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人教版九年级上学期期中教学质量检测英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Daming, pleasetranslate the sentenceChinese.Atry to; withBtries to; onCtried; inDtry to; into2 . My parents told me_vegetables every day.AeatBto eatCeatingDto eating3 . The difficult problems make him _Astudying hardBstudy hardCto study hardDstudies hard4 . Though she often makes her little brother_, she was made_ by him this morning.Acry; to cryBto cry; cryCcry; cryDto cry; to cry5 . Im not sure when he. When he, Ill tell you.Acomes; will comeBwill come; will comeCcomes; comesDwill come; comes6 . 一Was Susan really sorry for what she had done?一.ANot reallyBWell doneCNever mindDGo ahead7 . These young trees must.Alook after wellBbe well looked afterCtake good care ofDbe taken good care8 . The boy _ lost is crying there.How do you know he gets lost?AwhoseBwhoCwhos9 . The apples are delicious. Kim wants to eat _Aone anotherBone otherCmore twoDanother two10 . The safety of food has become one of _ problems in our daily life.AimportantBmore importantCmuch importantDthe most important11 . The poor man needs our help, he?AneedBneedntCdoesDdoesnt12 . The film Wolf warrior II战狼IIattracted about 140 million people to the cinema last July. _ great success the film was!AWhatBWhat aCHowDHow a二、补全对话7选5一、(2018 安徽淮南市九年级上学期期终检测)根据对话内容,从方框内选择恰当的句子将对话补充完整。(选项中有两项是多余的)A. By the way, when is the final?B. That would be nice! C. We have just won a game. D. Thanks, Cindy. E. What about next Tuesday? F. Maybe you can talk with your teammates about that.G. What should I do? A: Hey, Tony. You look so excited. Whats up?B: 13 . And we will be in the final(决赛). A: You mean the school soccer games?B: Yes. It was quite hard for us to beat Class Two. A: Congratulations to you all! B: 14 . But now I am a little nervous. A: Take it easy. You should be confident and believe in your team. B: But sometimes I feel that we dont work well enough as a team. A: Teamwork is very important. 15 . B: Sounds good. Ill do it right away. A:16 . B: Next Tuesday. A:17 . I will be free then and I can watch the game. B: See you then. Bye! A: See you!三、完型填空David Smith,12,usually gets up at about 7:40 am. He goes to bed_ and only gets about seven hours of sleep each night._waking up in the morning isnt easy for him.“I often feel _ in class,” David says.Children from 5 to 12 years old _at least ten hours of sleep each night.But scientists say that a lot of children dont get _ sleep.Even some of them sleep _ than eight hours every day.What is keeping children _at night?We made a survey in Davids school.We collected the answers of all the students _ this question.The answers show that the big stealer(偷窃者)is the _.68% of the students in this school said they went online before_Most boys and girls said they used the_ to chat(交谈)with friends.Scientists say if a person has a good sleep,he or she will _ well next day.If students sleep well at night,_ will do better in math and writing tests.Its _too late to change your sleeping habits.Go to bed early and keep doing that for a week.Then see _ you feel.You will find you become different.18 . AearlyBsoonCagainDlate19 . ABecauseBIfCSoDWhen20 . AexcitedBhappyCluckyDtired21 . AdoBdecideCneedDseem22 . ApopularBhealthyCwonderfulDenough23 . AmoreBlessCbestDgood24 . Agetting upBcutting upCwaking upDstaying up25 . AofBwithCtoDby26 . AcomputerBdictionaryCmagazineDtelevision27 . Agoing homeBgoing to schoolCgoing shoppingDgoing to bed28 . AemailBtelephoneCbicycleDInternet29 . AdanceBlearnCsingDjump30 . AweBheCsheDthey31 . AalwaysBneverCoftenDever32 . AwhatBwhenChowDwhere四、阅读单选Do you want a job?Here are some jobs for you. Please have a look!WAITER WANTED(1)Are you hardworking? Do you like to meet people? If your answer is “Yes”, and then we have a job for you as a waiter. Call AL Hotel at 556779!SUMMER JOB(2)Do you like to talk with people? Do you like to write stories? If you want to work for our magazines as a reporter, please call Karen at 558366.HELP WANTED(3)Do you like babies? Can you look after one baby for two days? If you are sure to take good care of it, call us at 766588. Hurry!CLEANER WANTED(4)Can you make a large house clean and tidy? If you hope to get the job paid at $20 a time, call us this evening 18:00-20:00. Tel: 633800.33 . The above job ads are probably from _ .A. a newspaper B. a story bookC. a science book D. a guide book34 . If you like children and have two days free, you can call at _for a job.A. 556779 B. 558366C. 766588 D. 63380035 . If the owner of the large house asks a cleaner to tidy his house twice a week, how much will the cleaner get in a month?A. $120. B. $160. C. $280. D. $240.Kids have unbelievable imaginations. We asked one hundred kids how robots might help them learn better. This is what they thought.Roberts can make learning funKids dreamed robots would make learning fun. One 9-year-old boy in Germany says, “When I get home, my robot helps me with my homework. My mother and father came in and said no video games now, homework first. When they saw that I had finished my homework, theyd be surprised”.Robots take care of the dirty workDirty dishes? No problem. A quarter of kids surveyed imagined that their robots could do chores and boring work so that they might be freed up.Robots are our friendsTwo-thirds of the kids thought that their robots could be friends. One 10-year-old French boy describes his dream robot: “He created books for me to read, we