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人教版2019-2020年度九年级英语A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Every evening Mrs. Li talks with her son _ the phone.AatBinConDof2 . Helen doesnt like action movies.So I think she may _ your invitation.Aturn onBturn offCturn downDturn up3 . -Thanks for inviting me to your party and enjoy those wonderful dishes!-_.AWith pleasure BAll rightCDont mention itDThats right.4 . _all the students in my class, _ our teacher is going to take part in our party. Well have a good time.ABoth, andBNeither, norCnot only, but alsoDEither, or5 . Apples are _nice and delicious.ArealBreallyCmanyDmuch6 . Which subject do you like best?I love Art best its very interesting.AsoBbutCandDbecause7 . As a volunteer,Wang Fan went to Xinjiang.Now he works at a hospital.AlocalBdirectCpoliteDcorrect8 . David asked me .Aif I will be free that dayBwhether or not I would be free that dayCwhere do I come fromDwhen will I leave here9 . My father has made a _ that he will buy a camera for me.AsuggestionBsecretCproblemDdecision10 . The New Years concert willon New Years Eve.Atake placeBhappenCtake place ofDhappen to11 . When I got the well-paid job in a foreign company, my friends were a little green with .ApurityBenvyCwisdomDpower12 . - Mario, I hear you bought a new car.-Yes. It _ in Korea and I like it very much.AproducesBis producedCwill produceDwill be produced13 . In autumn, many green _ change to yellow, orange or red.AleavesBbirdsCcloudsDbeaches二、完型填空Hi, Im Alice. Im a middle school student. I get up_ 7 oclock and have breakfast at 7:15 a.m. For breakfast, I always have _ egg and some bread. I dont like milk. But my mother thinks its good for my health._ breakfast, I go to school. I _ five subjects this term. My favorite subject is math. Its _. I also like music _ its relaxing. And my music teacher is very nice. I_history. Its too boring.School _ over at 4:30 p.m. After school, I play basketball _ my friends. I have 5 basketballs. Theyre from _ father. I play basketball for an hour and then go home.14 . AatBinConDfor15 . AaBanCtheD16 . ABeforeBAfterCForDAt17 . AhaveBhasChavesDto have18 . AinterestBinterestsCinterestedDinteresting19 . AthenBbutCsoDbecause20 . AlikeBlikesCdont likeDdoesnt like21 . AareBisCamDbe22 . AwithBafterCtoDin23 . AmyBmeCIDmyself三、阅读单选Mrs. Black goes to buy a fish with her daughter. She doesnt know how to cook it, so she asks the shopkeeper to write down the way of cooking it on a note. She puts the note in her daughters pocket and then they leave the shop with the fish.On their way home, a black cat sees them and follows them. Suddenly(突然) the cat jumps at her, takes the fish away from her quickly and runs off at once. Mrs. Black runs after it, but she cant run faster than it. At last she stops, not knowing what to do. But she suddenly remembers(想起)something. She laughs and shouts at the cat, “You dont know how to cook it. The note is still in my daughters pocket!”24 . _ tells Mrs. Black how to cook the fish.AThe catBMr. BlackCThe shopkeeper.DMrs. Blacks daughter25 . _ enjoys the fish, too.AThe catBMrs. BlackCThe shopkeeperDMrs. Blacks daughter26 . But she suddenly remembers something. Here “something” means “_”.Athe fishBthe shopCthe noteDthe cat27 . Which of the following statements iswrong?AThe cat takes the fish away from the shop.BThe woman cant catch up with the cat.CThe cat takes the fish away from Mrs. Black.DMrs. Black and her daughter goes to a shop to buy a fish.28 . Which of the following statements isright?AThe cat goes home with the two women.BThe daughter writes the note for her mother.CThe cat cant eat the fish because it doesnt know how to cook it.DMrs. Black is foolish (愚蠢的).When it comes to fashion, just about anything goes.Citizens in Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan province have been wearing antenna hairpins(天线发夹).There are around 100 different designs for the antenna hairpins, which have been worn by the young and old, reported Peoples Daily Online.Many of the hairpins are different kinds of plastic flowers.From afar, it looks like a plant that has grown from the top of a persons head.While closer, it looks more like an antenna.According to reports, the antenna hairpins have appeared all over Chengdu recently.Firstly they were only worn at touristy areas