三年级英语下册 module 10 unit 1 were you on the second floor课件 外研版.ppt

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三年级英语下册 module 10 unit 1 were you on the second floor课件 外研版.ppt_第1页
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Module10Unit1 Wereyouonthesecondfloor 能力目标 ShopsLanguageFunctions Talkingaboutthepaststate Talkingaboutthechangesbetweenthepastandthepresent谈论过去的状态 谈论过去与现在的变化 情感目标 在通过上一模块首次让学生接触一般过去时后 这一模块通过对人物所处地点的变换和回忆物品放置地点的情境 向学生进一步来展现这个内容 教学目标 Then 在那时 Iwas1 那时我一岁 NowIam25 现在我25岁 It sme Thenmyhairwasshort Nowmyhairislong 头发 Chant Talltalltall Iamtall Shortshortshort Youareshort Fatfatfat Heisfat Thinthinthin Sheisthin Naughtynaughtynaughty Itisnaughty Oldoldold Theyareold Youngyoungyoung Weareyoung worried 担心的 find 找到 remember 记得 CD 光盘 Washeon thesecondfloor thelastfloor thefirstfloor on Questions 1 WasDaming sMumhappy 2 WereMrSmartandSamonthesecondfloor 3 WherewasDaming 4 Whyishethere Wasn t weren t find were was first floor second then yesterday Wherearethevegetables Idon tknow TheywereherelastSunday Whereisthefruit Itwasthere Andwhereisthemilk Itwasthere too Oh Wherearetheynow Let sgoandfindthem inthehospital atschool inthepolicestation inthepark inthesupermarket Thankyou

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