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人教版2019-2020年度九年级上学期期末考试英语试题A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . The boy ran away _ I could say a word.AbeforeBwhenCuntilDafter2 . _ you please tell me something about the life in Canada or America? Sorry, I_. I dont know either. Im from Australia.ACould; couldntBCan; couldntCCould; cantDCan; mustnt3 . Little Tom wants to have some chicken. Can you _?Acut up themBcut them upCcut up itDcut it up4 . Where is Jack? Its time to clean the classroom. I think he is _ practicing singing in the music room. The art month is coming.AquicklyBprobablyCeasily5 . It usually takes me _ to finish my homework every night .Aone and a half hourBone hours and a half hoursCone hours and a halfDone and a half hours6 . (题文)(2017年山东泰安)Yesterday, Mr. Green went to his hometown and visited the old house _ he was born in.AwhichBwhereCwhatDit7 . Mr.Li _ to Mary carefully when I entered the classroom this morning. He is very patient _ he is young.Atalking, butBwas talking, thoughCtalk, thoughDtalked, however8 . Please turn _left and the library is _ your right.A/,onBto,/Con, to D in , on9 . Youd better _ to Mr Blacks office right now. He is waiting for you.AgoBwentCgoesDgoing10 . When the teacher asks us _our hands, all of us _our hands.Aput up;raiseBraise up;put upCto raise;put upDto raise up;put up11 . As a junior student, loving music is seen as an out-of-date taste, but I dont agree with this.AmodernBclassicalCforeignDpopular12 . Im so excited about our visit to Hong Kong next week._. I cant wait to go there tomorrow.AI hope soBMe, tooCSounds goodDOf course13 . Jim can swim and he can _draw.AtooBeitherCalso14 . Premier Li said we should speed up the Internet and lower the.AmoneyBpriceCvalueDservice15 . Lisa is _outgoing girl and she is good at playing _ pianoAThe;theBan; aCan;theDThe;an16 . Where did you go yesterday,Rick?I went to see abecause I had a cold.AteacherBdoctorCreporterDworker17 . - Henry has just heard from his friend Joe from an American sister school. He is very happy.- Yes. He will be an exchange student and visit Joe during the holiday.Areceived a call fromBgot a gift fromCreceived a letter from18 . The effective way of improving spoken English is _ it as often as possible.AspeakBspokenCto speakDto speaking19 . _number of people present at the concert _than expected. There were still _number of tickets left.AThe, was much larger, aBThe, was much smaller, aCA, were much fewer, theDA, were much smaller, the二、完型填空Mr. Hawkins, the headmaster, stopped Anna one day at the school gate.“Now,” he said, “I want you to tell me the _, my dear.” Feeling something terrible had happened, Anna said slowly, “_.”“I have had a most _ accusation(投诉) made against you by Mrs. Bond.”“Mrs. Bond?” said Anna, not understanding. Janet Bond was a quiet little _ of a child. As far as Anna could remember she had never had _ to speak an angry word to the girl.“Mrs. Bond,” went on Mr. Hawkins, “told me that you scolded (责备) her daughter yesterday afternoon.”“Scolded?” cried Anna. “ I certainly didnt do that. _ not in school.” She added honestly.Mrs. Bonds _ is that Janet was a little late back to school in the afternoon. She said she set out from home a little late.“Just a minute.” said Anna, beginning to _. “She did come late, very late. I had marked her _, of course. Then she _ slowly in, when wed started our paper-cutting, and I believe I said she was a nuisance (讨厌). She didnt appear to hear, and was certainly quite_.”“A nuisance!” Mr. Hawkins couldnt _ it and asked, “You are sure you said nuisance?”“I may not even have said that.” Anna replied, “I was not angry at all at that moment- _ I certainly didnt scold.”“Mrs. Bond said that you called her child a nuisance. Is that true?”“Indeed it isnt.” said Anna. “The child- or the other- had _ it up!”After Annas explanation, Mr. Hawkins felt _. “Just as I thought, my dear, but of course I had to make sure.”20 . AresultBtruthCnewsDsecret21 . ANaturallyBNo wayCexactlyDcertainly not22 . AmistakenBcorrectCseriousDcareless23 . AmouseBpigCrabbitDbird24 . AcourageBchanceCtimeDcause25 . AAt firstBAt leastCIn factDAfter all26 . AexplanationBexcuseCstoryDquestion27 . AthinkBimagineCcomplainDunderstand28 . AabsentBpresentCsickDearly29 . ArushedBjumpedCwalkedDpushed30 . AsadBtiredCcheerfulDproud31 . AguessBrepeatCfollowDbelieve32 . AasBandCbutDor33 . AputBpickedClookedDmade34 . AinterestedBsatisfiedCdisappointedDsurprised.三、阅读单选There is a big tree in the deep mountain. A mother eagle and her three babies live in the tree.One day the mother eagle said to her babies, “Come to the edge of the nest”.The three babies moved slowly and looked down, being afraid to go too far near the edge. “We are afraid”, they reply, as they hid under the safety of their mothers comfortable wing. “Come here,” she encouraged. “And I will help you”. They came and with a loving, watchful eye, the mother eagle gently pushed the young babies out of their nests.And being brave, the babies flew up and began their colourful life. Just as an eagle flies far above the mountains and farms below, higher and higher into the blue sky, you have further to go on your journey. Then a whole, new, clear great life lies before you.In our journey through life, like the baby eagles, we were created to have new, exciting experiences and