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人教版2019-2020学年八年级下学期期中教学质量检测英语试题B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Its _ in China to eatzongziduring the Dragon Boat Festival.AtraditionalBimpossibleCpersonalDserious2 . Mr White has a good sense of humour and he often makes us _.AlaughBlaughingClaughedDto laugh3 . (题文)一Why doesnt the surgeon stop lunch?一Because he is too busy a dying patient in the operation room.Ato have; to saveBhaving; to saveCto have; savingDhaving; saving4 . - Its very cold in Shenyang in winter.- here.ASo it isBSo is itCSo it doesDSo does it5 . The Little Prince is _ favorite book.AheBhisChimDhimself6 . All the students _ to wear uniforms to school tomorrow.Awill supposeBare supposed toCsuppose7 . I didnt hear you come in just now.Thats good. We tried _ any noise because you were sleeping.Ato makeBmakingCnot to makeDnot make8 . Which girl is _ in your class, Mary or Linda?AoutgoingBmuch outgoingCmore outgoingDthe most outgoing9 . This problem is _ difficult _.Aso; that few of us can doBso; that few of us can do itCtoo; for anyone of us to doDtoo; for anyone of us to do it10 . There is _ “ m ” in the word “mother”.AaBanC/Dthe11 . My father_ me_ newspapers after supper.Aadvises; to readBadvises; readingCadvise; to readDadvise; reading12 . (题文)Could you please_ my pet dog when Im out?Atake care ofBwashCwork onDwater13 . I have a toothache, so I should _ .Adrink more waterBlie down and restCdrink hot tea with honeyDsee a dentist14 . Don t point the little girl.AatBonCforDof15 . -Its Sunday today, Betty. _ go to the park?-Good idea.AWhy not youBHow about CWhy dont weDDo you like二、补全短文6选5请阅读下面的短文,并根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入文中空白处的最佳选项,将选项前的字母写在答题卡上相应的题号后。(提示:每个选项只用一次,选项中有一项为多余选项。)The world is an interesting place. Different people like different things.Some people like loud music. Other people dont. 16 . Many people like sport, but they dont all like the same sport. In some countries, cricket(板球运动) is a very popular sport. In other countries, no one plays it or watches it on TV. However, most people like soccer. The World Cup is very popular. 17 . Different people like different foods. Some people dont like meat. 18 . Some people dont like potatoes or bread. They prefer rice.19 . Most people have their favorite colors. Some people like bright colors. Others prefer black colors.Many people like traveling. Different people like different places. Some people like to go to the country. They like the fresh air. Some people like to go to the city. Because they like shopping. 20 . 三、阅读单选When my son Mark was eight years old, his teacher announced a class spelling contest, the prize being a pizza lunch for the winner plus three friends. Mark wanted to win that contest badly. He could taste the pizza, hot with cheese.In honor of the contest, Mark agreed to a haircut, and before he changed his mind, I took him to the barbershop.Make it a lucky cut,” I said to barber Joe. “Mark is competing in a very important spelling contest next week.”“Well, did you do your homework?” Joe asked.“Yeah,” ark replied.“Do you have confidence?” Joe asked.“Confidence. C-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-C-E. Confidence. A lot of people spell that word wrong,” Mark explained.“Sure. You can spell it,” Joe responded. “But do you have it? You have to have confidence in yourself, son. Its a winners secret weapon.”Mark looked at barber Joes reflection in the mirror, being very careful to move only his eyes and not his head for fear of losing a piece of ear to Joes scissors. “The secret weapon, huh? Confidence!” And with that, Mark had a new motto (格言): I CAN WIN THE SPELLING CONTEST!And he did. And the pizza was heaven. And Mark never forgot barber Joes words: “You have to have confidence in yourself, son. Its a winners secret weapon.”Many years later, after creating his own company and becoming a famous architect, Mark began receiving interview requests. During an interview, the reporter asked him a question, “You are considered as a great architect. When everyone around says it cant be done, what makes you think you can be successful?”After thinking a bit, Mark replied, “Confidence. Its a winners secret weapon.”21 . The prize of the class spelling contest was _.Ato have a haircut for freeBto travel with three friendsCto have a pizza lunch with three friendsDto be interviewed by a reporter22 . According to the first two paragraphs, which of the following is NOT true?AMark enjoyed pizza very much, so he really wanted to win the contest.BMark wanted to win the spelling contest because he liked spelling.CMark took the spelling contest seriously.DMark wasnt fond of a haircut.23 . The underlined word “reflection” means _.A表情B映象C发型D体形24 . In the barbershop, _.AJoe checked Marks homeworkBJoe gave Mark a spelling testCJoe encouraged Mark to be confident in himselfDJoe cut Marks hair nicely25 . We can learn from the story that _.AMark lost the spelling contestBafter the spelling contest, a reporter interviewed MarkCMark worked for a company after he grew upDin Marks mind, it was confidence that made him successful.26 . The best title of the story is _.AThe Winner of a Spelling ContestBA Wonderful BarberCA Winners Secret WeaponDA Famous Architect四、阅读判断根据短文内容,判断下列句子的正、误,正确的填“T”,不正确的填“F”。