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人教版九年级3月模拟考试英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Almost _of the students in this class, that is, _of them wear glasses.Atwo thirds, 60 percentsBtwo thirds, 60 percentCtwo third, 60 percentDtwo third, 60 percents2 . Where is my_? I want to write down the things.AradioBschoolbagCclockDnotebook3 . (题文)Mary, could you help me _ the bananas? I want to make banana milk shake.OK. Ill do it right away.Aput upBgive upCuse upDcut up4 . Jim is _ honest boy. He is also _ most hard-working student in our class.Aan; aBan; theCthe; theDthe; a5 . He doesnt have any money, _ do I.AtooBalsoCeitherDneither6 . The notebook _ Jacks. It has his name on it.Amay belong toBmight belong toCcan beDmust be7 . Did Jim offer you any advice?No, he offered _. After listening to my problem, he said _.Anone; noneBnothing; noneCnone; nothingDnothing; nothing8 . I like to go to the English corner every Thursday afternoon._Its interesting.ASo am IBSo did ICSo do IDNeither do I9 . (题文)一The movie Harry Potter is so wonderful. _And the music is pleasant.AI have no idea.BI dont think so.CI agree with you.10 . - He was cleaning his room when I entered the house.- His room by him when I entered the room.Awas being cleanedBwas cleanedCwas being cleaningDhas been cleaned11 . Whatheavy rain it was!Yes, but I loveair after it rains. It smells so fresh. Fog and haze(雾霾)has become a big problem in China.Athe; aBa; theCthe; theDa; a12 . Can you tell me _when the teacher came into the classroom?Sorry,I dont knowAwhat were the students doingBwhat are the students doingCwhat the students were doingDwhat the students are doing13 . The sentence is too hard for the primary school students. You should make it _.AsimpleBlongCinterestingDuseful14 . I m poor at maths. So I m sad all day._. If you work hard, you will learn it well.ACome onBGo onCGo outDCome out二、完型填空My mother only had one eye. And because of this, I never wished her to show up in my school, being afraid that my classmates would _ I had an ugly mother. One day during elementary school, I was terribly ill. My mother came.Your mum only has one eye? asked some of my classmates. I was so _.I wish my mother would just _ from this world. If you make me teased(被嘲笑的), why dont you just die? I shouted at her, taking no notice of the sad look on her face. My mother just handed me some medicine and left without saying _.At that time, I felt _ to say what I always wanted to say, and I didnt think I had hurt her feelings very much. That night I saw my mum _ in her room, so quietly, as if she was afraid that she might wake me. Even so, I hated her tears from one eye. I made a _: I must study hard and leave my mother.Years later my dream came true. I was quite successful and lived happily. I never thought of going back to see my ugly mother _ one day I got a letter, which said, My son.Im sorry I only have one eye. When you were little, you got into a(n) _ and lost your eye. As a mum, I couldnt stand watching you live with only one eye. So I gave you mine. I was never _ with you and I never regretted(后悔)what I did because I love youI cried out aloud. Only then did I realize how beautiful my mother was!15 . Arun outBput outCcome outDfind out16 . AhappyBembarrassedCcoolDpleased17 . AdisappearBchangeCcomeDgo18 . AeverythingBsomethingCanythingDnothing19 . AworriedBbadCgoodDannoyed20 . AcookingBworkingCreadingDcrying21 . AdecisionBdifferenceCsuggestionDmistake22 . AifBunlessCuntilDthough23 . AaccidentBappointmentCuniversityDhabit24 . AexcitedBsurprisedCangryDproud三、阅读单选Once upon a time, on Christmas Eve, Scrooge sat in his office. The door of his office was open. He wanted to keep his eyes on his clerk, Bob Cratchit. Bob sat in a cold, gloomy, little cell. Scrooge had a very small fire, but Bobs was even smaller. Bob couldnt add any more coal because Scrooge kept the coal scuttle in his room.“A Merry Christmas, uncle!” cried a happy voice. It was Scrooges nephew Fred.“Bah!” said Scrooge. “Humbug! Merry Christmas! What reason have you got to be merry? You are poor.” “OK, then,” replied Fred cheerfully. “What reason have you got to be sad? You are rich. Dont be cross, Uncle!”.