人教版九年级上册英语 unit14 第5课时(SectionB 2a-2e)测试

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人教版九年级上册英语 unit14 第5课时(SectionB 2a-2e)测试_第1页
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人教版九年级上册英语 unit14 第5课时(SectionB 2a-2e)测试姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Could you please tell me _?Awhen the train will arriveBwhen the train arrivedCwhen did the train arriveDwhen does the train arrives2 . If I you, I would rather at home and watch TV than to the party.Awas;stay, goBam;stay, goCwere;to stay, goDwere;stay, go3 . The flowers need _.AwateringBto waterCwateredDwaters4 . Can I go out with my friends?Certainly,but _ you have to finish your homework.Ain the endBafter allCfirst of allDby the way5 . Sorry, Mr. Oliver isnt inWhat a pity! Let us leave a message, _?Awill weBshall weCwill youDshall you6 . _ Tom in the English Club? Yes, but he _ go there very often.ADoes; doesntBDoes; isCIs; doesDIs; doesnt7 . People in China enjoy _ during the winter holiday.AskiBto skiCskiingDskies二、根据首字母、中文提示填空词汇运用根据句子意思,用括号中所给汉语提示或英语单词的适当形式填空。(每空一词)8 . China is _(wealth) and more powerful than ever before.9 . The lovely boy insisted on _ (donate) all his pocket money to Project Hope.10 . His grandpa died_(peace)in his sleep last year.11 . Whether we can complete this project or not mainly depends on the weather in the _ (come) months.12 . We felt a great sense of_(achieve) after passing the exam.13 . I _ (错认为)Hepburn for the real princess because she acted so well in Roman Holiday.14 . Please help me write down all the _ (导演的)names and I can have them seated.15 . Yangzhou residents have a number of_ (建议)for the citys future.16 . Zhou Dongyu is highly _(赞扬) for her role in the film Soulmate七月与安生.17 . Its a _(常见) spelling mistake to add an O in the word “pronunciation”.三、其他四改成近义句18 . You cant park your car here . = _ your car here ! (改成祈使句)19 . Its time for class . Put your comic books away .= You _ put your comic books away .= You _ put your comic books away .20 . Dont play with fire .= You _ play with fire.= You _ play with fire .21 . He spends two hours reading English every week.(同义句)It_him two hours_English every week.22 . He helped me do my homework. (同义句)He _me _my homework.23 . He did not play computer games yesterday evening. He did his homework instead.(同义句)He did his homework _ computer games yesterday evening.24 . They filled the classroom with desks and chairs. (同义句)The classroom _/_ desks and chairs.25 . He could swim at the age of 5. = He _ swim at the age of 5.26 . Please dont make any noise in the reading room. .ASorry, I wontBSorry, I cantCYes, I wontDOk, I didnt27 . Can you show _ how _ paper roses.AI, makeBme, makingCme, to makeDI, to make第 5 页 共 5 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、二、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、三、其他1、


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