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人教版2020年九年级下学期第一次月考英语试题C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Its impolite to keep him _ for you for such a long time.AwaitingBwaitsCwaitDwaited2 . _? We have to stay at home.AWhat can you doBWhat can I do for youCWhat do you like to doDWhat do you have to do3 . The wolf comes from Europe. It is _ European wolf.AaBanCthe4 . Mike _ for Shanghai soon.Ais leavingBleftCleavingDleaves5 . -Miss Gao,_ Betty.-Betty,-Miss Gao。Athis is, she isBthis is, this isCshe is ,this6 . Books are made _ paper while paper is mainly made _ wood.Aof;ofBfrom;fromCof;fromDfrom;of7 . Your aunts son is your .AbrotherBcousinCsister8 . Excuse me, sir. Could you please tell meFlight BA 4793 takes off? Sure. At 11:00.AwhenBwhyChowDwhere9 . Do you still remember the movie we saw last weekend?AwhoBwhatCthatDwhom10 . “The Belt Road (一带一路) has improved the trade between China and other countries.” “So it has. _ exciting news for people all over the world!”AHow anBWhat anCHowDWhat11 . It _ me twenty minutes to do my homework yesterday.AspentBtookCcostDpaid12 . Larry wants to fix up these bikes and _ to the poor children.Agive away themBgive away itCgive it awayDgive them away13 . The large ship is leaving _ Shanghai _7 oclock this evening.A/, inBat, inCto, atDfor, at14 . When did you start to collect stamps?I got my _ stamp when I was _ years old.Aone, sevenBone, seventhCfirst, seventhDfirst, seven15 . _ I come back before 6 oclock? No, you _ . But you _ be back later than 7 oclock.ANeed; must; mustBMay; mustnt; cantCCan; cant; cantDMust; neednt; cant二、补全短文5选5阅读短文,根据短文内容,从短文后的五个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。每个选项只能用一次。Every day Tim gets up at five thirty and then takes a shower.16 . for breakfast,Tim usually has an egg and some salad.17 . He is train drive and he loves his job.Tim starts working at seven oclock.18 . But he sometimes works on weekends,too.At about one oclock he has lunch.19 . After lunch he works to four and then goes home.In the evening Tim always watches TV.20 . He often reads books for half an hour in bed.He thinks reading is a good habit.AHe eats two hamburgers.BAfter that he makes breakfast.CAt nine oclock he goes to bed.DAfter breakfast, Tim goes to work.EHe usually works from Monday to Friday.三、完型填空Everyone is good at something, but some people are truly talented(有天赋的). Its always interesting_other people show their talents. Today talent shows are getting more and more popular. All these shows have one thing in common: They try to look for the best singers, the most talented dancers, the most exciting magicians, the_actors and so on. All kinds of people join these shows. But_can play the piano the best or sing the most beautifully? Thats up to you to decided._people watch a show, they usually play a role in deciding the winner. And the winner always gets a very good prize.However, not_enjoys watching these shows. Some think that the lives of the performers_up. For example, some people say they are poor farmers, but_fact they are just actors_, if you dont take these shows too seriously,_are fun to watch. And one great thing about them is that they give people_way to make their dreams come true.21 . AwatchBto watchCwatchingDwatches22 . AgoodBwellCbetterDbest23 . AwhoBhowCwhoseDwhich24 . AUnlessBAfterCWhenDBefore25 . AanybodyBeverybodyCnobodyDsomebody26 . AmadeBis madeCare makingDare made27 . AonBwithCbyDin28 . AHoweverBButCAndDSo29 . AtheyBtheirCthemDtheirs30 . AtheBanCaD/四、阅读单选Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案):Dear boys and girls,Im very happy to be your guest speaker today.I have been a reporter in the past fifteen years.I chose this job because I could travel around the world,but the job is sometimes difficult. I have seen wars,earthquakes,poverty (贫穷)and death.But I have also seen courage(鼓励),hope and happiness.In India, I visited a city where there were many homeless children.A wonderful lady called Rosa opened a home for them.In a year,she was looking after two hundred children,feeding them,teaching them and giving them hope.Another time,I was in Japan after a terrible earthquake.In