“I live in a world of fools. Whats Christmas time to you? Its a time for paying bills without money. Its a time for finding yourself a year older, but no richer.” said Scrooge.“Uncle,” said Fred, “I have always thought of Christmas time as a kind, charitable, happy time. And so, Uncle, although Christmas has never put any gold or silver in my pocket, I think it has done me good. And it will do me good. And I say, God bless it!”The clerk in the cell applauded. Then realizing his mistake, he poked the fire and put out the last little spark forever.Then Scrooges nephew invited him to have dinner the next day, but he refused. As his nephew left the room, two kind old gentlemen came in.“At Christmas time, Mr Scrooge,” said the gentleman, “we should give to the poor who have no shelter or food. They really suffer at this time of year.”“Are there no prisons? And the workhouses? Are they still in operation?” asked Scrooge.“They are, but I wish they were not.” replied the gentleman. “We dont think that workhouses do enough for people. Many people prefer to die than to go there. So we are trying to raise money to buy the poor some clothes and food. What shall I put you down for?”“Nothing. Let them die. There are too many people in the world anyway. Good afternoon, gentlemen!” Scrooge said. The gentlemen left. And Scrooge felt pleased with himself.-Taken from A Christmas Carol25 . Bob couldnt add any coal on such a cold day because .Aextra coal couldnt be found by himBScrooge didnt have extra coal at all.Cextra coal was kept in Scrooges room.DScrooge wanted to add coal himself.26 . What does the underlined word “mistake” in Paragragh 6 refer to?AHis applause to stop Scrooge and Freds conversation.BHis action to poke the fire and put out the last little spark.CHis desire to add more coal to make himself warmDHis applause to show he agreed with what Fred said27 . Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?AThe two gentlemen wanted to invite Scrooge to have dinner.BHis nephew had the same feeing about Christmas as Scrooge.CScrooge thought the poor people had nothing to do with him.DScrooge thought Christmas meant getting richer and older.28 . What do you think Scrooge is like?Amean and selfishBdishonest and stupidCsmart and kindDcold and seriousAlfredo Moser is a Brazilian worker who is skilled at repairing machines. His wife says her husband has always been handy (手巧的) at home and made tables and chairs. Alfredo has invented a way of lighting his house during the day without electricity.He has been using plastic bottles filled up with water and a little bleach (漂白剂) to provide dark rooms with light for many years. And the idea has now spread across the world. It is predicted that his lighting system, which works using refraction (折射) of sunlight, will be fitted in over a million homes by the end of this year.Alfredo used normal plastic drink bottles that are often thrown away. The secret of the liquid in the bottles is the bleach added to water, which stops it turning green in the sunlight. Mr. Moser drills a hole in a roof tile (瓦片) and then pushes the bottle in from below, keeping the bottle in place with polyester resin (聚酯树脂). Depending on the strength of sunlight, the light fills his home, and the bottles are just like electric bulbs (灯泡) of between 40 and 60 watts (瓦).Alfredo came up with the idea for his “Moser light” during one of the blackouts in Brazil in 2002. He said only factories had power in his home city, in southern Brazil during the energy shortage.The local supermarket and his neighbours houses are using Moser lights. He earned a few dollars, but his invention has not made him a rich man. Now a great number of people admire what he is doing!29 . What did Alfredos wife think of him?AAlfredo was always busy repairing machines.BAlfredo couldnt do any housework.CAlfredo was clever with his hands.DAlfredo is a helpful man to save our world.30 . Why does Alfredo put a little bleach into the bottle?ABecause the bottle can give more light.BBecause the bleach can keep the bottle in a roof tile.CBecause the bleach can protect water from turning green.DBecause the bleach can reflect the sunlight.31 . Which of the following is TRUE about