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鲁教版2020年英语初中毕业班综合测试(一)试卷B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 一、 完形填空 (共2题;共20分)1. (10分)完形填空。阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。Its Sunday afternoon. Its my sons eighth birthday today. I go into a 1shop to buy a big birthday cake for him.There are lots of people in the shop. When I am 2a cake, I find a little boy watching the cakes for a long time. He is 3old clothes. At last he chooses a cake. Then he gives money to the shopkeeper and says to her, “I want the 4cake.”“Sorry, the cake is 20 yuan, but you only have 10 yuan,” says the shopkeeper.“I .I have no more money,” says the little boy and he begins to cry.“Oh, my boy. Who would you like to 5the birthday cake for?” I ask.“My mum, madam.”“6doesnt she come and buy one?”“My father left us three years ago,” the boy says. “We dont have much7. My mother has to 8from morning to night every day. She celebrates my birthday every year, but she 9celebrates hers. Its her birthday tomorrow. I want to buy a small cake for her. But I dont have enough money.”“Oh, my boy! Im your 10friend,” I say. “I will buy her a nice birthday cake.” I give the money to the shopkeeper and leave the shop.(1)A . cake B . flower C . clothes D . present (2)A . looking at B . looking after C . looking for D . looking up (3)A . on B . at C . in D . with (4)A . small B . big C . sweet D . delicious (5)A . lend B . make C . borrow D . buy (6)A . Why B . How C . When D . Where (7)A . time B . money C . food D . fun (8)A . study B . work C . play D . think (9)A . often B . sometimes C . always D . never (10)A . fathers B . mothers C . brothers D . sisters 2. (10分)阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。Look at the girl. Her name is Lucy. And this lovely girl is her twin sister Lily.1parents are both (两者都)teachers. They work hard.Lucy and Lily2at No.4 Middle School. They go to school3Monday to Friday. They have no classes on Saturdays and Sundays. They have breakfast at 6:30. They go to school at 7:00. Classes4at eight. They have four5in the morning and three in the afternoon. They have6at 12: 15. At 3:50,they have sports.Lucy and Lily study Chinese, math, English, geography, physics, history and other lessons. Lucys favorite7is music,8its relaxing. Lily likes science best. She thinks its difficult 9interesting.Their parents like reading. They often read books at home. Their parents are strict(严厉地)with them, but sometimes they are very kind and friendly to their children. Lucy and Lily love their10very much.(1)A . She B . His C . They D . Their (2)A . study B . teach C . work D . play (3)A . on B . about C . from D . for (4)A . begin B . finish C . take D . play (5)A . lesson B . lessons C . students D . eggs (6)A . breakfast B . lunch C . dinner D . dessert (7)A . food B . color C . movie D . subject (8)A . though B . if C . because D . when (9)A . and B . but C . or D . so (10)A . mother B . father C . teacher D . parents 二、 阅读理解 (共4题;共36分)3. (6分) Although I didnt have any interest in being a school bus driver, I became one. Many years later, I was still working on the school bus. There are so many good reasons. Firstly, the talk brought me different kinds of information. I also got to hear all the family secrets of the newcomers. I have a toy bear who was a great comforter(安慰者) for the little ones. The kids got to look after him on the trip to school and he waited patiently for them to get on for the trip home.Our bus would often pass a place where we could see some alpacas (羊驼) in front of a farm house. Little Michael would cry excitedly from the seat, “Look, Miss! Look at the camels!” He used to put his head out of the bus window. When I warned him that a little insect would come into his nose if he wasnt careful, he smartly gave up the habit.I remember a little girl got on the bus one morning 5 years ago and sobbed(抽泣) all the way to school. We arrived at the school gate. As she waited to get down the bus, she threw her arms around my neck and cried that her grandfather had died the night before.A school bus driver needs to keep one eye on the road and the other on the mirror to watch what the little ones are doing down the back.Now, its important to think how many lives Ive been responsible(负责的) for, and how many kilometers Ive driven in order to get my passengers home safely during the 20 years. Ive enjoyed it, but its time to rest and park my school bus.