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人教版2020年中考一模英语试题C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . My father _ New YorkHe _ there beforeAhas gone to,hasnt been toBhas gone to,hasnt beenChas been to,hasnt goneDhas been to,hasnt gone to2 . - It _ two years since we _ last time. I missed you so much!-Me, too.Ais; metBwill be; meetChas been; have metDwas; met3 . What does she do on weekends? .AShe watches TV once a weekBShe used the Internet for an hourCShe sometimes goes shoppingDShe relaxed through exercise4 . The advantage of the new App is to make our payment _ than before.AconvenientBconvenientlyCmore convenientDmore conveniently5 . Iwhen the earthquake started.AsleptBam sleepingCwas sleepingDsleeped6 . This is a new pencil case, _ I like its colour very much.AbutBtooCandDalso7 . Do you know where _ some maps?Acan I buyBcan buyCI can buy8 . What do you usually do_ Sunday morning.Ain .Bat .Con.9 . _ he _ any books?Yes, he _.ADoes; have; doesBDo; has; doCDoes; have; doDDoes; have; do10 . Tomorrow is Sunday. I_some shopping with my mom.AdoBwill doCdidDwas doing11 . -What s this in English? _.AIt s quiltBIt s a quiltCThis is a quiltDIt s green quilt12 . Mum, may I watch TV for a while ? of course, if your work _.Ais finishedBfinishesChave been finishedDwill be finished二、完型填空Since I was young, my mother always, spent lots of time sitting behind, a sewing machine(缝纫机) with a happy look on her face.She made all the_for the three kids in our family.It seemed that my mother made it so easy, but_I tried to make something, I just couldnt make it.I worked too quickly, and when I finished, it looked_Soon, I Just gave up.This summer, I really wanted to_a dress to wear at a party.I picked out some nice_,and I found a nice style in a book.I got so excited about sewing that I couldnt even_asleep.I started early the next morning.My mother was having a meeting_her company,so if I had questions, there would be no one to ask for help.I started sewing slowly and_,and I tried to do everything right.When I sewed the top, I made the neck too small.But the rest was fine.“I finally made it!”I shouted two hours later.For the first time I had worn something I made with my own_.If you want to learn something, my advice is: Dont_ when you cant do it well at first.Start with something easy, and try your best.13 . AclothesBdinnerClunch .Dbreakfast14 . AunlessBwhenCthoughDbefore15 . AinterestingBbeautifulCcolorfulDterrible16 . AbuyBsellCmake.Drent17 . ApaperBclothCbreadDtea18 . AgiveBgetCfallDlearn19 . AinBonCwithDto20 . AcarelessBcarefullyChappilyDsadly21 . AhandsBearsClegsDbooks22 . Atake offBgo onCwait forDgive up三、阅读单选In modern world,most people have at least one timetelling tool with them,such as mobile phones,MP5 players and mini computers.Since these small machines are so common,will people stop wearing the 500yearold watches?Maybe the answer is “yes”According to a survey,most teenagers say its unnecessary to wear a watch,because they usually use their mobile phones to tell the time.However,watchmakers say that watches will get popular again when people reach their 20s and 30s.By then,they want to spend money on a creative timetelling tool because they think its not enough if a watch can just keep good time.So watchmakers are trying their best to create new kinds of watches.Recently,a new kind of watches has been invented.It can use different color lights to tell the time.This kind of watches makes people talk more about modern watches again.Also people want their timetelling tools to be beautiful,fashionable and practical(实用的),so watches are designed(设计) to meet the need of almost any personality(个性)Now more and more watches can be used as compasses(指南针),calendars and even USB drivesAll in all,a watch has become more important than the time it tells.23 . According to the survey,_use mobile phones instead of watches to tell the time.Amost teenagersBthe old peopleCwatchmakersDmost people24 . Watches will get _again when people reach their 20s and 30s.AexpensiveBsmallCpopularDcheap25 . Recently,a new kind of watches uses _to tell the time according to the passage.Adifferent color lightsBsoundCpicturesDmusic26 . In this passage,watches can be used as different kinds of things except_.AcompassesBcalendarsCUSB drivesDwallets27 . Whats the main idea of the passage?AMost people want to spend money on mobile phones.BA watch has become more important than the time it tells.CMany watchmakers are worried about their products.DFewer and fewer people use watches to tell the time.Players WantedAre you good at playing basketball? Can you play ping-pong or soccer? Can you swim ver3r well? If so, you are welcome to join our school sports team. Please call Victor at 8863543 0r send an email to sports yahoo.com.Dancers WantedCan you dance? Do you like kids? Can you help them with dancing on weekends? Come and join us- Call Tom at 3854922 for more information.Chess ClubDo you like playing chess? Mr. Wang can teach you. He gives lessons here everr Friday afternoon. Tel: 8358939.Add.: Room 102 in Schools P. E. Building.Lets Learn JapaneseCan you speak Japanese? Do you want to learn Japanese? Join the Japanese club now. Time: 2:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. (from Monday to Friday) Call Mary at 6253928.28 . If you want to join a sports team, what should you do?AI can call 3854922.BI can call 8358939.CSend an email to sports yahoo.com.DWrite to Room 102 in Schools P.EBuilding.29 . Lucy can dance well. She wants to find a job. Who should she call?AVictor.BTom.CMary.DMr. Wang.30 . What does Mr. Wang teach?AChess.BJapanese.CBasketball.Ddance.31 . Alice wants to learn Japanese. When should she go to the club?AEvery Saturday afternoon.BEvery Sunday afternoon.CFrom 2:00 p.m. -5:00 p.m. on weekdays.Don Friday afternoon.Alex is a middle school student. Its Sunday morning. He doesnt go to school. He is looking outside from his room. He wants to go to the park with his friends, but it is raining hard and windy. He has to watch TV or read a book in his room. But it is boring for him to do these things. He really wants the rain and wind to stop right now so that he can go out.The rain stops in the afternoon. Alex is very happy to see that. He calls his friends and asks them to go out. The cloud leaves, and the sun comes. A big rainbow (彩虹) crosses the sky. Its a little hard to see the rainbow. Many people think rainbows can bring good luck.