An old lady in a plane had a blanket(毛毯) over her head and she did not want to take it off. The air hostess spoke to her ,but the old lady said: I have never been in plane before,and I am frightened.I am going to keep this blanket over my head until we are back on the ground again!Then the captain came. He said :Madam,I am the captain of this plane.The weather is fine ,there are no clouds in the sky,and everything is going very well.But she continued to hide.So the captain turned and started to go back.Then the old lady looked out from under the blanket with one eye and said:Im sorry,young man,but I dont like planes and I am never going to fly again. But Ill say one thing,she continued kindly,you and your wife keep your plane very clean!27 . The old lady had never been plane before.28 . The weather is fine that day.29 . The old lady isnt frightened when she is on the plane.30 . There is many clouds in the sky that day.31 . The plane is clean.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空32 . He told me that he _ (return) home before 6 oclock, but he didnt.33 . The price of houses _(rise) a lot in the past few years.34 . Did you see a man with sunglasses pass by just now?Sorry, I didnt. I _ (chat) with my friends.35 . I dont know if they _(show) around the History Museum yesterday.36 . The little boy often made everyone he knew _ (play) with him together in the past.37 . I cant get into my house because I _(leave) my key at home.38 . What a waste of time it is _ (listen) to such a useless report!39 . Lets send him some flowers. Im sure that _(cheer) him up.40 . The doctor said they could do nothing but_ (operate) on him at once.41 . The paintings he devoted(奉献) all his life to _ (show) successfully last week.42 . What a heavy rain! We have no choice but _(wait) at the bus stop.43 . We are looking forward to the _(come) winter holiday, because we have more time to do what we like.44 . Since I was born, great changes _(take place) in Zhenjiang.45 . Unless we take action to protect the environment, the air pollution _(be) worse.46 . I find it very difficult _(understand) the film called Let the Bullets Fly(让子弹飞).47 . When I was young, I was told that Singapore _ (lie) in South East Asia.48 . - Do you know why he left that job? - It seems that he _(offer) a better job at IBM.49 . My dictionary is missing. Please find out who _ (take) it.50 . Hes decided to get a look at the house and see if it might be worth _ (buy).51 . The little boy promised his teacher _ (not be) late again.52 . The novel he has devoted most of his time to _ (finish) next month.53 . Did you realize how much stress you _ (face) at that moment?54 . We can never catch up with the fashion because it _ (change) all the time.55 . He was charged with _ (steal) a wealthy businessmans car.56 . News about all kinds of events in real life _ (cover) all over the world every day.57 . Did you watch the live basketball match on TV last night? I wanted to, but my mother _ (watch) her favourite drama series.58 . More workers _ (require) in this factory if it develops fast.59 . I couldnt remember the fairy story I wanted to tell her, so I _ (make) one up.60 . These are some safety tips he is suggesting _ (protect) people themselves against crime.61 . His novel _ (catch) many peoples attention since it was published.62 . When one _ (bleed), he certainly loses blood from his body as a result of hurt or illness.63 . The haze(雾霾) _(influence)our life so seriously for a long time that many people has got ill because of it.64 . These books _ worth _(read), you should read them in your spare time.65 . Jane entered the Dancing School, later she went on _(study) in a middle school.66 . A wealthy manager_(find) dead at the door of his building three days ago.67 . While the boys _ (play) football, it began to rain heavily.68 . If it snows tomorrow, the parents meeting _(cancel), which will make most students pleased.69 . How about _(have) a cup of coffee?70 . It _ (turn)out that the man with blood on his shirt had nothing to do with this murder.71 . -How about going boating if it _(not, rain) tomorrow?72 . Plenty of application letters _(deal) with in time every day73 . Walk down this road, and you _(find) the bank on your left.74 . He fell in love with this city as soon as he _ (get) off the plane.75 . Many awards _ (present) to the winners in the art festival last week.76 . Could you tell me how soon such cold weather_ (last)?77 . Most young people think the movie War Wolf is worth_(see).78 . One of my students _ (succeed) in getting scholarship in his college last year.79 . Jack,_(attend) the meeting instead of me,will you?80 . Do you know how much difficulty Chinese Womens Volleyball Team had_ (win) the match last year?81 . The book_(translate)into many kinds of languages since it was published.