英语八年级下冀教版Unit 3 lesson 18 课件

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英语八年级下冀教版Unit 3 lesson 18 课件_第3页
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Lesson 18: Friendship Between Animals,1) use的用法 2) warn的用法,I. Learning aims:,Remember the new words: friendship, rhino, skin, warn, insect, relationship, survive, mzee, hippo, tortoise, truly, boundary,II. Learning important and difficult points:,New Words,friendship rhino skin warn insect relationship survive mzee hippo tortoise truly boundary,Think About It,Do you think there is friendship between animals? What different animals have you seen living well together?,Language Points,I used to think only the same animals live together. 我过去曾认为只有相同的动物生活在一起。,used to do意为“曾经是;过去常常”,表示过去存在的状态,或过去经常做某事而现在不做了。used没有人称和数的变化。如:,He used to go to work by bus. 他过去常常坐公共汽车去上班。,Im not quite used to the weather here yet. 我还不太习惯这里的天气。,be used to + n. / doing sth. 意为“习惯于(做)某事”,注意这里的to是介词,后面要接V-ing形式。如:,This knife is used to cut bread. 这把刀子是用来切面包的。,be used to do sth. 意为“被用来做某事”,这个结构表示被动。如:,warn作动词,意为“警告;注意”,warn sb. to do sth.,意为“提醒(或警告)某人做某事”;warn sb. of sth. 意为“提醒某人某事”;warn sb. about / against sth. 或 warn sb. against doing sth. 意为“提醒 / 警告某人不要去做某事”。warning是名词,意为“警告;预告;通知”。如:,2. It also makes noise to warn the rhino about coming danger. 它也可以发出噪音来警告犀牛即将到来的危险。,He has been warned of the danger of driving after drinking wine. 已经提醒过他酒后驾车的危险了。,Exercises,1. _ can live in deserts. 2. Linda is a little _ than her elder brother. When you talk to her, her face turns red. 3. _ he was eating breakfast, I asked him for 100 yuan. 4. We stood _ and watched as the deer came closer. 5. Rose _ fierce animals, so she doesnt like to go to the zoo.,I. 选词填空。,fears,while, fear, shy, camel, still,Camels,shyer,While,still,1. 如果你蹲下身子,狗会跑开。 If you bend down, the dogs will _ _. 2. 鸭子摇摇摆摆地穿过马路。 The ducks are _ _ the road. 3. 我给你梳头时,不要动。 _ _ _ I comb your hair. 4. 那个小女孩不怕老虎。 The little girl _ _ _ tigers.,isnt scared of / does not fear,II. 根据所给汉语意思,翻译下列句子。,run away,waddling across,Keep still when,1. What will you do this Saturday? I will go to the zoo to _ the lions. A. hear B. look C. read D. see 2. I _ look after my father because he is ill. A. neednt B. had to C. have to D. have 3. There is _ new animal at the zoo. _ animal is lovely. A. a; An B. a; The C. an; an D. an; The,B,III. 单项选择。,D,C,Homework,What will you do if you go to the zoo? Do you know anything that we cannot do in the zoo? Why?,Think about it, and write a short paragraph.,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,


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