人教版九年级上册英语 unit8 第5课时(sectionB 2a-2d)测试

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人教版九年级上册英语 unit8 第5课时(sectionB 2a-2d)测试姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、完型填空Do you know who invented tea? In fact, tea, the most popular drink in the world (after water), was invented by accident (偶然). According to an ancient Chinese legend (传说), the emperor Shen Nong (神农皇帝)_tea when he was boiling drinking water over an open fire. Some leaves from a nearby bush (灌木丛) fell into the water and remained there for_.The emperor noticed(注意到) that the leaves in the water produced a_smell. Later he decided_the hot mixture (混合物). It was quite delicious. And_one of the worlds favorite drinks was invented.China is the home of tea,_has more than 4,000 years of history. People all over China drink tea daily_the three major drinktea, coffee and cocoa, tea is drunk by_people in the world. Tea from China, along_silk and porcelain(瓷器), began to be known by the world over a thousand years ago and has been an important Chinese export (出口商品)_.Tea leaves_mainly in the area south of the Yangtze River, in the provinces of Zhejiang, Jiangxi and Fujian, becauuse of the mild (温和的)_and rich soil there,Longjing, Wulong, Puer and Tieguanyin are all_kinds of tea.Over the past centuries, Chinese people_their unique tea culture, which includes tea planting, tea-leaf picking, tea making and so on. Tea is_a popular topic which is often mentioned in dances, songs, poems and novels.1 . AinventedBfound outCdiscoveredDtried out2 . ASometimesBsome timeCsome timesDsome days3 . ApleasantBpleasedCbadDTerrible4 . Anot to tasteBto tasteCtastingDTaste5 . Aby the wayBon the wayCon its wayDin this way6 . AwhoBwhichCwhereDWhen7 . AInBForCOfDBy8 . Athe number ofBa number ofCa large number ofDthe largest number of9 . AbetweenBwithCexceptDBesides10 . Aat that timeBfrom now onCsince thenDsince now11 . AproduceBare producedCmakeDis made12 . AclimateBweatherCconditionDenvironment13 . AinterestingBimportantCfamousDNormal14 . Ahad developedBhave developedCdevelopedDare developing15 . AtooBas wellCeitherDAlso二、根据首字母、中文提示填空A.根据句意和所给的中文提示,写出句子中的单词。16 . Even mountains and rivers cannot _(分开)our friendship.17 . According to the _(说明书),you will find out the new ways.18 . Not getting enough sleep has serious _(影响)on your health.19 . The sports meeting will _(取消)because of the rainy day.20 . When spring comes, the snow will_(消失).三、用所给单词的正确形式填空Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the given words.21 . Who is your favourite football _ (play)?22 . The Great Wall is a good place _(visit).23 . My mother _ (play) the piano every Sunday.24 . There are _ (hundred) of fans waiting for LuYi outside.25 . Sam enjoys music, but Linda enjoys _ (draw) pictures.四、多任务混合问题(题文)An Interview JobJoe Brown has a very interesting job. He is a police artist. Some people see crimes and then talk to Joe. (59)他们告诉他罪犯的长相。Then Joe draws a picture of the criminal, and the police put it in the newspapers and on television to find him. He wants to draw a good picture of each criminal, but this job is sometimes difficult. (60)Many people dont always see things the same way so they may describe the same person differently. Also, they dont always remember well. “The criminal is of medium build and young. He has long straight brown hair and big eyes,” says one woman. Another woman says, “ He is tall and thin, and he has curly blond hair. Hes about thirty years old. ” In the end, the real criminal is a short and heavy old man, and he has short black hair!任务一:根据短文内容回答56-58小题26 . (小题1)What is Joe Brown?_27 . (小题2)What does the real criminal look like?_28 . (小题3)Do people always see things the same way ?_29 . (小题4)将文中划线部分译作英语。_30 . (小题5)将文中划线部分译作汉语。_第 6 页 共 6 页参考答案一、完型填空1、二、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、三、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、四、多任务混合问题1、


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