“How does the beautiful rainbow form(形成)?” Alex asks his father. “When the sun shines (照射)the raindrops, the rainbow comes out. From this we can learn well never see rainbows without rain,” Alexs father tells him. And Alex learns from his fatherwhen we meet bad things, just enjoy them, and everything will be better (更好的).32 . Hows the weather in the morning?ASunny.BRainy.CCloudy.DSnowy.33 . People think the rainbow can bring.Abad luckBhealthCgood weatherDgood luck34 . Which of the following is true?AAlex is a middle school teacher.BTomorrow is Monday.CAlex likes watching TV.DAlex wants to play in the park with his father.35 . What does the last paragraph want to tell us?AThe rainbow comes out before the rain.BNot to be afraid of the bad things we meet.CAlexs father likes telling stories.DAlex likes finding questions in lifeParents are probably the closest people in the world to us. However, parent-child relationships are not always easy to deal with. Whats worse, now that we live in an information age, the internet is bringing new challenges to family relations.The China Youth Children Research Center did a survey about such relationships in the United States, Japan, South Korea and China. According to the survey, the use of the Internet has become one of the main reasons for fights between parents and children in China and South Korea. “This shows that some parents consider the internet being a toy instead of a tool, China Youth Daily said. In addition, they dont have enough trust in their children, so it leads to conflicts sometimes.”However, the internet can actually improve parent-child relationships if both sides use it the right way. Kim Se-Yeon, a 20-year-old South Korean who goes to college in Beijing, says that she believes the internet has brought her closer to her parents. She taught her parents how to use chat apps and post pictures on social media. Her parents trust her when they found that she can control herself well. These days, she and her parents often chat with each other and make video calls through the internet.Experts suggest that to reduce your parents concern about your internet usage, you should show them that you can manage your time well. Children are just as responsible for creating healthy family relationships as their parents are.36 . Which of the following countries DID NOT take part in the survey about parent-child relationship mentioned in the passage?AThe United StateBSouth KoreaCThe United KingdomDJapan37 . What does the underlined word conflicts mean in the second paragraph?ADecisionsBFightsCAgreementDProgress38 . Why does the writer mention Kim Se-Yeon as an exampleABecause she goes to college in BeijingBBecause her parents learn to use chat appsCBecause the internet didnt play an important role in her daily lifeDBecause the internet improves her relationship with her parents39 . According to the passage which statement is NOT true?AChildren should tell parents that they can manage their time wellBChildren can do nothing to create healthy family relationshipsCIf parents have not enough trust in children, problems may appearDParent-child relationships are sometimes difficult to deal with四、回答问题任务型阅读People in Shanghai now have to follow a new rule about sorting(分类)garbage. The new rule started on July 1st. It asks people to sort household garbage properly.Since the beginning of this century, people have been encouraged to sort household garbage voluntarily(自愿地). Although more and more people have realized the importance of sorting garbage, the result was not so good. We have never stopped improving our waste-sorting work, so the new rule comes out. According to the rule, anyone who fails to sort garbage properly may be fined up to 200 yuan, while companies may be fined up to 50,000 yuan.But how should we sort garbage before taking it out? Let me show you here.It should be divided into the following four types:Recyclable garbage: Things that can be reused, including paper, metal, glass, plastic and old clothes.Wet garbage: Vegetables, fruit, leaves all belong to wet garbage. It is usually from the kitchen.Dangerous garbage: This type of garbage includes medicine, batteries paint containers. Bulbs(灯泡)and so on. If you throw them away, they may pollute the soil and water.Dry garbage: Any garbage thats not wet, recyclable or harmful belongs to dry garbage.Now, lets start sorting garbage to save energy and protect the environment.40 . What is the new rule in Shanghai about?Its about _.41 . What would happen if a company didnt follow the rule?The company would _.42 . How should garbage be sorted?It should be divided into four types: recyclable garbage, wet garbage,_.43 . Which kind of garbage does an old magazine belong to ?It belongs to _.44 . Why do we sort garbage before taking it out?We sort garbage in order to _.五、材料作文45 . 书面表达三年的初中生涯即将结束,你的外教老师想要制作一份电子相册,要求每位同学挑选一张特别的照片。请你按下面三点内容谈谈你的照片,写一篇英语短文给你的外教老师。1) 描述你的照片; 2) 分享你的故事; 3) 谈谈你的感受。注意: 1) 80100词,短文开头供参考,不计入总词数;2) 文中不能出现自己的姓名和所在学校的名称。参考开头:This is a photo that is very special to me. In the photo,_46 . 书面表达Write a letter to your pen pal and tell him/her about your favorite Chinese Festival. First, introduce the festival and when it is celebrated. Then talk about what people do and eat. Finally, explain why you like it best and how it makes you feel.要求:1.语句通顺,行文流畅。2.120词左右,文章开头已给出,不计入总词。My favorite festival is_第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、4、四、回答问题1、五、材料作文1、2、


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