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牛津译林版英语七年级下册期中抢分检测卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . The five-star hotels_ guests with the best service to make them feel at home.AprotectBpreviewCpreventDprovide2 . -What number should appear next after eighty-one?-Its _.3, 9, 27, 81,Atwo hundreds and forty-threeBtwo hundred and forty-sevenCtwo hundred and forty-eightDtwo hundred and forty-three3 . (题文)What are the boys doing?They are preparing _ the football matchAwithBforCaboutDon4 . 、-youyour homework, Henry? The teacher will check it this afternoon.-Oh, my God! I nearly forgot it.ADo; finishBHave; finishedCWill; finishDDid; finish5 . Whats the matter with Mike? I havent seen him for two days.He is under the weather. Lets go to visit him in the hospitalApopularBcoldCsick6 . Your jacket is nice. _.AThank youBYes, its niceCThats OK7 . Eight-six-five, three-zero-seven is _ .A856-308B865-307C567-370D675-4808 . Is that Danny Brown speaking?Yes. _?AWhats your nameBWho are youCWhos that9 . Where is Mary flying? She is flying lo France soon, She will arrive Paris the morning of July 2.Ato; onBat; onCin; on10 . Sanya is the south coast China.Ain; inBto; onCat; ofDon; of11 . (题文)_?Its my ID card.AWhats thatBWhats your nameCHow do you spell thatDIs this a card12 . I dont know when Jim _ . Ill meet him at the airport when he_ .Awill return; returnBreturns; will returnCreturned; returnedDwill return; returns13 . Our Chinese teacher told usinteresting story andstory was about Thomas Edison.Aan; aBthe; theCa; theDan; the14 . Michael goes to school _ his bike.AbyBinConDat15 . Ma Lin didnt watch TV last night, because there wasnt _ on it.Asomething interestingBeverything interestingCanything interestingDnothing interesting二、完型填空An old saying says that near neighbors are better than relatives far off. I never had that feeling _ I got to visit my grandfather in the countryside. It was quite beautiful. And _ of the roads are narrow in the mountains. I walked through them and breathed in the fresh air. I saw planted corn everywhere, and dogs were _ in front of the house. My father and I visited the house my grandparents live in. My grandfather told me that two families lived here. I saw a(n) _ neighbor, who was over 90, sitting outside their house.In fact, our real _ was to visit this old couple. Though their house was wet and dark, it reminded my father of his sweet childhood memories. When he was a kid, the neighbors _ him to cut paper, climb trees and recognize plants. They _ gave him candies and apples. Now, they were getting older, and my father wanted to thank them. When they saw me, they quickly stood up with a smile and greeted me. I gave them a warm smile back and _ their questions patiently. They handed me a few candies just like they had to my father a long time ago. Later, my grandfather remembered the stories of the _, and the two neighbors laughed happily together. These things made me think of the warm relationships _ people. We dont have ties of blood with these neighbors, but they still seem like family. It inspires(激励) me to help and care for others more.16 . AsinceBbecauseCuntilDalthough17 . AallBbothCneitherDeither18 . AdancingBarguingCcryingDlying19 . AoldBstrangeCyoungDangry20 . ApurposeBsecretCvalueDchoice21 . AofferedBrequiredCtaughtDallowed22 . AseldomBalwaysCneverDhardly23 . AchoseBpreparedCansweredDexpressed24 . AfutureBpresentCmomentDpast25 . AacrossBthroughCbetweenDamongOnce upon a time, there was an owl(猫头鹰)in the middle of a dark forest. All the animals knew that he was the wisest among _ of them. So they often went to him and told him their problems. Then the owl always told them _ to solve their problems.One day, a little bird came to the owl. She was _. “Whats wrong with you?” asked the owl.“Im not happy at all, Mr. Owl. I dont want to be a bird any more.” the bird _.