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人教版2020年(春秋版)八校五科联赛英语试题(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . LiuYang became the first Chinese woman astronaut to fly into space_June 16,2012.AonBinCbyDat2 . _,he decided to go abroad for further studyAIn the endBAt the endCBy the endDAt the end of3 . The bread with chicken in our school tastes _ and it _ me half an hour to get it.Agood; spendsBgood; takesCwell; takes4 . It is in 1960 _ Chinese first put out flag on Mount Qomolangma.AwhenBthatCwhichDin which5 . -Have you heard of the Zhengzhou-Xian passenger Dedicated Line _ can shorten 5 hours travel time between the two cities ?-Of course .AwhereBwhenCwhichDwho6 . Sorry, I dont know what the teacher said just now.He asked Maria_.Ahow long she usually spends on her homeworkBwhat she was doing these daysCif she has finished her homework on timeDWhen the speech will begin.7 . Can 16-year-old students drive to school?No, they shouldnt _ to drive because they arent serious enough.AallowBbe allowedCallowedDhave allowed8 . He spends half an hour _ book every day.AreadBreadsCreadingDto read9 . Meimei thinks maths is _ than Chinese.AeasyBeasierCthe easiestDvery easy10 . It is _ story.I like it very much. Me,too.Asuch an interestingBsuch interesting aCsuch a interestingDsuch interesting an11 . This kind of cloth _ easily.AwashesBwashedCis washedDis washing12 . I prefer _ English to _ English on weekends.Areviewing, translatingBspeak, readCwriting, listen toDrepeat, improving13 . I want to know if Mary _ us in the fashion show tonight, I believe if she _ her homework, she _ us.Ajoins, finishes, joinsBwill join, finishes ,will joinCjoins, will finish, joinsDwill join, will finish, will join14 . No one has ever doubted _he is an honest and hard-working young man. Who could believe he would do such kind of thing?AthatBwhichCwhatDwhether15 . In the evening, I either watch TV _ play chess.AofBandCorDnor16 . _of the relaxing time for Chinese people every day _in watching TV.ATwo thirds; are spentBTwo thirds; is spentCTwo third; are spentDTwo third; is spent17 . _ people are waiting in the airport _the bad weather.ATwo hundred of; becauseBTwo hundreds; because ofCHundreds of; because ofDHundreds of; because18 . There is plenty of sunshine in the city every year.AmuchBmanyCsomeDfew19 . Students spent a long time_for the coming school-leavers partyAprepareBpreparedCto prepareDpreparing20 . There _ many old buildings in this street ten years ago, _ there?Ais, isntBwas, wasCwere, werentDwere, was21 . Taizhou is a good place , whether in winter or summer.AgoingBgoesCgo toDto go to22 . - Rose, your bag is the same _.- Really? Can you show it to me?Afrom meBfrom mineCas meDas mine23 . -Is there _ on todays newspaper?Asomething importantBimportant somethingCanything importantDimportant anything24 . The boy_won first prize is a_ boyAthat;15 years oldBwho;15 years oldCwho;15-year-oldDwhich;15yearold25 . of us failed the final exam although it was very difficult.AAllBNeitherCNone26 . _ My leg hurts. I cant walk.AHow are you?BWhats the matter?CWhat are you doing?DWhat do you look like?27 . Dont throw litter around. Please_.Apick it upBpick up itCpick up themDpick them up28 . My sister works _ a restaurant _ a waiter.Ain, asBat, ofCin, ofDas, in29 . It is necessary _ something to protect our environment.AdoBto doCdoesDdoing30 . Kates never late for school,?Aisnt sheBhasntheCis sheDhas she31 . Bad luck! On my way home, I had my watch _. Im sorry to hear that. Maybe you will have no choice but _ another one.Astolen; to buyBstolen; buyCstole; to buyDto steal; buy32 . Nanjing Eye Footbridge is a good place to have a walk, especially at night.So it is. The bridgeQQ Bridge by people in Nanjing.AcalledBcallCis calledDis calling33 . This is the best book_ I have been looking for all this year.AwhoBwhomCwhichDthat34 . My father has made a _ that he will buy a camera for me.AsuggestionBsecretCproblemDdecision35 . Do you want to _ the movies?-_.Asee; That sounds goodBlook; Thats a good ideaCwatches; Yes,I doDlook at; Youre welcome36 . The old man _ live with his children. But now he _ alone in the countryside.Aused to; used to liveBused to; is used to livingCis used to; used to liveDis used to; used to living37 . I thinkis very hardmea foreigner.Ait, for, to understandBthat, of, to understandCthat, for, to understandDit, of, understand38 . David, someone called you last night.Oh, who was ?AsheBitCheDthat39 . Life is always filled _ sadness and happiness.AofBwithCbyDin40 . I found _ difficult to work out the problem without a computer.AthatBitCthisDmyself二、完型填空There once lived a king named Midas. The king was very _. But he only cares about two things:his little daughter and gold. The king had many rooms full of _, but he wasnt happy enough,because he wanted to get even _ gold. One day when the king was in his garden,an unknown visitor came to him. He told the king that he could _ for anything he wanted. At first the king did not believe the stranger(陌生人),_ he still believed him in the end. “I only wish to have more gold,” the king said. “Very well,” answered the stranger. “You will have your wish. From tomorrow,everything you _ will turn to gold. ”The