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译林牛津版2019-2020学年八年级上学期第一次月考英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . _ colourful scene that the fireworks are cracking in the sky!AHowBWhatCWhat aDWhat an2 . Mother made me _ milk every day when I was young.AdrinkBto drinkCdrinkingDdrank3 . Girl: Im_ the trip which we can go whenever we want to go.Boy: Youll take me, and Ill take the money.Ataking part inBtaking care ofClooking back atDlooking forward to4 . Are you good _ kids? We need your help _ my sons English.Aat; withBfor; withCwith; withDwith; at5 . - Can you help me find the hidden treasure in the trees?-.AYes , pleaseBWith pleasureCMy pleasureDThanks a lot6 . We have _ English class _ Monday morning.Aan; inBa; on Ca; inDan; on7 . - Our country has already turned a new _ in its history- Yes. We should study harder and make it more powerful.AcopyBpageCeventDtime8 . Would you mind working in the countryside?_. I will be glad to work there.AOf course not BYoud better not CI dont think so DIm afraid not9 . _ my parents _ my sister are doctors.ANot only , but alsoBEither , orCNeither ,norDBoth, and10 . AbalconyBfavouriteCpalaceDCanada11 . He is_ the Music Club. He_ music.Aon; enjoy listeningBon; enjoys listenning toCin; enjoiesDin; enjoys listening to12 . It is one of _ buildings in our hometown.AtallBtallerCtallestDthe tallest13 . There is _ in the classroom. You can lock (锁上 the door now.AsomebodyBeverybodyCanybodyDnobody14 . How often do you go swimming with your classmates, Daniel?. I can not swim.ANeverBAlwaysCUsuallyDSometimes15 . -Li Hui was late for school this morning.-She used to be on time. I _ why she arrived late this time.ArealizeBsuggestCwonderDguess16 . My favorite subject is _. / a:t/AaskBartCatDany17 . _ do you go to the bookshop? Once a weekAHow oftenBHow soonCHow longDHow much18 . Our hometown, Longyan, _ its beautiful nature and fresh air.Ais fond ofBis popular withCis famous for19 . Someone is knocking at the door. Itmy sister. Its time for her to be back.Acant beBmay not beCmust beDmustnt be20 . Its really cold today, _ ?Adoes itBdoesnt itCisnt itDis it二、完型填空Do you know pigeons(鸽子)? They are a _ bird. They are _ and gray. Some people say they are not _, but they are cute and _. Many people keep them as pets. _ do people say pigeons are smart? Because pigeons can _ letters from _ place to another(另一个). And they know how to _ home. We often _ the pictures of pigeons with olive branch(橄榄枝)in _ mouths. We give the namepeace pigeons(和平鸽) to them. They are the symbol of peace.21 . Akind ofBkindsCkindDkinds of22 . AgreenBredCwhiteDyellow23 . AuglyBniceClazyDinteresting24 . AsmallBfunCsmartDbig25 . AWhyBWhatCWhereDWhen26 . AgiveBhaveClookDtake27 . AsomeBtwoConeDno28 . Ago toBgetCarrive atDget to29 . AlookBreadCwatchDsee30 . AtheirBthemCtheyDtheirs三、阅读单选Come and see the India elephants and the new tigers from Amercia. The bears are waiting to meet you, and the monkeys from China are waiting to throw things to you. The lovely dogs from Australia are waiting to laugh at you. The giraffes from Brazil are waiting to look down on(俯瞰)you.Tickets Open timeChildren :over 12 $1.00 Except(除)FridayUnder12 Free 10:00a.m3:00p.mGrown-up:(成人)$2.00 9:00a.m4:00p.mKeep the zoo clean!Dont touch , give good food or go near the animals!31 . How many kinds of animals are talked about in the passage?AfourBfiveCsixDseven32 . Now Mr Smith is in the zoo with his two sons,one is14 and the other is is 10 .How much are the tickets together?A$4.00B$2.00C$3.00D$10.0033 . Which of the following is the visiting time?A8:30am MondayB9:30am FridayC3:00pm SundayD5:00pm Tuesday34 . From the passage we can guess the animal “giraffe ”must be veryAfatBlongCstrongDtall35 . Which of the following can we do in the zoo?Ato give some food to the fishBto touch the monkey on the headCto throw things everywhereDto keep the zoo clean四、句型转换Rewrite the following sentences as required(根据所给要求,改写下列句子每空格限填一词)36 . Id like to be a singer in the future(改为否定句)I_ to be a singer in the future37 . Her brother has already been to the USA(改为一般疑问句)_ her brother been to the USA_?38 . Theres little food in the fridge(改为反意疑问句)Theres little food in the fridge,_?39 . Linda liked the pink dress better than the yellow one(保持句意不变)Linda_ the pink dress_ the yellow one40 . didnt, any longer, he, pocket money, his, all, spend,()(连词成句)_五、用所给单词的正确形式填空用所给单词或词组的适当形式填空41 . So far, China _(not achieve)a balance between green lifestyle and its industry development.42 . In the last three years, we_(learn)about one thousand English words.43 . They_(be)to Beijing four times so far.44 . You can_(search)for information on the Internet.45 . Were going_(hold)a party next Monday.46 . Why not consider_(do)it in another way? Maybe youll succeed.47 . _(accord)to the calendar, your exam will be in the next week.48 . The tower has been here for over eight_(century).49 . Our hometown_(change)a lot so far.50 . I_(read)the book twice. Its very interesting.