牛津译林版九年级英语上册Unit2 Colours测试题

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牛津译林版九年级上册Unit2 Colours测试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . When I was in the USA,I had difficulty _ English, so I often ask Paul _ help.Ato understand, withBunderstanding, forCto understand, forDunderstanding, with2 . Please give this letterPeter . He isClass 1 ,Grade 7 .Ato , inBin , toCto , toDin , in3 . Kate wantschickenlunch.Aeating; toBeat; toCto eat; forDeating; for4 . The players practice hard, because they dont want totheir coach.Amake; downBlet; downCget; down Dtake; down5 . -I think the boy _ the lesson.-You are right. He is not attracted to the lesson. He is looking out of the windowAhas no interest inBis interested inCenjoys6 . What do you want to ?Ato buyBbuysCbuyDbuying7 . -Did you finish your homework on time yesterday.-No, I didnt_on time. By the time I finished it, all my classmatesAfinish it; turned it inBfinish it; had turned in itCmake it; turned it inDmake it; had turned it in8 . After a long walk, the girl felt very _.AhappyBtiredCangryDrelaxed9 . - ?- Its on May 1st.AWhen is your birthdayBWhat day is it todayCWhat time is itDHow old are you10 . The songs of SHE sound _.Their CDs sell_.Awell, wellBgood, wellCwell, goodDgood, good11 . Id like to go to the cinema with them. -_.ASo would I.BSo had ICSo did I.DSo I would.12 . _ students have learned _ from the stories.AA lot of, a lot ofBA lot, a lot ofCA lot, lots ofDA lot of, a lot13 . Which of the following sentences is WRONG?APeople dressed baby boys in blue, hoping that boys would be protected.BPeople dressed baby boys in blue with hopes of protecting boys.CPeople dressed baby boys in blue, hopes that boys would be protected.DPeople dressed baby boys in blue in the hope that boys would be protected.14 . (题文)When Lily arrivesNew York,Ihome.Aat;get toBin;get toCat;getDin;get15 . There _ more visitors in Dongying this year because the City Landscaping Exposition of Shandong Province(山东省城市园林绿化博览会) was held here on September 1st.AwereBareCwill beDis going to have二、完型填空On my way home I knocked into a stranger as he passed by.Oh. Im terribly sorry, I said. Thats all right. Please excuse me too; I wasnt even_you. I wish I didnt hurt you.We were very_. We said good-bye and went on our way.But at home we often_our loved ones in a different way.Later that day, while I was cooking the evening meal, my daughter stood beside me very quietly.When I turned, I nearly_her down. Move out of the way. I shouted. She walked away, tears in her eyes.While I lay awake in bed, I realized how_Id spoken. So I decided to get up to say sorry to my daughter. On the way to her bedroom, to my surprise, I found some_by the door of the kitchen. At that time my tears began to fall. I quietly went and got down on my knees by her_She woke up and put her arms around my neck when I kissed her. Then I asked, Did you pick these flowers for me?She smiled, I found them out by the tree. I picked them_theyre pretty like you. I knew youd like them. I stood quietly in order to give you a surprise.Oh dear, Im really sorry for the way I acted today; I shouldnt have shouted at you.“Thats okay. Mom. I_you anyway.I suddenly realized what a clever way it is to explain the word_like this: ( F) ather (A) nd ( M) other, ( I) ( L) ove ( Y) ou !16 . A. noticing B. helping C. calling17 . A. sad B. angry C. polite18 . A. Help B. Treat C. criticize19 . A. put B. took C. knocked20 . A. sadly B. rudely C. softly21 . A. books B. clothes C. flowers22 . A. bed B. desk C. chair23 . A. if B. because C. though24 . A. love B. need C. miss25 . A. father B. mother C. family三、阅读单选Sally was a student. Her mothers birthday is coming. She wanted to buy her a nice and cheap present(礼物).She went shopping after a quick and simple lunch. After she looked for half an hour, she found a shop. It was selling cheap umbrellas, and she decided to take a black one.She thought, “Mom can carry it when she is wearing any clothes.” So she bought a lovely black umbrella and took it to school with her.On her way home on the train she felt hungry because she ate little for lunch. So she went to the buffet car(餐车). She left the umbrella on her seat. But when she got back, She couldnt see the umbrella!Sally began to cry. The other passengers felt very sorry for her and asked what was the matter. She told them she couldnt find the black umbrella, and she had to get off at the next station. After the three passengers heard this, they asked her for her mothers address(地址)so that they could send the umbrella to her if someone took it and brought it back.After a week, Sally got a letter from her mother. It said “Thank you very much for your lovely gifts, but why do you send me three black umbrellas?”26 . _ birthday is coming.ASallys teachersBSallys mothersCSallys fathersDSallys brothers27 . The underlined word “one” in Paragraph 2 refers to _ .AumbrellaBschoolbagCletterDlunch28 . The three passengers asked Sally for her mothers address(地址) to _ .Abuy the umbrella for her if someone took it and brought it backBvisit Sallys mother if Sally cant come back home on that dayCsend the umbrella to her if someone took it and brought it backDgive Sallys mother a call to ask something about the umbrella29 . The best title of the passage may be “_”.AA birthday partyBA birthday presentCSallys birthdayDThree passengersIn the days before electricity, people dont worry much about sleep. They usually went to bed a couple of hours after sunset (日落) and woke at sunrise. After all, there wasnt much to do in those days after the sun went down. But then came the electric light bulb (电灯泡). And now we have satellite television, the Internet,24-hour convenience stores, and longer hours at work. How much can we sleep? How much should we sleep?Like it or not, many of us are sleeping less on average (平均). In 1910, most Americans slept 9 hours a night. That dropped to 7.5 hours by 1975. In 2002, a study by the National Sleep Foundation found that the average American got only 6.9 hours. The news is even worse for people who work the night shift. They sleep an average of just 5 hours.Are we sleeping enough? Not if you believe in the old rule of eight hours of rest, eight hours of work, and eight hours of play. On the other hand, Norman Stanley, a British scientist who studies sleep, believes peoples sleep needs are different. Some people need as many as 11 hours, but others need as few as three. How much do you really need? “To find out,” he says, “simply sleep until you wake naturally, without the help of an alarm clock. Thats your sleep need.”Meanwhile, other scientists and researchers are searching for new ways to keep us awake longer. Some are developing chemicals (化学药品) that are safer and more powerful than caffeine, the chemical found in coffee and tea. One experimental drug, CX717, kept laboratory monkeys working happily for 36 hours. Further developments may allow people to safely stay awake for several days straight. One group of researchers is studying a gene (基因) found in some fruit flies that lets them get by on one-third the usual amount of sleep. Another group is even working on an electric switch that immediately wakes up a sleeping brain.The meanings of this research are huge. On the one hand, this could lead to a world where we work longer and longer hours with less and less sleep. On the other hand, if we needed less sleep, we would have more free time to travel, read, volunteer, and spend time with family.30 . How many hours did most Americans sleep a night in 1975?A5.B6.9.C7.5.D9.31 . What can we learn from the passage?APeople have got enough sleep.BPeople will work longer hours.CSleep time will be a big problem.DStaying awake for long is possible.32 . What is probably the best title of the passage?ATo sleep or Not to sleep?BHow can We Sleep Longer?CTo Work or Not to Work?DHow Much We can Sleep?四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据括号中所给的汉语写出单词,使句子意思完整正确确,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为6165的相应位置上33 . Jacks always dreaming of travelling around the _(欧洲)countries.34 . My aunt is a fashion designer. She often gives me some _(建议)on what to wear.35 . Do you mean that we are trapped here?_(正是,没错), my dear.36 . She has worked for all day long. She needs to _(放松)herself.37 . It snowed heavily. Our car crash _(碰,撞) a tree.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空38 . This map of China is not_(my).39 . Cindy is a friend of_(her).40 . I cant find my keys. You must _(help) me.41 . We have nine_(classroom)in our school.42 . What color are the_(watch)?六、完成句子完成句子,每空一词43 . (2017辽宁丹东) 多么令人兴奋的消息啊!_it is!44 . (2017陕西)我同意你的野餐计划。I _you about the plan for the picnic.45 . (2017湖北恩施)昨天这位记者为采访校长等了好长时间。The reporter waited so long _the headmaster yesterday.46 . (2017四川自贡)为了保护眼睛,我们应该避免在阳光下阅读。We should _the sun to protect our eyes.47 . (2017山东夏津县二中月考) 爸爸低头看着我,告诉我不要放弃。My father _at me and told me not to give up.七、材料作文48 . 书面表达目前,地球正面临着前所未有的危机,人口增多,能源减少,到太空生活成了热门话题。Daniel和他的同学讨论了在火星上生活的利弊,请根据讨论结果并加上自己的观点写一篇报道。AdvantagesDisadvantagesinterestinggo to online schoolsmuch more spacerobot ( do work for us)things are cheapget ill from living therefar from Earthno food, water or oxygensome dangerous alienseasily float awayLife on MarsLife on Mars is different from that on Earth. Some students think it is better to live on Mars than on earth because _第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、完成句子1、七、材料作文1、


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