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人教版2019-2020学年八年级上学期期末考试英语试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Must I do my homework now?No, you _. You can do it tomorrow.AmustntBdontCneednt2 . Hi, Mary. _?Not so well. I cant keep up with the other students.AHow long have you studied chemistryBWho is teaching you chemistryCHow is your chemistry study goingDWhere are you learning chemistry3 . 2018年上海青浦二模- Do you know when the next train leaves for Beijing?-.ANo, thanks.BNeither do I.CIm not quite sure.DThats terrible!4 . Lets fly a kite when you are _ at the weekend.Good idea.AwarmBkindCsmallDfree5 . (题文)-Forget yourand smile to your life-OK, I will. Thank you for your advice.AtroubleBchanceCsuccessDhappiness6 . His talent of _ different styles of music has caught the attention of many musicians.Asetting upBbuilding upCmaking upDtaking up7 . Is this your book? No. Its not _. Its _.Amy; hisBmine; hersCme; himDmy; hers8 . Why notan English club to practiceEnglish?Ajoin; to speakBjoin; speakingCjoin in; speakingDjoin in; to speak9 . As we know its difficult to live in a foreign countryif you cant understand the language thereAHardlyBNaturallyCUsuallyDEspecially10 . 2018年上海松江二模John didnt stop writing_he was too old to hold the pen.AuntilBsinceCafterDwhile二、补全对话7选5补全对话A. I d like a small oneB. It is only three dollars.C. I want something to drink.D. Yes, please.E. Would you like some?F. Here you are.G. What kind of noodles would you like?A: May I help you?B: 11 . Id like some noodles.A: What size bowl of noodles would you like small, medium or large?B: 12 . A: 13 . B: Noodles with mutton.A: We also have great salad. 14 . B: How much is it?A: There is a special on it today, 15 . B: Ok, Ill have one.三、完型填空完形填空。George and Betty didnt have much money, but they wanted to buy a car. Betty didnt have a_, so she was always finding ways to save money.She_vegetables in her garden so that she wouldnt have to buy any. She made sandwiches for George to_to work so that he wouldnt have to buy his lunch. Every day George took the bus to go to work and go home. It was not a long trip_the bus was slow because of the traffic. One day, the traffic was even_than usual. “I could run faster than this bus!” thought George.The next day_work he decided to have a try. He went to the bus stop but didnt take the bus. He ran along beside it on the sidewalk. He had to run quite fast to _ the bus. He arrived home. Betty was_to see him panting (喘气). She was worried. “Whats the matter?” she asked. “I ran along beside the bus,” said George. “I saved two dollars and fifty cents without paying the fare.” He thought it would make Betty_, but it didnt. “_didnt you run beside a taxi?” she said. “You would have saved six dollars!”16 . AworkBjobCchildDhouse17 . AgrewBgaveCboughtDknew18 . AmakeBcarryCbringDtake19 . AorBandCbutDso20 . AlargerBbiggerCworseDbetter21 . AafterBbeforeCfinishedDbegan22 . Aget out ofBget along withCcome up withDcatch up with23 . AexcitedBsurprisedCinterestedDbored24 . AtiredBsadCcleanDhappy25 . AWhenBWhatCWhyDWhere四、阅读单选Susan is going to visit Hong Kong with her mum and dad next month. They will arrive on the second of August. Her friend Lily feels excited because they can meet each other soon.Susan will spend a day in Ocean Park on the third of August. Lily has visited Ocean Park before so Susan asks Lily to give her some advice on w hat to see in Ocean Park.Susan would also like to visit Lily at Lilys home on the fourth of August. Lily is free on that day. Susan bought a present for her and she is sure Lily will love it.Susan wants to go to Disneyland with Lily. She really wants to take some photos with Lily in Disneyland. She loves the famous cartoon characters of Disney such as Snow White and Mickey Mouse very much, Lily likes them as well.Susan will stay until the ninth of August and go back to England on that day.26 . Why does Lily feel excited?AShe can meet her friend.BShe can visit Ocean Park.CHer friend bought a present for her.DShe can take some photos in Disneyland.27 . when will Susan visit Ocean Park?AOn the second of august.BOn the third of August.COn the fourth of August.DOn the ninth of August.28 . Why does Susan ask Lily to give her any advice on what to see in Ocean Park?ASusan