六、用单词的正确形式完成短文A. like B. weigh C. faces D. or E. explore F. bright G. rockThe moon is our space neighbour. It is a ball of 51 . that goes around our home, the Earth. It takes the moon 27 days and eight hours to go around Earth one time. The same side of the moon ways 52 . Earth.The moon is very different from Earth. There is no air, water, 53 . wind on the moon. If you visited the moon, you would have to wear a special suit to help you breathe. You would also 54 . less on the moon and be able to jump six times higher!The moon has 55 . and dark spots. The bright spots are hills and mountains. The dark spots are places where flying rocks have hit the moon. There are also many flat parts of the moon. These parts look 56 . our seas, but you would not be able to sail in the seas of the moon! Do you know why?七、单词填空根据短文内容和首字母提示补全短文Mr. Smith, a young man, works for a computer c57 . . He is an e58 . . He has a beautiful girl friend. One day his girl friend tells him that the next day will be her 24th b59 . . Mr. Smith wants to give a p60 . to her to show his l61 . . And then, the next m62 . Mr. Smith calls a f63 . shop and asks the shopkeeper to send 24 roses (玫瑰) to his girl friend. When the shopkeeper is preparing(准备) the flowers, he thinks, “Mr. Smith is a k64 . man. He often helps me f65 . my computer. Ill g66 . him ten more roses.” And so he sends 34 roses to the girl.八、回答问题Answer the questions:Open your wardrobe!Teenagers tell Teenage Magazine whats in their wardrobes.Sharon Choi of Central.Sharons father owns several restaurants in Hong Kong.In the wardrobe“Im very pleased to get this chance to tell you about my clothes. Im crazy about them and cant refuse the latest fashions. For important parties, I wear Jacques Fath. Hes the French designer who design for most of the princesses in Europe. His evening dresses are perfect. My day clothes are mostly DKNY and Ralph Lauren Polo Jeans. Some of my handbags cost $4,000 and some cost even more. Here, in my wardrobe, I have forty pairs of shoes and some Gucci wallets and sunglasses. I usually pay about $2,500 for a pair of shoes.”She still needs:“Oh, I still need a lot of clothes, dont I? I dont like wearing the same clothes twice.”Carman Hung of Causeway Bay.Carmans family owns a bakery.In the wardrobe“Hi! Im not really interested in clothes. I play tennis a lot. Im in the Hong Kong girls team. I have three or four pairs of trainers and four tennis dresses. I also have three pairs of shorts but I prefer the dresses. I love wearing T-shirts and skinny tops. Theyre comfortable. I have a pair of purple jeans and two pairs of trainers. I also have a purple velvet skirt for special occasions(场合).”She still needs:“I dont need more clothes, do I? But, I need a new tennis racket!”Perry Wong of Central.Perrys parents both work for the Star Ferry Company.In the wardrobe“Whats in my wardrobe? I dont know! I hardly look. I dont know where to buy clothes. Lets see. Two pairs of trousers, a pair of trainers, a few pairs of socks and an old, green sweater with a hole in it.”He still needs:“Oh, I dont need anything. Ive got all the clothes I want.”67 . How many girls were interviewed by Teenage Magazine?68 . Who has the most clothes in his/her wardrobe?69 . Carman Huang doesnt like dresses, does she?70 . Why doesnt Penny Wong know what is in his wardrobe?71 . Whose family is the richest? Give at least One reason.九、汉译英:单词/短语根据词性及汉语意思写出单词72 . n. 生日_73 . n.(中午或晚上吃的)正餐_74 . n. 周;星期_75 . adv 当然;肯定;一定_76 . adj. 正确的;适当的_77 . adv. 那么_78 . conj.(引出评论或问题)那么_79 . n. 牛奶_80 . n. 冰激凌_十、材料作文81 . 愉快的暑假结束了,在近一个月的紧张学习中,你还常记起你在假期是怎样度过的吗?请根据提示完成一篇名为“My Vacation”的短文。提示:1.Where did you go? 2.Did you go with anyone?3.How was the weather? 4.What did you do there?5.What food did you eat? 6.What did you like best?7.Did you dislike anything? 8.How did you like your vacation?要求:1.题目已给出。 2.词数80词左右。3.文中不得出现真实学校或姓名。 4.不要逐条回答问题,可以适当发挥。My VacationThe weather there is fine第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、句型转换1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、七、单词填空1、八、回答问题1、九、汉译英:单词/短语1、十、材料作文1、

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