牛津上海版(三起)英语三年级下册 Module 2 Revision 2 练习卷

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牛津上海版(三起)英语三年级下册 Module 2 Revision 2 练习卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . Myfather_adoctor.( )AareBisCamDbe2 . 选出不同类的单词。(_) 1. A. today B. Monday C. Thursday(_) 2. A. football B. basketball C. Saturday(_) 3. A. juice B. milk C. bread(_) 4. A. weekend B. orange C. banana(_) 5. A. English B. Maths C. week3 . In the photo, I am _ an email to my family in the US. ( )AwritingBwriteCwrites找出不同类的单词。4 . AstrictBpoliteCfunnyDrobot5 . AMondayBweekendCSundayDThursday6 . AsandwichBhamCteaDhot7 . AswimBdanceCpipaDkung fu8 . ApigBmouseCtreeDtiger9 . This is a beautiful( )AcardBcardsCnoodles10 . 选出与其它两项不同类的单词(_)1. A.skirtB.pieC.cake(_)2. A.sisterB.ice creamC.mother(_)3. A.ice creamB.redC.white(_)4. A.UB.WC.egg(_)5. A.hot dogB.cakeC.green11 . How many _are there in this zoo. ( )AduckBducksCduckes12 . Letshavesomestrawberries _ pears. ( )AtooBbutCand选出不同类的一项。13 . AthinBthisCthat14 . AteacherBpupilCshe15 . AtallBmotherCthin16 . AfatBshortCstudent17 . AgiraffeBthisCmonkey选择与图片相符的句子。18 . ( )AThe man is the father.BThe woman is the mother.19 . ( )AThey are girls.BThey are a family.20 . ( )AHes my father.BShes my friend.21 . People eatand watch the moon at night on that day. ( )AmooncakesBdumplingsCfish and chips22 . 找出不同类单词。(_) 1. A. English B. China C. Science D. Art(_) 2. A. morning B. afternoon C. moon D. night(_) 3. A. lesson B. Maths C. PE D. Science(_) 4. A. today B. tomorrow C. like D. yesterday(_) 5. A. PE B. apple C. Music D. Art23 . The panda is black _ white. Its cute. ( )AbutBandCor24 . 下面字母的顺序正确的一组是( )AAa Cc BbBLl Nn MmCOo Pp Qq25 . Show me _ pen. ( )AyouBICyour26 . _ you want a new friend? ( )Yes, of course.ADoBCanCAre27 . Did you wash my trousers?_AYes,it is.BYes,I did.CNo,I dont.二、情景交际28 . 当别人问你问题,但你不知道答案时,你应该说:_ ( )AYes, it is.BI dont know.CIs it five?29 . 看到一条金鱼,你想告诉同学它有长尾巴和大眼睛,你可以说:( )AIt has a short tail and small eyes.BIt has a long tail and big eyes.30 . 当你想请别人吃些蛋糕,喝些牛奶时,你可以说:( )AHave some cake and juice.BId like some cake and juice.CHave some cake and milk.31 . 小雪穿某件衣服看起来很漂亮,你可以对她说: ( )AYou look old.BYou look nice.CYou look big.32 . 你这样对Lily提出建议:AYou should wash your hands before eating.BYou should drink more pop三、连词成句连词成句。33 . tall, my, is, father (.)_34 . Welcome, to, school, back (.)_35 . your, subject, Whats, favourite (?)_36 . writer, The author, my, Hes, a, father, is (. .)_37 . is, not, she, thin (.)_第 7 页 共 7 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、二、情景交际1、2、3、4、5、三、连词成句1、


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