a place,an old ladys son was missing and people around her said that there was no chance(机会)that her son was alive.But the lady did not give up hope.For four days,she kept moving heavy stones by herself until she found her son still alive.Here in China,I met a young boy with a serious illness.He had to have twenty operations(手术)in hospital.But when I met him,he was still smiling.Now when my life is difficult,I always remember the courage of the three people.31 . The writer chose the job as a reporter to _.Amake a speechBtravel around the worldCmeet homeless childrenDteach children some lessons32 . From the passage,we know Rosa was_AyoungBhopelessCkindDserious33 . _made the old lady in Japan find her son at last.AReportersBPeople aroundCHappinessDHope34 . The young boy with a serious illness had operations in a hospital of_AAmericaBIndiaCJapanDChina35 . When the writer is in trouble,she always thinks of_Athe courage of the three peopleBboring travelsCthe terrible earthquakes and warsDmany homeless children36 . The passage above is a_Anews reportBletterCspeech(演讲)Ddiary(日记)As one of Chinas new four great inventions,Chinas high-speed rail eyes the world again with Fuxing. It is proud of a top speed of 400 km/h and a continuous speed of 350 km/h. It is totally designed and produced by Chinese engineers without any help from the West.Chinas high-speed train is not only known for its amazing speed,but also for its safety and comfort. Last year, it safely carried 1.4 billion passengers,or the total population of Africa and South America combined.In 2015,a video taken by a Swedish traveller became popular on social media at home and abroad. In the nine -minute video, a coin stood upright all the time on a fast -running high speed train. It shows the steadiness(稳定)of Chinas high-speed train,giving visitors a comfortable travelling experience.The service on:Chinas high-speed rail is still improving. The new bullet train plans to increase the height and the Wi-Fi network will cover the whole train. Its air conditioning system is designed to reduce the influence of the external pressure(外部压力)wave when the train is passing through tunnels, easing(缓解)discomfort of ears.Chinas high-speed rail also plays an important role in promoting(促进)the Belt and Road Initiative. It will be good for countries along the Belt and Road. It provides a platform to promote global cooperation(合作)in production capacity(生产力),so it reconfirms Chinas position as theworlds second largest economy.The rapid development of Chinas high speed rail in the past five years marks Chinas increasing strength in technology and innovation. It has become a new symbol,showing Chinas great progress to the world.37 . Chinas high-speed train is NOT famous for its .AWi-Fi networkBsafetyCcomfortDhigh speed38 . The writer gave the example of a coin standing upright on the train to show .Athe good service on the trainBthe steadiness and comfort of the trainCthe safety and speed of the trainDthe good reputation(名声)of the train39 . Which of the following can be the title of the passage?AHigh Speed Rail一Pride of ChinaBChinas DevelopmentCThe Development of Chinas RailwayDChinas New Four Great Inventions(题文)Roald Dahl was one of the most successful writers of childrens books. He sold millions of books all over the world. Many of his books have been made into films and videos. He is so famous that there is even a Roald Dahl Museum you can visit.Roald Dahl was born in 1916 in Wales, Britain. His father was rich but he died when Roald was very young. Roald and his mother lived a hard life. He had to leave school and went to Africa where he worked for an oil company.In 1939 Roald became a pilot, but he had a bad accident. It made him limp(瘸的) for the rest of his life. After this, Roald went to America where he wrote a story about his experience as a pilot. It was so good that it was put in a magazine.Roald married an American film star. They bought a house in England and had five children. From 1960 to 1965,_: Theo, one of his children, was hit by a taxi and was seriously hurt. Olivia, one of Roalds daughters, died of a strange illness. Soon after