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人教版2019-2020学年八年级上学期期末英语试题(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . The boy next to me is really quiet and smart. Yeah, _ boy he is !Awhat a unusualBhow unusualCwhat an unusualDhow an unusual2 . Look at the“No Photos”sign.You_take photos in the art museum.AshouldBcanCneedntDmustnt3 . Are these your parents? -Yes, _.Athey areBthese areCtheyre4 . -Do you have _ e-mail address? -Sorry, I dont have one.AaBanCtheD/5 . How much juice is there in the fridge?_. Lets go to the supermarket and buy some after supper.ANoneBNothingCNobody6 . Daniel, can you repeat what I said just now?Sorry, sir. Isomething else.Athought aboutBwill think aboutCwas thinking aboutDhave thought about7 . - Is this a map? - Yes, _.Ait isBthat isCthis isDthey are8 . Whenever the little boy reads an interesting story, he cant keep it to _ and is thirsty to share it with his parents.AheBhisChimDhimself9 . They are trying _ these children to go to school.AhelpBhelpsChelpedDto help10 . We should be careful when wethe bus.Aget downBget outCget upDget off11 . Even Tonys granddaughter,a five-year-old girl,asked him_ smokingAgive upBgave upCto give upDgiving up12 . Which of the following is the same as “I saw him reading a book.” in pattern(结构)?AYou have a very nice sister.BThe news made me happy.CMy grandpa gave me a red packet.DHe likes playing the piano.13 . I like soccer because I think its _. And I can play it at school with my friends.AdifficultBrelaxingChardDtidy14 . Remember to turn off the lights before leaving the classroom, children. _AOK, we willBYoure right.CIt doesnt matter.15 . everyone is here, lets start our meeting.ABecauseBSinceCBecause ofDAs二、完型填空阅读下列短文,从文后各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。When I was in primary school, I had a big argument with a boy in my class. I cant _ what it was about, but I have never forgotten the _ I learned that day.I was sure that I was right and he was wrong. _ , he strongly believed that I was wrong and he was right. The teacher decided to teach us a lesson. She _ a good idea. She brought both of us to the front of the class and placed him on one side of her grey desk and me on _. In the middle of the desk was a large, round object. It was _ for me to see that it was black. She asked the boy what color the object was. “_” he answered in a loud voice.I couldnt _ that the object was white, considering that it was certainly black! One more argument started between the boy and me, this time _ the color of the object.The teacher told me to go stand where the boy was standing and told him to come stand where I had been. We changed _, and then she asked me what the color of the object was. I _ answer, “White.” It was then that I knew what was wrong. It was an object with two _ colored sides, and from his side it was white. _ from my side was it black.My teacher taught me a very improtant lesson that day: You must _ in other persons position (位置)and look at the _ through their eyes in order to truly understand their ideas.16 . AunderstandBrememberCexplainDknow17 . AclassBsubjectClessonDbook18 . AThereforeBAlsoCHoweverDBut19 . AthoughtBwent on withCgo along withDcame up with20 . AanotherBotherCthe otherDthe others21 . AhardBcleanCluckyDclear22 . ABlackBWhiteCGreyDBrown23 . ArealizeBdescribeCbelieveDam sure24 . AlikeBagainstCaboutDaround25 . AplacesBobjectsCopinionsDseats26 . AcouldBshouldChad toDmust27 . AsimilarlyBdifferentlyCbrightlyDtruly28 . AButBstillConlyDjust29 . AappearBstandChideDsit30 . AsituationBdiscussionCsolutionDway三、阅读单选Thanksgiving DayAlmost every culture in the world has held celebrations of thanks for a plentiful harvest. The American Thanksgiving holiday began as a festival of thanksgiving in the early days of the American colonies almost four hundred years ago.In 1620, a boat filled with more than one hundred people sailed across the Atlantic Ocean to settle in the New World. Their first winter in the New World was difficult. They had arrived too late to grow any crops, and without fresh food, half the colonists died from disease. The following spring Indians taught then how to grow corn, a new food for the colonists. They showed them other crops to grow in the unfamiliar soil and how to hunt and fish.In the autumn of 1621, many crops of corn, beans and pumpkins were harvested. The colonists and much to be thankful for, so a festival was planned. They invited the local Indian chief and 90 Indians. The Indians brought deer to roast with the turkeys