A. footB. shipC. trainD. plane(_) 3. A. JanuaryB. WednesdayC. MarchD. July(_) 4. A. lookB. smellC. sweetD. feel(_) 5. A. firstB. fifthC. eighthD. nine6 . 选出不同类的单词。(_)1. A.eyeB.dogC.rabbit(_)2. A.toyB.whiteC.red(_)3. A.monsterB.carC.bike(_)4. A.earB.mouthC.hear(_)5. A.trainB.worryC.ship7 . - Helen is busy. ( )- Yes. Shes going to buy some things _ his party.AatBwithCforDfrom8 . The boys are from Tokyo. They are _.( )AChinaBEnglishCJapaneseDChinese9 . Will you go to the park? ( )AYes, I wont.BNo, I will.CYes, we will.10 . ( )当你让别人吃一些鸡蛋,可以说:AHave some eggs.BCan I have some eggs?二、阅读选择11 . 阅读短文,完成各题。Its Friday afternoon. All the people at Bluesky Company(公司) are thinking about their plans for the weekend. Mike is going to work in his garden. Dale is going fishing in the countryside. Charlie and Tom want to play tennis. Jack is going hiking in the mountains. Kelly and her family are going for a picnic. And Ed wants to play football with his friends in the park. Unluckily(不幸地), they are going to be disappointed. The weather forecast says “Its going to rain heavily all weekend.”【小题1】They are thinking about _. ( )Ahow to work wellBtheir plans for the weekendCthe work plan【小题2】They are working at _.( )AWhitehouse CompanyBGreenhouse CompanyCBluesky Company【小题3】How many persons are there in the passage? ( )AFive.BSix.CSeven.【小题4】Charlie and Tom are _.( )Agoing fishingBplaying tennisCgoing swimming【小题5】What does “weather forecast” mean? ( )A天气预报B新闻联播C焦点访谈阅读对话,选择正确的答案。Yang Ling: Look!I have a new toy car.Su Hai : How nice! How many toy cars do you have?Yang Ling: Eight, What do you have?Su Hai: I have some mangoes.Yang Ling: Do you like mangoes?Su Hai: Yes, I do. Do you have any mangoes?Yang Ling: No, I dont.Su Hai: Lets eat the mangoes.Yang Ling: Great!12 . Yang Ling has a new _. ( )AdollBtoy carCschoolbag13 . How many toy cars does Yang Ling have? ( )ASixBSevenCEight14 . Su Hai likes _ ? ( )AmangoesBapplesCgrapes三、完形填空Choose the best words or expressions and complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文)My wife and I spend_weeks in London last year. We went there in autumn. We think it is the_season to visit England. The weather is usually good and there are not too_tourists in October.We stayed_a small hotel in the West End. We did most of our sightseeing on foot. We went to look at the places which all tourists see. We went shopping and_much money. A lot of people say English food is bad. We didnt think so. Its true that most of the restaurants are French or Chinese, but we had some very good_?15 . Aa littleBA fewCa little ofDa few of16 . AgoodBbetterCbestDworst17 . AmuchBfewCmanyDlittle18 . AonBfromCoffDin19 . AcostBtookCspendDspent20 . AmealsBmealCsuppersDdinners四、填空题21 . 选词填空AareBlotCexerciseDearlyEgot(1)These _ my story books.(2)You are always tired , you should _ every day.(3)You should go to bed _ .(4)We should eat a _ of vegetables.(5)Ive _ a stomachache.五、汉译英根据中文意思,完成句子。22 . 他上学要迟到了。He will _school.23 . 我每天步行去学校。I _school every day.24 . 咱们拿我的跳绳吧。_my skipping rope.25 . 你经常在早上做运动吗?Do you often _in the morning?26 . 我们昨天在操场上玩。We _in the playground yesterday.六、填内容补全对话缺词填空。Nancy and Lucy are in the s27 . class. They are friends. Nancy wants to invite Lucy to d28 . on Sunday. But Lucy doesnt know the way. Now Nancy is telling her.Its easy. You can 29 . No.4 bus. After you get off at Red Road, c30 . it and take the first turning on the l31 . . Walk along the r32 . for about five minutes, and then you will see a b33 . tree. Go straight on and walk about 100 metres, youll see a big red h34 . . This is not my home. Go past the big house about four hundred metres(米), and you will see a small yellow house b35 . a small tree. Then you can open the door with your f36 . .“With my foot?” asks Lucy. “Why?”“Well, you wont come to my house empty-handed(空手地), will you?” answers Nancy.七、匹配题将正确的时间填在横线上。AJune 1BSeptember 10Cthe second Sunday of MayDOctober 137 . Mothers Day_38 . Childrens Day_39 . Teachers Day_40 . National Day_八、看图题41 . 看一看,圈一圈。下面的建筑属子哪个国家?将它们的国旗选出来。(_) 1. A. B. (_) 2. A. B. (_) 3. A. B. (_) 4. A. B. 第 10 页 共 10 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、阅读选择1、2、三、完形填空1、四、填空题1、五、汉译英1、六、填内容补全对话1、七、匹配题1、八、看图题1、

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