this, his wife also had a serious illness. It took her years to get completely better.Gradually Roald became more and more successful. He always did his writing in an old shed(棚) at the back of his house. He always sat in the same old armchair with a wooden board on his lap._In 1983 Roald won a big prize for his book The BFG. During his life, Roald wrote many famous books, such as Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Matilda, Fantastic Mr. Fox.After he died in 1990, Roald left money to help people with serious illnesses and those with problems with reading and writing.40 . (小题1)Roald Dahl was famous as a (an).AdoctorBteacherCactorDwriter41 . (小题2)After Roald went to America, he.Alost his parents in a plane accidentBwrote a story about his pilot experienceCgot married with an English film starDwon a big prize for his book Matilda42 . (小题3)Which of the following is the best for the blank in Paragraph 4?Athey lived a happy lifeBthree terrible things happenedChe went on writing booksDhe created some unlucky characters43 . (小题4)What Roald said in Paragraph 6 mainly shows that.Abeing a writer was a popular job at that timeBone needs to practice a lot if he wants to be a writerCRoald loved writing very much and was talented in itDthough he was successful, Roald lived a simple lifeTurtle mother has three sons. The first one is seven years old. The second one is five and the third is four. They often have a running game. They think they run fast. One day, three turtles decided (决定) to have some coffee. Just as they got into the caf, it started to rain. The first turtle said to his little brother, “Go home and get the umbrella.”The little turtle answered, “I will, if you dont drink my coffee.”“OK. We wont drink your coffee.” The other twopromised.Two years later, the first turtle said to the second turtle, “Well, I dont think our brother is coming back, so lets drink his coffee.”Just then a voice called from outside the door, “If you do that, I wont go!”44 . How old is the second turtle?ASeven.BFive.CFour.DThree.45 . Why did the little turtle go home?ABecause he wanted to get money.BBecause he wanted to drink coffee.CBecause he wanted to get an umbrella.DBecause Mother called him at home.46 . The underlined word “promised” in the passage means _.AagreedBaskedCranDjumped47 . From the story, we can know that _.Aturtle mother has two sonsBlittle turtle got the umbrella soonCthey drank coffee at homeDlittle turtle didnt run very fast48 . The passage is _.Aa piece of newsBa letterCa jokeDan e-mail五、单词填空Hong KongJune 5, 2002Dear Jamie, Ive been in Hong Kong for three days now, and Im having a great time. Its a very exciting c49 . , and very different from London.Yesterday my friend s50 . me around Hong Kong. It was a very busy day, but I saw many interesting things. The first p51 . we visited was Hong Kong Park. We went early in the morning and saw many old people doing morning e52 . . We also saw many different kinds of birds in the park. After that, we walked to St. Johns Cathedral(圣约翰大教堂). I think it is a very old church in Hong Kong. It was very q53 . there. Then we went to Victoria Peak(扯旗山). From the t54 . , we could see the whole Hong Kong. It was really wonderful. After leaving Victoria Peak, we had l55 . in a restaurant, then we caught a bus to a supermarket. I did some shopping. When we had finished shopping, we sat on the seaside for a w56 . . On the bus back to the hotel, we both felt t57 . but very happy. We e58 . ourselves very much.See you soon. Yours,Maria六、根据图画及所给单词写出句子遣词造句59 . Maria, like,_60 . often, in winter _61 . there be, under_62 . often, in summer _七、材料作文63 . 请根据以下内容介绍自己。名字李婷性别女学校第一中学居住地中国年龄13电话号码2345679爸爸李俊,医生妈妈刘红,英语老师哥哥李海,学生好朋友宋文我喜欢紫色,我的房间很整洁。内容提示:第一,No. 1要求:1.内容要包括以上所有信息,可适当发挥。2.50词左右。_八、其他情景交际。根据情景提示,完成下列各题。64 . 你一定要按时归还自行车,你可以这样说:_65 . 你想告诉好朋友“早起的鸟儿有虫吃”可以这么说:_66 . 你想知道Tina是怎么去上学的,你可以这样问:_,Tina?67 . 你想问对方正在干什么,你可以这样问:_?68 . 你想告诉对方你的书房里有一台电脑,你应该这样说:_第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、补全短文5选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、3、4、五、单词填空1、六、根据图画及所给单词写出句子1、七、材料作文1、八、其他1、


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