next morning the king got _ of the bed early. He wanted to see if his wish would come true. First,he touched the chair,then a flower,then a table. _ he touched turned to gold!The king was very happy. Then,he sat down to eat breakfast. But as soon as he touched his _, it turned to gold. The king began to _. What would happen if he couldnt eat anything? Just then the little princess(公主)came into the dining room. She ran to her _. But as soon as he touched her,she turned to gold. The king cried sadly and ran out to the garden. As he was looking for the_ , he saw him again. The king asked him to _ the wish. “I dont want any more gold,” he shouted. The stranger warned(警告)the king to be sure this time. Then,he _ to take back the wish. From that day on,the king didnt care about the gold anymore and he _ gave his gold to the poor. He became a wiser and happier man,even though he had less gold.41 . ApoorBhappyCrichDsad42 . AmoneyBgoldCflowersDfood43 . AmoreBlessClittleDmuch44 . AdecideBreachCexpectDsell45 . AthoughBsoCbutDor46 . AtouchBwantCreachDcare47 . AinBbackConDout48 . ANothingBEverythingCSomethingDEveryone49 . AfoodBtableCchairDbed50 . AlaughBworryCbelieveDwonder51 . AuncleBauntCfatherDmother52 . AgoldBdaughterCwomanDstranger53 . Atake upBtake backCtake offDtake away54 . AagreedBwantedChopedDwished55 . AhardlyBalwaysConceDever三、阅读单选Look at your classmates around you. You all wear the same uniform and similar sneakers. Do you want to stand out among them? A fashionable and useful backpack can be a great idea!Backpacks are lightweight and easy to carry.They are great tools for students. They help you to stay organized. You can keep school things, books and personal items like cell phones and keys neatly (整洁地). With auniquebackpack, you can also stand out among your classmates.Tourists also love backpacks. With convenient backpacks, backpackers can move freely from one place to another. Meanwhile, they can also free their hands to do other things like taking photos.But in the very beginning backpacks were not what we see today.It is thought that US hiker Dick Kelty invented the first modern backpack in 1951. He used nylon (尼龙) and aluminum tubing (铝制管型材料) to make backpacks lightweight. Then he added shoulder straps (带子) and waist straps to transfer(转移) much of the weight to the hips (臀部).Today, backpacks come in different styles.Rolling (滚动的) backpacks have wheels on the bottom. Users can pull them along the ground if they are too heavy to carry on their shoulders.And with more people bringing laptops to school and work, backpacks also offer space for lightweight electronics.56 . Backpacks are useful for tourists because_.Athey have wheels on the bottomBit frees tourists hands to do other thingsCtourists can feel fashionableDthey make tourists feel special57 . The underlined word “unique” in the passage probably means “”.A普通的B独特的C有用的D便利的58 . The first modern backpack was thought to be invented by _.Aa famous inventorBan EnglishmanCa hikerDa student59 . In order to make the backpack light, _ is used.AcottonBnylonCclothDpaper60 . The passage mainly talks about _.Aa famous TV dramaBdifferent functions (功能) of backpacksCthe history of backpacksDwho wears backpacksWang Fuman is a 10-year-old student. He is now studying inZhuanshanbao Primary School in Zhaotong, Yunnan Province. On Monday morning (January 8, 2018), he braved -9 weather to travel over an hour to reach his school.When he arrived, his hair and eyebrows had been completely frozen with snowflake (雪花). This made his 16 classmates laugh a lot. Fu Heng,Wangs teacher saw this and took a picture. He uploaded (上传) Wangs picture. The picture soon has got much attention to children from poor families in the countryside. Wang, who has beennicknamed “Snowflake Boy” by netizens, became famous online overnight. By Wednesday morning, his picture had been “liked” more than 260,000 times on Sina Weibo and shared more than 40,000 times.After hearing Wangs story, the Yunnan China Youth Development Foundation held a public donation ( 捐赠) activity for children from poor families. The Foundation has promised togive each poor child 500 yuan ($75) to help them stay warm in winter.By 1 pm on Wednesday, the Foundation had collected about 300,000 yuan in public donations, according to their website. Wangs village now has electricity and tap water, “andmy family is getting help to build a new house close to the school”, Wang said, “I think our life will get better.”61 . What was the weather like on Monday morning?ASnowy and cold.BRainy and cold.CSnowy but warm.DRainy but warm.62 . Why did the classmates laugh when Wang entered the classroom?ABecause he lost his books .BBecause he told a joke.CBecause he looked funny.DBecause he was late.63 . The Foundation held a public donation to help the poor children .Astay happyBkeep healthyCstay educatedDkeep warm in winter64 . What can we know from the text?AZhaotongs weather in winter is warm.BWangs future life may become better.CWangs village had electricity before.DFew people shared the boys picture.Sales of laptop computers passed desktops in the U.S. for the first time ever this fall, according to market-research firm IDC. Thats bad news for backs, necks and