(1)What does the underlined word “them” in the first paragraph refer to (所指)?A . toy bearsB . kidsC . school busesD . secrets(2)Which of the following is TRUE?A . Children didnt like the driver.B . The driver likes the job all the timeC . The little girl was excited at seeing the camelsD . Children sometimes talked about their family secrets on the bus.(3)The writer didnt give up her job because.A . driving was her hobbyB . children made her valuableC . drivers were paid wellD . children loved her toy bear4. (10分)根据短文内容, 选择正确答案。(A)Well, were in our new house. Lets get a new pet to get along with it.Mrs. Brown said to her husband.That sounds like a pretty good idea, he answered. Do you want to see the ads(广告) in the newspaper?Lets go to the animal shelter. Many pets there need homes. Since tomorrow is Saturday, we can both go. she said.Next morning the Browns met Mr. Snow at the animal shelter. We want to be sure that the pets here go to good homes. Mr. Snow said, So I need to ask you some questions.After they talked for a while, the Browns decided to get a small dog. It wouldnt need a big house or a big yard. A small dog would bark and warn them if someone tried to break into their house. After Mr. Snow gave the Browns a book on pet care, they chose one and wanted to take her home right away. But the animal doctor hadnt checked her yet. So Mr. Snow told them to return on Sunday.On Sunday afternoon the Browns went to the animal shelter. The animal doctor said, Shadow has had all of her shots(预防针). She will be healthy. The Browns thanked the doctor and took Shadow home. (1)From the reading we learn that .A . the Browns have never had a pet beforeB . the Browns knew about Shadow from the newspaperC . Shadow is a small and healthy dogD . Mr Brown didnt quite agree with his wife(2)The word shelter in the reading means .A . a place to sell small dogsB . a place to keep homeless animalsC . a place to study animalsD . a place to sell books on pet care(3)Mr. Snow asked the Browns some questions to .A . see if they had moved to a new houseB . find out how rich the Browns wereC . know where theyd keep their new petD . make sure theyd take care of pets(4)The Browns thinks that a small dog .A . doesnt need any room to keepB . can help them watch their houseC . eats less food than a bigger oneD . usually has a beautiful name(5)Its clear that .A . Shadow will not be easy to get illB . the Browns were not satisfied with ShadowC . Mr. Snow didnt check Shadow at allD . Shadow likes barking a lot5. (10分)Can you imagine a world without the Internet? Its surprising to think about it.Now, China has more than 162 million Internet users, according to the China Internet Network Information Centre. This is the second highest number of user in the world after the United States. Today, 66%of Chinese netizens (网民) are teenagers. They spend about thirteen hours every week online, said Qian Hulin, an Internet expert(专家). Doctor Song in Beijing Xuanwu Hospital said about 14% of Chinese netizens who are teens often lasted over ten hours to play online games.The main reasons why teenagers surf the Web are to search for information, to communicate with others and to have fun. On the Internet, teenagers can find out almost anything. And surfing the Web can help students with their homework and widen their knowledge.Li Dong, a teacher at No. 41 Middle School in Shijiazhuang, likes her students to use the Internet. When we talk in class, students who surf the Net usually know more background information than the others, she said.In addition, people can use the Internet to write letters or stories and send e-mails. Many teens keep in touch with their friends online. It is cheaper than phoning somebody far away and also much quicker.(1)_ has the most Internet users in the world according to the article.There are about _ Chinese netizens to surf about 13 hours every week.A . ChinaB . AmericaC . CanadaD . Russia(2)There are about _ Chinese netizens to surf about 13 hours every week.A . 107 million oldB . 22.7 million oldC . 107 million youngD . 22.7 million young(3)Song said some teenagers continued _ more than ten hoursA . playing online gamesB . searching for informationC . chatting with their friendsD . sending e-mails to others(4)Li Dong in No. 41 Middle School likes her students to use the Internet because she_.A . thinks surfing the net can help students spend less time on homeworkB . thinks her students can get more background information than the othersC . thinks her students can get more background information than the othersD . wants to know what her students do and think about at home(5)Which way is the cheapest and quickest to learn something about friends far away?A . Giving them a call.B . Going to see them.C . Writing a letter to them.D . Sending e-mails to them.6. (10分)阅读下列短文,从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。