and other wild game offered by the colonists. To this first Thanksgiving, the Indians had even brought popcorn. In following years, many of the original colonists celebrated the autumn harvest with a festival of thanks.Thanksgiving falls on the fourth Thursday of November, a different date every year. The Thanksgiving is a time for tradition and sharing. Even if they live far away, family members gather for a reunion(重聚)at the house of an older relative. All give thanks together for the good things that they have.31 . When did the American Thanksgiving holiday begin?ATwo hundred years agoBFour hundred years ago CThree hundred years agoDOne hundred years ago32 . What does the underlined word “colonists” mean?A殖民地B本地人C土著人D移民33 . Thanksgiving is a time for _.AtraditionBsharingCreunionDA, B and C34 . The first colony had a difficult winter because _.Athey didnt have clothesBthey couldnt speak the language Cthey had no booksDthey had arrived too late to grow any crops35 . Which of the following is right?AIn 1620, many crops of corn, beans and pumpkins were harvested.BThe following winter the Indians taught them how to grow corn.CThanksgiving falls on the fourth Thursday of November.DWith fresh food, half the colonists died from disease.US teenagers Hannah Lucas, 15, and her brother Charlie, 13, have created an app called notOK. It came out in the US and Canada on Jan 31. People just need to pay $1.99 (12.5 yuan) each month to use it. Imagine having an app that works like this: When you need help, just open the app, touch the “notOK” button and a text message will be sent to up to five pre-selected (预先选定的) people, along with a link to the users GPS location(位置). The message reads: “Hey, Im not OK. Please call me, text me, or come find me”. Hannah was inspired (启发) to create the app during a dark time in her life last year. She suffered from a disease that caused her to pass out(晕倒)at school. Other kids sometimes bullied (欺负)her about this. She felt sad and wanted to find an app that would allow her to get help when she wasnt feeling OK.She asked her brother Charlie, whose nickname is “Tech Support”, to find such an app. When they couldnt find one, they decided to create one themselves.They came up with some designs for the app first. Charlie took a programming class last summer and built a website for the app. Hannah also shared her idea in her summer business class. Some app developers showed interest and decided to help her. Hannah is happy that her app is helping others. “It makes everything I went through(经历)last year worth it,” she said.36 . Which of the following is NOT true about the app notOK?AHannah Lucas and her brother developed this app.BUsers can use the app to call for help.CIt can only send a message to a certain person.DUsers can send their location to others through this app.37 . Why does Hannah Lucas pass out sometimes?AShe has a disease that causes this to happen.BShe is often bullied at school.CShe doesnt get enough sleep.DShe gets too nervous about exams.38 . What did Hannah and her brother create this app for?ATo make money to support their families.BTo help people find new friends online.CTo call on people to focus on(关注)school bullying.DTo help people when they are not feeling well.39 . What can we learn from the last two paragraphs?AHannah got her idea in her summer business class.BHannah is happy that others find this app helpful.CCharlie and Hannah sold this app to an app developer.DCharlie had been learning programming for many years.The 9/11 Memorial & Museum honors the 2,983 victims in the terrorist attacks on September 11,2001 and February 26,1993. The 9/11 Memorial is also a place to honor those who risked their lives to save others. The 9/11 Museum is well-known for preserving the history of the events of September 11. They are located at the World Trade Center.We strongly recommend the use of public transport there. There are eight undergrounds to get you there.Memorial Hours of OperationOpen daily 7:30 a.m. 9:00 p.m.Museum Hours of OperationSundayThursday,9:00 a.m.8:00 p.m./Last entry at 6:00 p.m.Friday and Saturday,9:00 a.m.9:00 p.m./Last entry at 7:00 p.m.Museum TicketsMuseum AdmissionMuseum Admission & Museum TourMuseum Admission & Memorial TourAdult (ages 1864)$24$44$39Senior (ages 65+)$18$38$33US College Students$18$38$33Youth (ages717)$15$35$30*Children 6 and under are free.