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沪教版七年级上学期英语10月联考试卷D卷一、 单项选择 (共10题;共20分)1. (2分)In the afternoon, we have _ music lesson for _ hour.A . a/aB . a/anC . an/a2. (2分)The 2014 Winter Olympics was held in Sochi,in February.A . RussiaB . AustraliaC . JapanD . China3. (2分) Dad, Im afraid I cant do well in tomorrows English test. _. You ve been working hard these days. I believe you can do it well.A . Well doneB . Take it easyC . Im proud of youD . Dont be sad4. (2分) do you usually share happiness with? My parents and my best friend.A . WhoB . WhoseC . WhatD . How5. (2分) is it from the park to the supermarket?It is about fifteen walk.A . How long, minutesB . How far, minutesC . How long, minutesD . How far, minutes6. (2分)一Wow,so many here一Yes, the town is famous for its buildingsA . customersB . visitorsC . cousinsD . presidents7. (2分) _ have you been in Jinan? Since 2008.A . How longB . How oftenC . How soonD . How far8. (2分)_has your English teacher worked here?Since 15 years ago.A . How longB . How oftenC . WhenD . How far9. (2分)Mary and I _ are good friends. A . amB . isC . are10. (2分)The singer is often heard _ in her room.A . singB . singsC . to singD . sang二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)11. (10分)完形填空A bird went to look for its happiness in a faraway placeIt flew and flew when it suddenly saw a little dying flower,whose face was full of smileNot knowing why,the bird asked the little flower,Youre going to dieWhy are you still so1?Because I will achieve my dream,said the little flower2is your dream?To produce sweet fruitThen the little bird saw it:happiness is a3in the heartThe bird continued flying and saw a lame duck help a little duck find the way back homeAlthough it was disabled,it had a smiling faceIm happy because I can help4 , said the lame duckSo the bird saw it:happiness is a love in the heartThe bird kept flying and suddenly saw a spider climbing up a wallThe spider fell off the wall halfway,5it kept climbing again and fell off againEven so,the spider didnt 6 The little bird asked the spider in surprise,you 7again and again,why dont you have pain but happiness on your face?As long as I keep making my 8 , Im able to climb up it9this,Im so happy,said the spiderThe little bird saw it:happiness is a faith(信念) in the heartSo the little bird10looked for happiness because it had seen the truth:happiness is not in the faraway place but in your own heart(1)A . rich B . shy C . happy D . sad (2)A . What B . How C . When D . Where (3)A . story B . hope C . rule D . change (4)A . both B . none C . other D . others (5)A . And B . so C . but D . if (6)A . take up B . give up C . stay up D . set up (7)A . won B . cost C . failed D . succeeded (8)A . efforts B . mistake C . trouble D . choices (9)A . Instead of B . Because of C . As for D . Across from (10)A . Also B . At least C . still D . no longer 三、 阅读理解 (共2题;共20分)12. (10分)阅读理解 The best way of learning a language is using it. The best way of learning English is talking in English as much as possible. Sometimes you will get your words mixed up and people will not understand you. Sometimes people will say things too quickly and you cant understand them. If you keep your sense of humor, you can always have a good laugh at the mistakes you make. Dont be unhappy if people seem to be laughing at your mistakes. Its better for people to laugh at your mistakes than to be angry with you, because they dont understand what you are saying. The most important thing for learning English is: Dont be afraid of making mistakes because everyone makes mistakes.