六、用单词的正确形式完成短文根据短文内容,用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使文章完整、通顺。(每个单词限用一次,其中有两个多余)hand, thirsty, letter, mistake, hurry,umbrella, it, polite, she, if, sorry, hungry hand, thirsty, letter, mistake, hurry,umbrella, it, polite, she, if, sorry, hungry Ann studied in a city far from her hometown. One day, she went to buy a blue umbrella for her mother as a birthday present, because82 . was old and broken. On her way back to school, Ann felt 83 . and went into a tea house for a drink. There were so many people in it. She found a seat and sat at a table. She put the umbrella behind the chair. After she finished her cup of tea, she looked at her watch. 84 . was nearly the time for classes in the afternoon. She85 . out and ran to school. Suddenly, she found that she had left her umbrella in the tea house. She ran back to the tea house. But the umbrella was no longer there. She couldnt stop herself from crying, and she told the people around about the blue umbrella, which was a birthday present for her mother. The people all felt 86 . for her. Then the owner of the tea house came and asked for her mothers address. He said 87 . someone took it away by 88 . and came to return the umbrella, he would send it to her mother. The girl told him her mothers address, thanked him 89 . and then left. A few days after her mothers birthday, Ann got a90 . from her mother, which said “Dear Ann, thank you for your good presents. But could you tell me why you sent me so many blue 91 . from different places?”七、语法填空AkinghadtwosonsandaskedfamousteacherstoteachthemAfterafew92 . (year),thekingfellbadlyillSohewantedtochooseoneofhissonsasthenextking,butwhichonewouldbetherightperson?Hethoughtitover93 . awholenightAtlast,hedecided94 . (test)hissonsOneday,hegavearoomtoeachof95 . (they),Youmustfilltheroomcompletely(完全地)withanythingyouwishButthereshould96 . (be)nospaceleftandyoucantaskforadvicefromanyone!Thenextdaytheking97 . (visit)hiseldersonsroomTheroomwascompletelyfilledwithgrassThekingfeltsorryaboutitThenhewentto98 . otherroom,butitwasclosedHis99 . (young)sonaskedhimtogetinandclosedthedooragainItwasdarkeverywhere,sothekingshoutedathim100 . (angry),ButsuddenlythesecondsonlightedacandleandtheroomwasfulloflightThekingfeltveryexcitedandhuggedhimproudlyHerealized:Wisdom(智慧)ismoreimportantthansimpleanswers101 . areeasytoget八、回答问题阅读下文并回答问题。It was Sunday afternoon. My brother and I were alone at home. My parents went for a party and asked me to look after my brother. Suddenly(突然) the doorbell rang. Ding-Dong! My brother thought that it was our parents, so he opened the door quickly.A tall man stood outside. He asked us if our parents were at home. Without thinking, my brother said, “No,” Then the man asked if we would like to buy some story books. I said “No”. But my brother said “Yes”. Then he suddenly came into our house. He took out a knife and ordered me to tie(绑) up my brothers hands with a rope(绳子). I tied up his hands in a special way so my brother could untie himself easily. The man then tied my hands up and locked both of us in the kitchen.When he went upstairs to look for money, I taught my brother to untie the rope on his hands. He then unties me. I want to use the telephone to call the police, but the man locked all the doors from the outside. It was lucky that the man forgot to lock the kitchen window. We got out of the house through the kitchen window and went to the nearest pay phone to call the police.Soon the police came to our house and caught the man. We told my parents all the story. My parents were surprised that we were not hurt(受伤). They told me that I should stop my brother from opening the door to someone we dont know. This was a very useful lesson for me.102 . Did the police catch the tall man?_103 . Why did the brother open the door?_104 . What did the children do to escape(逃离) from the house?_105 . Is it dangerous to open the door for strangers(陌生人)? Why or why not?_九、话题作文106 . Writing(作文):Write at least 60 words about the topic “My joy of living”(以“我的生活乐趣”为题,写一篇不少于60词的短文,标点符号不占格)生活有艰辛,也有乐趣,你的生活乐趣是什么?你为何觉得这是你的乐趣所在?你是怎么想的?怎么做的?(注意:短文中不得出现任何人名,校名,及其他相关信息,否则不予评分。)第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、补全短文6选51、三、阅读单选1、四、阅读判断1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、七、语法填空1、八、回答问题1、九、话题作文1、


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