人教版2020版七年级英语上模块同步练习 Module 8 Choosing presents(II)卷

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人教版2020版七年级英语上模块同步练习 Module 8 Choosing presents(II)卷_第1页
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人教版2020版七年级英语上模块同步练习 Module 8 Choosing presents(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . _ you _ your help, Linda.Youre welcome.AAsk; forBThank; ofCThank; forDThink; about2 . Dont you know each other?I dont remember _ him anywhere.Ato seeBseeingCto lookDlooking3 . Usually, Sally has noodles for breakfast. _she has hamburgers.ASometimesBSometimeCSome timesDSome time4 . Would you like to go to my school? _.AYes, Id love toBYoure welcomeCSee youDGood morning5 . That house _ fire because lightning hit it.AstartedBcausedCcaughtDbegan6 . Tom does very well in exams. But he canwork out the problems in his real life.AalwaysBalreadyCnearlyDhardly7 . What has been your most _ moment in your life up to now when you feel uneasy?AluckyBbelievableCfinalDembarrassing8 . 2018年上海长宁二模His health condition got so bad recently that he decided to go on_diet right nowAaBanCtheD/9 . Is meat your favourite?Yes. But I _ eat it too much.AneverBagainCalsoDwell10 . Dont let the news out. You should _ it to yourself.AmakeBloseCplanDkeep11 . I got Anns new address _ asking her aunt,so I could visit her last weekend.AwithBbyCfrom12 . My little brother is always full of energy, for he _ stays up too late at night.AusuallyBsometimesCseldomDalways13 . I have _ told your phone number. Has he called you _?No, he hasnt called me _.Ajust; already; yetBalready; yet; yetCalready; already; yetDjust, already, already14 . Where are you going?Im going to the bus station to my aunt.Asee offBtake offCcut offDput off15 . He has a great sense of_, which makes him a good teacher.AhumourBmoneyCsecurityDfeeling16 . My name is James Alan Green, Green is my _.Afirst nameBfamily nameCfull nameDmiddle name17 . Can you swim _ the river?No, its hard for me.AnearBbetweenCfromDacross18 . Well, how do you like your trip?Great. Ive _been more relaxed before.AalwaysBsometimesCoftenDnever19 . -What kind of ticket do you have?- We have tickets$105the hard sleeper.Aat; forBfor; atCat; to20 . The heavy rain _ for a few days and caused a flood, which influenced peoples life greatly.AstartedBendedClastedDstopped21 . The information is not useful.I decide _ it at once.AdeletingBto deleteCprintingDto print22 . (题文)- What day is the fifth day of a week?- Its _.ATuesdayBWednesdayCThursdayDFriday23 . Lisa wants to _ us her new pictures.AshowBtakeCdrawDteach24 . Therell be a _ at our school this Saturday. Do you know that?Of course. Im in the school team.AmatchBlessonCpartyDmovie二、句型转换句型转换25 . Tony could write some English(改为同义句)Tony _ write some English26 . Check carefully,and you will make fewer mistakes(改为同义句)_ you check carefully,you _ fewer mistakes27 . He wont pass the exam unless he works hard(改为同义句)He wont pass the exam _ he _ work hard28 . 啊,下雨了,真糟糕!(汉译英)Oh,its raining_!29 . 读书可以帮助我们增长知识。(汉译英)Reading books can help us _三、根据首字母、中文提示填空单词拼写30 . I live in a beautiful town. The people here are _(友好的,外向的).31 . I think my hometown is a _(精彩的,美妙的) place.32 . My sister is 7 years old, she is old enough to go to_ school(小学).33 . Is your uncle a_(魔术师).34 . Its_(必须的必要的)to learn English well.35 . In this shop, you can _(选择) anything if you need.36 . Lets make a_(讨论) about this problem.37 . Could you tell me the_(原因) why you dont go to school?38 . Do you want to_(变成) a better man?39 . You should show your_(票,入场券) when you enter the cinema.根据下列句子及所给的首字母,在答题纸上按题号写出各单词的正确、完全形式(每空限填一词)。40 . As a saying goes, Dont put all your eggs in one b_.”41 . Chinese people t_their guests with a great meal.42 . Sally is such a careful girl that she s_makes spelling mistakes.43 . Tea is p_in many different areas in China.44 . Nowadays it is c_and cheap for us to ride a shared bike when going out.45 . Tony is a quiet student, but he is always a_in English classes.46 . I dont think it necessary to k_teenagers away from the Internet.47 . The trade war between the two countries might last for a long p_of time.48 . Philip s_her eyes and fell asleep soon.49 . Mr. Smith showed the boys how to behave p_ like a gentleman at the dinner table.四、用所给单词的正确形式填空用所给单词的适当形式填空50 . _ you _(finish)your report yet?51 . There are at _(little)hundreds of people dancing in the square.52 . She couldn t wait _(tell) her mother the good news.53 . Have you ever _(write)a letter to your parents?54 . There are so many books. I haven t decided which book _(choose).五、完成句子翻译句子55 . 那个慈善机构什么时候成立的?When _ the charity _?56 . 那儿的孩子能接受基础教育吗?Can children over there _.57 . 你脸色苍白,怎么了?You _. Whats _?58 . 我感到不舒服。我牙疼。I dont _. I have got _.59 . 吃这种药,一日两次。Take _ a day.60 . 人们可以通过捐助或做志愿者来帮助希望工程。People can help Project Hope by _.61 . 许多孩子的生活因为战争而改变。Many childrens lives _ the war.62 . 她不停地问自己。She _.63 . 那个慈善机构已经组织了很多活动来筹款。That charity _ to raise money.64 . 联合国儿童基金会帮助政府使得世界对于孩子而言是一个更好的地方。UNICEF helps governments _ children.第 9 页 共 9 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、21、22、23、24、二、句型转换1、三、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、2、四、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、五、完成句子1、

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