bought a present for Lily.BLily is free on that day.CThey can meet each other soon.DLily has visited Ocean Park before.29 . where will Lily stay when Susan visits her?AAt home.BIn Ocean Park.CIn disney land.DIn England.30 . which of the following is NOT true?AIt is July now.BOcean Park is in Hong Kong.CLily likes Snow White and Mickey Mouse.DSusan will stay in Hong Kong for three days.Have you seen Avatar? Its a popular 3D movie, and you may have to wear a special pair of glasses 3D glasses, to see it. The 3D glasses make the images from the movie look as if they are coming straight at you.3D movies are really exciting to watch. More and more 3D movies are coming to theaters. Some say that 3D TV sets will come into our homes in the near future. 3D technology can make TV and movies more exciting. However, people with eye problems may get headaches if they spend too much time watching 3D movies. Why?When we look at an object, each eye sees it at a different angle (角度). Our eyes send the two images to our brain, and the brain puts them together. 3D technology uses two film projectors (投影机)。 One projects left-eye-image and the other projects a right-eye-image. 3D glasses allow us to see a different image in each eye. So, when we are watching a 3D movie, our brain cant put together the images sent to our eyes. The brain needs to work harder at “reading” the images. That makes it easier for people with eye problems to get dizzy (头晕的) or have headaches.Dr John Hagan, an eye doctor in Kansas City, said if your eyes cant focus on the same object at once, you will have trouble watching 3D movies.31 . What is Avatar?AIts a kind of 3D projector.BIts a kind of 3D TV set.CIts a movie.DIts an animal.32 . The 3D glasses can make the images from the movie。Alook more beautiful than usualBlook as if they are coming straight at youClook as if they are far away from youDlook more strange than usual33 . According to the story, people will havein their homes in the near future.A3D computersB3D projectorsC3D phonesD3D TV sets34 . When we look at an object,.Aeach eye sees the object at the same angleBeach eye sees a different object at the same timeCour brain puts the two different pictures togetherDthere will be two film projectors in our eyes35 . If you wear a pair of 3D glasses,.Ayou will see different images in both eyesByou will see the same images in both eyesCyour brain cant work at allDthe images can be put together easily by your brainBritains smallest school was closed down because its only pupil failed to turn up for class, a famous British newspaper reported in May. The newspaper said the six-year-old girls parents were unhappy with a teacher who just got the new job to teach the only pupil.The school had been closed for the last nine months after its former (前任的) teacher retired(退休)and the only other pupil moved on to a secondary school. The new teacher, Ms Puckey, was to start teaching the girl and reopen the school. But the girls mother is keeping her daughter at home. “I was not pleased with the new teacher,” the mother said, “I had told the old teacher as far back as last September that if Ms Puckey got the job, my children would not be going to school.” The school lies on an island off the northeast coast of Scotland. Although there was only one pupil, the school is very good in many ways and has a headmaster, three computers, a television and an art room as well as a school house with three bedrooms.36 . The reading is about_.Athe smallest school that was closed downBthe only pupil in the smallest schoolCthe new teacher and her teachingDthe old teacher who just retired37 . From the reading we can know that the school_.Ais too far for the studentsBdoes not have enough teachersCdoes not have many pupilsDis new but small38 . The reading doesnt say but we can infer (推断) that_.Athe girls mother had only one childBthe new teacher was not kind to the girlCthe old teacher was fit to teach the girlDthe parents were unhappy with the schoolJeanne LouiseJeanne Louise was considered(被认为)to be the oldest people until 2000She lived for 122 years. She was born on 21 February 1875. Jeanne died at a nursing home in Arles, southern France on 4 August 1997During her life, two things happened in her motherland France made a