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1、 What qualities do you value most in a young person?个人品质The 21st century is a competitive century, it requires young person has several kinds of qualities.First, you should have a strong ability of social adaptation, and develop a kind of bear hardships spirit. Because, with the development of the country, there will be a fierce competition In the 21st century. In addition, Confidence is the half of success. We should be confident in ourselves because nobody will believe us if we dont believe ourselves. Sometimes we dont need to care much about the results, what we should do is to be confident to start unknown and difficult career.Last but not least is curiosity. Newton discovered the law of universal gravitation because he is curious about why apple fall to the ground. Finally he found the great gravitation law. Thats a big success to him. From an ordinary phenomenon to a great discovery, curiosity is the important connection. In conclusion, as the hope of the country in the 21st century, in my point of view, we should have the qualities of confidence, diligence, curiosity.2、 How should we deal with stress in our life?生活压力With the development of society, the competition of the entire society is more and more intense, and causes increasing pressure to people. Stress of study, work and life are common.First, keep good health. A healthy body is the premise to face pressure.Second, accept the pressure. The reason why many people can not cope with stress is that they resist and escape it.Thirdly, rather than complain about it, solve the problem is more useful.As long as the problem not solved, the pressure is always there.Of course, there also are some other ways to cope with stress, such as readjusting goal and expectation, playing games to relax, even shopping or eating. But no matter how, solving the problem that causes stress is the best way.3、 Whatpersonaltraitsdoyouthinkcontributetothecareersuccess?职业成功First, a good employee should have a lot of specialized knowledge and skill to do his job well.In addition, perseveranceandhardworking are very important. Diligenceis the foundation of success.Whenyoufail,youshouldneverloseheart.Onthecontrary,youmustbuildupyourconfidenceandworkevenharder, and paygreatattentiontoyourworkmethod.Itisnecessaryforyoutosumupyourexperienceconstantlyandimprovetheefficiencyofyourwork.Last but not least, building a harmonious relationship with your partners will help a lot in your career success.Careforeachotherandhelpeachother.Ifyoufollowtheseprinciples,youwillcertainlyachieveremarkablesuccessinthefuture.4、 What do you think we should do to solve various pollution problems?环境污染There are many problems of environmental protection in recent years. One of the most serious problems is the serious pollution of air, water and soil. the polluted air does great harm to peoples health. The polluted water causes diseases and death. What is more, vegetation had been greatly reduced with the rapid growth of modern cities.In my opinion, to protect environment, the government must take even more concrete measures. First, it should let people fully realize the importance of environmental protection through education. and call on everyonetoprotectthe environment.Second, much more efforts should be made to put the population planning policy into practice.Finally, those who destroy the environment intentionally should be severely punished. We should let them know that destroying environment means destroying mankind themselves.Lets try to form a good habit and save things around us. Lets do it from now on!5、 Is it good for middle school students to go online? 网络的利与弊Internet is the result of modern science and technology. With development of society, internet plays a more and more important role in peoples life. In fact, the Internet has changed our conventional ways for work, communication, entertainment and expression. Apart from using the Internet for professional purposes, I can use it to communicate with families and friends by sending and receiving e-mails conveniently and efficiently, talking with others and playing games such bridge or chess with partners. I also use the BBS to express my opinions. Teachers and students may also benefit from the Internet as a medium for education, which makes knowledge available to people throughout the world.However, some students spend a lot of time surfing net, it also has its disadvantages. First, it distracts students from their work and study. Second, it takes up too much time. Third, it corrupts students with some harmful shows due to its violence.In general, spending too much time surfing on the interest is not good to a person. We should have a right attitude to it and make use of it correctly for our study.YES:enrich their knowledge, make friends,shop online,NO:playing games, study becomes worse, be cheated6、 Is working experience more important than study for college students? 学生兼职Yes: there are many students in my class who have part-time jobs. Some of them work as waiters or waitresses in restaurants. Some work as tutors for middle school students. Some choose to sell books, clothes. Students who have part-time jobs think they can gain working experience and adopt themselves into the society early. It also improve their abilities to communicate with other people.No: However, In my opinion, I dont agree with them. Because I think doing part-time jobs is a waste of time; they may make better use of the time by learning more knowledge of their majors. And working in restaurants or teashops is meaningless and it will spend too much time and energy. 7、 Studying in China or abroad 海外留学In recent years, studying abroad has been popular.Many people choose to study in developed countries where they can get progressive education. Everything has its advantages and disadvantages. In my opinion, I think studying abroad is a good way to improve ourselves. First, students can learn foreign languages more quickly under favorable conditions.Nothing is better than learning language with the local people. Because it is very useful to improve our listening and speaking skills. Second, We can enrich our knowledge and be familiar with cultures and traditions of foreign countriesThird, it can broaden our experience and help us learn much more advanced knowledge ofscienceand technology from foreign countries. However, there are some disadvantages. Most of the students studying abroad are too young to live alone without any living experience. In addition, being far away from their home country and adapting to a new environment is a real challenge for every foreign student, theymayfeel lonely and homesick. Also, the costs are much higher there than in the native country. In conclusion, while studying abroad offers great opportunities for a better future, it also has challenges that we must try our best to overcome to make our dream come true.8、 Is reading English textbooks a good way to improve your English?