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人教版八年级上学期期中统考英语试卷(带解析)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . -What time do you usually go to bed?- At half _nine.AatBforCpastDin2 . _ and be honest, Tom, or others wont trust you.AKeeping a secretBKeep a secretCKeeping secretsDKeep secret3 . Now Judy her homework in her study.She oftenit there after dinner.Ais doing,doesBdoes,doesCis doing;is doing4 . The younger might not like the idea.ApeoplesBpeoplesCpeopleDpeoples5 . I saw Jenny_near the river on my way home.AplaysBplayingCto playDplayed6 . Which city has _ population, Shanghai, HongKong or Qingdao?Athe smallestBthe mostCthe largest7 . We shouldnt read in the sun. _. Its bad for our eyes.ASorry to hear thatBThat sounds greatCYoure rightDI dont think so8 . The boy isto shop.Yes, he boughtfor the family.Aenough old, enough foodBold enough, enough foodCenough young, food enoughDyoung enough, food enough9 . I had a hamburger, salad, noodles and beef soup for lunch.Good, but I dont like a heavy meal at lunchtime.AyouByourselfCmeDmyself10 . The classroom is_ clean_ it was yesterday.-Sorry, I forgot to clean it.Aas, asBso, asCnot so, asDmore, than二、完型填空One summer evening, a 10-year-old boy was trying to hit a bottle with a slingshot(弹弓). The bottle was about 7 to 8 meters_The boy tried many times but still couldnt hit it. His mother just kept passing him small stones.A girl walked by. She_the boy for some time and said to the mother, “Let me show him how to shoot.”“No, thank you,” said the_, “he is blind.”The girl was surprised and asked, “How can he hit the bottle then?” “I tell him he can do it,” said the mother, “_he tries hard enough.”The little boy tried again and again. The mother always told him that he was doing_The boy became more confident. After a long time, it_dark. The girl said goodbye to the mother and son. When she turned to leave, she heard a stone hit the_! The little boy finally made it!With confidence and patience, nothing is impossible.11 . AlongBtallCaway12 . AsaidBwatchedCwondered13 . AmotherBboyCgirl14 . AbeforeBafterCif15 . AgoodBbetterCwell16 . AwentBbecomeCgot17 . AbottleBslingshotCstone三、阅读单选DRIVER WANTED:Can you work with cars? Do you have a driving license(驾驶证)? We need you to drive the car for us. Call Miss Li at 534-7621.NURSE WANTED:Can you help doctors? Can you work in a hospital? Then come and work for us as a nurse. Please call Mr. Wang at 734-2323.TEACHER WANTED:Do you like kids? Can you play football? Can you swim? Do you want to be a PE teacher? Please call Linda at 653-1298.COOK WANTED:Can you make delicious food? Can you work hard? Can you work late? Then come and work for us as a cook. Call Alans Dinner at 782-3422.18 . There are _ jobs wanted.A3B4C5D619 . If you want to work as a _, you can call 534-7621.AreporterBpolicemanCdriverDwriter20 . If you call 734-2323, you can get a job as a _.Abank clerkBpolicemanCnurseDteacher21 . Ben likes making different(不同的) food, he wants to find a job about cooking , he can call _.A653-1298B782-3422C534-7621D734-232322 . Who can you call if you want to work in a school?AAlanBMr. WangCLindaDMiss LiMy name is Lucy. I get up at half past seven. I have breakfast with my parents and my sister Paula. I like hamburgers but my sister likes milk and eggs. My parents always eat bread.Paula and I have lunch at school. In the afternoon, I go to science class and then play basketball. Paula goes to art class and then plays the violin.After school we go home and do our homework first. After dinner, we help our mother. I clean the rooms and Paula does the dishes (清洗餐具). Then we read books and talk about our day. My sister and I go to bed at nine oclock.On weekends Paula and I get up late, at about nine oclock. We play games in the park or our garden (花园). Then we visit our grandmother. We like her very much! Shemakes us fruit salad and we play all afternoon. Its great fun!根据材料内容选择最佳答案。23 . What do Lucys parents always have for breakfast?AHamburgers.BEggs.CBread.DMilk.24 . Lucy has lunch _.Aat homeBat schoolCwith her teacherDwith her parents25 . What does Lucy do after dinner in the evening?AShe does her homework.BShe watches TV.CShe cleans the rooms.DShe tells stories.26 . What can we know about Paula?AShe is Lucys cousin.BShe can play the violin.CShe is good at basketball.DShe gets up early on weekends.27 . On weekends, Lucy and Paula _.Amake fruit saladBclean the gardenCplay with their friendsDvisit their grandmotherIn ABC Middle SchoolJack Black (Alans Friend)Alan Smith (Jacks Friend)Amy Brownphone number:326-5276favorite(最喜欢的)color: blackphone number:329-7153favorite color: purple, greenphone number:327-1578favorite color: blue, redblackgreenblue28 . Whats Jacks last name?ABlackBBrownCSmithDJack Black29 . What color is the cup?ABlackBPurpleCGreenDBlue30 . Whats Amy Browns telephone number?A326-5276B327-1578C329-7153D326-578331 . Who is Jacks friend?AAmyBAlanCBrownDBlack32 . Which of the following is TRUE?(下面哪个选项是正确的?)AThe jacket is black.BAlans last name is Brown.CAmys favorite color is purple.DAlan is not in ABC Middle School.四、填写适当的单词补全句子完成句子(共6小题,每小题1分,共6分)根据括号内的提示,填出单词的正确形式。33 . He was so _(饥饿的) that he ate all the food in the bowl.34 . The things in this shop are _(昂贵的)。35 . She kept many _(日记) last year.36 . My mother says junk food is bad for my _(健康)。37 . The _(差异)between these two books are clear.38 . Gina _(锻炼)every day.五、填写适当的句子补全对话39 . Luxun(鲁迅)is one of the famous in China.