deep impression(印象)on her. Jeanne lived an active life. She still rode a bicycle at 100She played herself at the age of 114 in the film Vincent and Me and became the oldest actress in a film. Besides exercise, her keys to long life were olive oil, pork, and chocolate. Although she enjoyed smoking, she gave it up in 1992The Eiffel TowerOpened on 15 May 1889, it was once the worlds tallest building until 1930At that time, people in France thought it very ugly, though today they think it is romantic.And scientists think it is useful for many studies.Vincent Van GoghJeanne also met the great Dutch artist Vincent Van Gogh in her fathers shop in Arles. She sold him some coloured pencils, although Van Gogh gave her a bad impression. He was messy and smelt of alcohol(酒精)He painted his most famous painting Sunflowers during his stay in Arles in 1888It was sold on 30 March 1987 for a then world record price of 22,500,00039 . When was Jeanne Louise born?AOn 21 February 1875BOn 15 May 1889COn 30 March 1987DOn 22 February 198840 . How did French people feel about the Eiffel Tower when it was built?ABeautiful.BUgly.CRomantic.DUseless.41 . What did Vincent Van Gogh do in Arles in 1888?AHe made friends with Jeanne Louise.BHe worked in Jeannes fathers shop.CHe painted a painting Sunflowers.DHe got money by planting sunflowers.42 . What are Jeannes keys to long life?ASmoking and eating olive oil, pork, and chocolate.BDoing some exercise and smoking.CEating vegetables, pork, and chocolate.DDoing exercise and eating olive oil, pork, and chocolate.43 . What can we learn about Jeanne?AShe has been considered to be the oldest people till now.BShe died in her house on 14 August 1997CShe still rode a bicycle to work at 100DShe played herself at the age of 114 in a film.五、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据汉语提示写出英语单词。44 . What _(颜色) is it?45 . The bike is _(紫色的).46 . The key is _(黄色的).47 . Whats this in _(英语)?48 . Its a _(白色的) dog.六、用单词的正确形式完成短文hear stop remember take driveSongyang was a bus driver. On March 9, 2013, he49 . the bus from Liaocheng to Jinan and all the passengers were talking and laughing on the bus. To their surprise, the bus stopped suddenly near the roadside. And they50 . a voice coming from the front of the bus, “Quick! Quick! Please call 120, and I feel terrible.” Those were Songs last words. Then Song lost consciousness. And some passengers helped Song at once. He51 . to the hospital as quickly as possible. The bus video told us what happened. At 10:15, Song began to shake his body and he tried his best52 . the bus and opened the bus door for the passengers. After the doctors checked Song carefully, they said Song was badly ill on the bus but he depended on his strong will to protect all the passengers. Song left us at last because of his serious illness. We53 . the best driver forever(永远).七、短文改错54 . 短文改错下面短文中有10处语言错误。请在有错误的地方增加、删除或修改某个单词。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出改正后的词。注意:1. 每句不超过两处错误;2. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;3. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Swimming is very popular on summer. People likes swimming because water makes them to feel cool. If you like swimming and swim in a right place, it may not dangerous. Last year, more than ten people die because they werent carefully in the river near our city. Most of them were student. They often thought they could swim very good and nothing could happen to they, but they were wrong. Please look after ourselves and loving our life.八、材料作文55 . 书面表达根据提示,写一篇80词左右的短文,要求条理清楚,文理通顺,意思连贯。为加强中学生的身体素质,教育部开展全国学生“Exercise one hour a day”“阳光体育”的活动,学生们非常赞成这一举措,但又不少家长们对这一活动持反对意见。请你以“Should students exercise one hour a day?”为话题,参照表格的信息,写一篇短文。Parents ideasYour ideas1. have less sleeping time12. have less time for study23. get hurt possibly3要求:1.所写内容必须包括表格中家长的想法和你的至少三个想法。2.开头已给出,不计入总词数。Now students are supposed to have sports for an hour every day. But parents have different opinions._第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、补全对话7选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、3、4、五、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、六、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、七、短文改错1、八、材料作文1、


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