the passage?APeople can use Mosers lights only at night.BMosers light gives too poor light.CMosers bottles use electricity to light the room.DMosers bottle light is a green idea.32 . The underlined word “blackouts” in the passage probably means.A地震B停电C旱灾D洪涝33 . We can infer from the passage that _.AAlfredos lights will be more and more popularBnobody will buy Moser lights in the futureCAlfredo wont repair machines any moreDAlfredos invention will bring him a lot of moneyDo you need useful and interesting books? Here weve got plenty for you.Successful FishermenFishing is a healthy hobby. You can enjoy fresh air when you go fishing in the countryside. This book will teach you how to choose fishing places and make good rods(竿) easily. Many kinds of fishing skills are shown in the book. Read it and you will become a more successful fisherman.Best LearnersThis book can give you the answers to the questions most often asked by parents, teachers and students themselves. Read this book and learn:What the three difficulties in study are and what to do with them.What to do if you are not interested in a subject you are studying.Twenty-six simple exercises to help you study easily and fast.You will get more from this book. For younger students, you can buy Learn in Study for Beginners. It is easier to understand.How to Keep PetsA pet can be our best friend. Do you have pets in your house? Are they in good shape? This book not only offers you many colorful pictures of lovely pets, but also provides you with the knowledge about:How to choose right pets for yourself.How to build houses or nests(窝) for your pets.How to feed the pets and how to keep them clean.Buy this book and you will learn moreWe have many other books on sale. For more information enter www.knowbetter.com. If you buy two or more books at a time, youll get 10% off.34 . If you buy and read Successful Fishermen, you will _.Ago to the countrysideBknow where to buy fishing rodsCknow how to cook fishDlearn how to choose fishing places35 . There are many pictures in _ according to the passage.ABest LearnersBSuccessful FishermenCHow to Keep PetsDLearn in Study for Beginners36 . You can _ for more information about other books according to the passage.Acall the writerBgo to the shopCsearch the InternetDask the clerk37 . The writer wrote this passage in order to _.Aincrease sales of the booksBbuy useful and interesting booksCtell people how to keep petsDteach students to study easily and fast38 . You can most probably(可能) find this passage in a _.AstoryBrepotCdictionaryDnewspaperAmy is a biologist (生物学家) working at a marine (海洋的) park. These kinds of parks provide fun and education for tens of thousands of people each year. Amy takes care of many animals in the park, but she also does important research. As she observes the animals that she looks after, she learns more about their needs and behavior (行为). This information helps the animals in the park, but it can also be used to protect other members of the species(物种) in the wild. Its hard work to look after these animals. Their needs often change according to different hours of the day. So Amy must depend on her science knowledge and good number sense to help her make the right decisions all day long. Even though dolphins (海豚) spend much of their time underwater, they are mammals (哺乳动物). This means that they must come to the surface to take in air. Dolphins give birth to their young. Theyre not hatched from eggs. Just like all other mammals, mother dolphins must nurse, or feed milk to their babies. Amy and her team know this first-hand. One of their dolphins recently gave birth. A baby dolphin is not small, either. It was almost 1 meter long the day it was born. A big dolphin usually eats about 4% of its body weitgt in food every day. Amy knows that a mother dolphin that is nursing needs twice the food. So when the baby dolphin was born, Amy immediately doubled the mothers food every day. Choose the right answer according to the passage.39 . What does the underlined word “observes” in paragraph 2 mean?ANurses the young animals.BWatches something carefully.CPlays with something.DSays something about.40 . Why is the information Amy learns