改进英语Well, in addition to attending regular English classes, I believe there are many other ways for us to further improve our English. To begin with, I will review what is learnt and preview what will be learnt in class just as I have done in the past. Reviewing helps me grasp what is learnt in class and previewing helps me ready for the new knowledge.Second, I will try every means to improve my oral English and listening comprehension. English Corner is a good place for me to practice my oral English and I decide to visit there more frequently.Moreover, computer and the internet are very useful tools for study. I plan to visit the websites which are useful for us to improve English whenever possible. Whats more, I will also watch English programs on TV, which is helpful to improve my English study. Lastly, I will read frequently English newspapers, novels and magazines to improve my reading comprehension and enlarge my vocabulary. I will try to keep a diary about what I read and what I experience to practice writing because we all know Practice makes perfect. Yes: broaden ones horizon, No: there is no value in, out of date, need more time, an ineffective way, gain less achievement9、 Is college education necessary for a persons success? 学校教育In my opinion, college education is useful and it has great influence on us. First, College education provides us with endless knowledge, which can make us qualified to survive in the job hunting competition.Second, College education is an essential step to receive higher education. While you are in college, you are in the ocean of vast knowledge which you have never seen. The diversity of college education can surely satisfy what you need in various fields. You will benefit from what you have learned in college in your lifetime.In addition, college education can gain some skills which is a path leading to better jobs. College education pays more attention to students all-around development. We can not only focus on specialty study but also participate in all kinds of campus activities instead of the aim of just getting credits. Also, combining theory with practice makes us become qualified graduates. The more you learn, the more you earn. In a word, no matter if it is for your own development or your career field, you need further knowledge and information, which are what college education can give you. Thus, college education is a sound investment in your future.10、 Violent video games? 暴力游戏Healthyvideogames,likehealthydiets,aregoodforchildren.Thereiscontinuingconcernthat playingviolentvideogamesmayincreasetheriskofaggressioninplayers.Obviously,somefamiliesareover-worriedaboutthebadeffectsonkidswhohave thehabitofplayingvideogames,particularlythosewithviolent(oradult)content.Because itmaybetruechildrenlearntheirattitudesaboutviolenceataveryyoungageand unfortunatelytheseattitudestendtolast.In addition,playingvideogames heavily probably islinkedto childrenspoorschoolperformance.Whats more, itgoeswithoutsayingthatspendingtoomuchtimeinfrontofthescreenisharmfulto childrenbothphysicallyandmentally.However, videogamesalways have itspositiveeffects.For example, playingvideogamesmay help childrentopracticevisual-spatialcognition,askillneededtosolveamathproblem. And it can also relieve our stress;manysuchgamesproveit is valuableaslearningtools.Itcanbeseenthat,researchfindingsabouttheeffectsofplayingvideogamesarebiased. Dont just be focusedonthenegativeside.Forparents,thethingtodo istodistinguishbetweengoodandbadvideogames,andtolimitthescreentimeforthebest interestsoftheyoungergeneration.11、 Should Teenagers move out of the families after they turn 18? 独立Today in China, many families have only one child. So the children usually doted upon by all family members. Gradually some of them get used to depending on their parents and lack the ability to solve problems independently. I think teenagers should be independent when they are 18.First, personal independence boots your confidence. Being independent therefore means that you will be more likely to try out new things that you want, rather than what or how you are expected to. This will build up more confidence in you.Second, Financial independence means freedom and a sense of accomplishment. Being able to pay your way through life reduces dependence on your parents. You will learn how to save money and not to spend money freely which you will never know when you use parents money. Third, independence means being prepared and free to meet new people and try new things. This in turn means that you will develop a broader sense of the world and be open to people and new opportunities. It is in these deeper horizons that lies opportunities for success and adventure. Yes:make good preparation for the situation ahead of time,learns his/her responsibilities, balance work and study, No: be not ready yet, need tuition and funding from parents, 12、 Do you have a hobby? What do like to do in your spare time? 兴趣爱好Everybody has his own hobby. Hobbies not only make our life colorful, but also bring us lots of benefits. Hobbies always help us to relax after a long period of hard work.I have many hobbies, such as reading books, watching movie, taking a trip and so on, and the one that I like best is watching movie. Among various types of films, I like those reflecting the real society and revealing more social problems, such as racial or sex discrimination, government corruption and so on. They make me more mature after watching them. When I am watching a movie, I just like audience and hear the story that the director tells. Meanwhile I can learn the various kinds of culture form different country, which will help me to understand different races. Besides, I can practice my ability of listening English, because the language of most film I watch are the original sound. In a word, I can reap the great benefits of this hobby.During my spare time, I would like to go to the library. I can learn other subjects in there so that I can improve my knowledge structure, which will provide me with a better chance to get promotion in the future. Whats more, I can get more references about my major, and by this way I can also make my major improved greatly. 