(1)The writer thinks that the best way for you to learn a language is _. A . writingB . using itC . listeningD . learning grammar(2)What should you do in learning English? A . Be careful not to make any mistake.B . Write as quickly as you can.C . Speak English as much as you can.D . Laugh more often.(3)When people laugh at your mistakes, you should _. A . not careB . be angryC . feel worriedD . be unhappy(4)When you make a mistake, you should_. A . keep quietB . get angryC . be kindD . keep your sense of humor(5)The story tells us:_. A . Only foolish(愚蠢的) people make mistakesB . Few people make mistakesC . People never make mistakesD . There is no one who doesnt make mistakes13. (10分)阅读理解 Hello, everyone! I am an English boy. My last name is Smith and my first name is Bill. Im in Green Middle School, My telephone number is seven-five-four, six-three-five-eight. Who is that in the photo? Its Nancy Brown. Shes in a yellow jacket. She is in Green Middle School, too. She is my good friend, her telephone number is seven-four-eight, nine-eight-five-two. This is her cup. Its red. Whats that in English? Its a ruler. Its blue. Its my ruler.(1)The boys name is_ A . Brown BillB . Smith BillC . Bill Smith(2)The boys telephone number is_ A . 754-6358B . 748-9852C . 748-6358(3)What is Nancys last name? A . SmithB . NancyC . Brown(4)What color is Nancys jacket? A . blueB . yellowC . red(5)Which is TRUE(正确的)? A . Nancy and Bill are in Green Middle SchoolB . 748-9258 is Nancys telephone numberC . Bills ruler is red四、 其他 (共2题;共10分)14. (5分)根据下表比较以下两个城市15. (5分)4月16日是星期六,天气晴朗,你班学生骑自行车去深圳东部某小镇游玩,玩得非常愉快。请根据以下要点提示,用英语写一篇日记,介绍一下你今天的经历。要点提示: 早晨6点30分出发; 2小时后到达小镇,参观了一些当地的名胜; 中午,在小镇附近的一座山脚下野餐; 下午,一些同学去钓鱼,一些同学去爬山; 晚上7点半回家。注意: 日记须包括所有内容要点,可适当发挥; 词数:80词以上;日记开头与结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Saturday, April 16, 2016 SunnyToday our class made a bike trip to a small town in the east of Shenzhen City.五、 单词拼写 (共1题;共5分)16. (5分)单词拼写(根据句意及首字母提示或汉语意思填空)。(1)Jacks eating habits are pretty bad. He doesnt like v_or fruit.(2)My father sent me a new car as a present on my twenty-first b_.(3)Everyone enjoys living a h_life, so we should do more exercise and eat a balanced diet.(4)- What fruit do you w_to eat?- Apples and bananas.(5)Tom eats eggs and milk for _(早餐).六、 口语应用 (共1题;共5分)17. (5分)从方框中选择最佳选项完成对话,有两项多余a. How did you like it?b. It was called Saving the Children.c. Thats true.d. The concert was held for collecting money for poor children.e. I stayed at home with my brother.f. I went there with my parents.g. Why do you like listening to them?A: Hi, Sally! Did you go to the concert last night?B: Yes, _A: _B: Wonderful. Many famous singers sang at the concert. _A: What does it mean?B: _You know many children in the world dont have enough food.A: _B: I think people all over the world should help them.A: Thats all right.七、 单词造句 (共1题;共25分)18. (25分)连词成句 (1)be, a, sentence, one, word, can (2)to, you, need, me, dont, call (3)many, read, you, how, can, words (4)easy, English, language, is, an, learn, to (5)hope, out, facts, dig, they, to, important 八、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)19. (5分)根据下列表格,以“My Best Friend”为题目,介绍你的朋友。Name:AnnaAge:12School:Xinhua Middle SchoolClass:Class One, Grade SevenLikes and Dislikes:food, colors, sports 要求:1)参考提示语,可适当发挥;2)文中不得出现任何真实信息(姓名、校名和地名等)。3)语句通顺,意思连贯,书写工整。4)不少于60词。第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共10题;共20分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)11-1、三、 阅读理解 (共2题;共20分)12-1、12-2、12-3、12-4、12-5、13-1、13-2、13-3、13-4、13-5、四、 其他 (共2题;共10分)14-1、15-1、五、 单词拼写 (共1题;共5分)16-1、16-2、16-3、16-4、16-5、六、 口语应用 (共1题;共5分)17-1、七、 单词造句 (共1题;共25分)18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、八、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)19-1、

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