very helpful?AIt helps to protect the animals in the park as well as those in the wild.BIt offers fun and education to tens of thousands of people.CIt helps dolphins to feed milk to their babies.DIt helps umderwater animals to come to the surface.41 . What does Amy need to make the right decision according to this passage?AGood eyes and quick mind.BLove and care for animals.CSwimming skills and spirit of competition.Ddepend on her science knowledge and good number sense.42 . How much food does a 300kg mother dolphin need every day?A600kg.B12kg.C24kg.D52kg.43 . This passage is mainly about _.Adolphins life and food.BAmys job at a marine park.Ceducation in a park.Dprotecting animals in the wild.四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据首字母及汉语提示,完成下列单词的拼写,使句意明确,语言通顺。44 . Dont forget to_(敲) at the door before entering the meeting room.45 . Summer is my favorite_(季节)I can go swimming with my friends.46 . The new bike cost me plenty of money,but it is certainly _(值得) it.47 . The boy stopped drawing on the_(黑板)when the teacher came in.48 . Qingdao is in the east _(海岸) of China,which is famous for seafood.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空根据句意用所给单词的适当形式填空。49 . Details of the event remain _ (know). We are still waiting for the results of the research.50 . Seven _ (thirty) of the books in the library are about Chinese history.51 . Tan Dun is the _ (proud) of us Chinese because of his efforts in music.52 . The hall is beautifully decorated with many lights _(hang)from the ceiling.53 . Do you know this building is _ (special) built for the homeless?用所给单词的适当形式填空。54 . What about_(read) English books?55 . _(lucky) Tom met his old friend today.56 . She writes as _(care) as she could.57 . Who is _(good) student in your class?58 . Lucy drinks_(much) juice than you.59 . Did you finish_(do) your homework?60 . Thanks for _(give) me so much help.61 . The radio says it will be even _(cold) tomorrow.62 . I have a lot of homework_ (do) on weekends.63 . Alice _(eat) rice for lunch yesterday .六、完成句子根据汉语提示补全下列句子64 . Vegetables and fish _ (对有好处) your health.65 . Thank you _ (告诉我) about Halloween.66 . He needs to buy a packet of salt, three pieces of bread and _ (两千克) carrots.67 . _ (如果) they dont go to school so early, they can spend _ (再多20分钟) in bed.68 . Oh, dear. Dont eat hamburgers. You need healthy food _ (保持健康).69 . The fashion boys _ (计划展示) them _ (不同种类的) of clothes.70 . Mum, my shoes are old. I need _ (一双) new boots for the show.71 . Both her scarf and jeans _ (由制成) cotton and _(看上去很酷).72 . Lets _ (看看) at last years wallets. Oh, they are _ (足够漂亮).73 . Sam is quite lazy. He exercises _ (不到四次) a month.74 . -Why does Tommy like Christmas? -_ (因为) he always gets lots of nice presents _ (在圣诞节期间).75 . What does he usually do _ (在的晚上) of the festival?七、填空(题文)Known as the mother river by all the Chinese people, the Huanghe River(Yellow river) is the second longest river in China after the Changjiang River. It is 5464 kilometers long. It starts from the Kunlun Mountains northwestern Qinghai Province. It runs through nine provinces and flows to Bohai Sea in Shangdong Province. The first appearance of the name “ Yellow River” is in The Book of Han. The word “yellow” describes the color of the muddy water in the lower course of the river.根据以上短文内容,完成下列表格。答案书写在答题卡卷各小题规定的位置。每空一词。the Huanghe River(Yellow river)It is 5464 km longthe Huanghe River is the second(小题1)river in China after the Changjiang RiverIt startsfrom the Kunlun Mountains(小题2)Qinghai Province.It runsthrough nine provinces and flows to Bohai(小题3)in Shangdong Province.The first appearanceof the name “ Yellow River” is in The Book of(小题4)The word “yellow”describes the color of the muddy(小题5)in the lower course of the river.八、材料作文76 . 根据要求完成大作文,词数:80-100词。每年十月份,越来越多的游客来本溪赏枫叶。请你根据以下提示,说说如何给游客可留下“景美人更美”的好印象,从自身做起,做文明本溪人!提示词:beautiful views美丽的景色要求:1语意连贯,层次清晰,书写规范。2文中不得出现真实姓名与校名。3. 短文开头已给出,不计入总词数。How to be a polite citizenBenxi is a good place to watch maple leaves (枫叶) in October. 第 18 页 共 18 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、4、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、2、六、完成句子1、七、填空1、八、材料作文1、


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