人教版九年级上册英语 unit6 第5课时(SectionB 3a-selfcheck)测试

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人教版九年级上册英语 unit6 第5课时(SectionB 3a-selfcheck)测试姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Something must _to protect the sharks because many of them are endangered now.AdoBdoneCbe done2 . When was_umbrella_?A/; inventedBthe; looked forCan; discoveredDthe; invented3 . First you can cut up these vegetables, and then you have to .Yeah, I see. Thanks.Amix they upBmix up theyCmix them upDmix up them4 . This salad is madefruits and it.Aof; smells wellBfrom; is smelled wellCfrom ; is smelled goodDof; smells good5 . _Chinese widely_in non-Chinese speaking countries?Yes. More and more people are learning to speak Chinese.AIs; usedBDoes; useCHas; used6 . Food problem is becoming a big one in China!I think the food _ before going to shops or supermarkets.Ais checkedBis checkingCshould be checkedDshould check二、阅读单选Its a sad story: someone keeps failing to get into the university of Tokyo for for years.Its the story of Torobo, a robot from Japan.Torobo has been trying to enter the University of Tokyo in Japan.The university, also called Todai, is one of Asias top universities.Since 2015, Torobo has taken the national college entrance exam with other Japanese students .However, the robot has failed to get the required score for Todai every year.This year was no exception.Torobo is part of a project calledCan a Robot Get into the University of Tokyo? Japans National Institute of Informatics started the project in 2013.Torobo is a robot brain that has arms to finish the test.Researchers of the project want to find out what intellectual abilities(智能)will be taken place by machines.Results show that Torobo has grown in ability year by year.This year it got a score higher than Japans national average(平均数), which is enough to enter other good universities, but not Todai.With its big database(数据库), Torobo is good at solving knowledgebased questions and mathematical calculations.Thats why it got good scores in physics, history and math.But Torobo has a hard time thinking independently.As a result, it got weak scores in language and writing.Luckily, after four years of hardship, researchers have decided to stop Torobo from taking the test.They will grow Torobos ability in the fields its doing well n, so that it can be used in those industries in the future.So though Torobo will never graduate from Todai, it can still look forward to a bright future.根据短文内容,选择最佳选项,并在答题卡上将选定答案的字母标号涂黑。7 . Whats True about Todai?AIts a robot from Japan.BIts a story from Japan.CIts one of Asias top universities.DIts part of a project.8 . What does the underlined phrase “no exception” mean in Chinese?A毫不例外B毫不逊色C史无前例D例行公事9 . What has Torobo done again and again for the past four years from the passage?AIt has taken the college entrance exam.BIt has failed the college entrance exam.CIt has been taught the college courses.DIt has been studying in the University of Tokyo.10 . The best title of the passage is_.ARobots growthBRobots big dayCRobots big dreamDRobots tough test11 . We can learn from the last two paragraphs that in the future Torobo will_Abe used in the fields like language teachingBgo on taking national college entrance exam in Japan.Cthink independently and do well in language and writing.Dbe much better in solving knowledgebased problems and mathematical calculations.三、完成句子V. 根据汉语提示完成句子12 . 我爸妈同意带我去踏青。My parents _ take me to hike.13 . 对于这位老人来说,京剧很容易明白。Its very _ for the old man _ the Beijing Opera.14 . 你知道的,昨晚我们在刘老根大舞台待了三个小时。As _,we _ in Liu Laogen Grand Stage last night.15 . 我希望下次做得更好。I _ better next time.16 . 迈克想要再次去看这部电影。Mike _ go to see the film again.四、语法填空It is Saturday tomorrow, but I am going to school. I am not going for lessons, 17 . (连词)to play football. I am in our school team and we are going to play 18 . (介词)another school next week. The practice starts at 10 am. We all arrive as early as we can so that we have time to warm up. We are training harder than usual because the other team 19 . (beat) us last year. This year we want to do better.It is more difficult to practice in winter because the days are short and 20 . (冠词)weather is cold, too. It gets dark earlier, so it is important not to be late for after-school 21 . (practise). Our coach is 22 . (please) because we are playing better as a team now. Last year we were sometimes careless when we passed the ball and we 23 . (lose) to the other team in the final match. What“pity! This year we are training more 24 . (careful). That means we have a better chance of 25 . (win). The fan club has fewer people this year. We hope to play well so that we have more fans to watch the 26 . (match). It is good to have our fans around. They cheer us on loudly and we feel more confident to win the game.第 6 页 共 6 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、二、阅读单选1、三、完成句子1、四、语法填空1、


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