六、单词填空根据短文内容和所给的提示,在空白处写出单词的正确形式。Betty is a middle school student. She often gets up early every day. She makes the bed and washes her face40 . _(快速地). She often has milk and bread for breakfast. She says theyre good 41 . _(对) her health. She 42 . _(通常) goes to school by bike. But yesterday she 43 . _(乘)the bus there, because her bike was broken. She is 44 . _(从不)late for school. She studies really hard. She wants to be an 45 . _(工程师) when she grows up. So she spends most of her time46 . _(学习) science and math. And she also has a big 47 . _(梦想). Whats it? Oh, she would like to have a robot at home and would be 48 . _(能够) to make it move and think like people in the 49 . _(将来). She hopes it will come true one day.七、填空What do your dream mean?Have you ever found yourself doing an exam in the middle of the sea with your favorite film star? Dont worry, its only a dream! But what do your dreams say about you? Here is a fun guide to explaining them. Being chasedIf you dream someone is trying to catch you, you are worried about something in the future that you dont feel ready for yet.Falling “Falling dreams” are also related to worryYou might be going the wrong way or you might be in danger.DeathThis doesnt mean you are going to die relax! You are going through some kinds of change in your life. Teeth falling outYou might be shy or you might think youre a loser. Something is certainly troubling you!Being locked inIf you dream that you are in a room and you cant get out, you may be feeling uncomfortable in a relationship maybe with a parent, a friend or a cousin. You cant be yourself in this relationship and want to get out of the situation.Finding moneyYou are looking for something! If you dream you find gold coins, this means you will find some success in real life.It is, however, important to realize that different people and even different cultures, all have different ways of explaining dreams. One thing that appears to be a common belief, though, is that dreams work in opposites.What do your dreams mean?IntroductionA fun 50 . to explaining what your dreams say about you.Different dreamsBeing chasedYou 51 . about something in the future that you dont feel ready for.52 . You are going 53 . some kinds of change in your life.Teeth falling outYou are 54 . or you are a loser.Something is 55 . you.Being locked inYou are not feeling 56 . in a relationship with a friend, or a cousin.Finding moneyYou will be 57 . in a real life.ConclusionsDifferent people and different cultures have different ways of 58 . dreams.Its a 59 . belief that dreams work in opposites.Helen Keller was an American educator and journalist, who became one of the leading humanitarians in the history of the United States. Born on June 27, 1880 in Tuscumbia, a small town in Alabama, Keller was stricken with a childhood disease that left her deaf, and blind. The illness Keller suffered (遭受) is a mystery to this day. Unable to see, or hear, Keller became difficult to deal with as her behaviour was described as wild by her family and friends.Soon Keller and her family developed their own type of sign language that allowed them to communicate with each other. Helens mother needed help for her anguished (痛苦的) child, which eventually led to Anne Sullivan, who was a recent graduate (毕业生) of the Perkins Institute for the Blind. The school had been successful in the past in educating blind students, and Sullivan was one of its star graduates. Once Sullivan and Keller got through the difficult beginnings, their friendship, and association (合作) lasted for 49 years.Keller was determined to become educated, and to teach herself to communicate. After attending several schools, she became the first deaf and blind person to earn a college degree. She became very well-known, and began a lecture tour where she made speeches on social and political issues, including womens suffrage (选举权), and birth control. Also she required the government to raise awareness to the situation of the blind. She devoted much of her later life to raising funds for the American Foundation for the Blind.On September 14, 1964, President Lyndon B. Johnson awarded her the Presidential Medal of Freedom, one of the United States two highest civilian honours. In 1999, Keller was listed in Gallups Most Widely Admired People of the 20th century.Helen KellerOvercoming DisabilityChildhoodKeller was made deaf and blind by an60 . illness.Her family and friends61 . her as wild because of her disabilities.62 . The Keller family63 . their own type of sign language to make their communication possible.Anne Sullivan64 . Kellers life and gave her a lot of help.Keller made up her65 . to teach herself to communicate.Keller earned a college degree after66 . several schools.Social ActivitiesWhile travelling around the country, Keller made a series of67 . on social and political issues.Keller68 . much of her later life in raising funds for the American Foundation for the Blind.AwardsIn 1964, Keller was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom.In 1999, her name was on the69 . in Gallups Most Widely Admired People of the 20th century.八、话题作文70 . 书面表达。生活中很多事情会影响人们的情绪。你的情绪会受哪些事物的影响呢?请你写一篇短文,谈谈你的感受。提示词:sunny, happy, rainy, sad, do well in, study, confident, color, excited要求:80词左右,开头已给出。Many things around me can affect my mood._第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、四、填写适当的单词补全句子1、五、填写适当的句子补全对话1、六、单词填空1、七、填空1、2、八、话题作文1、


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