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人教版2019-2020学年八年级下学期第一次月考英语试题D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . When and where_the traffic accident_?Awas; happenBdid; happenCwould; happenDhas; happened2 . -_ is the banana?- Its yellow.AWhatBWhereCWhat colourDHow old3 . _ girl is your sister over there? The one in red. AWhoBWhichCWhatDWhere4 . animals do you like? I like dogs.AWhatBHowCWhyDWhen5 . I have a bad toothache and I can hardly eat anything.Oh, you should see _ dentist and get _ X-ray.Aa, aBan, anCan, aDa, an6 . Who _ these pictures on the wall?Kangkang did.Atakes upBgets upCput upDwent up7 . - Hes never been to Canada, _ he? -_. Its his second time to be there.Ahas; NoBhasnt; YesChasnt; NoDhas; Yes8 . (题文)Tony didnt come to school last week _he was ill. And _his illness he missed a lot of lessons.Abecause; becauseBbecause of; because ofCbecause; because ofDbecause of; because9 . - Does Jim usually go to shool by car ?- No, hedoes . He often takes a bus .AalwaysBseldomCnearlyDcertainly10 . -This movie is very wonderful. -I think the music sounds terribleASounds greatBI disagree with you.CThats too bad.11 . The film The Chinese Pilot (中国机长) touches my heart deeply, you wont regret _ it.I believe so. I am going to watch it this weekend.AwatchingBto watchCto watching12 . - It is said that students can take English tests more than once each year.-And only the highest score_.Awill be takenBhas takenCwill takeDhas been taken13 . _students come from China.AHalf ofBThe halfCHalf the14 . The girl in the room was ina moment ago, but now she is.Adanger safetyBdangeroussafetyCdangerous safeDdanger safe15 . Its too cold, would you mind _ the window?_. Dont do it now.Ato close; SureBclosing; Good ideaCclosing; Better notDclosing; Of course not二、完型填空完形填空Mary:Hello, Helen! Can you give me some_about learning English?Helen: Of course.Mary : I want to learn English_But Im not good at reading and_Helen : Why_you write down the correct spelling next to the_?Mary : OK. Can you give me some other advice?Helen : You_read a newspaper in English every day. Try_eight or ten_a day.Mary : What else?Helen : You can talk about the films or songs_your friends. And why not listen to the teacher_in class?Mary : Thank you.16 . AideaBadviceCmessageDinformation17 . AgoodBfewerCwellDless18 . AwritingBwroteClistenDwrites19 . AnotBdidntCdoesntDdont20 . AmistakesBcaptainCschoolDwords21 . AcantBwantCcanDshouldnt22 . AforgetBto forgetCnot forgetDto write23 . AbooksBarticlesCsentencesDwords24 . AwithBandCforDby25 . AcarefulBnot carefulCcarefullyDcareless三、阅读单选26 . The pictures above are _.Aa news reportBa comic stripCa posterDa notice27 . What are the kids mainly talking about?AThe directionBThe seasons.CThe map.DThe leaves.28 . In the pictures, it is now most probably _.AspringBsummerCautumnDwinterDo you want to help China become a more beautiful country? Now, you can do this on your smart phone(智能手机).Ant Financial(蚂蚁金服) is an Internet financial service(服务) company. In August 2016, it started an interesting project on Alipay(支付宝). The name of the project is “Ant Forest.”. According to(根据) Ant Financial, “Ant Forest” can help make the environment(环境) better.But how does the project actually work? And what effects(效果) does it have? In “Ant Forest”, people start by planting a virtual tree. The project will then give people “green energy” if they do low-carbon(低碳) activities. These activities include walking, buying tickets on the Internet, taking public transportant(公共交通设施) and so on. With “green energy”, the virtual tree will grow up slowly. When there is enough “green enough”, Ant Financial will plant a real tree.The Ant Financial company is working with lots of green charities(慈善机构). Together, they help farmers in desert(沙漠) areas in China plant trees. “Ant Forest”is very popular now. More than 250,000,000 people have planted virtual trees on their phones. And Ant Financial has planted more than 10,000,000 real trees.Bai Xue is a worker of Ant Financial.She says the company believes everyone wants to make the environment better. She and her workmates are happy that they can help people make their wishes come true. According to Bai, Ant Financial will do more in the future so that we can make China a greener country together.29 . What does the underlined word “virtual” mean?A真实的B高大的C虚拟的D贵重的30 . According to the article, Ant Financia will plant a real tree when .Aa user collects enough “green energy”Ba green charity asks it to plant a treeCa user plants a virtual tree in “Ant Forest”Da user use Alipay31 . Which of the following things can people do to get “green energy”?.walk to the office.drive a car to work buy tickets on the Internet.take an underground.help parents do some houseworkABCD32 . Which of the following is TRUE according to the article?AThe virtual tree will grow into a big tree just in a few days.BThe Ant Financial company helps farmers plant a real tree in some poor areas.CBai Xue works for Ant Financial.DOver 25000000 people have planted virtual trees on phones.33 . From the passage, we can learn that “Ant Forest”.Ais an Internet Internet financial serviceBworks to make our country more beautifulCcan help people make their life betterDwill make a lot of money by planting treesMany people go to school for an education. They learn languages, history, geography, physics, chemistry and mathematics. Others go to school to learn a skill so that they can make a living. School education is very important and useful. Yet no one can learn everything from school; no matter how much the teacher knows, he cannot teach his students everything they want to know. The teachers job is to show his students how to learn. He teaches them how to read and how to think. So much more is to be learned outside school by the students themselves.It is always more important to study by oneself than to memorize some