人教新目标版八年级英语上学期 第一次月考试卷

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人教新目标版八年级上学期 第一次月考试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . I think Jimmys house is bigger than mine.AsomeBmanyCveryDfar2 . _ are you waiting standing here?My mother, of course.ATo whoBFor whoCTo whomDFor whom3 . Spring is coming.The weather gets_.Awarm and warm Bwarmer and warmerCthe warmer and warmerDthe warmest and the warmest4 . - Can you come here today or tomorrow?- Im afraid _ day is possible.AeitherBbothCnoneDneither5 . (题文)Im hungry. I would like _ a large bowl of dumplings.AhaveBeatCeatingDto eat6 . -Are you going to the Haiya Mega Mall this Sunday?-Im not sure. Probably I will go there.AUsuallyBPerhapsCSeldom7 . She always finishes her homework on time. She _ leaves it for tomorrow.AalwaysBneverCusuallyDsometimes8 . _will your father come back,Tony? In three days.AHow longBHow soonCHowDHow many9 . -The weather is terrible.-Yeah. It is _hot_ water is still in the pond(池塘).Aso; that fewBsuch; that a fewCsuch; that a littleDso; that little10 . (题文)David doesnt like baseball, so he _ plays it.AalwaysBusuallyCsometimesDnever11 . Mona often eats junk food, _ she knows its bad for her health.AalthoughBsoCand12 . Theres lots of water on the floor , I nearly .Afell overBfell behindCfell offDfell from13 . The shoes are too old. Please buy a new _.ApairBoneCshoeDshoes14 . Wu Dajing did a great deal of practice before the Winter Olympics in 2018 so that he won a gold medal.AmanyBhundredsCa large amount ofDa large number of15 . We are planning to go to Hainan for the coming winter holiday and well stay there for _ with my grandparents.Asome timeBsometimesCsometimeDsome times二、完型填空Its a summer afternoon in the city of Jinan. The weather is sunny and _. _ are staying at home. Mr. Green is _ a storybook on the sofa. Mrs. Green is _ What is Bill doing? Hes doing his homework _. Bills grandparents _ in the living room. Bills sister, Mary, isnt _. Shes swimming in the lake with her friends. They dont like hot weather, _ they can do _ to keep it away. The radio says it will be cool later on and they are all _ to hear that. They hope they can enjoy themselves then.16 . AcoldBhotCrainyDcloudy17 . AMr. GreenBMrs. GreenCThe GreenDThe Greens18 . AreadingBlookingCseeingDlooking at19 . Adoing some washingBdoing some washing clothesCdo a washingDdo many washing20 . Aunder the bedBin his studyCon the tableDin the kitchen21 . Ais watching TVBwatch TVCwatching TVDare watching TV22 . AonBinCawayDstay at home23 . AandBbecauseCbutDso24 . AeverythingBsomethingCnothingDanything25 . AsadBsorryCangryDhappy三、阅读单选Some Advice on TravelForget fashion(时尚)!Always wear your most comfortable clothes when going on long journeys(旅行).Traveling on trains and buses can be boring,so take a good book to read.If youre going somewhere cold,remember to put on your warm clothes!If you are going somewhere sunny,remember to bring your sun-block(防晒霜)and sunglasses.Always take a camera with you to capture those special moments.Be careful with your things whenever you go to a busy place,like a train station.There are many thieves(小偷)there!Most countries have lower prices for students,so if you are a student,take your student card with you.Always leave room in your bag and buy presents on the way home.Bus tours often stop at expensive shops along the way,save your money by buying presents at local shops.If you travel abroad(国外),remember to take your passport.Whatever you do,dont lose it!26 . If you go to Hainan Island for a trip in summer,you should take _with you.Awarm clothes and sports shoesBsunglasses and sun-blockCfashionable(时尚的)clothes and a big bagDsome fruit and drinks27 . According to the passage, _is a good way to keep away from boredom(单调)while youre on a train or a bus.Ataking a cameraBlistening to musicCreading a good bookDsleeping for some time28 . You must always while you are at busy places because there are often thieves there.Aput your things awayBlook after your things wellCgive your things awayDget your things ready29 . If a student wants to buy some presents at lower prices while traveling,he should showget to the shop assistant.ApricesBhis thingsChis passportDhis student card30 . The underlined word“capture”in this passage means _.A拍摄B感受C抓住D控制Love High Teas? One Sunday each month, and during winter, we are serving a delicious High Tea in the Rainforest Room. Walk the beautiful gardens, see the amazing animals, and then join us from 1: 30 p.m. for High Tea! Booking is necessary.Your High Tea buffer (自助餐) package including a choice of sweet and sweet things with tea and coffee and one hours visit to the Melbourne Zoo before the High Tea starting at 1: 30 p.m.$71.00 per person ($64. 