a meanful future. So take a step out of your comfortable home to get to where you want to be tomorrow.35 . A mother eagle with her three babies live in _.Athe mountainBthe forestCthe houseDthe street36 . The underlined word “nest means.A房间B帐篷C7两D巢37 . The mother eagle asked her babies to come to the edge of the nest in order to .Alet them look at the beautiful scenes (景色)Bbe for funClet them fly in the airDsee how brave they are38 . The mother eagle pushed the young babies out of their nest in order to .Apunish (惩罚) themBlet them begin their colorful lifeCbe for sportDhave fun39 . From the text, we know we should .Ahelp othersBhelp each otherCfly fartherDstep out of our comfortable home to get to know what we want to be tomorrowMost people follow others blindly mainly under the effect of peer(同龄人) pressure. Some people also feel it safe to follow a large number of people. In somerarecases it might be right to follow the crowd (群众), but in most cases this can be one big mistake. Ninety-five percent of people never succeed because they are following the wrong group. Actually there are reasons why we shouldnt follow the crowd blindly. According to a study, people tend to follow the crowd when they arent sure about the direction they should take. This means a large number of people could be following others without understanding whats right and whats wrong! This attracts more people to follow them and the result is that most people move in a certain direction even if it isnt right.A man who wants to be successful always hopes for others guidance and he usually follows the same path of most people, but the question this man never asks himself is: are all of those people successful? Of course not! If you want to follow a crowd, then follow a successful one. However, in real life youll only find one successful person among hundreds of people, and thats why following the crowd makes no sense at all.Most people act without thinking wisely. If you always follow others becausetheyre greater than you in number, then sooner or later youll discover that youremaking decisions you might regret later.However, should we never follow the crowd?No. Im not trying to say you should never follow the crowd, but instead Im just asking you to think wisely before you take a decision. If you find others are right, there is no problem in following them, but if you have doubts about the direction theyre moving in, dont follow them blindly.40 . What does the underlined word “rare” mean?AA small number of.BA large number of.CThe total number of.DThe same number of.41 . A man who wants to succeed should_.Afollow the crowdBfollow others guidanceCfollow a successful personDfollow the same path of most people42 . What is the passage mainly about?AWays of finding successful people to follow.BAdvantages of making a right direction.CExamples of not following others blindly.DReasons of not following others balindly.Bill Gates was born on October 28, 1955. He grew up in Seattle, Washington. Bill Gates was named William Henry after his father and grandfather. He was a very clever boy. His favourite subjects at school were science and maths. When people asked him what he wanted to be in the future, he always said, A scientist. When he was 13 years old,. At that time, computers were very large machines. Once he was interested in a very old computer. He and some of his friends spent lots of time doing unusual things with it. In the end, they worked out a software program with the old machine. Bill sold it for 4,200 dollars when he was only 17. In 1973, Bill went to Harvard University. At Harvard, he developed the BASIC language for the first microcomputer. In his third year, he left Harvard to work for a company called Microsoft. Bill began this company in 1975 with his friend Paul Allen. They thought that the computers are difficult to use. They improved the software to make it easier for people to use computers. In 1999, Bill wrote a book called Business the Speed of Thought. In the book he told people how computer technology could solve business problems in new ways. It was one on the bestsellers of the New York Time list. Bill married Melinda French on January 1, 1994. They have two childrena daughter and a son. Bill enjoys reading very much. He also enjoys playing golf and bridge .43 . Which of the following can be put in the blank in the second paragraph?ABill worked hard at science and math.BBill set up his own company.CBill started to play with computers.DBill began to learn to play bridge.44 . Whats the correct order of the following events?Bill got married with Melinda.Bill developed the BASIC language.Bill wrote a book called Business the Speed of Thought. Bill showed great interest in an old computer and completed a programme.ABCD45 . According to the passage, which is True ?ABill sold his book for 4,200 dollars.BPaul Allen helped Bill finish his book.CThe BASIC language can help people speak clearly.DBills book can help people work out business problems.46 . What does the underlined word in the last paragraph refer to?Aa kind of building.Ba kind of tool.Ca kind of card game.Da kind of book.四、根据首字母、中文提示填空47 . Weve got a lot of new _ (杂志) in our school library.48 . The glasses can keep the workers eyes _ (安全的).49 . The houses are so expensive that he cant _ (承担得起) to buy one.50 . My parents are always _ (严格的) with me.51 . Each different part of China has its own special forms of traditional _ (艺术).