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人教版2019-2020学年八年级下学期第二次月考英语试题C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . We must act now because time is _.Yes. Lets start.Acoming outBgiving outCcutting outDrunning out2 . -I eat vegetables and fruit every day.-Its a good _.AhabitBfoodCdinnerDsport3 . Grandfather lives with us. We all _ him.Alook atBlook forClook afterDlook like4 . Here is some _. Do you like it?AbreadBtomatoesCstrawberriesDcakes5 . -Dear, I prepared for your friends. -Sounds , Mum. Thank you.Aenough food, good enoughBenough food, enough goodCfood enough, well enoughDfood enough, enough good6 . - Could you please help me choose a dress online?_. My computer doesnt work.AI hope soBIm afraid notCI dont careDI think so7 . How youve changed!Yes! Ive _ five pounds.Aput onBput offCput inDput out8 . The harder we study, the _ result we will get.AgoodBbetterCbestDwell9 . My uncles dont like watching TV. _ my mother.ASo doesBNeither doesCSo doDNeither do10 . Please email me_hxy050610sina. com or call me_158XXXX5286.Afor; onBat; onCwith; atDby; on11 . My mom _ breakfast when the morning post came.Awas havingBis havingChasDhad12 . This is_ orange. _orange is very big.Aan; AnBa; TheCan; TheDa; An13 . Great changes have _ in my home town.AhappenBtake placeChappenedDtaken place14 . Those boys didnt start the work _ their teacher came back.AuntilBwhileCas soon asDif15 . Jack, who helped _make the model ship?Nobody! I made it all by_.Ayour; myByour; mineCyou; myselfDyou; mine二、完型填空Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文):A Town Mouse once visited a Country Mouse. For supper the Country Mouse served wheat stalks, roots and nuts, with some cold water for drink. After supper, the Town Mouse _ her life in the city while the Country Mouse listened. They then went to bed in a nest in the hedgerow(矮木树篱)and slept quietly and comfortably until morning. In her sleep the Country Mouse dreamed she was a Town Mouse with all the luxuries(奢侈)and _ of city life that her friend had described for her. So the next day when the Town Mouse asked the Country Mouse to go home with her to the city, she said yes gladly. When they reached the house where the Town Mouse lived, they found the leavings of a very _ banquet(宴会)on the table in the dining room. There were sweetmeat, jellies, pastries and delicious cheese, indeed, the most wonderful food that a Mouse can imagine. But just as the Country Mouse wanted to nibble(轻咬)a little of nice pastry, she _ a Cat mew(发出猫叫声)loudly and scratch at the door. In great fear the Mice rushed to a hiding place. They lay quite still for a long time, hardly daring to breathe. When they _ came back to the table, the door opened suddenly and the servants came in to clear the table, followed by the House Dog.The Country Mouse stopped in the Town Mouses den(兽穴)only long enough to pick up her carpet bag and umbrella.“_ you may have luxuries and nice food that I have not,” she said as she hurried away, “I prefer my plain food and simple life in the country with the peace and safety”.16 . Agave upBtalked aboutChatedDmissed17 . AfashionBnoisesCordersDhappiness18 . AfineBpleasantCmodernDsecret19 . AwatchedBmadeCheardDfelt20 . Aall the timeBat lastCquicklyDangrily21 . AWhenBIfCBecauseDAlthough三、阅读单选My name is Becky. I get up early in the morning every day. After that, I get dressed quickly. Then I brush my teeth and wash my face. Its very important to wear right clothes. If I have P.E. that day, I will (将) wear my sports clothes and shoes. Before my father drives me to school, I usually eat a healthy breakfast at home. My favorite food is break and milk.In class, I listen to my teachers carefully. I will ask questions if I dont know. I also like to be with my friends. I make many friends at school. I always talk with them or play sports with them after class. Sometimes we go to the library.After school, I go home and have dinner. Then, I take a walk with my parents. In the evening, I do my homework. Before I go to bed at 9:00, I usually take a shower and drink a glass of milk.22 . How does Becky like her breakfast?AIts quick.BIts important.CIts healthy.DIts interesting.23 . What will Becky wear if she has P.E. that day? ARed clothes. BSchool uniforms. CSports clothes. DSports clothes and shoes.24 . What will Becky do if he doesnt know something in class?AListen to his teacher.BTo be with his friends.CAsk the teachers questions.DGo to the library.25 . What does Not Becky do with her friends?AGo to school.BGo to the library.CTalk with them.DPlay sports with them.26 . Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?ABeckys favorite food is hamburgers and milk.BBecky listens to her teachers and sometimes asks questions.CBecky usually has dinner after she takes a walk with her family.DBecky gets up early in the morning, but she doesnt have a healthy life.Hi! Im Alan. This is my dream house (梦幻屋) It is a small but nice room. Some pictures are on the wall. There is a bookcase in my room. There is a desk and a chair in it, too. My schoolbag is on the desk. There are two baseballs near it. Oh! Where is my pencil case? It is under the chair. There are some pencils and a ruler in the pencil case. My bags and a basketball are under the bed. I like my dream house very much.27 . Alans room is _.Anot smallBnot bigCvery newDvery old28 . There in Alans room.Ais a bookcase and a deskBare some desks and a chairCis a desk and a pictureDare some chairs and a desk29 . Alans pencil case is_.Aon the deskBon the wallCunder the chairDunder the be|i30 . There are_ ball( s) in Alans room.AoneBtwoCthreeDfour31 . Alans _are under the bed.A. basketball B. baseballC. pencil case D bags四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及汉语提示写出所缺单词32 . Mom bought a(an) _ (巧克力) cake for me.33 . Dont be _(难过的) now. You can try another time.34 . What will _(发生) if you dont finish your homework?35 . My dad sometimes takes the _(出租车) to work.36 . If I dont get up early, I will not have _(足够的)time.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空37 . I want _(go)camping with my sister this Sunday.38 . We would like to go to the city and go_ (sightsee)there.39 . Can you tell me how _ (take)good photos,Mr Wang?Of course.40 . What do you think of the_ (late)film?Exciting.41 . Tom woke up in the middle of the night and he couldnt fall_ (sleep)any more.六、完成句子完成句子42 . 我们可以从互联网上得到许多有用的信息。We can _ a lot of useful information _ the Internet.43 . 我有一个集邮册,它装满了邮票。I have a stamp book, and it is _ stamps.44 . 昨天我收到了我最好的朋友凯特的来信。I _ my best friend Kate yesterday.45 . 会议将在下周一举行。The meeting _ next Monday.46 . 谢谢你把你的电脑借给我。Thanks a lot for _ your computer _ me.七、填写适当的句子补全对话补全对话,并根据括号内的英文提示语写出建议(注意运用情态动词should)。47 . _?I have a sore back._. (X-ray)48 . Does your sister have a fever?Yes, _._.(rest)49 . _?They have terrible colds._. (keep warm; more water)50 . Do you have a sore leg?No, _. I cut myself when cutting apples._. (medicine; the cut)51 . Susan, you look tired today.Oh, I have a bad headache. Should I go to take the piano lesson?No, _. _. (some sleep)八、多任务混合问题语篇翻译What will the world be like in the future? 65.许多人对于谈论未来的生活感兴趣。Some people think that life in the future will be easier and more comfortable. 66.But others believe that it will be worse and more difficult than now. As for me, I agree with the idea of the first team.First, as for education, people will have better education. This is because of technology(科技). E-books will replace(取代) common books, robots will replace teachers, and students will not have to go to school every day. 67. They will study at home through online teaching and will find learning very interesting. Second, housing problems will end. People will build houses under the sea. Also, some people will live on the moon. Then everyone will have a place to live. Third, peoples health will improve. 68. 科技也将起重要的作用。New medicine will help people get better quickly. Robots will help doctors and sometimes replace them.69.These predictions may seem impossible today, but I believe they will come true one day. We never know what will happen in the future.52 . _53 . _54 . _55 . _56 . _九、材料作文57 . Name: Helen Yang Age: 28Job: shop assistantLikes her job: noWhy/Why not: doesnt like to work too many hoursStarts work at: 10 a. mFinishes work at: 10: 30 p. mReportHelen Yang is _第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、完成句子1、七、填写适当的句子补全对话1、八、多任务混合问题1、九、材料作文1、

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