“Why dont you want to be a(n) _?” asked the owl. “Because I am so small and weak,” she cried. “I want to be as big and strong as the lion. He is important, but I am not.”The owl said _ in her ear. Then the bird dried her tears and _ away. One week later, the bird came back. “Thank you very much, Mr. Owl. You are so _,” she said to the owl. “Im very happy now. Every day, I watch out for lions and tigers. When they come _, I shout as loudly as I can. Then my friends all run and hide. They often _ me for that. I am useful and important now.”The wise owl smiled and said: “Dear, no one in the world is useless.”26 . AbothBallCeitherDnone27 . AhowBwhyCwhatDwhen28 . AcryingBsmilingCsingingDsleeping29 . AagreedBadvisedCrepliedDasked30 . AlionBbirdCtigerDowl31 . AnothingBeverythingCanythingDsomething32 . AranBflewCdroveDswam33 . AbrightBboredCpoliteDactive34 . AlateBslowCfarDnear35 . AhateBleaveCthankDworry三、阅读单选Most people around the world agree that pandas are smart and cute animals. But can they draw? Can they do anything special? I believe they can. These days a panda becomes a popular star and attracts many visitors to the zoo.This female panda is called Yang Yang. She comes from Vienna Zoo, Austria. Now she can use a brush to create her works of art. People like her paintings very much and 100 of them are waiting online for someone to buy at $580 each- yang Yangs paintings will probably help the zoo to make $58,000. With the money, the zoo will have the chance to publish (出版) a new picture book about the pandas in Vienna Zoo. The plan will certainly come true because Yang Yang enjoys painting and can draw more pictures.Two years ago, Yang Yang became a mother of twin pandas. She is a smart mother and learns to draw quickly. Many visitors would like to visit the zoo to see Yang Yangs wonderful painting shows. They make people think of the first attempts (尝试) of a small child.You never know, with such an amazing talent (天赋), this cute animal may be able to become a great artist!36 . What does the underlined word “attracts” mean?AInterests.BProtects.CHelps.DCatches.37 . Why does Yang Yang become popular?ABecause she is the only panda in the zoo.BBecause she can make money.CBecause she can draw pictures.DBecause she is so cute.38 . What will the zoo probably use the money for?ATaking good care of Yang Yang.BTeaching Yang Yang to draw better.CBuying more books about pandas.DPublishing a picture book.39 . How many cubs (崽) does Yang Yang have?AOne.BTwo.CThree.DFour.40 . Whats the best title for this passage?AA famous zoo in Austria.BHow to draw pictures.CA panda with an amazing talent.DYang Yangs daily life.Do You Remember What You Were Doing?NicoleThe tsunami (海啸) in the Indian Ocean (印度洋) happened on December 26, 2004. When I heard about the event, I was waiting at the airport. Do you know this event? What were you doing that day?TedYes. While I was walking in the park, I heard the terrible news.KathyLi Yuchun won the singing contest “Super Girls” in 2005. When I heard it, I was having dinner at home. What about you?AliceGreat news I knew it while I was chatting with my family in the living room on the night of August 26.EricWhile I was visiting my grandma in the hospital, I heard our countrys Shenzhou VI spacecraft returned. It was a great success. What were you doing then?JacksonI was playing chess with my father when this exciting event happened on October 17, 2005.41 . How many important events did they talk about?ASix.BFour.CThree.DFive.42 . When the tsunami happened, Ted was_.Awaiting at the airportBwalking in the parkCvisiting his grandpa in the hospitalDdoing nothing43 . _was chatting in the living room when Li Yuchun won the award.ANicoleBKathyCAlice.DEric44 . China s Shenzhou spacecraft returned successfully on_.ADecember 26, 2004BAugust 26, 2005COctober 17, 2005DDecember 17, 200445 . Which of the following is TRUE?AThe tsunami happened in China in 2004.BThe text is from a magazine.CLi Yuchun was the winner of the singing contest “Super Girls” in 2005.DJackson thought it was a great success that Shenzhou spacecraft was launched in 2004.四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句子意思,用括号中所给汉语提示或英语单词的适当形式填空。在答题卡标有题号的横线上,写出空缺处所填单词的正确形式。(每空一词)46 . Our teachers are _ with us than before because of the coming exams. (严格的)47 . Housing prices in major cities didnt continue_this year. (上升)48 . My mother goes shopping every daythere is a shopping mall just_ our house(在对面)49 . The bag on the chair is one of those _ (英雄)50 . Tomorrow is my mothers _ birthday. We are going to have a party to celebrate it. (四十九)51 . Mary Curie devoted _ to science and she is always remembered by people. (she)52 . The detective has caught the thief who _ the rich mans necklace last week. (steal)53 . What caused the accident remains _, so we need to do more research on it. (know)54 . Big Ben has_ silent and it wont ring again regularly until 2021. (fall)55 . Sadly, the robot has stopped working _. (complete)五、用所给单词的正确形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空56 . My MP4 is old, but _(her) is new.57 . Every boy and every girl lost _(they) in the beautiful music.58 . We enjoyed _(us) at the dancing party.59 . This book is _(she). _(I) is over there.60 . Jim learned to play the violin by _(he).61 . That boy is my friend. _ (he) name is Da Li. I often help _(he)with _(he) English.62 . Help _(you) to some chicken, boys and girls.63 . I have a cat. _(it) name is Mimi.64 . Oh, where is _(I) ruler?Dont worry. Let _(I) help _(you) find _(it).65 . We are in Class Two. _(our) English teacher is Mr. Song. He loves _(we) and we love _(he).