50 for members)$79.00 per person with a glass of beer ($71.70 for members)$36.00 per child 4-19 years old ($33.00 for members)* Please note: For children younger than four, buying a $36.00 childs ticket is for parents to go with.2018 dates now available:Sunday 16th -Sold Out Sunday 30th July Selling FastSunday 13th August Sunday 27th AugustSunday 24th SeptemberMore dates will be open soon!31 . What will you do during High Tea?AMaking tea and coffeeBSeeing the animals.CWalking in the gardens.DEnjoying eating and drinking.32 . What season is Sunday 13th August?AWinterBSpringCAutumnDSummer33 . If six teens (they are not members) join in High Tea, they have to pay_.A$198B$216C$426D$387Many teenagers feel that the most important people in their lives are their friendsThey believe that their families dont know them as well as their friends doIn large families,it is quite often for brothers and sisters to fight each other and then they can only go to their friends for some ideasIt is very important for teenagers to have one good friend or a group of friendsEven when they are not with their friends,they usually spend a lot of time talking with each other on the phoneThis communication is very important in childrens growing up,because friends can discuss somethingThese things are difficult to say to their family membersHowever,parents often try to choose their childrens friends for themSome parents may even stop their children from meeting their good friendsHave you ever thought of the following questions?Who choose your friends?Do you choose your friends or your friends choose you?Have you got a good friend your parents dont like?Your answers are welcome34 . Many teenagers think that theircan understand them betterAsistersBbrothersCfriendsDparents35 . is very important to teenagersAMaking friendsBMeeting friendsCPlaying with friendsDFighting with friends36 . Teenagers usually like toAgo to their brothers and sisters for helpBcommunicate with their parentsCmake friends with their parentsDdiscuss something with their friends37 . The sentence“Your answers are welcome”means “”,AYour answers are rightBYou should give us all the right answersCWed like to have your ideas about the questionsDYou are welcome to understand your friends38 . Which of the following is the writers attitude(态度)?AParents should choose friends for their childrenBParents should understand their children betterCParents should welcome all their childrens friendsDChildren should choose anything they like四、用单词的正确形式完成短文阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的单词并用其适当形式填空。方框中有两个词多余。hospital,with,around,behind,be,neighborhood,spend,across,smart,need,and,enjoyMy name is Molly. Here is a map of my 39 . . You can see a hotel, a supermarket, a bank, a 40 . , a park, and a zoo on it. My house is 41 . from the hotel.The hotel is between the supermarket 42 . the bank. Next to the bank, there 43 . a park. My father 44 . taking a walk there after dinner. My favorite place is the zoo. Its just 45 . the park. My parents and I often 46 . time there on weekends. My favorite animals are monkeys. They are 47 . and interesting. I love to watch them climbing 48 . . Its really a nice neighborhood, isnt it?五、填写适当的句子补全对话根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意思连贯、完整。W:Hi,JasonLong time no seeYou look stronger than beforeM:49 . .W:You mean you keep exercising to stay fit every dayM:Thats for sureW:50 . ?M:In the park every morningIt really does me a lot of goodW:Sounds wonderfulI think I should take exercise as wellM:You are right51 . ?W:Good idea,but Im sorry,JasonI am going to have a driving test tomorrowAnd I have to prepare for it52 . ?M:Thats a dealEverybody wants to enjoy exercising on SundayLets meet at the gate of the park at 6 oclock,shall we?W:OK53 . See you thenM:See you六、多任务混合问题They are happy because they are on holiday.Mary is visiting her aunt in London. She is very excited to be in London. It is a very famous city. Tom is fishing beside the lake. The water is very clean. There are so many fish in the lake. Tom is having a good harvest (收获). Simon and Bill are good friends. They are usually very busy _ their study every day. So they want to do something different. They are going bike riding together in the beautiful countryside next holiday. Its relaxing. Hesse is taking some photos in the park. The park is very beautiful in autumn. And its a good place to take photos.Everyone is tired sometimes. Its important to have a rest. And its good for your health. It can help you work or study better, too. I hope everyone is having a good time.54 . Whos in England now? (根据短文内容简要回答问题)_55 . What is Simon and Bills plan? (根据短文内容简要回答问题)_56 . 在文中画线空白处填入适当的介词。_57 . 将短文中画线的句子译成汉语。_58 . List two advantages about going on holiday. (列出去度假的两个优点)_七、材料作文59 . 书面表达假设你叫汤姆,请以“My favourite sport”为题写一篇70词左右的短文,介绍一下你最喜欢的运动,短文需要包括下列要点:1最爱乒乓球,是校乒乓球队队员;2. 经常在放学后和朋友们打球、谈球,还看电视上的球赛;3. 最喜爱的乒乓球运动员是马龙,希望长大后能成为像他那样的运动员。_第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、四、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、五、填写适当的句子补全对话1、六、多任务混合问题1、七、材料作文1、


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