shoulders. Laptops are bad for our body. When you work at a computer, the keyboard should be at elbow height and the monitor should be roughly at eye level, so you can sit well in a chair. But most users simply set their laptops on a desk or table. The keyboard is too high, which makes your arms reach up, your shoulders feel tired and your wrists bend down. The monitor is too low, which pulls your head and neck forward and down and your back may feel hurt.Thats OK if you use your laptop for a short time. But if you use one for hours without stopping as do millions of college students, business travelers, telecommuters, video-gamers and growing numbers of office workers your body may feel hurt. Ergonomics experts have warned about laptop problems for years. But people still like laptops better than the desktops. And they use laptops anywhere in bed, on the floor in all kinds of positions.“How can a mouse or a keyboard hurt you?” says Thomas Caffrey, the founder of Myofactors LLC, “Wrong positions can be bad for your body. As time goes by, a wrong position can lead to pain in the neck, shoulders, back and arms, as well as headaches.”65 . When you work at a computer, the keyboard should be _.Aat elbow heightBat eye heightCon a deskDon a table66 . The writer asks us not to use the laptop _.Afor a short time Bto play video gamesCfor hours without stopping Dto buy things on the Internet67 . From the passage, we know that laptop computers _.Aare not so popular as the desktopsBare more popular than the desktopsCare not bad for our bodyDhave no mouse now68 . Using a laptop in a wrong position may make _. Apeoples sight lowerBpeople have cancerCpeoples arm longerDpeople feel pain in the body69 . According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?AWhen you use a laptop, you should put your monitor at eye height.BLaptop computers sold more than desktops this autumn.CTo keep healthy, you should use laptop computers.DBusiness travelers often use the laptop computers for a long time.阅读下列短文,从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卷上将相应的字母编号涂黑。Gardening is popular in many parts of the world. It brings us sweet smelling lowers, fresh fruit and vegetables. But you can get more from your garden.Gardening helps you to keep healthy. Todays people sit indoors for too long and dont get much exercise. When you garden, you have to move around. Its a good chance for you to exercise your body by watering flowers or doing some digging. Besides, when you are in your garden, you can feel the warm sunshine. This means you are getting Vitamin D. It helps your bodies use calcium(钙), which is necessary to keep your bone strong.It gets them off computers, televisions and phones. Gardening can be a great teacher to teach children about nature and healthy eating. It can also help them to understand the meaning of “No pains, no gains”.Gardening is a great way to meet people and build relationships. When you are gardening, you are outdoors. So it is a perfect time to communicate with your neighbours. Most people love to talk about their hobbies, and so do gardeners. They usually enjoy showing people what they are growing. And most enjoy sharing advice and stories about their gardens.70 . When its_ you can get Vitamin D in your garden.AsunnyBcloudyCsnowyDrainy71 . According to the passage_is one of the gardening activities.Awatching TVBwatering flowersCwalking dogsDplaying with phones72 . Which of the following can be the missing part in the third paragraph?AGardening will be good for your bones.BGardening may help people to feel happy.CGardening is a great activity to do with children.DGardening can be a good way to meet neighbours.73 . The best title of the passage may be “_”.AGardening Teaches ChildrenBAdvantages of GardeningCHealthy Eating HabitsDGardening with NeighboursThere are lots of animals on the earth. What is the biggest animal of all? The whale is. A blue whale weighs more than a hundred tons.Whales live in the sea, but they are not fish. They are mammals and must have air to breathe. The babies drink milk from the mothers body. Every spring, groups of whales swim hundreds of kilometers to warm places.Each group goes to the same place every year. The mothers take very good care of their babies. Whales are a gentle kind of giant. They always live together and help each other. They talk to each other in the water with a high noise that sounds like singing.Yet people kill over a hundred whales a day. They kill them to make many things. The whale dies very slowly and in great pain. Some ships kill every whale they can find, even mother whales and babies. If things go on like this, there will be no young whales to grow up and no mother whales to have more young.74 . are the biggest animals on the earth.AElephantsBLionsCWhalesDI dont know75 . Whales can live.Ain the seaBon the landCin the riverDA and B76 . When whales talk, it sounds like.AsingingBcryingCa babyDcalling四、其他77 . AkiteBniceCfiveDbig第 17 页 共 17 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、21、22、23、24、25、26、27、28、29、30、31、32、33、34、35、36、37、38、39、40、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、4、5、四、其他1、

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