六、单词填空短文填空One day, our English teacher Mr Smith came into the classroom with a book in his hand. He started his lesson with a question, “Who can d66 . what stress is like?” No one answered. Then he raised the book and asked, “How heavy is the book?” We b67 . to think and guess. One student stood up and said, “I think it is 100 grams.” Another student said, “It is 200 grams.” Our answers were d68 . . At last, Mr Smith explained, “The real weight doesnt m69 . . It depends on how long you hold it. If I hold it for a minute, it is OK. If I hold it for an hour, I will have a pain in my right arm. If I hold it for a d70 . , I will have to ask you to send me a doctor. It is the exact same weight, but the longer I hold it, the h71 . it becomes. This book stands for stress. If you hold it without p72 . it down, sooner or later, you will not be a73 . to hold on. No matter how much stress you have, stop and take a rest if possible. Boys and girls, you should learn to relax y74 . . I am sure you will live a happy school life.” We will n75 . forget Mr Smith and this meaningful lesson.七、填空Boys and girls, welcome to our radio club! Our club is very important in our school now. It was started by Tom ten years ago. When he found it was too quiet during the lunch time, Tom advised the headmaster(校长) to set up a radio club, and he agreed. What great advice! Thanks to Tom, we have had many different programmes to listen to at lunch time from then on. There is Music Time for us to hear popular music. And you can hear your favourite songs if you tell us ahead of time. We can give advice on problems, too. For example, how we prepare for exams and how we make friends. And we can also send your best wishes to your friends or teachers on special days. Do you have a good voice? Can you come here to work on time? If the two answers are “Yes”, join us now, please!NameRadio clubStartedBy76 . and the headmasterProgrammesMusic77 . songsGive78 . on problemsHow we prepare for examsHow we make friends.Send wishesTo people on79 . Requirements(要求)Have a good voiceWork80 . 八、回答问题任务型阅读Saying no can be very difficult. People who are very shy often have little confidence. It is very hard for them to say no. They would feel shy when they say no, but doing things that they dont want to do will make them unhappy.A simple and direct “No” is the best way. If you want to explain, you can keep it simple. Just say, “No, Ive already made plans for this time” or “No, Im not free at that time.”Other indirect but polite ways of saying no: Sorry, I cant do this right now. Im afraid I cant, but thank you for asking. Please accept (接受) that I cannot come. Id rather not.To say no you should: Start the sentence with the word “No”. Shake (摇晃) your head when you say no to make sure others understand. Your voice should be clear and direct. Sometimes it is difficult to say no. You can try to reply and explain in the following way:“Sorry. I would have taken care of your cat next weekend, but I will be going out. I know it will be hard to find someone to take care of the cat. I will try to help you next time.” Remember that: you have the right (权利) to say no!根据短文内容,回答下列问题。81 . Who usually have trouble saying no according to the passage? _82 . How can indirect ways of saying no sound?_83 . When you really want to say “No”, how should you make your voice?_84 . What does the writer encourage us to do?_85 . When it is really difficult to say no, what are you supposed to try to do?_九、材料作文86 . 书面表达假设你的名字叫Han Fang, 你正拿着两张照片向你的同学介绍你的家人和你的房间:你家里有爸爸妈妈和一个哥哥;你的房间里有粉红色的被子和白色的电脑;谈你最喜欢的食物是;你妈妈最喜爱的颜色等(至少写50个词)_第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、2、三、阅读单选1、2、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、单词填空1、七、填空1、八、回答问题1、九、材料作文1、


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