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北师大版2019-2020学年七年级上学期期末英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . My son likes wearing that Tshirt,because its very _ and comfortable.AsmartBoutgoingCsoftDugly2 . Where is Gina?She is between Lucy and _.AsheBmeCmyDhe3 . Jim is _excellent runner. He often comes _first in the race.Aan ; theBthe; theCa; /Dan; /4 . David,you got any tea?Yes. Would you like some?AhaveBdoChas5 . -Hello, this is Fanny. Can I speak to Linda? - Yes, _.ALinda is meBLinda, pleaseCmy name is LindaDthis is Linda speaking.6 . (题文)If you want to know more information about the Olympic Games, please _ the Internet.AwaitBsearchCprepareDfight7 . There are onlystudents in the classroom. Where are the others?Aa fewBfewCa littleDlittle8 . _ else would you like to visit ? Shanghai Museum?AwhereBwhenCwhoDwhat9 . -Would you like to have lunch with me?-_, but Im afraid I dont have time.AYes, Id like some.BThank you.CYes, please.DNo, Id love to.10 . (题文)I could _ hear what you said just now. Could you please say that again?AsometimesBalwaysChardlyDclearly11 . can you finish your composition? In half an hour.AHow longBHow farCHow oftenDHow soon12 . He is Peter Mark. His first name is _.APeterBMarkCPeter MarkDMark Peter13 . When Mr Wang was young, he_ in the river.Auses to swimBused to swimCused to swimmingDused swim14 . There _ some beef, tomatoes and broccoli in the basket.AbeBisCare15 . The U.S government _ to cut its dependence on Russian and Chinese technology firms(公司).Yes. He has considered forbidding(禁止) funding for buying products from ZTE and especially Huawei.AtriedBwas tryingCis tryingDwill try二、补全对话7选5根据对话内容,从方框内选择恰当的句子将对话补充完整。(选项中有两项是多余的)A. Glad to help you.B. What else can we enjoy?C. Is it worth (值得) traveling there?D. Have you decided where to go?E. Then it must have something special.F. I dont think it fun to travel in big cities.G. Do you have any plan for the summer holiday?A: Hi, Alice. 16 . B: Yeah, Id like to do some traveling.A: 17 . B: Not yet.A: Do you want to travel in big cities?B: 18 . A: How about Huangshan Mountain?B: 19 . A: Sure! In China, Its considered to be the king of all the mountains.B: 20 . A: Right. You can see special pines (松树), rocks and clouds. You can enjoy hot springs (温泉) as well.B: Great! Thank you.三、完型填空The hippo(河马) is the most dangerous animal in Africa, but that hasnt stopped a South African animal lover from making friends with one.Marius Els is 40 years old. He _ around 20 different kinds of animals on his ranch(饲养场),in South Africa. He has a real soft spot for Humphrey, a 6-year-old hippo thats like a son to him. While all of his friends are too _ to go near the animal, and his wife told him not to get too close, Marius climbs on Humphreys back as he swims _ the lake.Marius has kept the hippo_ he was just five months old. And over the years, the two have_ a special relationship that people just dont understand. Marius looks on Humphrey as a son, although the 1,200 ton animal could _ a person with ease. Only sometimes the hippo can throw Marius off his _ in the water. Humphrey is very friendly to his owner, especially after Marius offers him a dinner of his favorite _, apples.Humphrey feels very_in his life. He had another good friend, a goat, but she got eaten by a jackal(豺), so now hes all by_Marius says hes been trying to get a female friend for Humphrey, but theres no such thing in Africa right now.21 . AkeptBsweptCboughtDstayed22 . AworriedBtiredCscaredDexcited23 . AunderBacrossCalongDinto24 . AsinceBwhenCafterDbefore25 . AinventedBfoundCappearedDdeveloped26 . Acome upBget upCeat upDlook up27 . AheadBbackCfrontDtail28 . AjuiceBfishCbreadDfood29 . AlonelyBangryChappyDfunny30 . AherBthemChimselfDus四、阅读单选Every winter the Indians caught beavers (河狸或称为海狸).They sold these beaver furs to men from France. In the 1600s and 1700s,people in France wanted beaver furs for coats and hats. Other countries wanted these furs, too . Wearing a beaver fur hat became a sign .It said ,“Look at this man! This man is rich!”In the 1800s,men in this country began to wear beaver hats. They too, wanted to wear the sign that said,“ Look at those men! They are rich!”Soon it was hard to find beavers. To get more beaver furs, traders had to move West. Traders began to explore this new country. They came back with wonderful stories about the new land. Before long, many people wanted to go West to live.Where people go, towns grow. Soon there were new towns in the West. Men looking for beaver for fancy(珍贵的,昂贵的) hats helped the West grow.31 . Wearing a beaver hat was a sign that a man was _.Aa hunterBrichCa traderDan Indian32 . Which of the following does this story lead you to believe?ABeavers began to wear fancy hats.BThe traders would not go West.CThe fur traders helped the country grow.DThe traders wore furs.33 . What did the traders do when beavers were hard to find?ATo get more beaver furs, traders had to move West.BThe traders had to find rich men wearing signs.CThe traders had to wear beaver hats out West.DThey made friends with beavers.34 . When did Indians begin to wear beaver hats?A1600s.B1700s.C1800s.D1900s.35 . The main idea of the whole story