facts or a formula(公式).It is actually quite easy to learn a certain fact in history or a formula in mathematics. But it is very difficult to use a formula in working out a maths problem. Great scientists, such as Einstein, Newton and Galileo didnt get everything from school. But they were all so successful. They invented so many things for mankind. The reason for their success is that they knew how to study. They read books that were not taught at school. They worked hard all their lives, wasting not a single moment. They would ask many questions at what they read and they did thousands of experiments.34 . What do many people go to school for?ATeaching.BBooks.CLearning languages.DAn education35 . The teachers job is to teach _.Aeverything the students want to knowBstudents everything he knowsCstudents some facts or formulasDstudents the methods of learning36 . Einstein, Newton and Galileo did so many things for mankind because _.Athey learned a lot at schoolBthey learned everything inside and outside schoolCthey were so usefulDthey went to college and learned from professorsI love small towns, and I enjoy going on a trip around them on foot with my friends. If you love them like me, Bangued is a nice place.Bangued is the capital town of Abra. When you get there, start your walking trip at Victoria Park.There is a hill in the park. Go up to the hill top, because it is the best place to enjoy the whole view(景观) of Bangued. Really wonderful!After going out of Victoria Park, walk for about 50 metres to Town Square. Its north of Victoria Park. You can have a rest and talk with local people there.South of the park is Bangued Cathedral. It is a big church (教堂) with a long history. It was a hospital in the 1940s, but now it is a place to visit for fun.Next to the cathedral is Parish Rectory. Sorry you cant visit it inside.But there are some great restaurants around this area. If you love fast food, Jollibee and Chowking are just beside Town Square.37 . 文章第一段中的 them 指代“_”。Asmall townsBtripsCpeopleDfriends38 . Which is the best place to enjoy the whole view of Bangued?ABangued Cathedral.BThe top of the hill.CTown Square.DParish Rectory.39 . What can people do at Town Square?AGo swimming.BDo the shopping.CTalk with local people.DWatch a good show.40 . What can we learn from the passage?AVictoria Park is famous in Bangued.BVictoria Park is south of Town Square.CPeople can visit Parish Rectory inside.DJollibee is next to Parish Rectory.41 . Which is the best title of the passage?AWalking around BanguedBA famous town in AbraCGreat restaurants in BanguedDWhy I love small towns四、填写适当的单词补全句子(题文)根据句子意思填入适当的词。42 . (小题1)I can _ Chinese, English, and a little Japanese.43 . (小题2)The teacher wants to talk _ you.44 . (小题3)The math problem is very _, not difficult.45 . (小题4)That young man _ us English.46 . (小题5)Are you good _ those people?五、根据首字母、中文提示填空单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)(共10小题;共10分)47 . If you dont know the meaning of the words, youd better look them up in a _(字典).48 . Im going to send an e-mail, but theres something wrong with the mouse of my _(电脑).49 . Jiangyin has many _(图书馆). Many people like to borrow books from them.50 . Please _(问) that girl over there.51 . I have two new _(橡皮) in my pencil box.52 . Kates father likes playing _(棒球).53 . Uncle Wang bought two _(手表) yesterday.54 . There are a lot of football _(比赛) this month.55 . These are Toms _(词典). Give them to him.56 . Is this your _(电脑) game?六、填空任务型阅读(每空一词)In todays society(社会),there are more and more problems between parents and their children. Many of them are always having such a question: Why do we often argue(争吵)?”As parents,they show their love for children in many different ways. They cook delicious food and buy new clothes for them. They care about their childrens studies as well. Parents always say to their children like these all the time,You must study hard. “You should finish your homework before you go to bed!“Why dont you prepare for your exam?When the children get bad points in studies,their parents will be very angry. They will stop their children watching TV,playing computer games or even going outside until they make progress(进步).Why?Most families have only one child. The only child is the hope of the whole family,so,they want their child to be the best. Many children want to do things in their own ways. They want to do many unusual and special things that their parents dislike. They like pop music,stars and other new things. They spend a lot of time chatting online and playing QQ games,In their parentseyes,these are a waste(浪费)of time. For these reasons,parents and children cant get along with each other.57 . between parents and childrenParents 58 . their children in many different ways, like 59 . delicious food and buying new clothes for them.Parents also care about their childrens 60 . . They want their child to be the 61 . , so they think their children should 62 . hard all the time and watching TV and playing computer games are 63 . for their studies.Many children want to do many unusual and special things that their parents dont 64 . . They like pop 65 . , stars and other new things. It takes them a lot of time to 66 . on the Internet and play QQ games.七、汉译英:整句翻译下面句子67 . 你可以秋天去长城。_68 . 北京的冬天很冷。_69 . 今天的天气很好。_70 . 我的梦想是环游世界。_八、材料作文71 . (题文)作文下面表格是你所在城市最好的中学、医院、电影院、服装店和电台的名称及原因,请你根据表格提供的信息,写一篇英语短文简要介绍一下这些地方。70词左右。PlaceNameReason(原因)high schoolNo. 1 High Schoolgood teachers, beautifulhospitalZhongxing Hospitalcomfortable beds, friendly service movie theaterNew Century Cinemabig screensclothes storeHongxin Clothes Storegood quality, popularradio stationMusic 92.8 FMpopular music and interesting music 第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、4、四、填写适当的单词补全句子1、五、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、六、填空1、七、汉译英:整句1、八、材料作文1、

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