七年级英语下册 Unit 6 I’m watching TV(第4课时)课件 新人教版.ppt

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七年级英语下册 Unit 6 I’m watching TV(第4课时)课件 新人教版.ppt_第1页
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Unit6I mwatchingTV Period4 ShenZhen StudyingintheUnitedStates Questions 1 WhyareZhuHui sfamilywatchingboatracesandmakingzongzi 2 DoesZhuHuilikehishostfamily WhatdoeshethinkabouthishomeinChina 1 TodayistheDragonBoatFestival 2 ZhuHuilikesNewYorkandhishostfamilyalot butthere sstill noplacelikehome AB livingfoodreadingintheUSmakingaracetalkingwithafamilystudyingonthephonewatchingastory MatchingtheverbsincolumnAwiththewordsincolumnB ThenusethephrasestowritesentncesaccordingtotheTVreport DragonBoatFestival端午节 livingwithafamily与一个家庭同住readingastory读故事makingfood做饭talkingonthephone电话交谈studyingintheUS在美国学习watchingarace观看比赛 Boatrace龙舟比赛 Canyouretell makingzongzi readingastory watchingtheboatracesonTV watchingasoccergameonTV talkingonthephone Canyouretell DearBob Hereisapictureofmyfamily Weareallathomenow Iamdoingmyhomework Myparents inthelivingroom Mygrandfather Mysister Jim istalkingonthephone arewatchingTV CompleteJim sletter 3a isreadingnewspaper 3 2 Writethecorrectnumbersofthepicturesnexttotheconversationsbelow 用所给词的适当形式填空 1 Listen I be singing 2 We be listening 3 Look Theyare read 4 He be paintingnow 5 Sheis see amovie 6 He play soccernow 7 I eat lunchnow 8 It s8o clock We watch TV 9 Tom write aletternow am are reading is seeing isplaying ameating arewatching iswriting Dosomeexercises 1 写出下列单词的现在分词形式 writewatchswimrunhavereadsitputtakecleanshopbegin2 用括号里的词的恰当形式填空 Itisseveno clock I do myhomework Myparents watch TV Mysister sit onthesofaandI play withthecat 3 按要求句型转换 1 Heisdoinghishomeworknow 变为否定句 Hedoinghishomeworknow 2 TheyarewatchingTV 对划线部分提问 arethey 3 Sheisreading 变为一般疑问句 并否定回答 用括号里的词填空 reading No she She write writing watching swimming running having reading sitting putting taking cleaning shopping beginning amdoing arewatching issitting amplaying isnot What doing Is she isn t iswriting 1 Writeapassageuse be V ing 2 Trytofinishexerciseinpage36 Homework


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