CA Small Invention, Big HelpAn invention is an invention - big or small. A big invention makes us feel it all the time, such as the TV and the computer. There are also several small things around us even if we seldom pay much attention to them. A paper clip helps hold pieces of paper together without making a hole. A big paper clip was put up in Norway to help people remember the inventor of the paper clip, Johann Vaaler. He invented the paper clip in 1900 when working in Germany. A paper clip is in fact a piece of wire (金属丝) that is made in such a way that it can hold together many pieces of paper. Now millions of them are made and sold all over the world. The ballpoint pen was invented in 1938 by a Hungarian, had been trying to find another use for the quick drying ink (快干油墨) and designed this pen. Later, a Frenchman, Marcel Bich thought up the idea of making a use-and-throw pen and sold it cheap. It was named BIC and became very popular.(1)Where was the paper clip invented? A . In America.B . In France.C . In Germany.D . In Norway.(2)How many years was the paper clip invented earlier than the ballpoint pen?A . Sixty-five.B . Fifty-six.C . Eighty-three.D . Thirty-eight.(3)Who invented the ballpoint pen? A . Johann Vaaler.B . Biro.C . Marcel Bich.D . We dont know.(4)Which of the following is NOT true? A . A paper clip holds the paper through a hole.B . Marcel Bich is a Frenchman.C . A big paper clip in Norway is used to remember its inventor.D . BIC. is cheap and popular,(5)Whats the passage mainly about? A . How to invent small things.B . Who invented the small things.C . Small things are very useful.D . Two small inventions.三、 根据首字母提示填空 (共6题;共6分)7. (1分)It is necessary for us to have a balanced d_which means having different kinds of healthy food every day8. (1分)I cant sing but I can d_wellI want to join the dancing club 9. (1分)You need to wear warm clothes because its c _today. 10. (1分)Please come to the meeting on time. Dont always let others _(等待)for you. 11. (1分)The doctor operated on the patient_(成功) yesterday. 12. (1分)My mother works with people and money, so she works in a b_. 四、 翻译句子 (共7题;共17分)13. (2分)那是一所小学That is a(n)_14. (3分)哈尔滨在中国的北方。Harbin is in _ _ _ China.15. (2分)你的朋友是瘦还是胖? _your friend thin_heavy?16. (2分)每年我们学校举行很多篮球比赛。 Many basketball matches _ _ in our school every year.17. (4分)我们很难像以前那样彼此经常见面了。It is very difficult_each other as often as before18. (2分)她努力工作,以便在五点前使一切都就绪。She worked hard _ _ everything would be ready by 5 oclock.19. (2分)这孩子跑得太快了!_ _ the little boy is running!五、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共25分)20. (25分)根据短文内容,回答问题What do you eat every day? Some people think about it. And some people will not make plans for their meals.Many people like to have fast food near their offices. This kind of food can make them fat and it is bad for their health. Even it will make them ill when they are old.What should a healthy person eat every day? Well, I will tell you the healthy eating habit(习惯). It comes from doctors.When people do a lot of work, the energy is burning(燃烧). So you need noodles, rice, milk, bread and eggs. If you dont eat them, you will feel tired. You should eat fruits and vegetables, too. There are a lot of vitamins(维生素) in them. They can make you strong. And they can give you water.(1)Where do many people like to have fast food? (2)Do all people make plans for their meals? (3)Who does healthy eating habit come from? (4)In fruits and vegetables, what can make you strong? (5)What do you think about fast food? 六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)21. (5分)根据提示,完成一篇不少于100词的英语短文。文中已给出内容不计入总词数,所给提示词语仅供选用。请不要写出你的校名和姓名。 学校组织过很多社会实践活动,请你写一篇短文,介绍一下你参加的一次活动,在这次活动中你去了哪里,做了什么,你的感受是什么。提示词语:Agriculture Carnival(农业嘉年华), the Science and Technology Museum, the Capital Museum.提示问题: Where did you go? What did you do during the activity? How do you feel?第 18 页 共 18 页参考答案一、 完形填空 (共2题;共20分)1-1、2-1、二、 阅读理解 (共4题;共36分)3-1、3-2、3-3、4-1、4-2、4-3、4-4、4-5、5-1、5-2、5-3、5-4、5-5、6-1、6-2、6-3、6-4、6-5、三、 根据首字母提示填空 (共6题;共6分)7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、四、 翻译句子 (共7题;共17分)13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、五、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共25分)20-1、20-2、20-3、20-4、20-5、六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)21-1、


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