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Revision 1 1 你姐姐擅长烹饪吗 begoodat yoursister 2 我经常每天打一个小时的羽毛球 Iusually everyday 3 Mary下班后是步行回家的吗 不 她骑自行回家 Mary No she 4 我们应该在游泳池里游泳 Weshould 5 Simon喜欢在课堂上讲话 Simonlikes 6 那些外星人没有头发 Thealiens Is good at cooking play badminton for an hour Does go home on foot goes home by bike swim in the swimming pool talking in class don t have hair Revision 2 用正确形式填空 1 Therearealotof leaf ontheground 2 Kitty enjoy swim Yes 3 Youcan t 拍照 here 4 they do wellin write 5 Thisismy three comicbook 6 Listen Someone play thepianonextdoor 7 Dogslike eat bones 骨头 8 theseflowers you leaves Does enjoy swimming take photos Do do writing third is playing eating Are yours 一 完成句子 Danielhasafootball He 喜欢踢足球 Whatclassareyouin Iam 在七年级五班 She 有许多业余爱好 Sheis 在音乐俱乐部 Wheredoyoulive I 在 Nanjing Millieisn taChinesegirl Shehas 没有长而黑的头发 Heoftendoeshishomework 放学后 Myfriend withAmy 来自 America Amylikesswimmming butTom 擅长于放风筝 Wouldyoulike 戴手表 Yes Ido IhaveaCDplayer I 想要听音乐 likesplayingfootball inClass5 Grade7 haslotsofhobbies inMusicClub liveinNanjing longblackhair afterschool comesfrom isgoodat towearwatches wanttolistentomusic Fillintheblanksaccordingtothetext Let smeetsixfriendsatBeijingSunshineSecondarySchool TheyareallinClass1 年级 7 Millieisagirl Shelovesreading Sheisamemberofthe 阅读 Club Simonwas 出生 inShanghaibutlivesinBeijing Afterschoolyoucanoftenseehiminthefootballf MaybehehopestoplayinWorldCupinthefuture Grade Reading born ield SandycomesfromBeijing Shehaslongblackhair Sheistallerand slim thanMillie Shelikeslisteningto 音乐 Let smeetKitty ArmandDaniel Kittyisasmallgirl She loveorlikesth verymuch dancing Sheworks 努力地 Amyisnotverytall Shehasshorthair Sheisgoodat swim ThelastfriendisaboycalledDaniel Hewears 眼镜 Heispoliteandhelpful slimmer music enjoys hard swimming glasses 首字母填词 MynameisFrank Ic fromAmerica Hereisapictureofmyclass WeareinClassThree G 9 WelearnChineseinourschool OurChineset nameisJoyWang Hee teachingus Youcanseemyf inthepicture too Jimmyistallandhasblackhair Heisgoodatplaying eacher s riends ome rade njoys v Mayisshortandwearsayellowdress SheisgoodatM Sandyhasl hair ShecanspeakFrench Sallyisagoods Sheoftenswimswithherclassmates Ilikelisteningtom butIamnotgoodats Canyoufindmeinthepicture Iwearg Pleasewritetomesoonandtellmeaboutyourclass Yours olleyball aths ong wimmer usic port swimming lasses 首字母填词 MynameisFrank Ic fromAmerica Hereisapictureofmyclass WeareinClassThree G 9 WelearnChineseinourschool OurChineset nameisJoyWang Hee teachingus Youcanseemyf inthepicture too Jimmyistallandhasblackhair Heisgoodatplaying eacher s riends ome rade njoys 针对训练 I 选择Excuseme 或I msorry 填空 howdoyousaythatinChinese Idon tknow MayItakethisbookaway Someonehasjustborrowedit Pleasekeepquiet Themeetingwillbegin Excuseme I msorry Excuseme I msorry Excuseme II 选择good或well 填空 CanyouspeakFrench Yes Icanspeakit Mymotherisa cook Shecancookmeals Everybodyknowshim Heisa player well good well well good III 选择look looklike sound sound like taste tastelike smell smelllike并用其正确形式填空 Listen themusic verybeautiful Thejeans niceonyou You acoolcowboy Thefood deliciousthoughitisalittlesalty Theflowers fragrant 芳香的 They jasmine 茉莉花 sounds look looklike tastes smell smelllike IV 完成下列句子 Wouldyouliketo 借 meyourbike Sorry mineisbroken Ihaveto 借 onefromothers MayI 说 thatinChinese Ican t 说 Englishwell Oh youmay 说 aboutthatwithyourfriendsinChinese lend borrow say speak talk 1 我的英文名字叫Simon 我的中文名字叫罗桑 2 我12岁了 3 大家好 4 他擅长于数学 5 他在学校的篮球队 6 我在读书俱乐部 7 我出生在江苏 8 我的父母亲来自上海 9 我现在住在合兴的一套公寓房里 10 我非常喜欢我的狗 11 Sandy又高又苗条 12 Sandy有一条马尾辫 13 看我的三个同班同学的档案 14 Kitty学习很努力 15 Amy很幽默 16 Daniel戴着眼镜 17 他喜欢玩电脑游戏 18 他暨懂礼貌又乐于助人 19 北京阳光中学的第一天20 新学生中的六个 Step3FastReading 快速阅读 Simonisverytall Helovesplaying Hisparentscomefrom Sandyistalland Shehas Shelikeslisteningto Kittydoesnotwearglasses Shehaslonghairinbunches Sheloves Amyisnotverytall Shedoesnotwear Sheloves Danielwearsglasses Helikesplaying Heishelpfuland football Shanghai slim longhair music dancing glasses swimming computergames polite 二 用be动词的适当形式填空 1 Iastudent Youateacher 2 Shemyfriend 3 youLiFen No not 4 Mr greenverybusy Yes he 5 Hemustathome 6 Comedyveryinteresting 8 YouandIgoodfriends 9 Hisfriendsveryfunny 10 Thetwinsveryhappybecausetheywanttogotoamovie 11 Ourclassbig buttheirclasssmall 12 Thebasketballclubexcitingandfun 13 Thegirlinredclothesmysister 14 Lily sroomnotverybig 15 It nicetomeetyou 16 Yourname nice 17 Whatclassyouin 18 yourNumberSeven 三 用所给动词的适当形式填空 1 Myclassmate know themanonthebike 2 Hissisterusually go toschoolat7 00am 3 LinTao like hisnewsweater 4 Letme have alook 5 Let s play tennis 6 he like English 7 Iwant go toamovie 8 He notknow theteacher sname 9 Nice meet you 10 CanI ask thepoliceman 11 sit downand have acupoftea 12 notlook atyourbook 13 you cansee thebananasonthetable 14 Ineed buy somenewclothes 15 Shelikes play chess 16 It stime play games 17 Youmust be agoodstudent 18 Shemust sing well 19 He have aneggandabananaforbreakfast 20 LiMin take ashowerafterlunch 21 Peopleusually eat dinnerintheevening 22 WhattimeMaryusually play basketball 23 Thisboylikes play chesswithhisfatheronweekends 24 Wherehisparents work now doyouknow 25 Who teach youEnglishinyourschool 26 Helen notbe lateforclassagain 27 Idon tlikethemovie It s born 28 notlook atthepictures listen tome 29 LittleTomcan ride ahorse 30 Theweather be windytoday


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