played with toy cars. He keeps my secrets. I can tell him anything, and he gives me suggestions.”Robots are coolAn 8-year-old girl in the U.S. imagines that her robot is “really smart and everyone likes to talk to her. She has a funny voice, but we do not laugh at her.”36 . The boy from Germany wanted his robot to.Ahelp him with the homeworkBplay game spot with himCsurprise his parentsDmake fun of him37 . How many kids imagined robots could help do chores?A20B25C100D5038 . Which is NOT mentioned in the passage?ARobots keep secrets.BRobots give suggestions.CRobots do chores.DRobots make movies.39 . Robots could be the following, NOT includingaccording to the passage.Akitchen helpersBlistenersCtutorsDparents40 . kidsaccording to the passage.Aare full of ideasBdepend robots do everythingChate robotsDneed care from their parentsWhen she came near the house, a man came. The Queen (女王) asked him to give un invitation to the Duchess (公爵夫人). He knocked on the door. The door opened and Alice saw another man. This was the doorman of the house. The first man gave him the invitation.After the first man left, Alice asked the doorman if she could go into the house. The doorman was not very helpful, so Alice knocked on the door. Just then, the door opened and a fork came flying out. It almost hit the doorman.Alice opened the door again and went inside. There was a large kitchen. The Duchess and a baby sat at the kitchen table. There was a cook making soup and a cat on the floor. Suddenly the cook took another fork and started throwing (扔) it. Alice jumped in the air and told the cook to stop throwing anything.But then the Duchess started to sing and she threw the baby in the air. After a while, she gave the baby to Alice and said she was going to visit the Queen. The baby began to cry. Alice looked at it carefully. The baby looked just like a pig! Quickly Alice put the baby on the floor and left the house.Outside she saw the cat. She asked the cat which way she should go. The cat told her that to the right lived a Hatter. To the left lived a Hare. He said that they were both mad (疯狂的).Alice decided to go to the left. She saw a Hatter before and thought it would be very interesting to see a Hare. Alice walked only for a few minutes before she saw a house. She thought it was the Hares house. The house was very big so Alice ate some of the mushroom and she became bigger again.41 . The first man came from _.Athe woodsBthe DuchessCthe QueenDthe caterpillar42 . From the story we can learn that after a fork came flying out of the house, _.Athe door closedBit hit AliceCAlice knocked on the doorDthe doorman ran away43 . How many people were there in the kitchen after Alice came in?A2.B3.C4.D5.44 . Why did the Duchess give the baby to Alice?ABecause the baby looked like a pig.BBecause she started to sing.CBecause she would go to visit the Queen.DBecause Alice looked lovely.五、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及首字母的提示,将句子所缺单词补充完整45 . Childrens Day is on the first of J_.46 . Hong Kong is in the s_of china.47 . Spring usually comes in March,A_,and M_.48 . Beijing is a b_city.49 . The box is h_. I cant carry it.50 . More sport is good to your h_.51 . The ball is 200 yuan. It is e_.52 . The plane l_for Hainan every day.53 . May I use y_pencil?54 . This is the f_. Its cold inside.六、回答问题Zongzi is a traditional Chinese food. In the Western world, it is also known as rice dumplings. It is traditionally eaten during the Dragon Boat Festival which falls on the fifth day of the fifth month of the lunar calendar.A popular belief about the festival is the death of Qu Yuan. He is a famous Chinese poet from the kingdom of Chu. When his country was defeated by the kingdom of Qin, Qu Yuan was so hopeless that he drowned himself in the Miluo River. According to the legend, people threw rice into the river to stop the fish from eating the poets body. There are many kinds of shapes about zongzi. Making zongzi is a skill that is passed down through families. It is also a traditional family event that everyone will be interested in. The fillings used for zongzi are different from region to region, but the rice used is almost always the sticky rice. Depending on the region, the rice may be lightly cooked or soaked(浸泡) in water before being used. In the north, fillings are mostly red beans and red dates(红枣). In the past, zongzi was made only once a year on the Dragon Boat Festival, but now it is quite different. People can eat zongzi at any time of a year. And we can find all kinds of zongzi at traditional markets.55 . When do people eat zongzi traditionally?_56 . Where did Qu Yuan drown himself into?_57 . Why did people throw rice into the river?_58 . What are the main fillings used for zongzi in north China?_59 . What can we know from the last paragraph?_七、书信作文60 . 毕业之际,学校要求每位九年级学生给各自家长写封信,简要汇报三年来初中生活的收获与存在的问题。假如你是Jim,请根据下表的提示,用英文做一个简短的汇报。收获1.学到很多知识2.学会了与人相处:在校.,在家3.遇到困难时存在问题学习压力目前想法1.感谢 2要求:(1):表达清楚,语法正确,上下文连贯;(2):必须包括提示中的所有信息,并按要求适当发挥;(3):不得使用真实姓名、校名和地名等。(4):词数100左右(开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数)Dear Dad Mum ,Ill leave junior school soon and meet a new challenge of my life. Now I would like to tell you what I have done in the past three years_Jim第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、二、补全对话7选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、3、五、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、六、回答问题1、七、书信作文1、


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