13、 Whats your major? Why do you choose it? 专业My major is legal science which is also my favorite major. In this field, we are able to learn a lot of knowledge. There are many subjects we have to learn, such as Criminal Procedure Law, Civil Law, Law of Civil Procedure, General Rules of the Civil Law, Marriage Law, International Law, Jurisprudence, philosophy, logic, history, politics and so forth.The following is the reasons why I choose it:First of all, I am interested in my major, I love watching the TV programs about laws since I was in the middle school and it expands my horizons. Studying this major makes me know how to become a useful, helpful and happy person, for very day, you are ready to help others which makes you feel so happy that you find you have made your value come true .In addition, our society is in a great need of the skilled workers and experts in laws, because our country develops very rapidly and we need law to maintain peace and order, to protect the rights of citizens, to secure justice, to punish wrong-doers and to make our good laws be applied justly no matter what cases might be. Therefore, it is significant to take legal course to make contributions to the development of our socialist undertakings. Last but not least, as far as I am concerned, its good for my future career. I think Ill have a good job in the future. I will become a lawyer though the studying my major, which can make me earn lots of money. So I choose legal science as my major. And I think my choice is right. And most important, it will lead me to live a happy and wealthy life.14、 Which course do you like most and why? 学习英语的重要性I like English most, the reasons are as follows:First, English is one of the most common languages that are speaking in the world. According to the research, there is nearly one person in every ten people can speak English. Second, We need to learn English because with the development of our countrys economy, there are more and more opportunities for us to visit other countries. Third, If we want to communicate with foreigners who dont know how to speak Chinese, we need to speak English. Its important for us to speak English very fluently if you work in a international company and want to be elicit. Especially when you meet foreign coustomers, successful communication is very important.15、 How do you like university life? 校园生活Many students may feel that college life is boring. They do not know how to deal with plenty of spare time. But I think the college life will become wonderful as long as we make it meaningful. I love my university, and I think the university life is colorful, interesting and meaningful.In fact, we can do all kinds of activities which we are interested in. (1) First of all, the environment of our campus is very beautiful. There are many plants and trees, man-made lakes and gardens for us to visit when we are free. I often do some sports. Doing sports can enhance our physical development. It can keep fit and make us staying in health.(2) Secondly, take part in a variety of organizations and social activities, which can develop ourselves and broaden our visions and views about the world.(3) On weekends we often have concerts, plays, or parties. Sometimes we organize picnic, climbing mountains and visiting exhibitions. We still invite professors from different fields to give lectures. They are qualified, professional and helpful.(4) Of course, there are many other choices. we like surfing on the internet in the computer room of our library because of its clean and quiet surrounding.In a word, I think the campus life in the college makes us feel substantial, colorful and happy.16、 Say something about campus activities (社团活动)Campus activities have been organized in many universities and colleges. These activities range from academic to recreational, such as speech contests, painting clubs and dancing groups, etc.These activities provide students with two major advantages. First of all, they play a positive role in improving students studies. Due to their heavy schedules, students are often busy themselves with textbooks and seldom expose themselves to a colorful life. But the variety of the activities provides opportunities for them to relax themselves and enrich their minds and knowledge. In addition, the activities also serve students living in the “ivory tower” have little chance to get in touch with society. Now the activities open the door for them to leave their classrooms and get to know society.All this offers an important means for students to broaden their horizons. 17、 Do you believe in the saying “Clothes make the man”? Why or why not? 人靠衣装- Yes, I do. There is some truth in the saying. Clothes can create an image for the person who wears them. They send a message about a persons taste, values, personality, status, and so on. On a more practical level, clothes may also help make a person look better and feel better.- No, I dont. The function of clothes is to cover the human body and keep the body warm, nothing more. I find those people snobbish or stupid who judge others only by the clothes they wear.18、 Do you find life on campus convenient? Please give your reasons. 校园生活的便捷Yes, I have found that my life on campus quite convenient. As can be seen on campus, our university offers us various sorts of ways to facilitate our life.For example, our comprehensive building can greatly satisfy almost all kinds of needs. We can surf on the internet reading some current news, go shopping in the Supermarket. Additionally, for those who like reading, our close library building can surely be a favorite place. We can get access to three reading-rooms everyday from 8:00am to 9:30pm. Kinds of latest newspaper, up-to-date magazines and famous works, concerning all branches of knowledge are available.(With the flow of refreshing information and incredible amount of knowledge, our thoughts will be refined and our horizon will be broadened.)Moreover, if we want to enjoy the convenience that modern technology brings us, electrical libraries make the on-line learning approachable at the lowest price. At last, Id like to mention the convenient transportation available. Personal


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