五、用所给单词的正确形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空。52 . Jim _( eat ) up all the cakes yesterday.53 . Many new things _( invent ) last year.54 . All the shoes _( sell ) out last week.55 . The book _( can keep )for a week.56 . The babies here _( take ) good care of every day.57 . A man came to the policeman and _( ask ) for help.58 . Look, the girl _( play ) the piano.59 . Some top students _( send ) to study in foreign countries next year.60 . The teachers _( prepare ) their lessons when I came in.61 . I cant find the apples. I think they _( eat ) by those boys just now.62 . The boy _ ( call ) Jim is my brother.63 . The cakes _ ( taste ) delicious.64 . The chairs are broken. They need _ ( mend ).65 . We decided _ ( go ) to Beijing on vacation.66 . Knives _ ( use ) for cutting things.六、单词填空So many twinsWalk around Kodinji village and youll think that you have double vision. N67 . knows why there are so many twins in the village of over 5,000 people.In fact with about 35-45 twins per 1,000 live birth, this village in North Kerala, India, has four times more twins than normal. Based on door-to-door surveys, there are probably now a68 . 230 sets of twins in the village, locals said. That number doesnt include five women pregnant (怀孕的)with twins.The twins of 60 are the oldest twins in the village, while the youngest were born on June 10 this year. Being a twin is not always easy. Pathummakutty. a middle-aged woman, recalls how her family struggled for a 169 . when she was a child. But she also r70 . good times such as laughter after she was mixed up with her twin sister. At the local school, 15-year-old Salmabi said teachers often confused her for her twin sister and she was once scolded for something that her twin sister d71 . .Scientists are still trying to uncover the mystery of w72 . there are so many twins in the village. “Based on scientific facts, we feel something in the environment is causing this. It could be something in the water,” said a 173 . doctor, M.K. Sribiju. The locals also believe it is to do with the water. Kodinji is surrounded by clear water in the small river.As scientists try to find the r74 . for the large numbers of twins in the village, the parents are busy trying to tell their children apart. While parents lightheartedly point out that their twins even seem to fall sick together but not all traits (特性)are s75 . The twins Anu and Abhi prefer different film stars and one of the boys likes to play tennis, w76 . the other prefers kicking a soccer ball.七、填空阅读下面短文,在表格内的空白处填入合适的答案(每格限填一词)。Good afternoon, boys and girls. Ill give you a talk about going online(上网).We know the Internet(网络)makes our lives full of interest. Many of us like going online very much because we can learn how to use the computer. We can learn English and read some newspapers to know more information around us. Also when we sends emails to our friends, they can get them right away. It car help us keep in touch with(保持联系)people from all over the world.But some students spend too much time playing computer games and some stay in the internet bars(网吧)all day and all night. It takes them too much time to chat online. So, they do worse in their lessons and they dont study well any more.In my eyes, we cant get online when it is time for us to study. We can do it in summer or winter holidays. At the same time, if we have free time, we can join in some activities after school. We also have some interest group in school. We have many other helpful choices(选择).A talk about going onlineAdvantages (优点)*It makes our lives 77 . interest. *We can get more information around us.* Friends can get our 78 . at once and keep in touch with uDisadvantages (缺点)* It takes some students too much time to play computer games.Some students Spend too much time 79 . online. Advice(建议) 80 . go online when its time to study.*Do some after-school 81 . or have some interest groups.八、回答问题根据短文内容回答问题Mr. Ge lives in a small village(村子)named Shanqingge, but he works in a big city(城市). He goes to work by train every morning and comes home in the same way.This morning he reads his newspaper on the train, a man behind(在后面)him says “Hello” to him and begins to talk to him, “Your life is boring, isnt it? You take the same train every morning. You always take the same seat and read the same newspaper.” “How do you know all that about me?” Mr. Ge says angrily(生气地).“Because I always take the same seat behind you,” the man says.82 . Where does Mr. Ge live?83 . How does Mr. Ge go to work every day?84 . What does Mr. Ge often do on the train?85 . Does the man often take the same train to work?86 . 把画线的句子翻译成汉语。九、材料作文87 . 根据要求完成大作文,词数:80100词。周末在家,许多人喜欢在网上订外卖,也有人喜欢自己动手做饭。假如让你选择其中一种方式你会选择哪个?选择一种你喜欢的方式并阐述理由。内容提示:Order take-away food on the InternetCook meals yourselfbe convenienttaste deliciousenjoy many kinds of foodbe clean and freshbe good for ones healthdevelop ones independence词汇:take-away food要求:文中不得出现真实姓名、地名。开头部分已给出,不计入总词数。Some people order take-away food on the Internet when they are at home on weekends. Others like cooking by themselves. I prefer to_第 17 页 共 17 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、单词填空1、七、填空1、八、回答问题1、九、材料作文1、


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