but have since spread to other parts of the city.Many people are wearing them because they thought the hairpins made them look cute, and its not just for women or children.One man has told reporters: “I saw them and thought they were interesting so I bought one.People look cute when wearing it.”His opinions are not shared by everyone however.Another man thought the hair pieces were silly.He said: “There are middle-aged men wearing the hairpins.They just look stupid.”People have also taken to the web to discuss this funny new trend(趋势).One said: “I saw someone wearing it on the underground today.It feels like they might be able to transmit(传输) WI-FI signals.”But street vendors(小贩) are glad of the trend.They are sold for 5 yuan by vendors but can be found online for as little as 0.3 yuan.As a vendor can sell over a hundred of the hairpins each day, they stand to make hundreds of yuan.29 . What is the new fashion in Chengdu recently?AWearing antennas.BPlanting plastic flowers.CWearing funny hairpins.30 . Seen from a distance (远处), the hairpin looks like _.Aa plant that grows from a persons headBan antenna to transmit WI-FI signalsCa cute child with a plastic flower31 . Which statement is TRUE according to the passage?AThis new kind of hairpins are only worn by women or children.BNot all people think the hairpins look cute.CPeople wear the hairpins for getting WI-FI signals.32 . How much will you pay if you buy 10 hairpins online?A50 yuan.B30 yuan.C3 yuan.33 . Why are the street vendors glad of the new trend?ABecause it is good for the tourism.BBecause they can make more money by selling them.CBecause they also want to wear the hairpins.Famous MuseumsNameThePalace MuseumBritish MuseumNew York MuseumCountryChinaThe UKThe USAAddressChangan StreetNew Oxford Street, LondonChestnut Street, New YorkFeatureThe largest ancient palaceOne of the largest museumsAmericas largest museumbuildings with many kindswith collections of any timeon American historyof collections in Chinaand any area in the worldTicket¥60 ( SpringSummer)FreeMonday free¥40(Autumn Winter)34 . As one of the largest museums in the world, British museum is in _ .ABeijingBLondonCNew YorkDThe USA35 . New York Museum is Americas largest museum on American_.AareaBhistoryCcollectionsDbuildings36 . The Palace Museum which is in the center of Beijing, is also called “Forbidden City(紫禁城)” in China. It lies in _.AChangan StreetBNew Oxford StreetCBeijing StreetDChestnut Street37 . According to the form, if you want to see ancient Chinese collections, you can visit _ at most.Aone museumBtwo museumsCthree museumsDfore museums38 . Which of the following is TRUE according to the information above?AEach ticket for the Palace Museum costs the same in the whole year.BYou dont have to pay for tickets if you visit New York Museum on Monday.CBritish Museum lies in Chestnut street, London.DNew York Museum is the largest in the world.四、用所给单词的正确形式填空39 . Do you often _ (watch) basketball matches at the weekend?40 . Some students just dont know how _(learn) English well.41 . It is too late, I want _ (go) home.42 . My father_ (not fly) kites on windy days.43 . Are you good at _ ( dance) ?44 . Im glad _ (meet) you again .45 . Tom and I_(be)good at English.46 . I am not very good at_ (sing).47 . Millie _ (not do) her homework on Sundays.48 . Sometimes Sandy_ (fly) a kite in the field when spring comes.五、完成句子49 . 我每天乘公共汽车上学。I go to school _ every day.50 . 你觉得这件夹克怎么样?What do you _ the jacket?51 . 放学后莉莉或者回家或者去图书馆。Lily _ goes home _ goes to the library after school.52 . 汤姆坐在玛丽和比尔中间。Tom sits _ Mary _ Bill.53 . 我每天帮我弟弟穿衣服。I help my brother _ every day.54 . Can you _ (给看) me your new sweater, Mary? Sure. Its on my bed.55 . My mother _ (离开) home at six oclock every morning.56 . Look! There are many people on the _ (桥).57 . Mom takes me to see my grandparents _ (每个) weekend.58 . We can take a _ (小船) to cross the river.根据汉语完成句子,每空一词。59 . 李鑫正在画他的宠物画像。Li Xin is _ his pet now60 . 最后,他找到了那本书。_ ,he found that book61 . 你能告诉我你妹妹长什么样吗?Can you tell me _ your sister_62 . 许多人并非总是以同样的方式看待事物。Many people dont always see things_ 63 . 他留着棕色的短直发。