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人教版2019-2020年度九年级上学期期末考试英语试题A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Could you tell me _? I must find him. Sorry. I have no idea. But he was here just now.Awhere Bill wasBwhere has Bill beenCwhere can I find BillDwhere Bill has gone2 . Im very happy that we have fine weather.AsuchBsoCtooDmuch3 . There is _ art room in the school. _ art room is very clean.Aa,theBa,aCthe,aDan,the4 . Study hard, _ youll fail in the exam.AorBandCwhile5 . (题文)Physics _much easier for me since Mrs. Yang began to teach us.Ahave beenBhas beenCwasDwere6 . Its getting dark. I _ go home.AmayBcouldChave toDto meet7 . - I help you with some shoes,madam?-Yes,I would like to try on those brown ones.AWillBShouldCMayDMust8 . Sam denied _ computer games for hours in the net bar yesterday afternoon.Ato playBplayingCplayDplayed9 . -Your spoken English is all very good. How do you improve it?-Thanks. Mrs. Wang always ask us to _ dialogues in our English classes.Atake upBturn upCmake upDend up10 . -Linda, hows your Singing Competition? -Not too bad, but I think I can do much better if one more chance _ next time.Ais givenBwill be givenCwill give11 . Its so late. Why not write the report tomorrow?-But I dont know_ I can do it for you.AwhenBwhereCwhyDhow12 . We should take care of our belongings when taking the train, especially when we get on and_ the train.Aget upBget intoCget out ofDget off13 . Judy for help when the police .Acalled; was comingBcalled; cameCwas calling; cameDwas calling; was coming14 . He was once _ killed in a car accident several years ago.AsadlyBexactlyCnearlyDcompletely15 . She wants_a sports club .AjoinsBto joinCjoinDjoining二、完型填空Prana, our beautiful dog, isnt with us anymore. She died several years ago. But while sharing our home, she brought so much joy and love into our lives that we still _ her.It was an autumn day in Minnesota, US. We were_ by a big snowfall for which no one was prepared.We have two _ trees in our backyard. Prana loved apples. When she went outside, shed catch an apple and sneak (偷偷地放) it into the _ . The apples had been on the ground and were often muddy (沾满泥的). So I wasnt always _ that Prana had brought them into the house. Every time, she would turn her head so I wouldnt see her hidden _ . It was our little game.One year, it snowed earlier than usual. Prana went outside. I noticed that she was madly digging holes and bringing the apples to the _ so they could be seen above the snow. She seemed busy digging up as many apples as possible during her yard time. I wondered _ she was doing this.When I called her back into the house, she had her usual one apple in her mouth. About five minutes later, I looked outside. The yard was full of birds. Prana had _ all those apples for her bird and squirrel friends to eat. She knew that they didnt have enough food to _ such an early winter!As I saw this beautiful act, tears filled my eyes. Prana taught us how to live life with love.16 . AthinkBrecognizeCknowDmiss17 . AbeatenBhitCcarriedDburied18 . ApearBappleCbananaDstrawberry19 . AhouseBbackyardCcarDhole20 . AangryBsurprisedChappyDdoubtful21 . ApleasureBtreasureCpressureDmeasure22 . AfrontBsurfaceCholeDyard23 . AwhatBwhyCwhenDwhere24 . Acovered upBdug upCused upDeaten up25 . Asee throughBwork throughCget throughDwalk through三、阅读单选Mr. Smith is telling two funny stories of his police work.Story AI remember catching a “thief” in a clothes shop once. It was strange. The man was hiding a yellow sweater inside his coat. I thought he had stolen it, so I caught him. We found later that his wife gave him the sweater for his birthday, but he hated it. He just wanted to return it to the shop for money, but he didnt want his wife to see him! We soon let him go. Story BAnother day, a man called Bob went into a bank on Sixth Street. He wrote on the back of an envelope, “Give me the money! Or Ill kill you. ” and gave it to the bank clerk. She gave him $100,000 and the man ran away. Then we received a phone call from the bank clerk. She told us to go to the mans house in Candy Town and get him. We caught him as soon as he got out of the elevator. He couldnt believe that we found him so quickly. We told him that the front of the envelope he used had his name and address on it!26 . What does Mr. Smith do?A. A bank clerk. B. A policeman. C. A thief.27 . Mr. Smith caught the man in the clothes shop _.A. by exchange B. by mistake C. by accident28 . Why did the man return the sweater to the shop?A. Because he didnt want his wife to see it.B. Because