*Join a guide on a Memorial tour. Explore the historical importance of the World Trade Center. You can buy the Memorial tour ticket separately. The price is $15 per person. *Join a guide on a Museum tour, examining authentic artifacts (真品) to understand what happened on 9/11, and the history and rebuilding of the World Trade Center. The price is $20 per person but you need to get the Museum admission (入场券) first.For a full list of options, visit 911memorial.org/tours.40 . According to the passage, which of the following sentences is TRUE?AThe 9/11 Memorial only honors the victims.BYou can enter the Museum at 6:30 p.m. on Sunday.CYou are advised to take underground there.DJoin a Memorial tour to understand what happened on 9/11.41 . If Mr.Black (60 years old) and his grandson John (7 years old) want to join the Museum tour, they need to pay_ for the tickets.A$39B$40C$69D$7942 . The passage probably comes from _.Aa film magazineBa history textbookCa government reportDa travelling guide四、根据首字母、中文提示填空单词拼写(单句首字母填空)43 . He always plays soccer with his c_.44 . We dont go to school on S_ or Sunday.45 . They dont go to school on S_ or S_.46 . All the runners are standing at the s_ line. They get ready to run.47 . Tom is used to c_ his homework after doing it. Its a good habit.48 . The third day of the week, T_ is between Monday and Wednesday.49 . Write your name f_, then you come in.50 . Fifteen minutes is a q_ of an hour.51 . Its F_ today.52 . The box is too heavy for me. Would you please help me c_ it?53 . Lets go and f_ them.54 . All of the students are in the classroom. Are you r_ to begin now?55 . T_ is the fifth day of the week.56 . W_ is the fourth day of a week.57 . Tuesday comes after M_.五、单词填空animal afraid read keep people thisbut danger same child color beautifulanimal afraid read keep people thisbut danger same child color beautifulIn many countries, people like to keep pet animals. But the 58 . animals are not popular (受欢迎的) in every place. People in different places like different 59 . . For example, some people keep dogs, cats and birds. Some people like to keep monkeys and snakes (蛇). In European countries (欧洲国家), many 60 . like a white mouse (老鼠), 61 . their parents dont. Cats are easy 62 . . They are clean. They can look after (照顾) themselves. They need food, but if there is no food to eat, they can catch a mouse or a bird to eat. Birds are nice to look at and some of them can sing63 . , but they must have special food and water every day. Some people keep fish. They have different 64 . -red, white, black, orange, green and so on. Only a few people keep 65 . animals. One woman keeps a lion. She calls it Elsa. Her sister keeps a tiger called Alsa. Their family are afraid of66 . scary animals. Dolphins (海豚) are 67 . friends. They are friendly to us. They are not fish. They need a lot of water and they eat lots of fish every day.六、填空According to a new survey, students safety has become a big problem. Now in some cities of China, many schools start a new lesson: self-protection (自我保护). Students like this lesson. They can learn how to save lives and know how to stop danger before it really happens.Mr. Guo, a teacher from Jinzhou, gives young students some advice on how to deal with (处理) danger.If you are in a traffic accidentIf a car hits you, you should remember the car number. If it is a bicycle, try to call your parents before you let the rider go. This is because you dont know how seriously you are hurt.If it is raining hard and there is lightningDont stay in high places and stay away from trees.When there is a fireGet away as fast as you can. Put wet things on your body and try to find an exit(出口). Dont take the lift.If someone is drowningIf you cant swim, dont get into water. Shout for help. Remember that danger is never as far away as you think. Take care of yourself at all times!Best title:68 . DangerWhat to do69 . If hit by a car, you should70 . If hit by a bike, call your parents.Raining with lightningStay at low places and71 . trees.FireDont take the lift and find an72 . as fast as you can.DrowningIf you cant swim, just shout “Help!”七、汉译英:整句根据括号内所给提示,将下列句子翻译成英语。73 . 王阿姨格外努力地帮我学习地理。 (go out of ones way)_74 . 玛丽将会让你感到宾至如归的。 (make sb. feel at home)_75 . 张晴习惯每天听音乐。 (get used to)_76 . 丁桥觉得使用筷子很难。 (its + adj. + to do sth.)_77 . 他的饮食习惯和我的大不相同。(be different from)_八、材料作文78 . 你想成为一名英文小记者吗?你想展示你的才华吗?那么请你根据提示的信息精心打造一篇自我介绍的小短文来参加我们的招聘会吧!提示信息:1.(非真实的)姓名、年龄、班级、学校及国籍:2.家庭成员及职业;3.爱好:养宠物狗(pet dog):4.特长:play the guitar;5.喜欢的颜色和食物;6.电话:0394-5447256:7.词数80词左右。_第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、单词填空1、六、填空1、七、汉译英:整句1、八、材料作文1、

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