He has _ hair六、单词填空The police find most criminals because somebody tells them who the criminals are. They find other criminals by using science and their computers. When there is a bank robbery, the police first look t64 . their computers for the names of the bank robbers that they know about. Then they go and talk to any of these robbers who are not in p65 . . They ask them where they were when the robbery happened. If any of these people cannot give a good a66 . , the police will often use science to find out if one of them is the robber.Many criminals leave something of themselves at the places of the c67 . like a fingerprint or a hair. Or they take something away on their s68 . or clothes, like dirt or animal hair. If they leave behind some of their b69 . or their hair or a piece of skin, it will have their DNA inside it.Everyones DNA is different and their f70 . are also different. So, if a criminal cuts himself during a robbery or leaves his hair, or e71 . a small piece of skin, scientists can find out what his DNA is. The police can then ask the s72 . to give them his hair or some blood and see w73 . it has the same DNAMany criminals are in prison today because of this kind of evidences.根据首字母提示完成短文.Do you want to know 74 . I am going to do this weekend? Now let me tell you. I would like to g75 . to the seaside. My friends, Tina and Dick, have the same i76 . with me. They want to go with me. But its a long w77 . from here. We think a lot and t78 . we decide to take the following route(路线). We can t79 . the No. 5 bus to the 80 . . The station is n81 . the seaside. After w82 . for about 20 minutes, we can see the sea and the beach. Im sure we can have a full day to e83 . the sea and the beach.七、信息归纳请认真阅读下列短文,根据所读内容在文章后表格中第5665小题的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为5665的相应横线上。注意:每个空格只填1个单词。Most of us get our earliest life lessons from fairy tales (童话故事), like “True love can overcome (战胜) anything” and “Even a frog can turn into a prince”. However, when we grow up, we start to learn new things about life, especially that love doesnt always win, and that a frog is just a frog. Even so, our love for fairy tales never dies. Just look at cartoons like The Lion King and Frozen which have millions of fans young and old.“Fairy tales are always there because they are the stories of our lives in the purest (纯粹的) form,” wrote US writer Laura Packer. “They are stories of love and loss, happiness and sadness, riches and dreams.”Fairy tales are all about the real world. But if children only see just one side of life, adults usually see the other. For example, in the 2014 film Maleficent, were told the tale of Sleeping Beauty from the views of the evil (邪恶的) queen. Unlike the childrens version (版本) of the story, we see that the queen wasnt born evil. Instead, she experiences great lossers, leading to her “evil” side. And in US writer James Garners bedtime story books, he tells the classic story of Little Red Riding Hood (小红帽), but with a modern touch: When the wolf tells Red Riding Hood that it isnt safe for a little girl to walk through the woods alone, she calls the wolf sexist (性别歧视者), which connects with todays womens rights movement.It looks like fairy tales arent just stories our parents read us at bedtime. They may usually start with “Once upon a time ”, but as we grow older, we learn that every story doesnt always need a “Happily ever after” to be a good one.Learning From Fairy TalesIntroductionWe get our 84 . from fairy tales at our early age.Fairy tales are mainly stories that come from our daily 85 . .Fairy tales are 86 . among millions of people young and old.Different 87 . Children think the queen in Sleeping Beauty is a 88 . evil.Adults think that the queens experience 89 . her evil side.The wolf thinks it 90 . for Red Riding Hood to walk through the woods alone.James Garner thinks of the wolf 91 . a sexist.ConclusionFairy tales are 92 . than stories our parents read us at bedtime.Not every fairy story needs a 93 . ending.八、书信作文94 . 假如你是王丽,你的美国笔友David刚刚转到一所新学校,他不知道如何结交新朋友。他给你发了一封邮件求助。请你根据下面提示内容给他回一封邮件。Ways to make new friends提示词:1.Smile 2. Help others 3. Join clubs 4.Take part in activities 5.要求:(1) 邮件内容需包括以上所有要点,可适当发挥;(2)词数:80100,文中不能出现真实身份相关的信息;(3) 短文首句仅供参考:I m glad to have received your e-mail 如果采用,则不计入总词数。Dear David,_Yours, Wang Li第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、四、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、五、完成句子1、2、六、单词填空1、2、七、信息归纳1、八、书信作文1、


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