is that _.Atraders carried signs for rich menBthe search for beavers helped the West to growCmany wonderful stories were told about the WestDthe beavers were very foolishThere was once a poor woman with only one son. One day, she asked her son if there was anything he wanted. The boy said he wanted a drum. The mother left for the market, feeling very sad, because she did not have enough money to buy a drum.On the way home, she found a piece of wood and gave it to her son to play with. Later that day, the boy went outside to play. Along the road, he saw an old woman crying. The old woman was trying to start a fire to cook some food, but she didnt have any wood. Hearing this, the boy gave her his piece of wood. The old woman gave him a piece of the bread she had made.Then, further down the road, the boy met a pot (盆) makers wife and her crying child. The boy asked her what was wrong. The woman said she had no food to give to her hungry child. The boy gave the woman the piece of bread, and she gave him a pot. The boy walked on.Before long, he saw a husband and wife arguing (争吵). He asked them why they were arguing. They said, “We have broken our pot and have nothing to clean our clothes in.” The boy gave his pot to them, and they gave the boy a new coat.Next, the boy saw a man who had no shirt. The man said he had been robbed (抢劫) on his way home. The robbers had taken his money, and his shirt. The boy gave the man his new coat. The man was so happy that he gave the boy his horse.Finally, on his way home, the boy met a huge group of people going to a wedding (婚礼). There were musicians, the bridegroom (新郎), and his family. Everyone looked sad. The bridegroom s father said,” We are waiting for a horse. If it doesnt come soon, we will be late for the wedding. The boy gave them his new horse. The group asked the boy what they could give him, and he replied, “A drum.” So, the musicians gave him their drum. The boy ran home to tell his mother how he had at last gotten the drum he had wanted.36 . The old woman was crying because _.Ashe couldnt find her daughterBshe had no money to buy foodCshe had no wood to make a fireDshe couldnt find her way back37 . Why did the pot makers wife give her pot to the boy?ABecause the pot was useless.BBecause she didnt like it.CBecause the pot made her child cry.DBecause the boy helped her.38 . The boy got the drum from _.Aa pot makers wifeBthe musiciansChis own motherDan old woman39 . We know from the story that the boy was _.AhelpfulBcarelessCsillyDcruel五、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词40 . _(或许)I can go shopping this afternoon with you.41 . The air was f_ of the fragrance(芳香)of flowers.42 . We should read English for at _(至少)thirty minutes every day.43 . Take care!If you lose balance(平衡)on the _(秋千),you may fall down and hurt yourself.44 . What a lazy boy!Jack takes a bath t_ a month.45 . Exercise is h_ for the mind and the body.46 . Nick often looks for things on the I_ at the weekend.47 . None of them stays up l_ to play computer games.六、用单词的正确形式完成短文阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词,每词限用一次。方框中有两个词是多余的。very for girl want clothes toboy big sell name in schoolvery for girl want clothes toboy big sell name in schoolHi! Im Linda. I am an English 48 . . Now Im in Shanghai with my parents. There is a 49 . store next to my house. Its 50 . is Yangyang Clothes Store. You can buy all kinds of 51 . in it. They have sweaters at a 52 . good price. Do you need bags? They 53 . great bags for 26 yuan each. They have hats 54 . red, black and yellow. They also have nice skirts 55 . girls. For 56 . , they have shorts and sprots socks. Do you 57 . to come here? Lets have a look this afternoon.七、多任务混合问题根据短文内容完成下列任务。Its October 16th. Its Jeffs fifteenth birthday. In the morning Jeff gets up very early. He goes to Tokyo with his parents. They are going to stay there for a week. Tokyo is the capital of Japan. Its very nice. They can see many parks in Tokyo. Jeff likes Tokyo very much.They live in Green hotel. Its very big and clean. Oh, in the hotel Jeff meets Iris old friend Lisa. The two kids are very (A)_. In the evening Jeffs father has a birthday party for Jeff in the hotel. (B)_They have a good time. At the party Lisa sings a Japanese song for Jeff, at about twelve o clock, Jeff doesnt go to bed. He still plays games with Lisa.58 . When is Jeffs birthday?_59 . How does Jeff get to Tokyo?_60 . 选择意思相近或相同的选项替换划线邵分。They can seemanyparks in Tokyo.AmuchBa lot ofCa lotDvery much61 . 选择适当的词汇完成(A)空格部分,使句意完整。AinterestingBhealthyChappyDunhappy62 . 将划线部分(B)翻译为汉语。_八、材料作文63 . 假如你是Angela,你想交一个说英语的朋友。请根据下面表格中的内容,写一篇短文介绍自己。要求:(1)必须包含表格中所有的内容。(2)将省略号部分补充完整。(3)不少于50词。Dear friend,Im Angela. _Yours,Angela九、其他找出下列每组词中划线部分发音与其它三个不同的选项。64 . AgameBplaneCwatchDtake65 . AcousinBaboutCsoundDhow66 . AphoneBphotoClostDsofa67 . AthatBtheseCbrotherDthanks68 . AwhoBwhiteCwhyDwhat第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、补全对话7选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、五、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、六、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、七、多任务混合问题1、八、材料作文1、九、其他1、


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