he liked money more than the sweater.C. Because he hated it and wanted to get the money back.29 . Bob was caught so quickly because _.A. his address was found on the envelope he usedB. he received a phone call from the bank clerkC. the police waited for him outside the elevator30 . What do you think of Bob?A. He is brave.B. He is careful. C. He is careless.Come and see the Indian elephants and the new bears from America. The monkeys are waiting to throw things to you, and pandas from China are waiting to meet you. The lovely dogs from Australia are waiting to laugh at you. The giraffes from Brazil are waiting to look down on you. Dont miss some lions from Africa. Some of them are dangerous. Remember that you cant go near them.TicketsGrown-up(成人):30.00Children: Over 1215.00 Under12 Free(免费)Opening time10:00a.m.4:00p.m(Monday-Friday)9:00a.m.5:00p.m(Saturday &Sunday) Keep the zoo clean!Dont touch, give good food or go near the animals!31 . Now Mr and Mrs Smith are in the zoo with his two sons, one is 13 and the other is 9. How much are the tickets together(总共)?A30.00B35.00C45.00D75.0032 . Which of the following is the visiting time?A8:30 a.m. MondayB5:00 p.m. TuesdayC9:30 a.m. FridayD3:00 p.m. Sunday33 . Which of the following can we do in the zoo?Ato give some food to the fishBto keep the zoo cleanCto play with lionsDto go near the animalsA well-dressed (衣着很好)man goes into a restaurant one day. He sits down at a table near the window. A waiter comes up to him and says, “Can I help you, sir?”The man says, “Yes, please. Can I see the menu (菜单)?”“Certainly,” answers the waiter. The man wants a good meal and he wants a lot of nice dishes. After a moment, the waiter brings them to him. The man is having his meal happily. At this time, a boy comes in and sits down besides the man. He asks the waiter to give him an ice cream. The man says, “I will be back in 5 minutes.” Then he goes out. After the boy eats his ice cream, the boy stands up and goes to the door. “Excuse me, your father did not give the money for the meal and your ice cream,” The waiter stops him and says.“Father? You are wrong. He is not my father. I do not know him. I met him in the street. He said he would give me an ice cream if I came here at twelve oclock.”34 . The man comes to the restaurant _.Ato meet the boyBto buy a newspaperCto eat an ice creamDto have a good meal35 . The man has _ in the restaurant.AbreakfastBlunchCsupperDdinner36 . _ asked the boy to come to the restaurant. AThe waiterBThe boys fatherCThe manDNobody37 . The waiter stops the boy because _.Athe man didnt pay (付钱) for the meal and the ice creamBthe boy didnt have the mealCthe boys father came back soonDthe boy wanted to run away38 . Which of the following is true? AThe boy is the mans son.BThe boy knows the man very well.CThe waiter pays the meal and the ice cream.DThe man is a cheat (骗子).Last weekend, I took Lucy to a park, where she discovered a track with large bumps(凸块) and sharp turns. At first, I thought Lucy was able to ride her bike along the track, but she quickly found that her bike was too low to the ground and kept getting stuck on top of the bumps.Lucy looked at me with fear because she was still a biking newbie. I tried to encourage her too, but really, I was thinking this is going to be a disaster. Not because I thought she would get hurt. More because I thought she wouldnt be able to pick up enough speed to balance, then get really discouraged, and give up quickly. I imagined her throwing her bicycle to the ground and then crying all the way home.But I was only half right. Lucy did have a lot of trouble riding the bike. She couldnt find her balance. She fell many times. At one point, she almost started crying because younger kids were getting angry that she was slowing everyone else down. But she did not give up. She kept picking herself up and trying again. She even took the bike off the track and into the main park to practice pushing off and picking up speed on a flat ground. When she felt more confident, she came back.Then she did it over and over again until she finally reached her goal of going around the whole track without falling once. Then she didnt want to leave and everyone was cheering her on.This was not a day that ended in a disaster. It was a day when Lucy learned that perseverance pays off.39 . Why was Lucy taken to the park last weekend?ATo play with other kids.BTo discover a track for fun.CTo find her speed was too slow.DTo ride her bike along the track.40 . What does the underlined sentence probably mean in Paragraph 