人教版七年级下册英语 unit2 第3课时 测试

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人教版七年级下册英语 unit2 第3课时 测试姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . What _ useful book!A/BaCanDthe2 . They went to Dalian by ship _ by plane.AinsteadBinstead ofCnotDbut3 . 一Have nose in books. Dont sit there daydreaming.一OK, I will.AyourBourCitsDmy4 . - _ David be the new chairperson of the Students Union?- He _ be, but Im not sure.ACan; cantBCan; mayCMay; mustDMay; mustnt5 . Mr. Black built a nice house _ a gift _ his wife _ show his deep love.Aas; of; onBfor; as; toCfor; by; onDas; for; to6 . Will you miss your family when you go abroad for further study this autumn?Of course. But luckily, I can _ them by e-mail or WeChat.Acome up withBget along withCkeep in touch withDmake friends with7 . -Is there a bike in the supermarket? -_.AYes,it isBNo,it isntCYes,there isntDYes,there is8 . My father has worked as a surgeon since he graduated from Nanjing Medical University _. So he is _ now?Ain 1990; in his fortiesBin 1990s; in his fortiesCin the 1990; in the fortiesDin the 1990s; in his fortieth9 . There are lots of _ to do every dayAthingsBhomeworkCnewsDmaths10 . An terrible earthquake happenedthe Indian oceana spring afternoon.Aon; inBin; onCon; onDin; in11 . Whats your sisters favorite _? Red.AmovieBfruitCfoodDcolor12 . _ is the supermarket Auchan from your home? Its about two miles _.AHow long; awayBHow long; far awayCHow far; awayDHow far; far away13 . Alice is good _ children. She dreams of being a teacher.AatBforCwith14 . Uncle Brown has collected many old bikes to _and give away to kids who dont have bikes.Afix upBset upCput upDgive up15 . What do you usually do in the evening?Well,I either watch TV _ play games with my brotherAandBbutCorDso二、完型填空Whats the most_things in your life? Is it money, Power(力量), knowledge(知识), health or something_? Im sure most of us will say_is the most important. If we want to do something great, we should_good health. It is just like one of the keys_the door of success(成功)._should we do? In fact, there are so many_to keep healthy. For example, we should eat_Its not good for us to eat only one or two kinds of food which we like better. We should eat_kinds of good food. We need to eat fruits and vegetables_and eat meat less_sports is also important. It can make us stronger_stronger day by day. Whats more, we can learn teamwork(合作) from it and enjoy_at the same time. We should get rid of (摆脱)bad habits, like drinking, smoking, playing computer games too often.Lets work hard on keeping healthy. I_that our lives will become happier if_has good health.16 . AbeautifulBimportantCcarefulDinteresting17 . AothersBotherCthe otherDelse18 . AmoneyBhealthCpowerDknowledge19 . AhaveBholdCkeepDget20 . AonBatCtoDof21 . AHowBWhatCWhyDWhich22 . AthingsBideasCwaysDsports23 . AunhealthyBhealthCunhealthilyDhealthily24 . AallBbothCthreeDeach25 . AmanyBmuchCmoreDmost26 . APracticingBStayingCDoingDMaking27 . AorBbutCthenDand28 . AusBourselvesCmyselfDitself29 . AbelieveBdecideCplanDhope30 . AsomeoneBanyoneCeveryoneDno one第 6 页 共 6 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、

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