2?ALucy would get hurt and cry all the way home.BLucy would fear to ride the bike and get discouraged.CLucy would lose balance and slow the younger kids down.DLucy would have trouble riding the bike and give up soon.41 . What did Lucy take the bike into the main park for?ABeing cheered on by everyone.BGetting practice in an easier way.CFeeling more confident and coming back.DReaching her goal of riding the bike at once.42 . Which one is the right order of the events? a. Lucy fell and got up lots of times.b. Lucy picked up speed on a flat ground.c. Lucy found her bike was too low for the bumps.d. Lucy rode her bike around the whole track without falling once.Aa-b-c-dBc-b-a-dCc-a-b-dDa-c-b-d43 . What is the best title of the passage?APlaying in the Park Is FunBPerseverance Pays offCDont Be Afraid of FallingDRiding Bikes Is Art四、用所给单词的正确形式填空用所给动词的适当形式填空44 . Millie is very glad _ (meet) us here.45 . What about _(play) football on Sunday?46 . He _(look) strong and plays tennis very well.47 . I want to go to the cinema. Id like _(see) a film.48 . _ she _(speak) English well?五、单词填空Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给):A cactus(仙人掌)stood all alone in the desert. It sighed (叹气): “I cant offer shade(阴凉) or juicy fruit to any passing traveler. I cant see that I have any use to others. I wish I could do something u49 . .” By day birds circled high over its head. “What can I do for you?”the cactus called. The birds flew away. At night the moon moved in the s50 . , looking at it coldly. A lizard (蜥蜴)passed by, leaving a little trail (痕迹)in the sand with its tail. “What can I do for you?” the cactus called. “You?” the Lizard l51 . . “You cant do anything! The birds circle overhead, leaving beautiful forms for us all to admire. The moon hangs high like a l52 . at night ,so we can see our ways home. Even I have something to do. I decorate(装饰)the desert with these beautiful trails as I pull my tail along. But you can do nothing.” As time went on, the cactus g53 . old, and it knew that its time was short. It cried out: “Forgive me! I have tried, but I failed to find something to do.”But just then , a beautiful flower o54 . from a cactus head like a crown. The desert had never seen such a flower before. It brought h55 . to all those who passed by. The butterflies stopped to admire its beauty, and that night even the moon smiled when it rose to find such a beautiful flower. In the desert , a voice was saying: “I finally found something to do.”六、填空Whats the best way to lose weight? To diet? No. Most people who diet may regain the lost weight when they go back to their old eating habits.When people change their habits to new, healthy behavior, weight loss may be successful. Here are 5 ways to make that happen.1.Exercise. Exercise burns calories and builds muscles (肌肉). Taking the family dog for a walk, cycling to school, and doing other things can be helpful.2.Reduce screen time. One reason people get less exercise these days is because of an increase in “screen time”. They spend too much time watching TV or playing computer games. Limiting (限制) your screen time to less than 2 hours a day may be suitable. It can make you eat fewer snacks.3.Drink healthily. Another reason in weight gain is that more people drink some unhealthy drinks that can make you get fat. So choose to drink water or low-fat milk.4.Eat 5 servings (一份食物) of fruit and vegetables a day. Fruit and vegetables have fewer calories than many other foods. And when you eat more fruit and vegetables, you wont overeat.5.Have breakfast. Breakfast brings you energy to do more during the day. People who dont have breakfast often feel so hungry that they eat more later on.Ways56 . About exercise57 . the family dog, cycling to school and doing other thingsIt helps 58 . calories andbuild muscles.About screen timeLimiting your 59 . time to less than 2 hours a dayYoull eat 60 . snacks.About 61 . Drinking water or 62 . Youll get 63 . fat.About fruit and vegetablesEating more fruit and vegetablesYoull not 64 . .About breakfastHaving breakfast every dayYoull not eat 65 . later on.七、汉译英:整句66 . 我的家乡己经发生了很大的变化。_67 . 这些书太贵,我买不起。_68 . Tom真粗心昨晚忘做作业了。_69 . 你们学校的新图书馆是去年建造的吗?_70 . 在做这项任务之前,他们有必要进行培训。_八、材料作文71 . 书面表达假设你是David,根据下列表格中提供的信息,写一篇自我介绍的小短文。50词左右。Given nameFamily nameAgeClassDavidSmith123CountryTeacherFriendsEnglandMiss GaoDaming and Betty_第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、4、四、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、五、单词填空1、六、填空1、七、汉译英:整句1、八、材料作文1、


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